MLECO-2682: CMake and source refactoring.

MLECO-2930: logging macros were extracted from hal.h and used separately around the code.

MLECO-2931: arm_math lib introduced, cmsis-dsp removed from top level linkage.

MLECO-2915: platform related post-build steps.

Change-Id: Id718884e22f262a5c070ded3f3f5d4b048820147
Signed-off-by: alexander <>
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/CMakeLists.txt b/source/hal/platform/mps3/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad510ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2022 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+#           MPS3 platform support library               #
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15.6)
+set(PLATFORM_DRIVERS_TARGET platform-drivers)
+    DESCRIPTION     "Platform drivers library for MPS3 FPGA/FVP targets"
+# 1. We should be cross-compiling (MPS3 taregt only runs Cortex-M targets)
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "No ${PLATFORM_DRIVERS_TARGET} support for this target.")
+# 2. Set the platform cmake descriptor file
+        cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-300.cmake
+        CACHE PATH
+        "Platform's CMake descriptor file path")
+## Include the platform cmake descriptor file
+# 3. Generate sources:
+    set(SOURCE_GEN_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated/bsp)
+set(MEM_PROFILE_TEMPLATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template)
+set(IRQ_PROFILE_TEMPLATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template)
+set(MEM_REGIONS_TEMPLATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template)
+configure_file("${MEM_PROFILE_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/peripheral_memmap.h")
+configure_file("${IRQ_PROFILE_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/peripheral_irqs.h")
+configure_file("${MEM_REGIONS_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/mem_regions.h")
+# If a TA config file is provided, we generate a settings file
+    include(${TA_CONFIG_FILE})
+    set(TA_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template)
+    configure_file("${TA_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/timing_adapter_settings.h")
+# 4. Create static library
+## Include directories - public
+    include
+## Platform sources
+    source/device_mps3.c
+    source/timer_mps3.c)
+## Platform component: uart
+        PRIVATE
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../components/uart_cmsdk/uart_cmsdk.c)
+        PUBLIC
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../components/uart_cmsdk/include)
+## Platform component: LCD
+        PRIVATE
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../components/lcd_mps3/glcd_mps3.c)
+        PUBLIC
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../components/lcd_mps3/include)
+## This target provides the following definitions for MPS3 specific behaviour
+## TODO: We should aim to remove this now with platform refactoring..
+# 5. Add dependencies:
+target_link_libraries(${PLATFORM_DRIVERS_TARGET} PUBLIC
+        cmsis_device
+        log)
+# 6 Display status:
+message(STATUS "*******************************************************")
+message(STATUS "Library                                : " ${PLATFORM_DRIVERS_TARGET})
+message(STATUS "*******************************************************")
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-300.cmake b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-300.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eec6fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-300.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# CMake configuration file for peripheral memory map for MPS3 as per SSE-300 design
+#                                         Mem sizes                                               #
+set(ITCM_SIZE             "0x00080000" CACHE STRING "ITCM size:       512 kiB")
+set(DTCM_BLK_SIZE         "0x00020000" CACHE STRING "DTCM size:       128 kiB, 4 banks")
+set(BRAM_SIZE             "0x00100000" CACHE STRING "BRAM size:         1 MiB")
+set(ISRAM0_SIZE           "0x00100000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM0 size:       1 MiB")
+set(ISRAM1_SIZE           "0x00100000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM1 size:       1 MiB")
+set(QSPI_SRAM_SIZE        "0x00800000" CACHE STRING "QSPI Flash size:   8 MiB")
+set(DDR4_BLK_SIZE         "0x10000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block size: 256 MiB")
+#                                Base addresses for memory regions                                #
+set(ITCM_BASE_NS          "0x00000000" CACHE STRING "Instruction TCM Non-Secure base address")
+set(BRAM_BASE_NS          "0x01000000" CACHE STRING "CODE SRAM Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM0_BASE_NS         "0x20000000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 0 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM1_BASE_NS         "0x20020000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 1 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM2_BASE_NS         "0x20040000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 2 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM3_BASE_NS         "0x20060000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 3 Non-Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM0_BASE_NS        "0x21000000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM1_BASE_NS        "0x21100000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address")
+set(QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS     "0x28000000" CACHE STRING "QSPI SRAM Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS     "0x60000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 0 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS     "0x80000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 1 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS     "0xA0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 2 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS     "0xC0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 3 Non-Secure base address")
+set(ITCM_BASE_S           "0x10000000" CACHE STRING "Instruction TCM Secure base address")
+set(BRAM_BASE_S           "0x11000000" CACHE STRING "CODE SRAM Secure base address")
+set(DTCM0_BASE_S          "0x30000000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 0 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM1_BASE_S          "0x30020000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 1 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM2_BASE_S          "0x30040000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 2 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM3_BASE_S          "0x30060000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 3 Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM0_BASE_S         "0x31000000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM1_BASE_S         "0x31100000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Secure base address")
+set(QSPI_SRAM_BASE_S      "0x38000000" CACHE STRING "QSPI SRAM Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S      "0x70000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 0 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S      "0x90000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 1 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S      "0xB0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 2 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S      "0xD0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 3 Secure base address")
+#                              Application specific config                                        #
+set(APP_NOTE               "AN552")
+set(DESIGN_NAME            "Arm Corstone-300 - ${APP_NOTE}" CACHE STRING "Design name")
+# The following parameter is based on the linker/scatter script for SSE-300.
+# Do not change this parameter in isolation.
+# SRAM size reserved for activation buffers
+#           Base addresses for dynamic loads (to be used for FVP form only)                       #
+# This parameter is also mentioned in the linker/scatter script for SSE-300. Do not change these
+# parameters in isolation.
+                            "Region to be used for dynamic load of model into memory")
+set(DYNAMIC_MODEL_SIZE      "0x02000000" CACHE STRING "Size of the space reserved for the model")
+set(DYNAMIC_IFM_SIZE        "0x01000000" CACHE STRING "Size of the space reserved for the IFM")
+set(DYNAMIC_OFM_SIZE        "0x01000000" CACHE STRING "Size of the space reserved for the OFM")
+#                     Base addresses for peripherals - non secure                                 #
+set(CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE      "0x41100000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 0 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE      "0x41101000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 1 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE      "0x41102000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 2 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE      "0x41103000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 3 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE0  "0x41104000" CACHE STRING "FMC CMDSK GPIO 0 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE1  "0x41105000" CACHE STRING "FMC CMDSK GPIO 1 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE2  "0x41106000" CACHE STRING "FMC CMDSK GPIO 2 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(FMC_USER_AHB_BASE     "0x41107000" CACHE STRING "FMC USER AHB Base Address (4KB)")
+set(DMA0_BASE             "0x41200000" CACHE STRING "DMA0 ExternalManager0 (4KB)")
+set(DMA1_BASE             "0x41201000" CACHE STRING "DMA1 ExternalManager1 (4KB)")
+set(DMA2_BASE             "0x41202000" CACHE STRING "DMA2 ExternalManager2 (4KB)")
+set(DMA3_BASE             "0x41203000" CACHE STRING "DMA3 ExternalManager3 (4KB)")
+set(SMSC9220_BASE         "0x41400000" CACHE STRING "Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address (1MB)")
+set(USB_BASE              "0x41500000" CACHE STRING "USB Base Address (1MB)")
+set(USER_APB0_BASE        "0x41700000" CACHE STRING "User APB0")
+set(USER_APB1_BASE        "0x41701000" CACHE STRING "User APB1")
+set(USER_APB2_BASE        "0x41702000" CACHE STRING "User APB2")
+set(USER_APB3_BASE        "0x41703000" CACHE STRING "User APB3")
+set(QSPI_XIP_BASE         "0x41800000" CACHE STRING "QSPI XIP config Base Address ")
+set(QSPI_WRITE_BASE       "0x41801000" CACHE STRING "QSPI write config Base Address ")
+    set(ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE        "0x48102000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE    "0x48103000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE    "0x48103200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 1 base address")
+set(MPS3_I2C0_BASE        "0x49200000" CACHE STRING "Touch Screen I2C Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_I2C1_BASE        "0x49201000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2C Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_SSP2_BASE        "0x49202000" CACHE STRING "ADC SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(MPS3_SSP3_BASE        "0x49203000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(MPS3_SSP4_BASE        "0x49204000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(MPS3_I2C2_BASE        "0x49205000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_I2C3_BASE        "0x49206000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(USER_APB_BASE         "0x49207000" CACHE STRING "User APB")
+set(MPS3_I2C5_BASE        "0x49208000" CACHE STRING "DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_SCC_BASE         "0x49300000" CACHE STRING "SCC Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE    "0x49301000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2S Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE      "0x49302000" CACHE STRING "FPGA IO Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART0_BASE      "0x49303000" CACHE STRING "UART 0 Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART1_BASE      "0x49304000" CACHE STRING "UART 1 Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART2_BASE      "0x49305000" CACHE STRING "UART 2 Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART3_BASE      "0x49306000" CACHE STRING "UART 3 Base Address Shield 0")
+set(CMSDK_UART4_BASE      "0x49307000" CACHE STRING "UART 4 Base Address Shield 1")
+set(CMSDK_UART5_BASE      "0x49308000" CACHE STRING "UART 5 Base Address ")
+set(CLCD_CONFIG_BASE      "0x4930A000" CACHE STRING "CLCD CONFIG Base Address ")
+set(RTC_BASE              "0x4930B000" CACHE STRING "RTC Base address ")
+#                     Base addresses for peripherals - secure                                     #
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE   "0x51100000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 0 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE   "0x51101000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 1 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE   "0x51102000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 2 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE   "0x51103000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 3 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_AHB_USER0_BASE     "0x51104000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 0 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_AHB_USER1_BASE     "0x51105000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 1 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_AHB_USER2_BASE     "0x51106000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 2 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_AHB_USER3_BASE     "0x51107000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 3 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_DMA0_BASE          "0x51200000" CACHE STRING "DMA0 ExternalManager0 (4KB)")
+set(SEC_DMA1_BASE          "0x51201000" CACHE STRING "DMA1 ExternalManager1 (4KB)")
+set(SEC_DMA2_BASE          "0x51202000" CACHE STRING "DMA2 ExternalManager2 (4KB)")
+set(SEC_DMA3_BASE          "0x51203000" CACHE STRING "DMA3 ExternalManager3 (4KB)")
+set(SEC_SMSC9220_BASE      "0x51400000" CACHE STRING "Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address (1MB)")
+set(SEC_USB_BASE           "0x51500000" CACHE STRING "USB Base Address (1MB)")
+set(SEC_USER_APB0_BASE     "0x51700000" CACHE STRING "User APB0 Base Address")
+set(SEC_USER_APB1_BASE     "0x51701000" CACHE STRING "User APB1 Base Address")
+set(SEC_USER_APB2_BASE     "0x51702000" CACHE STRING "User APB2 Base Address")
+set(SEC_USER_APB3_BASE     "0x51703000" CACHE STRING "User APB3 Base Address")
+set(SEC_QSPI_XIP_BASE      "0x51800000" CACHE STRING "QSPI XIP config Base Address ")
+set(SEC_QSPI_WRITE_BASE    "0x51801000" CACHE STRING "QSPI write config Base Address ")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE     "0x58102000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE "0x58103000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE "0x58103200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 1 base address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C0_BASE     "0x59200000" CACHE STRING "Touch Screen I2C Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C1_BASE     "0x59201000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2C Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SSP2_BASE     "0x59202000" CACHE STRING "ADC SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SSP3_BASE     "0x59203000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SSP4_BASE     "0x59204000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C2_BASE     "0x59205000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C3_BASE     "0x59206000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_USER_APB_BASE      "0x59207000" CACHE STRING "User APB Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C5_BASE     "0x59208000" CACHE STRING "DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SCC_BASE         "0x59300000" CACHE STRING "SCC Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE    "0x59301000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2S Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE      "0x59302000" CACHE STRING "FPGA IO Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART0_BASE      "0x59303000" CACHE STRING "UART 0 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART1_BASE      "0x59304000" CACHE STRING "UART 1 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART2_BASE      "0x59305000" CACHE STRING "UART 2 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART3_BASE      "0x59306000" CACHE STRING "UART 3 Base Address Shield 0")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART4_BASE      "0x59307000" CACHE STRING "UART 4 Base Address Shield 1")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART5_BASE      "0x59308000" CACHE STRING "UART 5 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CLCD_CONFIG_BASE      "0x5930A000" CACHE STRING "CLCD CONFIG Base Address ")
