Opensource ML embedded evaluation kit

Change-Id: I12e807f19f5cacad7cef82572b6dd48252fd61fd
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/bare-metal-sources.cmake b/scripts/cmake/bare-metal-sources.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e24d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/bare-metal-sources.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+set(PLAT_HAL ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal)
+# If target platform not defined raise an error
+# TARGET_PLATFORM either should have been defined by the user or set to default value mps3
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid target platform, specify TARGET_PLATFORM=mps3")
+endif ()
+message(STATUS "target platform ${TARGET_PLATFORM}")
+set(SOURCE_GEN_DIR          ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated/bsp)
+    set(MEM_PROFILES_SRC_DIR    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles)
+set(MEM_PROFILE_TEMPLATE    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template)
+set(IRQ_PROFILE_TEMPLATE    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template)
+set(MEM_REGIONS_TEMPLATE    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template)
+set(TA_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template)
+set(TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_PLATFORM_LIB_NAME  "libtensorflow-microlite.a")
+set(ETHOS_U55_FLAG          "-DARM_NPU=1")
+endif ()
+# Set specific flags depending on target platform and subsystem
+    set(MPS3_PLATFORM_FLAG          "-DMPS3_PLATFORM=1")
+    # If target platform is mps3 and subsystem not defined raise an error,
+    # TARGET_SUBSYSTEM either should have been defined by the user or set to a default value
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Target subsystem for mps3 undefined, "
+                            "specify -DTARGET_SUBSYSTEM=<sse-200 or sse-300>")
+    endif ()
+        message(STATUS          "target subsystem is ${TARGET_SUBSYSTEM}")
+        set(BSP_PACKAGE_DIR     "${PLAT_HAL}/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3")
+        set(SCAT_FILE           "${PLAT_HAL}/bsp/mem_layout/mps3-${TARGET_SUBSYSTEM}.sct")
+        # Include the mem profile definitions specific to our target subsystem
+        include(${MEM_PROFILES_SRC_DIR}/corstone-${TARGET_SUBSYSTEM}.cmake)
+    else ()
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Non compatible target subsystem: ${TARGET_SUBSYSTEM}")
+    endif ()
+elseif (TARGET_PLATFORM STREQUAL simple_platform)
+    set(BSP_PACKAGE_DIR     "${PLAT_HAL}/bsp/bsp-packs/${TARGET_PLATFORM}")
+    set(SCAT_FILE           "${PLAT_HAL}/bsp/mem_layout/${TARGET_PLATFORM}.sct")
+    include(${MEM_PROFILES_SRC_DIR}/${TARGET_PLATFORM}.cmake)
+else ()
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "Non compatible target platform ${TARGET_PLATFORM}")
+endif ()
+    USER_OPTION(TA_CONFIG_FILE "Path to the timing adapter configuration file"
+            "${CMAKE_SCRIPTS_DIR}/ta_config.cmake"
+            FILEPATH)
+    # must be included after target subsystem CMake file
+    include(${TA_CONFIG_FILE})
+# Generate the memory map header file from the mem profile cmake included in one of
+# the previous sections
+message(STATUS "Configuring file from ${MEM_PROFILE_TEMPLATE}"
+                                   ", ${IRQ_PROFILE_TEMPLATE}"
+                                " and ${MEM_REGIONS_TEMPLATE}")
+configure_file("${MEM_PROFILE_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/peripheral_memmap.h")
+configure_file("${IRQ_PROFILE_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/peripheral_irqs.h")
+configure_file("${MEM_REGIONS_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/mem_regions.h")
+configure_file("${TA_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE}" "${SOURCE_GEN_DIR}/timing_adapter_settings.h")
+message(STATUS "Scatter file: ${SCAT_FILE}")
+message(STATUS "Using BSP package from: ${BSP_PACKAGE_DIR}")
+    message(STATUS "Test output verification flag is: ${VERIFY_TEST_OUTPUT}")
+endif ()
+    message(STATUS "Setting log level to ${LOG_LEVEL}")
+    message(STATUS "Maximum SRAM space for activations buffers for this system: ${ACTIVATION_BUF_SRAM_SZ}")
+    message(STATUS "setting dwarf conformance level to gdwarf-${ARMCLANG_DEBUG_DWARF_LEVEL}")
+# For some reason, cmake doesn't pass the c++ standard flag, adding it manually
+set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS             "${COMPILER_FLAGS} -std=c++11" CACHE INTERNAL "")
+set(CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS             "${CPU_LD}")
+add_link_options(--strict --callgraph --load_addr_map_info --map)
+add_link_options(--symbols --xref --scatter=${SCAT_FILE})
+# Warnings to be ignored:
+# L6314W = No section matches pattern
+# L6439W = Multiply defined Global Symbol
+add_link_options(--info sizes,totals,unused,veneers --entry Reset_Handler)
+    add_link_options(--no_debug)
+endif ()
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/bsp/cmsis-device/include
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/bsp/include/
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/bsp/bsp-core/include
+    ${BSP_PACKAGE_DIR}/include
+# Include directories:
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/utils/include
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/images/include
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/data_presentation/lcd/include