+set(SEC_RTC_BASE              "0x5930B000" CACHE STRING "RTC Base address ")
+#                                           MPCs                                                  #
+set(MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S     "0x50083000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM0 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+set(MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S     "0x50084000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM1 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+set(MPC_BRAM_BASE_S       "0x57000000" CACHE STRING "SRAM Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+set(MPC_QSPI_BASE_S       "0x57001000" CACHE STRING "QSPI Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+set(MPC_DDR4_BASE_S       "0x57002000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+#                                           IRQ numbers                                           #
+set(NONSEC_WATCHDOG_RESET_IRQn    " 0" CACHE STRING " Non-Secure Watchdog Reset Interrupt")
+set(NONSEC_WATCHDOG_IRQn          " 1" CACHE STRING " Non-Secure Watchdog Interrupt         ")
+set(S32K_TIMER_IRQn               " 2" CACHE STRING " S32K SLOWCLK Timer Interrupt          ")
+set(TIMER0_IRQn                   " 3" CACHE STRING " TIMER 0 Interrupt                     ")
+set(TIMER1_IRQn                   " 4" CACHE STRING " TIMER 1 Interrupt                     ")
+set(TIMER2_IRQn                   " 5" CACHE STRING " TIMER 2 Interrupt                     ")
+set(MPC_IRQn                      " 9" CACHE STRING " MPC Combined (Secure) Interrupt       ")
+set(PPC_IRQn                      "10" CACHE STRING " PPC Combined (Secure) Interrupt       ")
+set(MSC_IRQn                      "11" CACHE STRING " MSC Combined (Secure) Interrput       ")
+set(BRIDGE_ERROR_IRQn             "12" CACHE STRING " Bridge Error Combined (Secure) Interrupt ")
+set(MGMT_PPU_IRQn                 "14" CACHE STRING " MGMT_PPU" )
+set(SYS_PPU_IRQn                  "15" CACHE STRING " SYS_PPU" )
+set(CPU0_PPU_IRQn                 "16" CACHE STRING " CPU0_PPU" )
+set(DEBUG_PPU_IRQn                "26" CACHE STRING " DEBUG_PPU" )
+set(TIMER3_AON_IRQn               "27" CACHE STRING " TIMER3_AON" )
+set(CPU0CTIIQ0_IRQn               "28" CACHE STRING " CPU0CTIIQ0" )
+set(CPU0CTIIQ01_IRQn              "29" CACHE STRING " CPU0CTIIQ01" )
+set(SYS_TSTAMP_COUNTER_IRQn       "32" CACHE STRING " System timestamp counter interrupt    ")
+set(UARTRX0_IRQn                  "33" CACHE STRING " UART 0 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX0_IRQn                  "34" CACHE STRING " UART 0 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX1_IRQn                  "35" CACHE STRING " UART 1 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX1_IRQn                  "36" CACHE STRING " UART 1 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX2_IRQn                  "37" CACHE STRING " UART 2 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX2_IRQn                  "38" CACHE STRING " UART 2 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX3_IRQn                  "39" CACHE STRING " UART 3 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX3_IRQn                  "40" CACHE STRING " UART 3 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX4_IRQn                  "41" CACHE STRING " UART 4 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX4_IRQn                  "42" CACHE STRING " UART 4 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UART0_IRQn                    "43" CACHE STRING " UART 0 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART1_IRQn                    "44" CACHE STRING " UART 1 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART2_IRQn                    "45" CACHE STRING " UART 2 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART3_IRQn                    "46" CACHE STRING " UART 3 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART4_IRQn                    "47" CACHE STRING " UART 4 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UARTOVF_IRQn                  "48" CACHE STRING " UART 0,1,2,3,4 Overflow Interrupt     ")
+set(ETHERNET_IRQn                 "49" CACHE STRING " Ethernet Interrupt                    ")
+set(I2S_IRQn                      "50" CACHE STRING " Audio I2S Interrupt                   ")
+set(TSC_IRQn                      "51" CACHE STRING " Touch Screen Interrupt                ")
+set(USB_IRQn                      "52" CACHE STRING " USB Interrupt                         ")
+set(SPI2_IRQn                     "53" CACHE STRING " ADC (SPI) Interrupt                   ")
+set(SPI3_IRQn                     "54" CACHE STRING " SPI 3 Interrupt (Shield 0)            ")
+set(SPI4_IRQn                     "55" CACHE STRING " SPI 4 Interrupt (Sheild 1)            ")
+set(EthosU_IRQn                   "56" CACHE STRING " Ethos-U55 Interrupt                   ")
+endif ()
+set(GPIO0_IRQn                    "69" CACHE STRING " GPIO 0 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO1_IRQn                    "70" CACHE STRING " GPIO 1 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO2_IRQn                    "71" CACHE STRING " GPIO 2 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO3_IRQn                    "72" CACHE STRING " GPIO 3 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO0_0_IRQn                  "73" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_1_IRQn                  "74" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_2_IRQn                  "75" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_3_IRQn                  "76" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_4_IRQn                  "77" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_5_IRQn                  "78" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_6_IRQn                  "79" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_7_IRQn                  "80" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_8_IRQn                  "81" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_9_IRQn                  "82" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_10_IRQn                 "83" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_11_IRQn                 "84" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_12_IRQn                 "85" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_13_IRQn                 "86" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_14_IRQn                 "87" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_15_IRQn                 "88" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_0_IRQn                  "89" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_1_IRQn                  "90" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_2_IRQn                  "91" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_3_IRQn                  "92" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_4_IRQn                  "93" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_5_IRQn                  "94" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_6_IRQn                  "95" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_7_IRQn                  "96" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_8_IRQn                  "97" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_9_IRQn                  "98" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_10_IRQn                 "99" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_11_IRQn                 "100" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_12_IRQn                 "101" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_13_IRQn                 "102" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_14_IRQn                 "103" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_15_IRQn                 "104" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_0_IRQn                  "105" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_1_IRQn                  "106" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_2_IRQn                  "107" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_3_IRQn                  "108" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_4_IRQn                  "109" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_5_IRQn                  "110" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_6_IRQn                  "111" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_7_IRQn                  "112" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_8_IRQn                  "113" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_9_IRQn                  "114" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_10_IRQn                 "115" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_11_IRQn                 "116" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_12_IRQn                 "117" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_13_IRQn                 "118" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_14_IRQn                 "119" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_15_IRQn                 "120" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_0_IRQn                  "121" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_1_IRQn                  "122" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_2_IRQn                  "123" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_3_IRQn                  "124" CACHE STRING "")
+set(UARTRX5_IRQn                  "125" CACHE STRING "UART 5 RX Interrupt")
+set(UARTTX5_IRQn                  "126" CACHE STRING "UART 5 TX Interrupt")
+set(UART5_IRQn                    "127" CACHE STRING "UART 5 combined Interrupt")
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72978ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+#cmakedefine ITCM_SIZE             (@ITCM_SIZE@)     /* ITCM size */
+#cmakedefine DTCM_BLK_SIZE         (@DTCM_BLK_SIZE@)     /* DTCM size, 4 banks of this size available */
+#cmakedefine BRAM_SIZE             (@BRAM_SIZE@)     /* BRAM size */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM0_SIZE           (@ISRAM0_SIZE@)     /* ISRAM0 size */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM1_SIZE           (@ISRAM1_SIZE@)     /* ISRAM1 size */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_SRAM_SIZE        (@QSPI_SRAM_SIZE@)     /* QSPI Flash size */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK_SIZE         (@DDR4_BLK_SIZE@)     /* DDR4 block size */
+#cmakedefine ITCM_BASE_NS          (@ITCM_BASE_NS@)     /* Instruction TCM Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine BRAM_BASE_NS          (@BRAM_BASE_NS@)     /* CODE SRAM Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM0_BASE_NS         (@DTCM0_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 0 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM1_BASE_NS         (@DTCM1_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 1 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM2_BASE_NS         (@DTCM2_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 2 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM3_BASE_NS         (@DTCM3_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 3 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM0_BASE_NS        (@ISRAM0_BASE_NS@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM1_BASE_NS        (@ISRAM1_BASE_NS@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS     (@QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS@)     /* QSPI SRAM Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 0 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 1 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 2 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 3 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ITCM_BASE_S           (@ITCM_BASE_S@)     /* Instruction TCM Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine BRAM_BASE_S           (@BRAM_BASE_S@)     /* CODE SRAM Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM0_BASE_S          (@DTCM0_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 0 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM1_BASE_S          (@DTCM1_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 1 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM2_BASE_S          (@DTCM2_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 2 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM3_BASE_S          (@DTCM3_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 3 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM0_BASE_S         (@ISRAM0_BASE_S@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM1_BASE_S         (@ISRAM1_BASE_S@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 0 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 1 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 2 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 3 Secure base address */
+#endif /*  MEM_REGION_DEFS_H  */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7696e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+/*                    Peripheral interrupt numbers                            */
+/* -------------------  Cortex-M Processor Exceptions Numbers  -------------- */
+/*                 -14 to -1 should be defined by the system header           */
+/* ----------------------  Core Specific Interrupt Numbers  ------------------*/
+#cmakedefine NONSEC_WATCHDOG_RESET_IRQn (@NONSEC_WATCHDOG_RESET_IRQn@)  /* Non-Secure Watchdog Reset Interrupt   */
+#cmakedefine NONSEC_WATCHDOG_IRQn       (@NONSEC_WATCHDOG_IRQn@)  /* Non-Secure Watchdog Interrupt         */
+#cmakedefine S32K_TIMER_IRQn            (@S32K_TIMER_IRQn@)  /* S32K Timer Interrupt                  */
+#cmakedefine TIMER0_IRQn                (@TIMER0_IRQn@)  /* TIMER 0 Interrupt                     */
+#cmakedefine TIMER1_IRQn                (@TIMER1_IRQn@)  /* TIMER 1 Interrupt                     */
+#cmakedefine TIMER2_IRQn                (@TIMER2_IRQn@)  /* TIMER 2 Interrupt                    */
+#cmakedefine MPC_IRQn                   (@MPC_IRQn@)  /* MPC Combined (@Secure@) Interrupt       */
+#cmakedefine PPC_IRQn                   (@PPC_IRQn@)  /* PPC Combined (@Secure@) Interrupt       */
+#cmakedefine MSC_IRQn                   (@MSC_IRQn@)  /* MSC Combined (@Secure@) Interrput       */
+#cmakedefine BRIDGE_ERROR_IRQn          (@BRIDGE_ERROR_IRQn@)  /* Bridge Error Combined (@Secure@) Interrupt */
+#cmakedefine MGMT_PPU_IRQn              (@MGMT_PPU_IRQn@)  /* MGMT_PPU */
+#cmakedefine SYS_PPU_IRQn               (@SYS_PPU_IRQn@)  /* SYS_PPU */
+#cmakedefine CPU0_PPU_IRQn              (@CPU0_PPU_IRQn@)  /* CPU0_PPU */
+#cmakedefine DEBUG_PPU_IRQn             (@DEBUG_PPU_IRQn@)  /* DEBUG_PPU */
+#cmakedefine TIMER3_AON_IRQn            (@TIMER3_AON_IRQn@)  /* TIMER3_AON */
+#cmakedefine CPU0CTIIQ0_IRQn            (@CPU0CTIIQ0_IRQn@)  /* CPU0CTIIQ0 */
+#cmakedefine CPU0CTIIQ01_IRQn           (@CPU0CTIIQ01_IRQn@)  /* CPU0CTIIQ01 */
+#cmakedefine SYS_TSTAMP_COUNTER_IRQn    (@SYS_TSTAMP_COUNTER_IRQn@)  /* System timestamp counter interrupt */
+/* ----------------------  CMSDK Specific Interrupt Numbers  ----------------- */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX0_IRQn               (@UARTRX0_IRQn@)  /* UART 0 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX0_IRQn               (@UARTTX0_IRQn@)  /* UART 0 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX1_IRQn               (@UARTRX1_IRQn@)  /* UART 1 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX1_IRQn               (@UARTTX1_IRQn@)  /* UART 1 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX2_IRQn               (@UARTRX2_IRQn@)  /* UART 2 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX2_IRQn               (@UARTTX2_IRQn@)  /* UART 2 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX3_IRQn               (@UARTRX3_IRQn@)  /* UART 3 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX3_IRQn               (@UARTTX3_IRQn@)  /* UART 3 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX4_IRQn               (@UARTRX4_IRQn@)  /* UART 4 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX4_IRQn               (@UARTTX4_IRQn@)  /* UART 4 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UART0_IRQn                 (@UART0_IRQn@)  /* UART 0 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UART1_IRQn                 (@UART1_IRQn@)  /* UART 1 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UART2_IRQn                 (@UART2_IRQn@)  /* UART 2 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UART3_IRQn                 (@UART3_IRQn@)  /* UART 3 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UART4_IRQn                 (@UART4_IRQn@)  /* UART 4 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UARTOVF_IRQn               (@UARTOVF_IRQn@)  /* UART 0,1,2,3 and 4 Overflow Interrupt */
+#cmakedefine ETHERNET_IRQn              (@ETHERNET_IRQn@)  /* Ethernet Interrupt                    */
+#cmakedefine I2S_IRQn                   (@I2S_IRQn@)  /* I2S Interrupt                         */
+#cmakedefine TSC_IRQn                   (@TSC_IRQn@)  /* Touch Screen Interrupt                */
+#cmakedefine SPI2_IRQn                  (@SPI2_IRQn@)  /* SPI 2 Interrupt                       */
+#cmakedefine SPI3_IRQn                  (@SPI3_IRQn@)  /* SPI 3 Interrupt                       */
+#cmakedefine SPI4_IRQn                  (@SPI4_IRQn@)  /* SPI 4 Interrupt                       */
+#cmakedefine EthosU_IRQn                (@EthosU_IRQn@)   /* Ethos-Uxx Interrupt */
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_IRQn                 (@GPIO0_IRQn@)  /* GPIO 0 Combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_IRQn                 (@GPIO1_IRQn@)  /* GPIO 1 Combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_IRQn                 (@GPIO2_IRQn@)  /* GPIO 2 Combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_IRQn                 (@GPIO3_IRQn@)  /* GPIO 3 Combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_0_IRQn               (@GPIO0_0_IRQn@)  /* All P0 I/O pins used as irq source    */
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_1_IRQn               (@GPIO0_1_IRQn@)  /* There are 16 pins in total            */
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_2_IRQn               (@GPIO0_2_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_3_IRQn               (@GPIO0_3_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_4_IRQn               (@GPIO0_4_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_5_IRQn               (@GPIO0_5_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_6_IRQn               (@GPIO0_6_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_7_IRQn               (@GPIO0_7_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_8_IRQn               (@GPIO0_8_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_9_IRQn               (@GPIO0_9_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_10_IRQn              (@GPIO0_10_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_11_IRQn              (@GPIO0_11_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_12_IRQn              (@GPIO0_12_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_13_IRQn              (@GPIO0_13_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_14_IRQn              (@GPIO0_14_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_15_IRQn              (@GPIO0_15_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_0_IRQn               (@GPIO1_0_IRQn@)  /* All P1 I/O pins used as irq source    */
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_1_IRQn               (@GPIO1_1_IRQn@)  /* There are 16 pins in total            */
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_2_IRQn               (@GPIO1_2_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_3_IRQn               (@GPIO1_3_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_4_IRQn               (@GPIO1_4_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_5_IRQn               (@GPIO1_5_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_6_IRQn               (@GPIO1_6_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_7_IRQn               (@GPIO1_7_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_8_IRQn               (@GPIO1_8_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_9_IRQn               (@GPIO1_9_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_10_IRQn              (@GPIO1_10_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_11_IRQn              (@GPIO1_11_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_12_IRQn              (@GPIO1_12_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_13_IRQn              (@GPIO1_13_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_14_IRQn              (@GPIO1_14_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_15_IRQn              (@GPIO1_15_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_0_IRQn               (@GPIO2_0_IRQn@)  /* All P2 I/O pins used as irq source    */
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_1_IRQn               (@GPIO2_1_IRQn@)  /* There are 15 pins in total            */
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_2_IRQn               (@GPIO2_2_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_3_IRQn               (@GPIO2_3_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_4_IRQn               (@GPIO2_4_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_5_IRQn               (@GPIO2_5_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_6_IRQn               (@GPIO2_6_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_7_IRQn               (@GPIO2_7_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_8_IRQn               (@GPIO2_8_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_9_IRQn               (@GPIO2_9_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_10_IRQn              (@GPIO2_10_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_11_IRQn              (@GPIO2_11_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_12_IRQn              (@GPIO2_12_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_13_IRQn              (@GPIO2_13_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_14_IRQn              (@GPIO2_14_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_15_IRQn              (@GPIO2_15_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_0_IRQn               (@GPIO3_0_IRQn@)  /* All P3 I/O pins used as irq source    */
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_1_IRQn               (@GPIO3_1_IRQn@)  /* There are 4 pins in total             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_2_IRQn               (@GPIO3_2_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_3_IRQn               (@GPIO3_3_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine UARTRX5_IRQn               (@UARTRX5_IRQn@)  /* UART 5 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX5_IRQn               (@UARTTX5_IRQn@)  /* UART 5 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UART5_IRQn                 (@UART5_IRQn@)  /* UART 5 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine HDCLCD_IRQn                (@HDCLCD_IRQn@)  /* HDCLCD Interrupt                      */
+#endif /* PERIPHERAL_IRQS_H */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7f0b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+#cmakedefine DESIGN_NAME              "@DESIGN_NAME@"
+/*                         Peripheral memory map                              */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE         (@CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE         (@CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 1 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE         (@CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 2 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE         (@CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 3 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE0        (@FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE0@)       /* FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE 0 Base Address (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE1        (@FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE1@)       /* FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE 1 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE2        (@FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE2@)       /* FMC_CMDSK_GPIO_BASE 2 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine FMC_USER_AHB_BASE           (@FMC_USER_AHB_BASE@)          /* FMC_USER_AHB_BASE     Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine DMA0_BASE                (@DMA0_BASE@)       /* DMA0 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine DMA1_BASE                (@DMA1_BASE@)       /* DMA1 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine DMA2_BASE                (@DMA2_BASE@)       /* DMA2 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine DMA3_BASE                (@DMA3_BASE@)       /* DMA3 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB0_BASE           (@USER_APB0_BASE@)       /* User APB0 */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB1_BASE           (@USER_APB1_BASE@)       /* User APB1 */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB2_BASE           (@USER_APB2_BASE@)       /* User APB2 */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB3_BASE           (@USER_APB3_BASE@)       /* User APB3 */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C0_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C0_BASE@)       /* Touch Screen I2C Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C1_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C1_BASE@)       /* Audio Interface I2C Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_SSP2_BASE           (@MPS3_SSP2_BASE@)       /* ADC SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_SSP3_BASE           (@MPS3_SSP3_BASE@)       /* Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_SSP4_BASE           (@MPS3_SSP4_BASE@)       /* Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C2_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C2_BASE@)       /* Shield 0 SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C3_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C3_BASE@)       /* Shield 1 SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB_BASE            (@USER_APB_BASE@)       /* User APB Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C4_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C4_BASE@)       /* HDMI I2C SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C5_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C5_BASE@)       /* DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_SCC_BASE            (@MPS3_SCC_BASE@)       /* SCC Base Address    */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE       (@MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE@)       /* Audio Interface I2S Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE         (@MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE@)       /* FPGA IO Base Address */
+#cmakedefine PL011_UART0_BASE         (@PL011_UART0_BASE@)       /* PL011 UART0 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART0_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART0_BASE@)       /* UART 0 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART1_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART1_BASE@)       /* UART 1 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART2_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART2_BASE@)       /* UART 2 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART3_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART3_BASE@)       /* UART 3 Base Address Shield 0*/
+#cmakedefine ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE           (@ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE@)    /* Ethos-U NPU base address*/
+#cmakedefine ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE       (@ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE@)    /* Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 0 base address */
+#cmakedefine ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE       (@ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE@)    /* Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 1 base address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART4_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART4_BASE@)       /* UART 4 Base Address Shield 1*/
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART5_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART5_BASE@)       /* UART 5 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine HDMI_AUDIO_BASE          (@HDMI_AUDIO_BASE@)       /* HDMI AUDIO Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CLCD_CONFIG_BASE         (@CLCD_CONFIG_BASE@)       /* CLCD CONFIG Base Address */
+#cmakedefine RTC_BASE                 (@RTC_BASE@)       /* RTC Base address */
+#cmakedefine SMSC9220_BASE            (@SMSC9220_BASE@)       /* Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine USB_BASE                 (@USB_BASE@)       /* USB Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_SDIO_BASE          (@CMSDK_SDIO_BASE@)       /* User SDIO Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_CLCD_BASE           (@MPS3_CLCD_BASE@)       /* HDLCD Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_eMMC_BASE           (@MPS3_eMMC_BASE@)       /* User eMMC Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine USER_BASE                (@USER_BASE@)       /* User ? Base Address */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_XIP_BASE            (@QSPI_XIP_BASE@)       /* QSPI XIP config Base Address */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_WRITE_BASE          (@QSPI_WRITE_BASE@)       /* QSPI write config Base Address */
+/*                      Secure Peripheral memory map                          */
+#cmakedefine MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S        (@MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S@)       /* ISRAM0 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S        (@MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S@)       /* ISRAM1 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_AHB_USER0_BASE       (@SEC_AHB_USER0_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 0 Base Address (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_AHB_USER1_BASE       (@SEC_AHB_USER1_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 1 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_AHB_USER2_BASE       (@SEC_AHB_USER2_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 2 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_AHB_USER3_BASE       (@SEC_AHB_USER3_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 3 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_DMA0_BASE            (@SEC_DMA0_BASE@)       /* DMA0 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_DMA1_BASE            (@SEC_DMA1_BASE@)       /* DMA1 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_DMA2_BASE            (@SEC_DMA2_BASE@)       /* DMA2 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_DMA3_BASE            (@SEC_DMA3_BASE@)       /* DMA3 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_APB0_BASE       (@SEC_USER_APB0_BASE@)       /* User APB0 */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_APB1_BASE       (@SEC_USER_APB1_BASE@)       /* User APB1 */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_APB2_BASE       (@SEC_USER_APB2_BASE@)       /* User APB2 */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_APB3_BASE       (@SEC_USER_APB3_BASE@)       /* User APB3 */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C0_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C0_BASE@)       /* Touch Screen I2C Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C1_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C1_BASE@)       /* Audio Interface I2C Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_SSP2_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_SSP2_BASE@)       /* ADC SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_SSP3_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_SSP3_BASE@)       /* Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_SSP4_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_SSP4_BASE@)       /* Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C2_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C2_BASE@)       /* Shield 0 SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C3_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C3_BASE@)       /* Shield 1 SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C4_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C4_BASE@)       /* HDMI I2C SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C5_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C5_BASE@)       /* DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_SCC_BASE        (@SEC_MPS3_SCC_BASE@)       /* SCC Base Address    */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE   (@SEC_MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE@)       /* Audio Interface I2S Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE     (@SEC_MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE@)       /* FPGA IO Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART0_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART0_BASE@)       /* UART 0 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART1_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART1_BASE@)       /* UART 1 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART2_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART2_BASE@)       /* UART 2 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART3_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART3_BASE@)       /* UART 3 Base Address Shield 0*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART4_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART4_BASE@)       /* UART 4 Base Address Shield 1*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART5_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART5_BASE@)       /* UART 5 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_HDMI_AUDIO_BASE      (@SEC_HDMI_AUDIO_BASE@)       /* HDMI AUDIO Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CLCD_CONFIG_BASE     (@SEC_CLCD_CONFIG_BASE@)       /* CLCD CONFIG Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_RTC_BASE             (@SEC_RTC_BASE@)       /* RTC Base address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_SMSC9220_BASE        (@SEC_SMSC9220_BASE@)       /* Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USB_BASE             (@SEC_USB_BASE@)       /* USB Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE       (@SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE@)   /* Ethos-U NPU base address*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE   (@SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE@)   /* Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 0 base address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE   (@SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE@)   /* Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 1 base address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_BASE            (@SEC_USER_BASE@)       /* User ? Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_QSPI_XIP_BASE        (@SEC_QSPI_XIP_BASE@)       /* QSPI XIP config Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_QSPI_WRITE_BASE      (@SEC_QSPI_WRITE_BASE@)       /* QSPI write config Base Address */
+/*                                  MPCs                                      */
+#cmakedefine MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S        (@MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S@)       /* Internal SRAM 0 MPC */
+#cmakedefine MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S        (@MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S@)       /* Internal SRAM 1 MPC */
+#cmakedefine MPC_BRAM_BASE_S          (@MPC_BRAM_BASE_S@)       /* SRAM Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine MPC_QSPI_BASE_S          (@MPC_QSPI_BASE_S@)       /* QSPI Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine MPC_DDR4_BASE_S          (@MPC_DDR4_BASE_S@)       /* DDR4 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e202a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+#cmakedefine TA0_BASE       (@TA0_BASE@)
+#cmakedefine TA1_BASE       (@TA1_BASE@)
+/* Timing adapter settings for AXI0 */
+#if defined(TA0_BASE)
+#define TA0_MAXR           (@TA0_MAXR@)
+#define TA0_MAXW           (@TA0_MAXW@)
+#define TA0_MAXRW          (@TA0_MAXRW@)
+#define TA0_RLATENCY       (@TA0_RLATENCY@)
+#define TA0_WLATENCY       (@TA0_WLATENCY@)
+#define TA0_PULSE_ON       (@TA0_PULSE_ON@)
+#define TA0_PULSE_OFF      (@TA0_PULSE_OFF@)
+#define TA0_BWCAP          (@TA0_BWCAP@)
+#define TA0_PERFCTRL       (@TA0_PERFCTRL@)
+#define TA0_PERFCNT        (@TA0_PERFCNT@)
+#define TA0_MODE           (@TA0_MODE@)
+#define TA0_HISTBIN        (@TA0_HISTBIN@)
+#define TA0_HISTCNT        (@TA0_HISTCNT@)
+#endif /* defined(TA0_BASE) */
+/* Timing adapter settings for AXI1 */
+#if defined(TA1_BASE)
+#define TA1_MAXR           (@TA1_MAXR@)
+#define TA1_MAXW           (@TA1_MAXW@)
+#define TA1_MAXRW          (@TA1_MAXRW@)
+#define TA1_RLATENCY       (@TA1_RLATENCY@)
+#define TA1_WLATENCY       (@TA1_WLATENCY@)
+#define TA1_PULSE_ON       (@TA1_PULSE_ON@)
+#define TA1_PULSE_OFF      (@TA1_PULSE_OFF@)
+#define TA1_BWCAP          (@TA1_BWCAP@)
+#define TA1_PERFCTRL       (@TA1_PERFCTRL@)
+#define TA1_PERFCNT        (@TA1_PERFCNT@)
+#define TA1_MODE           (@TA1_MODE@)
+#define TA1_HISTBIN        (@TA1_HISTBIN@)
+#define TA1_HISTCNT        (@TA1_HISTCNT@)
+#endif /* defined(TA1_BASE) */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/device_mps3.h b/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/device_mps3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0dea1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/device_mps3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef DEVICE_MPS3_H
+#define DEVICE_MPS3_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "cmsis.h"      /* CMSIS device header. */
+#include "smm_mps3.h"   /* Memory map for MPS3. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define PERIF_CLK               (25000000) /* Clock source for APB peripherals */
+typedef struct _CMSDK_UART_TypeDef_
+    __IO uint32_t  DATA;        /* Offset: 0x000 (R/W) Data Register.    */
+    __IO uint32_t  STATE;       /* Offset: 0x004 (R/W) Status Register.  */
+    __IO uint32_t  CTRL;        /* Offset: 0x008 (R/W) Control Register. */
+    union {
+    __I  uint32_t  INTSTATUS;   /* Offset: 0x00C (R/ ) Interrupt Status Register. */
+    __O  uint32_t  INTCLEAR;    /* Offset: 0x00C ( /W) Interrupt Clear Register. */
+    };
+    __IO uint32_t  BAUDDIV;     /* Offset: 0x010 (R/W) Baudrate Divider Register. */
+} CMSDK_UART_TypeDef;
+#define CMSDK_UART0             ((CMSDK_UART_TypeDef *)CMSDK_UART0_BASE)
+/* CMSDK_UART DATA Register Definitions. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_DATA_Pos               0                                             /* CMSDK_UART_DATA_Pos: DATA Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_DATA_Msk              (0xFFul << CMSDK_UART_DATA_Pos)                /* CMSDK_UART DATA: DATA Mask. */
+/* CMSDK_UART STATE Register Definitions. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_STATE_RXOR_Pos         3                                             /* CMSDK_UART STATE: RXOR Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_STATE_RXOR_Msk         (0x1ul << CMSDK_UART_STATE_RXOR_Pos)          /* CMSDK_UART STATE: RXOR Mask. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_STATE_TXOR_Pos         2                                             /* CMSDK_UART STATE: TXOR Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_STATE_TXOR_Msk         (0x1ul << CMSDK_UART_STATE_TXOR_Pos)          /* CMSDK_UART STATE: TXOR Mask. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_STATE_RXBF_Pos         1                                             /* CMSDK_UART STATE: RXBF Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_STATE_RXBF_Msk         (0x1ul << CMSDK_UART_STATE_RXBF_Pos)          /* CMSDK_UART STATE: RXBF Mask. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_STATE_TXBF_Pos         0                                             /* CMSDK_UART STATE: TXBF Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_STATE_TXBF_Msk         (0x1ul << CMSDK_UART_STATE_TXBF_Pos )         /* CMSDK_UART STATE: TXBF Mask. */
+/* CMSDK_UART CTRL Register Definitions. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_HSTM_Pos          6                                             /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: HSTM Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_HSTM_Msk          (0x01ul << CMSDK_UART_CTRL_HSTM_Pos)          /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: HSTM Mask. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_RXORIRQEN_Pos     5                                             /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: RXORIRQEN Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_TXORIRQEN_Pos     4                                             /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: TXORIRQEN Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_RXIRQEN_Pos       3                                             /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: RXIRQEN Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_TXIRQEN_Pos       2                                             /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: TXIRQEN Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_RXEN_Pos          1                                             /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: RXEN Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_RXEN_Msk          (0x01ul << CMSDK_UART_CTRL_RXEN_Pos)          /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: RXEN Mask. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_TXEN_Pos          0                                             /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: TXEN Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_CTRL_TXEN_Msk          (0x01ul << CMSDK_UART_CTRL_TXEN_Pos)          /* CMSDK_UART CTRL: TXEN Mask. */
+/* CMSDK_UART INTSTATUS\INTCLEAR Register Definitions. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_INT_RXORIRQ_Pos        3                                             /* CMSDK_UART INT: RXORIRQ Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_INT_RXORIRQ_Msk        (0x01ul << CMSDK_UART_INT_RXORIRQ_Pos)        /* CMSDK_UART INT: RXORIRQ Mask. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_INT_TXORIRQ_Pos        2                                             /* CMSDK_UART INT: TXORIRQ Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_INT_TXORIRQ_Msk        (0x01ul << CMSDK_UART_INT_TXORIRQ_Pos)        /* CMSDK_UART INT: TXORIRQ Mask. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_INT_RXIRQ_Pos          1                                             /* CMSDK_UART INT: RXIRQ Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_INT_RXIRQ_Msk          (0x01ul << CMSDK_UART_INT_RXIRQ_Pos)          /* CMSDK_UART INT: RXIRQ Mask. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_INT_TXIRQ_Pos          0                                             /* CMSDK_UART INT: TXIRQ Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_INT_TXIRQ_Msk          (0x01ul << CMSDK_UART_INT_TXIRQ_Pos)          /* CMSDK_UART INT: TXIRQ Mask. */
+/* CMSDK_UART BAUDDIV Register Definitions. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_BAUDDIV_Pos            0                                             /* CMSDK_UART BAUDDIV: BAUDDIV Position. */
+#define CMSDK_UART_BAUDDIV_Msk           (0xFFFFFul << CMSDK_UART_BAUDDIV_Pos)
+ * @brief   Gets the core clock set for MPS3.
+ * @return  Clock value in Hz.
+ **/
+uint32_t GetMPS3CoreClock(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* DEVICE_MPS3_H */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/platform_drivers.h b/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/platform_drivers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5ed561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/platform_drivers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "log_macros.h"   /* Logging related helpers. */
+#include "uart_stdout.h"    /* stdout over UART. */
+#include "smm_mps3.h"       /* Mem map for MPS3 peripherals. */
+#include "glcd_mps3.h"      /* LCD functions. */
+#include "timer_mps3.h"     /* Timer functions. */
+#include "device_mps3.h"    /* FPGA level definitions and functions. */
+#include "peripheral_irqs.h"/* IRQ numbers for this platform */
+#endif /* PLATFORM_DRIVER_H */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/smm_mps3.h b/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/smm_mps3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c0e0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/smm_mps3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef SMM_MPS3_H
+#define SMM_MPS3_H
+#include "cmsis.h"                  /* Device specific header file. */
+#include "peripheral_memmap.h"      /* Peripheral memory map definitions. */
+#if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
+#pragma anon_unions
+/*                          FPGA System Register declaration                  */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t LED;             /* Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  LED connections
+                                  *                         [31:2] : Reserved
+                                  *                          [1:0] : LEDs
+                                  */
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[1];
+  __IO uint32_t BUTTON;          /* Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  Buttons
+                                  *                         [31:2] : Reserved
+                                  *                          [1:0] : Buttons
+                                  */
+       uint32_t RESERVED2[1];
+  __IO uint32_t CLK1HZ;          /* Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  1Hz up counter    */
+  __IO uint32_t CLK100HZ;        /* Offset: 0x014 (R/W)  100Hz up counter  */
+  __IO uint32_t COUNTER;         /* Offset: 0x018 (R/W)  Cycle Up Counter
+                                  *                         Increments when 32-bit prescale counter reach zero
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t PRESCALE;        /* Offset: 0x01C (R/W)  Prescaler
+                                  *                         Bit[31:0] : reload value for prescale counter
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t PSCNTR;          /* Offset: 0x020 (R/W)  32-bit Prescale counter
+                                  *                         current value of the pre-scaler counter
+                                  *                         The Cycle Up Counter increment when the prescale down counter reach 0
+                                  *                         The pre-scaler counter is reloaded with PRESCALE after reaching 0.
+                                  */
+       uint32_t RESERVED3[1];
+  __IO uint32_t SWITCHES;        /* Offset: 0x028 (R/W)  Switches
+                                  *                         [31:8] : Reserved
+                                  *                          [7:0] : Switches
+                                  */
+       uint32_t RESERVED4[8];
+  __IO uint32_t MISC;            /* Offset: 0x04C (R/W)  Misc control
+                                  *                         [31:10] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [9] :
+                                  *                            [8] :
+                                  *                            [7] : ADC_SPI_nCS
+                                  *                            [6] : CLCD_BL_CTRL
+                                  *                            [5] : CLCD_RD
+                                  *                            [4] : CLCD_RS
+                                  *                            [3] : CLCD_RESET
+                                  *                            [2] : SHIELD_1_SPI_nCS
+                                  *                            [1] : SHIELD_0_SPI_nCS
+                                  *                            [0] : CLCD_CS
+                                  */
+} MPS3_FPGAIO_TypeDef;
+/* MISC register bit definitions. */
+#define CLCD_CS_Pos        0
+#define CLCD_CS_Msk        (1UL<<CLCD_CS_Pos)
+#define SHIELD_0_nCS_Pos   1
+#define SHIELD_0_nCS_Msk   (1UL<<SHIELD_0_nCS_Pos)
+#define SHIELD_1_nCS_Pos   2
+#define SHIELD_1_nCS_Msk   (1UL<<SHIELD_1_nCS_Pos)
+#define CLCD_RESET_Pos     3
+#define CLCD_RESET_Msk     (1UL<<CLCD_RESET_Pos)
+#define CLCD_RS_Pos        4
+#define CLCD_RS_Msk        (1UL<<CLCD_RS_Pos)
+#define CLCD_RD_Pos        5
+#define CLCD_RD_Msk        (1UL<<CLCD_RD_Pos)
+#define CLCD_BL_Pos        6
+#define CLCD_BL_Msk        (1UL<<CLCD_BL_Pos)
+#define ADC_nCS_Pos        7
+#define ADC_nCS_Msk        (1UL<<ADC_nCS_Pos)
+/*                        SCC Register declaration                            */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CFG_REG0;        /* Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  Remaps block RAM to ZBT
+                                  *                         [31:1] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [0] 1 : REMAP BlockRam to ZBT
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t LEDS;            /* Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  Controls the MCC user LEDs
+                                  *                         [31:8] : Reserved
+                                  *                          [7:0] : MCC LEDs
+                                  */
+       uint32_t RESERVED0[1];
+  __I  uint32_t SWITCHES;        /* Offset: 0x00C (R/ )  Denotes the state of the MCC user switches
+                                  *                         [31:8] : Reserved
+                                  *                          [7:0] : These bits indicate state of the MCC switches
+                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t CFG_REG4;        /* Offset: 0x010 (R/ )  Denotes the board revision
+                                  *                         [31:4] : Reserved
+                                  *                          [3:0] : Used by the MCC to pass PCB revision. 0 = A 1 = B
+                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t CFG_ACLK;        /* Offset: 0x014 (R/ )  System Clock
+                                  */
+       uint32_t RESERVED1[34];
+  __IO uint32_t SYS_CFGDATA_RTN; /* Offset: 0x0A0 (R/W)  User data register
+                                  *                         [31:0] : Data
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t SYS_CFGDATA_OUT; /* Offset: 0x0A4 (R/W)  User data register
+                                  *                         [31:0] : Data
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t SYS_CFGCTRL;     /* Offset: 0x0A8 (R/W)  Control register
+                                  *                           [31] : Start (generates interrupt on write to this bit)
+                                  *                           [30] : R/W access
+                                  *                        [29:26] : Reserved
+                                  *                        [25:20] : Function value
+                                  *                        [19:12] : Reserved
+                                  *                         [11:0] : Device (value of 0/1/2 for supported clocks)
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t SYS_CFGSTAT;     /* Offset: 0x0AC (R/W)  Contains status information
+                                  *                         [31:2] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [1] : Error
+                                  *                            [0] : Complete
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t RESERVED2[20];
+  __IO uint32_t SCC_DLL;         /* Offset: 0x100 (R/W)  DLL Lock Register
+                                  *                        [31:24] : DLL LOCK MASK[7:0] - Indicate if the DLL locked is masked
+                                  *                        [23:16] : DLL LOCK MASK[7:0] - Indicate if the DLLs are locked or unlocked
+                                  *                         [15:1] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [0] : This bit indicates if all enabled DLLs are locked
+                                  */
+       uint32_t RESERVED3[957];
+  __I  uint32_t SCC_AID;         /* Offset: 0xFF8 (R/ )  SCC AID Register
+                                  *                        [31:24] : FPGA build number
+                                  *                        [23:20] : V2M-MPS3 target board revision (A = 0, B = 1)
+                                  *                        [19:11] : Reserved
+                                  *                           [10] : if “1” SCC_SW register has been implemented
+                                  *                            [9] : if “1” SCC_LED register has been implemented
+                                  *                            [8] : if “1” DLL lock register has been implemented
+                                  *                          [7:0] : number of SCC configuration register
+                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t SCC_ID;          /* Offset: 0xFFC (R/ )  Contains information about the FPGA image
+                                  *                        [31:24] : Implementer ID: 0x41 = ARM
+                                  *                        [23:20] : Application note IP variant number
+                                  *                        [19:16] : IP Architecture: 0x4 =AHB
+                                  *                         [15:4] : Primary part number: 386 = AN386
+                                  *                          [3:0] : Application note IP revision number
+                                  */
+} MPS3_SCC_TypeDef;
+/*                        SSP Peripheral declaration                          */
+typedef struct
+  __IO uint32_t CR0;             /* Offset: 0x000 (R/W)  Control register 0
+                                  *                        [31:16] : Reserved
+                                  *                         [15:8] : Serial clock rate
+                                  *                            [7] : SSPCLKOUT phase,    applicable to Motorola SPI frame format only
+                                  *                            [6] : SSPCLKOUT polarity, applicable to Motorola SPI frame format only
+                                  *                          [5:4] : Frame format
+                                  *                          [3:0] : Data Size Select
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t CR1;             /* Offset: 0x004 (R/W)  Control register 1
+                                  *                         [31:4] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [3] : Slave-mode output disable
+                                  *                            [2] : Master or slave mode select
+                                  *                            [1] : Synchronous serial port enable
+                                  *                            [0] : Loop back mode
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t DR;              /* Offset: 0x008 (R/W)  Data register
+                                  *                        [31:16] : Reserved
+                                  *                         [15:0] : Transmit/Receive FIFO
+                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t SR;              /* Offset: 0x00C (R/ )  Status register
+                                  *                         [31:5] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [4] : PrimeCell SSP busy flag
+                                  *                            [3] : Receive FIFO full
+                                  *                            [2] : Receive FIFO not empty
+                                  *                            [1] : Transmit FIFO not full
+                                  *                            [0] : Transmit FIFO empty
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t CPSR;            /* Offset: 0x010 (R/W)  Clock prescale register
+                                  *                         [31:8] : Reserved
+                                  *                          [8:0] : Clock prescale divisor
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t IMSC;            /* Offset: 0x014 (R/W)  Interrupt mask set or clear register
+                                  *                         [31:4] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [3] : Transmit FIFO interrupt mask
+                                  *                            [2] : Receive FIFO interrupt mask
+                                  *                            [1] : Receive timeout interrupt mask
+                                  *                            [0] : Receive overrun interrupt mask
+                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t RIS;             /* Offset: 0x018 (R/ )  Raw interrupt status register
+                                  *                         [31:4] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [3] : raw interrupt state, prior to masking, of the SSPTXINTR interrupt
+                                  *                            [2] : raw interrupt state, prior to masking, of the SSPRXINTR interrupt
+                                  *                            [1] : raw interrupt state, prior to masking, of the SSPRTINTR interrupt
+                                  *                            [0] : raw interrupt state, prior to masking, of the SSPRORINTR interrupt
+                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t MIS;             /* Offset: 0x01C (R/ )  Masked interrupt status register
+                                  *                         [31:4] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [3] : transmit FIFO masked interrupt state, after masking, of the SSPTXINTR interrupt
+                                  *                            [2] : receive FIFO masked interrupt state, after masking, of the SSPRXINTR interrupt
+                                  *                            [1] : receive timeout masked interrupt state, after masking, of the SSPRTINTR interrupt
+                                  *                            [0] : receive over run masked interrupt status, after masking, of the SSPRORINTR interrupt
+                                  */
+  __O  uint32_t ICR;             /* Offset: 0x020 ( /W)  Interrupt clear register
+                                  *                         [31:2] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [1] : Clears the SSPRTINTR interrupt
+                                  *                            [0] : Clears the SSPRORINTR interrupt
+                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t DMACR;           /* Offset: 0x024 (R/W)  DMA control register
+                                  *                         [31:2] : Reserved
+                                  *                            [1] : Transmit DMA Enable
+                                  *                            [0] : Receive DMA Enable
+                                  */
+} MPS3_SSP_TypeDef;
+/* SSP_CR0 Control register 0. */
+#define SSP_CR0_DSS_Pos         0           /* Data Size Select.    */
+#define SSP_CR0_DSS_Msk         (0xF<<SSP_CR0_DSS_Pos)
+#define SSP_CR0_FRF_Pos         4           /* Frame Format Select. */
+#define SSP_CR0_FRF_Msk         (3UL<<SSP_CR0_FRM_Pos)
+#define SSP_CR0_SPO_Pos         6           /* SSPCLKOUT polarity.  */
+#define SSP_CR0_SPO_Msk         (1UL<<SSP_CR0_SPO_Pos)
+#define SSP_CR0_SPH_Pos         7           /* SSPCLKOUT phase.     */
+#define SSP_CR0_SPH_Msk         (1UL<<SSP_CR0_SPH_Pos)
+#define SSP_CR0_SCR_Pos         8           /* Serial Clock Rate (divide). */
+#define SSP_CR0_SCR_Msk         (0xFF<<SSP_CR0_SCR_Pos)
+#define SSP_CR0_SCR_DFLT        0x0300      /* Serial Clock Rate (divide), default set at 3. */
+#define SSP_CR0_FRF_MOT         0x0000      /* Frame format.                                 */
+#define SSP_CR0_DSS_8           0x0007      /* Data packet size, 8bits.                      */
+#define SSP_CR0_DSS_16          0x000F      /* Data packet size, 16bits.                     */
+/* SSP_CR1 Control register 1. */
+#define SSP_CR1_LBM_Pos         0           /* Loop Back Mode. */
+#define SSP_CR1_LBM_Msk         (1UL<<SSP_CR1_LBM_Pos)
+#define SSP_CR1_SSE_Pos         1           /* Serial port enable. */
+#define SSP_CR1_SSE_Msk         (1UL<<SSP_CR1_SSE_Pos)
+#define SSP_CR1_MS_Pos          2           /* Master or Slave mode. */
+#define SSP_CR1_MS_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_CR1_MS_Pos)
+#define SSP_CR1_SOD_Pos         3           /* Slave Output mode Disable. */
+#define SSP_CR1_SOD_Msk         (1UL<<SSP_CR1_SOD_Pos)
+/* SSP_SR Status register. */
+#define SSP_SR_TFE_Pos          0           /* Transmit FIFO empty. */
+#define SSP_SR_TFE_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_SR_TFE_Pos)
+#define SSP_SR_TNF_Pos          1           /* Transmit FIFO not full. */
+#define SSP_SR_TNF_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_SR_TNF_Pos)
+#define SSP_SR_RNE_Pos          2           /* Receive  FIFO not empty. */
+#define SSP_SR_RNE_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_SR_RNE_Pos)
+#define SSP_SR_RFF_Pos          3           /* Receive  FIFO full. */
+#define SSP_SR_RFF_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_SR_RFF_Pos)
+#define SSP_SR_BSY_Pos          4           /* Busy. */
+#define SSP_SR_BSY_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_SR_BSY_Pos)
+/* SSP_CPSR Clock prescale register. */
+#define SSP_CPSR_CPD_Pos        0           /* Clock prescale divisor. */
+#define SSP_CPSR_CPD_Msk        (0xFF<<SSP_CPSR_CDP_Pos)
+#define SSP_CPSR_DFLT        0x0008      /* Clock prescale (use with SCR), default set at 8. */
+/* SSPIMSC Interrupt mask set and clear register. */
+#define SSP_IMSC_RORIM_Pos         0           /* Receive overrun not Masked. */
+#define SSP_IMSC_RORIM_Msk         (1UL<<SSP_IMSC_RORIM_Pos)
+#define SSP_IMSC_RTIM_Pos          1           /* Receive timeout not Masked. */
+#define SSP_IMSC_RTIM_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_IMSC_RTIM_Pos)
+#define SSP_IMSC_RXIM_Pos          2           /* Receive  FIFO not Masked.   */
+#define SSP_IMSC_RXIM_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_IMSC_RXIM_Pos)
+#define SSP_IMSC_TXIM_Pos          3           /* Transmit FIFO not Masked.   */
+#define SSP_IMSC_TXIM_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_IMSC_TXIM_Pos)
+/* SSPRIS Raw interrupt status register. */
+#define SSP_RIS_RORRIS_Pos         0           /* Raw Overrun  interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_RIS_RORRIS_Msk         (1UL<<SSP_RIS_RORRIS_Pos)
+#define SSP_RIS_RTRIS_Pos          1           /* Raw Timemout interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_RIS_RTRIS_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_RIS_RTRIS_Pos)
+#define SSP_RIS_RXRIS_Pos          2           /* Raw Receive  interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_RIS_RXRIS_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_RIS_RXRIS_Pos)
+#define SSP_RIS_TXRIS_Pos          3           /* Raw Transmit interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_RIS_TXRIS_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_RIS_TXRIS_Pos)
+/* SSPMIS Masked interrupt status register. */
+#define SSP_MIS_RORMIS_Pos         0           /* Masked Overrun  interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_MIS_RORMIS_Msk         (1UL<<SSP_MIS_RORMIS_Pos)
+#define SSP_MIS_RTMIS_Pos          1           /* Masked Timemout interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_MIS_RTMIS_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_MIS_RTMIS_Pos)
+#define SSP_MIS_RXMIS_Pos          2           /* Masked Receive  interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_MIS_RXMIS_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_MIS_RXMIS_Pos)
+#define SSP_MIS_TXMIS_Pos          3           /* Masked Transmit interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_MIS_TXMIS_Msk          (1UL<<SSP_MIS_TXMIS_Pos)
+/* SSPICR Interrupt clear register. */
+#define SSP_ICR_RORIC_Pos           0           /* Clears Overrun  interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_ICR_RORIC_Msk           (1UL<<SSP_ICR_RORIC_Pos)
+#define SSP_ICR_RTIC_Pos            1           /* Clears Timemout interrupt flag. */
+#define SSP_ICR_RTIC_Msk            (1UL<<SSP_ICR_RTIC_Pos)
+/* SSPDMACR DMA control register. */
+#define SSP_DMACR_RXDMAE_Pos        0           /* Enable Receive  FIFO DMA. */
+#define SSP_DMACR_RXDMAE_Msk        (1UL<<SSP_DMACR_RXDMAE_Pos)
+#define SSP_DMACR_TXDMAE_Pos        1           /* Enable Transmit FIFO DMA. */
+#define SSP_DMACR_TXDMAE_Msk        (1UL<<SSP_DMACR_TXDMAE_Pos)
+/*               Audio and Touch Screen (I2C) Peripheral declaration          */
+typedef struct
+  union {
+  __O   uint32_t  CONTROLS;     /* Offset: 0x000 CONTROL Set Register     ( /W). */
+  __I   uint32_t  CONTROL;      /* Offset: 0x000 CONTROL Status Register  (R/ ). */
+  };
+  __O    uint32_t  CONTROLC;     /* Offset: 0x004 CONTROL Clear Register  ( /W). */
+} MPS3_I2C_TypeDef;
+#define SDA                1 << 1
+#define SCL                1 << 0
+/*               Audio I2S Peripheral declaration                             */
+typedef struct
+  /*!< Offset: 0x000 CONTROL Register    (R/W) */
+  __IO   uint32_t  CONTROL;  /* <h> CONTROL </h>
+                              *   <o.0> TX Enable
+                              *     <0=> TX disabled
+                              *     <1=> TX enabled
+                              *   <o.1> TX IRQ Enable
+                              *     <0=> TX IRQ disabled
+                              *     <1=> TX IRQ enabled
+                              *   <o.2> RX Enable
+                              *     <0=> RX disabled
+                              *     <1=> RX enabled
+                              *   <o.3> RX IRQ Enable
+                              *     <0=> RX IRQ disabled
+                              *     <1=> RX IRQ enabled
+                              *   <o.10..8> TX Buffer Water Level
+                              *     <0=> / IRQ triggers when any space available
+                              *     <1=> / IRQ triggers when more than 1 space available
+                              *     <2=> / IRQ triggers when more than 2 space available
+                              *     <3=> / IRQ triggers when more than 3 space available
+                              *     <4=> Undefined!
+                              *     <5=> Undefined!
+                              *     <6=> Undefined!
+                              *     <7=> Undefined!
+                              *   <o.14..12> RX Buffer Water Level
+                              *     <0=> Undefined!
+                              *     <1=> / IRQ triggers when less than 1 space available
+                              *     <2=> / IRQ triggers when less than 2 space available
+                              *     <3=> / IRQ triggers when less than 3 space available
+                              *     <4=> / IRQ triggers when less than 4 space available
+                              *     <5=> Undefined!
+                              *     <6=> Undefined!
+                              *     <7=> Undefined!
+                              *   <o.16> FIFO reset
+                              *     <0=> Normal operation
+                              *     <1=> FIFO reset
+                              *   <o.17> Audio Codec reset
+                              *     <0=> Normal operation
+                              *     <1=> Assert audio Codec reset
+                              */
+  /*!< Offset: 0x004 STATUS Register     (R/ ) */
+  __I    uint32_t  STATUS;   /* <h> STATUS </h>
+                              *   <o.0> TX Buffer alert
+                              *     <0=> TX buffer don't need service yet
+                              *     <1=> TX buffer need service
+                              *   <o.1> RX Buffer alert
+                              *     <0=> RX buffer don't need service yet
+                              *     <1=> RX buffer need service
+                              *   <o.2> TX Buffer Empty
+                              *     <0=> TX buffer have data
+                              *     <1=> TX buffer empty
+                              *   <o.3> TX Buffer Full
+                              *     <0=> TX buffer not full
+                              *     <1=> TX buffer full
+                              *   <o.4> RX Buffer Empty
+                              *     <0=> RX buffer have data
+                              *     <1=> RX buffer empty
+                              *   <o.5> RX Buffer Full
+                              *     <0=> RX buffer not full
+                              *     <1=> RX buffer full
+                              */
+  union {
+   /*!< Offset: 0x008 Error Status Register (R/ ) */
+    __I    uint32_t  ERROR;  /* <h> ERROR </h>
+                              *   <o.0> TX error
+                              *     <0=> Okay
+                              *     <1=> TX overrun/underrun
+                              *   <o.1> RX error
+                              *     <0=> Okay
+                              *     <1=> RX overrun/underrun
+                              */
+   /*!< Offset: 0x008 Error Clear Register  ( /W) */
+    __O    uint32_t  ERRORCLR; /* <h> ERRORCLR </h>
+                                *   <o.0> TX error
+                                *     <0=> Okay
+                                *     <1=> Clear TX error
+                                *   <o.1> RX error
+                                *     <0=> Okay
+                                *     <1=> Clear RX error
+                                */
+    };
+   /*!< Offset: 0x00C Divide ratio Register (R/W) */
+  __IO   uint32_t  DIVIDE;  /* <h> Divide ratio for Left/Right clock </h>
+                             *   <o.9..0> TX error (default 0x80)
+                             */
+   /*!< Offset: 0x010 Transmit Buffer       ( /W) */
+  __O    uint32_t  TXBUF;  /* <h> Transmit buffer </h>
+                            *   <o.15..0> Right channel
+                            *   <o.31..16> Left channel
+                            */
+   /*!< Offset: 0x014 Receive Buffer        (R/ ) */
+  __I    uint32_t  RXBUF;  /* <h> Receive buffer </h>
+                            *   <o.15..0> Right channel
+                            *   <o.31..16> Left channel
+                            */
+         uint32_t  RESERVED1[186];
+  __IO uint32_t ITCR;        /* <h> Integration Test Control Register </h>
+                              *   <o.0> ITEN
+                              *     <0=> Normal operation
+                              *     <1=> Integration Test mode enable
+                              */
+  __O  uint32_t ITIP1;       /* <h> Integration Test Input Register 1</h>
+                              *   <o.0> SDIN
+                              */
+  __O  uint32_t ITOP1;       /* <h> Integration Test Output Register 1</h>
+                              *   <o.0> SDOUT
+                              *   <o.1> SCLK
+                              *   <o.2> LRCK
+                              *   <o.3> IRQOUT
+                              */
+} MPS3_I2S_TypeDef;
+#define I2S_CONTROL_TXEN_Pos        0
+#define I2S_CONTROL_TXEN_Msk        (1UL<<I2S_CONTROL_TXEN_Pos)
+#define I2S_CONTROL_TXIRQEN_Pos     1
+#define I2S_CONTROL_RXEN_Pos        2
+#define I2S_CONTROL_RXEN_Msk        (1UL<<I2S_CONTROL_RXEN_Pos)
+#define I2S_CONTROL_RXIRQEN_Pos     3
+#define I2S_CONTROL_TXWLVL_Pos      8
+#define I2S_CONTROL_RXWLVL_Pos      12
+/* FIFO reset. */
+#define I2S_CONTROL_FIFORST_Pos     16
+/* Codec reset. */
+#define I2S_CONTROL_CODECRST_Pos    17
+#define I2S_STATUS_TXIRQ_Pos        0
+#define I2S_STATUS_TXIRQ_Msk        (1UL<<I2S_STATUS_TXIRQ_Pos)
+#define I2S_STATUS_RXIRQ_Pos        1
+#define I2S_STATUS_RXIRQ_Msk        (1UL<<I2S_STATUS_RXIRQ_Pos)
+#define I2S_STATUS_TXEmpty_Pos      2
+#define I2S_STATUS_TXEmpty_Msk      (1UL<<I2S_STATUS_TXEmpty_Pos)
+#define I2S_STATUS_TXFull_Pos       3
+#define I2S_STATUS_TXFull_Msk       (1UL<<I2S_STATUS_TXFull_Pos)
+#define I2S_STATUS_RXEmpty_Pos      4
+#define I2S_STATUS_RXEmpty_Msk      (1UL<<I2S_STATUS_RXEmpty_Pos)
+#define I2S_STATUS_RXFull_Pos       5
+#define I2S_STATUS_RXFull_Msk       (1UL<<I2S_STATUS_RXFull_Pos)
+#define I2S_ERROR_TXERR_Pos         0
+#define I2S_ERROR_TXERR_Msk         (1UL<<I2S_ERROR_TXERR_Pos)
+#define I2S_ERROR_RXERR_Pos         1
+#define I2S_ERROR_RXERR_Msk         (1UL<<I2S_ERROR_RXERR_Pos)
+/*                       SMSC9220 Register Definitions                        */
+typedef struct                         /*   SMSC LAN9220                                  */
+__I   uint32_t  RX_DATA_PORT;          /*   Receive FIFO Ports (offset 0x0).              */
+      uint32_t  RESERVED1[0x7];
+__O   uint32_t  TX_DATA_PORT;          /*   Transmit FIFO Ports (offset 0x20).            */
+      uint32_t  RESERVED2[0x7];
+__I   uint32_t  RX_STAT_PORT;          /*   Receive FIFO status port (offset 0x40).       */
+__I   uint32_t  RX_STAT_PEEK;          /*   Receive FIFO status peek (offset 0x44).       */
+__I   uint32_t  TX_STAT_PORT;          /*   Transmit FIFO status port (offset 0x48).      */
+__I   uint32_t  TX_STAT_PEEK;          /*   Transmit FIFO status peek (offset 0x4C).      */
+__I   uint32_t  ID_REV;                /*   Chip ID and Revision (offset 0x50).           */
+__IO  uint32_t  IRQ_CFG;               /*   Main Interrupt Configuration (offset 0x54).   */
+__IO  uint32_t  INT_STS;               /*   Interrupt Status (offset 0x58).               */
+__IO  uint32_t  INT_EN;                /*   Interrupt Enable Register (offset 0x5C).      */
+      uint32_t  RESERVED3;             /*   Reserved for future use (offset 0x60).        */
+__I   uint32_t  BYTE_TEST;             /*   Read-only byte order testing register 87654321h (offset 0x64). */
+__IO  uint32_t  FIFO_INT;              /*   FIFO Level Interrupts (offset 0x68).          */
+__IO  uint32_t  RX_CFG;                /*   Receive Configuration (offset 0x6C).          */
+__IO  uint32_t  TX_CFG;                /*   Transmit Configuration (offset 0x70).         */
+__IO  uint32_t  HW_CFG;                /*   Hardware Configuration (offset 0x74).         */
+__IO  uint32_t  RX_DP_CTL;             /*   RX Datapath Control (offset 0x78).            */
+__I   uint32_t  RX_FIFO_INF;           /*   Receive FIFO Information (offset 0x7C).       */
+__I   uint32_t  TX_FIFO_INF;           /*   Transmit FIFO Information (offset 0x80).      */
+__IO  uint32_t  PMT_CTRL;              /*   Power Management Control (offset 0x84).       */
+__IO  uint32_t  GPIO_CFG;              /*   General Purpose IO Configuration (offset 0x88). */
+__IO  uint32_t  GPT_CFG;               /*   General Purpose Timer Configuration (offset 0x8C). */
+__I   uint32_t  GPT_CNT;               /*   General Purpose Timer Count (offset 0x90).    */
+      uint32_t  RESERVED4;             /*   Reserved for future use (offset 0x94).        */
+__IO  uint32_t  ENDIAN;                /*   WORD SWAP Register (offset 0x98).             */
+__I   uint32_t  FREE_RUN;              /*   Free Run Counter (offset 0x9C).               */
+__I   uint32_t  RX_DROP;               /*   RX Dropped Frames Counter (offset 0xA0).      */
+__IO  uint32_t  MAC_CSR_CMD;           /*   MAC CSR Synchronizer Command (offset 0xA4).   */
+__IO  uint32_t  MAC_CSR_DATA;          /*   MAC CSR Synchronizer Data (offset 0xA8).      */
+__IO  uint32_t  AFC_CFG;               /*   Automatic Flow Control Configuration (offset 0xAC). */
+__IO  uint32_t  E2P_CMD;               /*   EEPROM Command (offset 0xB0).                 */
+__IO  uint32_t  E2P_DATA;              /*   EEPROM Data (offset 0xB4).                    */
+} SMSC9220_TypeDef;
+/* SMSC9220 MAC Registers       Indices. */
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_CR         0x1
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_ADDRH      0x2
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_ADDRL      0x3
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_HASHH      0x4
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_HASHL      0x5
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_MII_ACC    0x6
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_MII_DATA   0x7
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_FLOW       0x8
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_VLAN1      0x9
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_VLAN2      0xA
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_WUFF       0xB
+#define SMSC9220_MAC_WUCSR      0xC
+/* SMSC9220 PHY Registers       Indices. */
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_BCONTROL   0x0
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_BSTATUS    0x1
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_ID1        0x2
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_ID2        0x3
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_ANEG_ADV   0x4
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_ANEG_LPA   0x5
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_ANEG_EXP   0x6
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_MCONTROL   0x17
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_MSTATUS    0x18
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_CSINDICATE 0x27
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_INTSRC     0x29
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_INTMASK    0x30
+#define SMSC9220_PHY_CS         0x31
+/*                         Peripheral declaration                             */
+#define MPS3_TS_I2C             ((MPS3_I2C_TypeDef      *) MPS3_I2C0_BASE )
+#define MPS3_AAIC_I2C           ((MPS3_I2C_TypeDef      *) MPS3_I2C1_BASE )
+#define MPS3_CAM_I2C2           ((MPS3_I2C_TypeDef      *) MPS3_I2C2_BASE )
+#define MPS3_CAM_I2C3           ((MPS3_I2C_TypeDef      *) MPS3_I2C3_BASE )
+#define MPS3_AAIC_I2S           ((MPS3_I2S_TypeDef      *) MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE )
+#define MPS3_FPGAIO             ((MPS3_FPGAIO_TypeDef   *) MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE )
+#define MPS3_SCC                ((MPS3_SCC_TypeDef      *) MPS3_SCC_BASE )
+#define MPS3_SSP0               ((MPS3_SSP_TypeDef      *) MPS3_SSP0_BASE )
+#define MPS3_SSP1               ((MPS3_SSP_TypeDef      *) MPS3_SSP1_BASE )
+#define MPS3_SSP2               ((MPS3_SSP_TypeDef      *) MPS3_SSP2_BASE )
+#define MPS3_SSP3               ((MPS3_SSP_TypeDef      *) MPS3_SSP3_BASE )
+#define MPS3_SSP4               ((MPS3_SSP_TypeDef      *) MPS3_SSP4_BASE )
+#define SMSC9220                ((SMSC9220_TypeDef      *) SMSC9220_BASE)
+/*                      Secure Peripheral declaration                         */
+#define SEC_TS_I2C             ((MPS3_I2C_TypeDef      *) SEC_MPS3_I2C0_BASE )
+#define SEC_AAIC_I2C           ((MPS3_I2C_TypeDef      *) SEC_MPS3_I2C1_BASE )
+#define SEC_AAIC_I2S           ((MPS3_I2S_TypeDef      *) SEC_MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE )
+#define SEC_FPGAIO             ((MPS3_FPGAIO_TypeDef   *) SEC_MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE )
+#define SEC_SCC                ((MPS3_SCC_TypeDef      *) SEC_MPS3_SCC_BASE )
+#define SEC_SSP0               ((MPS3_SSP_TypeDef      *) SEC_SSP0_BASE )
+#define SEC_SSP1               ((MPS3_SSP_TypeDef      *) SEC_SSP1_BASE )
+#define SEC_SSP2               ((MPS3_SSP_TypeDef      *) SEC_MPS3_SSP2_BASE )
+#define SEC_SMSC9220           ((SMSC9220_TypeDef      *) SEC_SMSC9220_BASE)
+#endif /* SMM_MPS3_H */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/timer_mps3.h b/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/timer_mps3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70d059c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/include/timer_mps3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef TIMER_MPS3_H
+#define TIMER_MPS3_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <time.h>
+/* Container for timestamp up-counters. */
+typedef struct _mps3_time_counter {
+    uint32_t    counter_1Hz;
+    uint32_t    counter_100Hz;
+    /* Running at FPGA clock rate. See GetMPS3CoreClock(). */
+    uint32_t    counter_fpga;
+    /* Running at processor core's internal clock rate, triggered by SysTick. */
+    uint64_t    counter_systick;
+} base_time_counter;
+ * @brief   Resets the counters.
+ */
+void timer_reset(void);
+ * @brief   Gets the current counter values.
+ * @returns Mps3 timer counter.
+ **/
+base_time_counter get_time_counter(void);
+ * @brief       Gets the duration elapsed between two counters in milliseconds.
+ * @param[in]   start   Pointer to base_time_counter value at start time.
+ * @param[in]   end     Pointer to base_time_counter value at end.
+ * @returns     Difference in milliseconds between the two give counters 
+ *              expressed as an unsigned integer.
+ **/
+uint32_t get_duration_milliseconds(base_time_counter *start,
+                                   base_time_counter *end);
+ * @brief       Gets the duration elapsed between two counters in microseconds.
+ * @param[in]   start   Pointer to base_time_counter value at start time.
+ * @param[in]   end     Pointer to base_time_counter value at end.
+ * @returns     Difference in microseconds between the two give counters 
+ *              expressed as an unsigned integer.
+ **/
+uint32_t get_duration_microseconds(base_time_counter *start,
+                                   base_time_counter *end);
+ * @brief       Gets the cycle counts elapsed between start and end.
+ * @param[in]   start   Pointer to base_time_counter value at start time.
+ * @param[in]   end     Pointer to base_time_counter value at end.
+ * @return      Difference in counter values as 32 bit unsigned integer.
+ **/
+uint64_t get_cycle_count_diff(base_time_counter *start,
+                              base_time_counter *end);
+ * @brief   Enables or triggers cycle counting mechanism, if required
+ *          by the platform.
+ **/
+void start_cycle_counter(void);
+ * @brief   Stops cycle counting mechanism, if required by the platform.
+ **/
+void stop_cycle_counter(void);
+#endif /* TIMER_MPS3_H */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/source/device_mps3.c b/source/hal/platform/mps3/source/device_mps3.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa57c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/source/device_mps3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "device_mps3.h"
+#include "log_macros.h"
+#include "smm_mps3.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
+extern uint32_t GetSystemCoreClock(void);
+uint32_t GetMPS3CoreClock(void)
+    const uint32_t default_clock = GetSystemCoreClock();
+    static int warned_once = 0;
+    if (0 != MPS3_SCC->CFG_ACLK) {
+        if (default_clock != MPS3_SCC->CFG_ACLK) {
+            warn("System clock is different to the MPS3 config set clock.\n");
+        }
+        return MPS3_SCC->CFG_ACLK;
+    }
+    if (!warned_once) {
+        warn("MPS3_SCC->CFG_ACLK reads 0. Assuming default clock of %" PRIu32 "\n",
+            default_clock);
+        warned_once = 1;
+    }
+    return default_clock;
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/mps3/source/timer_mps3.c b/source/hal/platform/mps3/source/timer_mps3.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b8914c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/mps3/source/timer_mps3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "timer_mps3.h"
+#include "log_macros.h"
+#include "device_mps3.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
+void timer_reset(void)
+    MPS3_FPGAIO->CLK1HZ   = 0;
+    MPS3_FPGAIO->CLK100HZ = 0;
+    if (0 != Init_SysTick()) {
+        printf_err("Failed to initialise system tick config\n");
+    }
+    debug("system tick config ready\n");
+base_time_counter get_time_counter(void)
+    base_time_counter t = {
+        .counter_1Hz        = MPS3_FPGAIO->CLK1HZ,
+        .counter_100Hz      = MPS3_FPGAIO->CLK100HZ,
+        .counter_fpga       = MPS3_FPGAIO->COUNTER,
+        .counter_systick    = Get_SysTick_Cycle_Count()
+    };
+    debug("Timestamp:\n");
+    debug("\tCounter 1 Hz:   %" PRIu32 "\n", t.counter_1Hz);
+    debug("\tCounter 100 Hz: %" PRIu32 "\n", t.counter_100Hz);
+    debug("\tCounter FPGA:   %" PRIu32 "\n", t.counter_fpga);
+    debug("\tCounter CPU:    %" PRIu64 "\n", t.counter_systick);
+    return t;
+ * Please note, that there are no checks for overflow in this function => if
+ * the time elapsed has been big (in days) this could happen and is currently
+ * not handled.
+ **/
+uint32_t get_duration_milliseconds(base_time_counter *start,
+                                   base_time_counter *end)
+    uint32_t time_elapsed = 0;
+    if (end->counter_100Hz > start->counter_100Hz) {
+        time_elapsed = (end->counter_100Hz - start->counter_100Hz) * 10;
+    } else {
+        time_elapsed = (end->counter_1Hz - start->counter_1Hz) * 1000 +
+            ((0xFFFFFFFF - start->counter_100Hz) + end->counter_100Hz + 1) * 10;
+    }
+    /* If the time elapsed is less than 100ms, use microseconds count to be
+     * more precise */
+    if (time_elapsed < 100) {
+        debug("Using the microsecond function instead..\n");
+        return get_duration_microseconds(start, end)/1000;
+    }
+    return time_elapsed;
+ * Like the microsecond counterpart, this function could return wrong results when
+ * the counter (MAINCLK) overflows. There are no overflow counters available.
+ **/
+uint32_t get_duration_microseconds(base_time_counter *start,
+                                   base_time_counter *end)
+    const int divisor = GetMPS3CoreClock()/1000000;
+    uint32_t time_elapsed = 0;
+    if (end->counter_fpga > start->counter_fpga) {
+        time_elapsed = (end->counter_fpga - start->counter_fpga)/divisor;
+    } else {
+        time_elapsed = ((0xFFFFFFFF - end->counter_fpga)
+            + start->counter_fpga + 1)/divisor;
+    }
+    return time_elapsed;
+uint64_t get_cycle_count_diff(base_time_counter *start,
+                              base_time_counter *end)
+    if (start->counter_systick > end->counter_systick) {
+        warn("start > end; counter might have overflown\n");
+    }
+    return end->counter_systick - start->counter_systick;
+void start_cycle_counter(void)
+    /* Nothing to do for FPGA */
+void stop_cycle_counter(void)
+    /* Nothing to do for FPGA */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/CMakeLists.txt b/source/hal/platform/simple/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd3a2bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2022 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+#       A generic (simple) platform support library     #
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15.6)
+set(PLATFORM_DRIVERS_TARGET platform-drivers)
+    DESCRIPTION     "Platform drivers library for a generic target"
+# 1. We should be cross-compiling (MPS3 taregt only runs Cortex-M targets)
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "No ${PLATFORM_DRIVERS_TARGET} support for this target.")
+# 2. Set the platform cmake descriptor file
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/subsystem-profiles/simple_platform.cmake)
+## Include the platform cmake descriptor file
+# 3. Generate sources:
+    set(SOURCE_GEN_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated/bsp)
+set(MEM_PROFILE_TEMPLATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template)
+set(IRQ_PROFILE_TEMPLATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template)
+set(MEM_REGIONS_TEMPLATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template)
+configure_file("${MEM_PROFILE_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/peripheral_memmap.h")
+configure_file("${IRQ_PROFILE_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/peripheral_irqs.h")
+configure_file("${MEM_REGIONS_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/mem_regions.h")
+# If a TA config file is provided, we generate a settings file
+    include(${TA_CONFIG_FILE})
+    set(TA_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template)
+    configure_file("${TA_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/timing_adapter_settings.h")
+# 4. Create static library
+## Include directories - public
+    include
+## Platform sources
+    source/stubs_glcd.c
+    source/timer_simple_platform.c)
+## Platform component: uart
+        PRIVATE
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../components/uart_pl011/uart_pl011.c)
+        PUBLIC
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../components/uart_pl011/include)
+## Compile defs
+target_link_libraries(${PLATFORM_DRIVERS_TARGET}  PUBLIC
+        cmsis_device
+        log)
+# 6 Display status:
+message(STATUS "*******************************************************")
+message(STATUS "Library                                : " ${PLATFORM_DRIVERS_TARGET})
+message(STATUS "*******************************************************")
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/subsystem-profiles/simple_platform.cmake b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/subsystem-profiles/simple_platform.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6cfef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/subsystem-profiles/simple_platform.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# CMake configuration file for peripheral memory map for simple platform. This is a stripped down
+# version of Arm Corstone-300 platform with minimal peripherals to be able to use Ethos-U55. However,
+# for ease of integration with Arm FastModel Tools, it uses PL011 as the UART component instead of
+# the CMSDK UART block used by the MPS3 FPGA and FVP implementations.
+#                                         Mem sizes                                               #
+set(ITCM_SIZE             "0x00080000" CACHE STRING "ITCM size:       512 kiB")
+set(DTCM_BLK_SIZE         "0x00020000" CACHE STRING "DTCM size:       128 kiB, 4 banks")
+set(BRAM_SIZE             "0x00100000" CACHE STRING "BRAM size:         1 MiB")
+set(ISRAM0_SIZE           "0x00100000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM0 size:       1 MiB")
+set(ISRAM1_SIZE           "0x00100000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM1 size:       1 MiB")
+set(DDR4_BLK_SIZE         "0x10000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block size: 256 MiB")
+#                                Base addresses for memory regions                                #
+set(ITCM_BASE_NS          "0x00000000" CACHE STRING "Instruction TCM Non-Secure base address")
+set(BRAM_BASE_NS          "0x01000000" CACHE STRING "CODE SRAM Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM0_BASE_NS         "0x20000000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 0 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM1_BASE_NS         "0x20020000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 1 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM2_BASE_NS         "0x20040000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 2 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM3_BASE_NS         "0x20060000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 3 Non-Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM0_BASE_NS        "0x21000000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM1_BASE_NS        "0x21100000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address")
+set(QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS     "0x28000000" CACHE STRING "QSPI SRAM Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS     "0x60000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 0 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS     "0x80000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 1 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS     "0xA0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 2 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS     "0xC0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 3 Non-Secure base address")
+set(ITCM_BASE_S           "0x10000000" CACHE STRING "Instruction TCM Secure base address")
+set(BRAM_BASE_S           "0x11000000" CACHE STRING "CODE SRAM Secure base address")
+set(DTCM0_BASE_S          "0x30000000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 0 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM1_BASE_S          "0x30020000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 1 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM2_BASE_S          "0x30040000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 2 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM3_BASE_S          "0x30060000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 3 Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM0_BASE_S         "0x31000000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM1_BASE_S         "0x31100000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S      "0x70000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 0 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S      "0x90000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 1 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S      "0xB0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 2 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S      "0xD0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 3 Secure base address")
+#                              Application specific config                                        #
+# This parameter is based on the linker/scatter script for simple platform. Do not change this
+# parameter in isolation.
+set(DESIGN_NAME            "Simple platform" CACHE STRING "Design name")
+# SRAM size reserved for activation buffers
+#                                         Base addresses                                          #
+set(PL011_UART0_BASE            "0x49303000" CACHE STRING "PL011 UART 0 Base Address")
+    set(ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE          "0x48102000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE      "0x48103000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE      "0x48103200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 1 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE      "0x58102000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE  "0x58103000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE  "0x58103200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 1 base address")
+endif ()
+#                                           IRQ numbers                                           #
+    set(EthosU_IRQn             "56"         CACHE STRING "Ethos-U NPU Interrupt")
+endif ()
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72978ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+#cmakedefine ITCM_SIZE             (@ITCM_SIZE@)     /* ITCM size */
+#cmakedefine DTCM_BLK_SIZE         (@DTCM_BLK_SIZE@)     /* DTCM size, 4 banks of this size available */
+#cmakedefine BRAM_SIZE             (@BRAM_SIZE@)     /* BRAM size */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM0_SIZE           (@ISRAM0_SIZE@)     /* ISRAM0 size */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM1_SIZE           (@ISRAM1_SIZE@)     /* ISRAM1 size */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_SRAM_SIZE        (@QSPI_SRAM_SIZE@)     /* QSPI Flash size */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK_SIZE         (@DDR4_BLK_SIZE@)     /* DDR4 block size */
+#cmakedefine ITCM_BASE_NS          (@ITCM_BASE_NS@)     /* Instruction TCM Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine BRAM_BASE_NS          (@BRAM_BASE_NS@)     /* CODE SRAM Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM0_BASE_NS         (@DTCM0_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 0 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM1_BASE_NS         (@DTCM1_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 1 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM2_BASE_NS         (@DTCM2_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 2 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM3_BASE_NS         (@DTCM3_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 3 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM0_BASE_NS        (@ISRAM0_BASE_NS@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM1_BASE_NS        (@ISRAM1_BASE_NS@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS     (@QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS@)     /* QSPI SRAM Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 0 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 1 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 2 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 3 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ITCM_BASE_S           (@ITCM_BASE_S@)     /* Instruction TCM Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine BRAM_BASE_S           (@BRAM_BASE_S@)     /* CODE SRAM Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM0_BASE_S          (@DTCM0_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 0 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM1_BASE_S          (@DTCM1_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 1 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM2_BASE_S          (@DTCM2_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 2 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM3_BASE_S          (@DTCM3_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 3 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM0_BASE_S         (@ISRAM0_BASE_S@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM1_BASE_S         (@ISRAM1_BASE_S@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 0 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 1 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 2 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 3 Secure base address */
+#endif /*  MEM_REGION_DEFS_H  */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8126cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+/*                    Peripheral interrupt numbers                            */
+#cmakedefine EthosU_IRQn                (@EthosU_IRQn@)   /* Ethos-Uxx Interrupt */
+#endif /* PERIPHERAL_IRQS_H */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bfaafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+#cmakedefine DESIGN_NAME              "@DESIGN_NAME@"
+/*                         Peripheral memory map                              */
+#cmakedefine PL011_UART0_BASE         (@PL011_UART0_BASE@)       /* PL011 UART0 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE           (@ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE@)    /* Ethos-U NPU base address*/
+#cmakedefine ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE       (@ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE@)    /* Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 0 base address */
+#cmakedefine ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE       (@ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE@)    /* Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 1 base address */
+/*                      Secure Peripheral memory map                          */
+#cmakedefine SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE       (@SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_BASE@)   /* Ethos-U NPU base address*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE   (@SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA0_BASE@)   /* Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 0 base address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE   (@SEC_ETHOS_U_NPU_TA1_BASE@)   /* Ethos-U NPU's timing adapter 1 base address */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e202a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+#cmakedefine TA0_BASE       (@TA0_BASE@)
+#cmakedefine TA1_BASE       (@TA1_BASE@)
+/* Timing adapter settings for AXI0 */
+#if defined(TA0_BASE)
+#define TA0_MAXR           (@TA0_MAXR@)
+#define TA0_MAXW           (@TA0_MAXW@)
+#define TA0_MAXRW          (@TA0_MAXRW@)
+#define TA0_RLATENCY       (@TA0_RLATENCY@)
+#define TA0_WLATENCY       (@TA0_WLATENCY@)
+#define TA0_PULSE_ON       (@TA0_PULSE_ON@)
+#define TA0_PULSE_OFF      (@TA0_PULSE_OFF@)
+#define TA0_BWCAP          (@TA0_BWCAP@)
+#define TA0_PERFCTRL       (@TA0_PERFCTRL@)
+#define TA0_PERFCNT        (@TA0_PERFCNT@)
+#define TA0_MODE           (@TA0_MODE@)
+#define TA0_HISTBIN        (@TA0_HISTBIN@)
+#define TA0_HISTCNT        (@TA0_HISTCNT@)
+#endif /* defined(TA0_BASE) */
+/* Timing adapter settings for AXI1 */
+#if defined(TA1_BASE)
+#define TA1_MAXR           (@TA1_MAXR@)
+#define TA1_MAXW           (@TA1_MAXW@)
+#define TA1_MAXRW          (@TA1_MAXRW@)
+#define TA1_RLATENCY       (@TA1_RLATENCY@)
+#define TA1_WLATENCY       (@TA1_WLATENCY@)
+#define TA1_PULSE_ON       (@TA1_PULSE_ON@)
+#define TA1_PULSE_OFF      (@TA1_PULSE_OFF@)
+#define TA1_BWCAP          (@TA1_BWCAP@)
+#define TA1_PERFCTRL       (@TA1_PERFCTRL@)
+#define TA1_PERFCNT        (@TA1_PERFCNT@)
+#define TA1_MODE           (@TA1_MODE@)
+#define TA1_HISTBIN        (@TA1_HISTBIN@)
+#define TA1_HISTCNT        (@TA1_HISTCNT@)
+#endif /* defined(TA1_BASE) */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/include/platform_drivers.h b/source/hal/platform/simple/include/platform_drivers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb092e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/include/platform_drivers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "log_macros.h"   /* Logging related helpers. */
+/* Platform components */
+#include "uart_stdout.h"    /* stdout over UART. */
+#include "stubs/glcd.h"     /* LCD stubs to support use cases that use LCD */
+#include "timer_simple_platform.h"  /* timer implementation */
+#include "cmsis.h"                  /* CPU device specific header file    */
+#include "peripheral_memmap.h"      /* peripheral memory map definitions */
+#include "peripheral_irqs.h"        /* IRQ numbers for the platform */
+#endif /* PLATFORM_DRIVER_H */
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/include/stubs/glcd.h b/source/hal/platform/simple/include/stubs/glcd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5915f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/include/stubs/glcd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/*              Definitions and stub functions for modules currently        */
+/*              unavailable on this target platform                         */
+#define GLCD_WIDTH      320
+#define GLCD_HEIGHT     240
+#define Black           0x0000      /*   0,   0,   0 */
+#define White           0xFFFF      /* 255, 255, 255 */
+/************************  GLCD related functions ****************************/
+ * @brief      Initialize the Himax LCD with HX8347-D LCD Controller
+ */
+void GLCD_Initialize(void);
+ * @brief      Display graphical bitmap image at position x horizontally and y
+ *             vertically. This function is optimized for 16 bits per pixel
+ *             format, it has to be adapted for any other format.
+ * @param[in]  x        horizontal position.
+ * @param[in]  y        vertical position.
+ * @param[in]  w        width of bitmap.
+ * @param[in]  h        height of bitmap.
+ * @param[in]  bitmap   address at which the bitmap data resides.
+ */
+void GLCD_Bitmap(unsigned int x,  unsigned int y,
+                unsigned int w, unsigned int h,
+                unsigned short *bitmap);
+ * @brief Displays an 8 bit image, conversion to the LCD's
+ *        16 bit codec is done on the fly.
+ * @param[in] data      pointer to the full sized image data.
+ * @param[in] width     image width.
+ * @param[in] height    image height.
+ * @param[in] channels  number of channels in the image.
+ * @param[in] pos_x     start x position for the LCD.
+ * @param[in] pos_y     start y position for the LCD.
+ * @param[in] downsample_factor   factor by which the image
+ *                                is downsampled by.
+ */
+void GLCD_Image(void *data, const unsigned int width,
+                const unsigned int height, const unsigned int channels,
+                const unsigned int pos_x, const unsigned int pos_y,
+                const unsigned int downsample_factor);
+ * @brief      Clear display
+ * @param[in]  color    display clearing color
+ */
+void GLCD_Clear(unsigned short color);
+ * @brief      Set foreground color
+ * @param[in]  color    foreground color
+ */
+void GLCD_SetTextColor(unsigned short color);
+ * @brief      Display character on given line
+ * @param[in]  ln    line number
+ * @param[in]  col   column number
+ * @param[in]  fi    font index (0 = 9x15)
+ * @param[in]  c     ASCII character
+ */
+void GLCD_DisplayChar(unsigned int ln, unsigned int col,
+                    unsigned char fi, unsigned char  c);
+ * @brief      Display string on given line
+ * @param[in]  ln    line number
+ * @param[in]  col   column number
+ * @param[in]  fi    font index (0 = 9x15)
+ * @param[in]  s     pointer to string
+ */
+void GLCD_DisplayString(unsigned int ln, unsigned int col,
+                        unsigned char fi, char *s);
+ * @brief      Draw box filled with color
+ * @param[in]  x        horizontal position
+ * @param[in]  y:       vertical position
+ * @param[in]  w:       window width in pixels
+ * @param[in]  h:       window height in pixels
+ * @param[in]  color    box color
+ */
+void GLCD_Box(unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
+            unsigned int w, unsigned int h,
+            unsigned short color);
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/include/timer_simple_platform.h b/source/hal/platform/simple/include/timer_simple_platform.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03d8245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/include/timer_simple_platform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+/* Container for timestamp for simple platform. */
+typedef struct _generic_time_counter {
+    uint64_t    counter_systick;
+} base_time_counter;
+ * @brief   Resets the counters.
+ */
+void timer_reset(void);
+ * @brief   Gets the current counter values.
+ * @returns counter struct.
+ **/
+base_time_counter get_time_counter(void);
+ * @brief   Gets the cycle counts elapsed between start and end.
+ * @return  difference in counter values as 32 bit unsigned integer.
+ */
+uint64_t get_cycle_count_diff(base_time_counter *start, base_time_counter *end);
+ * @brief   Enables or triggers cycle counting mechanism, if required
+ *          by the platform.
+ */
+void start_cycle_counter(void);
+ * @brief   Stops cycle counting mechanism, if required by the platform.
+ */
+void stop_cycle_counter(void);
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/source/stubs_glcd.c b/source/hal/platform/simple/source/stubs_glcd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b60dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/source/stubs_glcd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "stubs/glcd.h"
+#include "log_macros.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
+void GLCD_Initialize(void) {}
+void GLCD_Bitmap(unsigned int x,  unsigned int y,
+    unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned short *bitmap)
+    UNUSED(x);
+    UNUSED(y);
+    UNUSED(w);
+    UNUSED(h);
+    UNUSED(bitmap);
+void GLCD_Image(void *data, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height,
+    const unsigned int channels, const unsigned int pos_x,
+    const unsigned int pos_y, const unsigned int downsample_factor)
+    UNUSED(data);
+    UNUSED(pos_x);
+    UNUSED(pos_y);
+    UNUSED(width);
+    UNUSED(height);
+    UNUSED(channels);
+    UNUSED(downsample_factor);
+    debug("image display: (x, y, w, h) = "
+        "(%" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ")\n",
+        pos_x, pos_y, width, height);
+    debug("image display: channels = %" PRIu32 ", downsample factor = %" PRIu32 "\n",
+        channels, downsample_factor);
+void GLCD_Clear(unsigned short color)
+    UNUSED(color);
+void GLCD_SetTextColor(unsigned short color)
+    UNUSED(color);
+void GLCD_DisplayChar (unsigned int ln, unsigned int col, unsigned char fi,
+    unsigned char c)
+    UNUSED(ln);
+    UNUSED(col);
+    UNUSED(fi);
+    UNUSED(c);
+void GLCD_DisplayString(unsigned int ln, unsigned int col, unsigned char fi,
+    char *s)
+    UNUSED(ln);
+    UNUSED(col);
+    UNUSED(fi);
+    UNUSED(s);
+    debug("text display: %s\n", s);
+void GLCD_Box(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h,
+    unsigned short color)
+    UNUSED(x);
+    UNUSED(y);
+    UNUSED(w);
+    UNUSED(h);
+    UNUSED(color);
diff --git a/source/hal/platform/simple/source/timer_simple_platform.c b/source/hal/platform/simple/source/timer_simple_platform.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bcd07b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/hal/platform/simple/source/timer_simple_platform.c
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "timer_simple_platform.h"
+#include "irqs.h"
+#include "log_macros.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
+base_time_counter get_time_counter(void)
+    base_time_counter t = {
+        .counter_systick = Get_SysTick_Cycle_Count()
+    };
+    debug("counter_systick: %" PRIu64 "\n", t.counter_systick);
+    return t;
+void timer_reset(void)
+    if (0 != Init_SysTick()) {
+        printf_err("Failed to initialise system tick config\n");
+    }
+    debug("system tick config ready\n");
+uint64_t get_cycle_count_diff(base_time_counter *start,
+                              base_time_counter *end)
+    if (start->counter_systick > end->counter_systick) {
+        warn("start > end; counter might have overflown\n");
+    }
+    return end->counter_systick - start->counter_systick;
+void start_cycle_counter(void)
+    /* Add any custom requirement for this platform here */
+void stop_cycle_counter(void)
+    /* Add any custom requirement for this platform here */