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/timer/include
+    )
+# Source files
+    # Higher level HAL sources - software logic implementations
+    "${PLAT_HAL}/data_*/*.c"
+    "${PLAT_HAL}/images/*.c"
+    "${PLAT_HAL}/timer/*.c"
+    "${PLAT_HAL}/utils/*.c"
+    # Low level HAL sources - these enable interaction with
+    # the actual hardware
+    "${PLAT_HAL}/bsp/cmsis-device/*.c"
+    "${PLAT_HAL}/bsp/bsp-core/*.c"
+    "${BSP_PACKAGE_DIR}/*.c"
+    )
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake b/scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d91b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# specify the cross compiler
+set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER                armclang)
+set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER              armclang)
+set(CMAKE_C_LINKER_PREFERENCE       armlink)
+set(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER              armasm)
+set(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER_AR           armar)
+set(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING            true)
+set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME               Generic)
+set(MIN_ARM_CLANG_VERSION           6.14)
+    set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR      cortex-m55)
+# Skip compiler test execution
+set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS          1)
+set(PLATFORM_HAL                    1)
+set(WARNING_OPTS                    "-Wall -Wextra -Wvla")
+set(SPECIAL_OPTS                    "-fno-rtti -funsigned-char -fno-function-sections -fno-exceptions")
+set(PLATFORM_FLAGS                  "-mthumb --target=arm-arm-non-eabi -mlittle-endian -DPLATFORM_HAL=${PLATFORM_HAL}")
+set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG             "-DDEBUG -O0")
+set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE           "-DNDEBUG -O3")
+set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG           "-DDEBUG -O0")
+    # Flags for cortex-m55
+    set(CPU_CORTEX_M55              1)
+    set(CPU_CC                      "-mcpu=cortex-m55 -mfloat-abi=hard -MD -DCPU_CORTEX_M55=1 -DARM_MATH_DSP -DARM_MATH_LOOPUNROLL -D__FPU_USED=1")
+    set(CPU_LD                      "--cpu=8.1-M.Main.dsp")
+    # Flags for cortex-m33 to go here
+        message( FATAL_ERROR "Arm compiler version must be ${MIN_ARM_CLANG_VERSION} or greater to support ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} architecture." )
+    endif()
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/cmsis-dsp.cmake b/scripts/cmake/cmsis-dsp.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb0243b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/cmsis-dsp.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# CMSIS-DSP library CMake helper script.
+# 1. We should be cross-compiling (non-native target)
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "No CMSIS-DSP support for native target.")
+# 2. Check if CMSIS sources have been defined
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "CMSIS path should be defined for CMSIS-DSP library to be built")
+# 3. Form a list of all the sources we need in CSMS-DSP library
+    "${CMSIS_DSP_SRC_DIR}/arm_*.c")
+# 4. Create static library
+set(CMSIS_DSP_TARGET        cmsis-dsp)
+target_include_directories(${CMSIS_DSP_TARGET} PUBLIC
+                           ${CMSIS_DSP_INC_DIR}
+                           ${CMSIS_CORE_INC_DIR})
+target_include_directories(${CMSIS_DSP_TARGET} PRIVATE
+                           ${CMSIS_DSP_PRI_INC_DIR})
+# 5. Add any custom/conditional flags for compilation or linkage
+    target_compile_definitions(${CMSIS_DSP_TARGET} PUBLIC
+        ARM_MATH_MVEI
+        ARM_MATH_DSP
+    # Placeholder, if building with Cortex-M33
+# 6. Provide the library path for the top level CMake to use:
+message(STATUS "CMSIS_DSP_LIB set to be generated here: ${CMSIS_DSP_LIB}")
+message(STATUS "*******************************************************")
+message(STATUS "Library                                : " ${CMSIS_DSP_TARGET})
+message(STATUS "Build type                             : " ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})
+message(STATUS "TARGET_PLATFORM                        : " ${TARGET_PLATFORM})
+message(STATUS "*******************************************************")
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/native-sources.cmake b/scripts/cmake/native-sources.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743e075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/native-sources.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# Set the install prefix
+set(PLAT_HAL ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/source/application/hal/platforms/native)
+    message(WARNING "EthosU can't be enabled for native builds."
+                    "Use -DETHOS_U55_ENABLED=0 flag for this target platform."
+                    "Overriding, disabling use of EthosU...")
+    message(STATUS "Setting log level to ${LOG_LEVEL}")
+set(TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_PLATFORM_LIB_NAME  "libtensorflow-microlite.a")
+        CACHE INTERNAL "")
+        CACHE INTERNAL "")
+# Include directories:
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/utils/include
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/images/include
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/data_presentation/log/include
+    ${PLAT_HAL}/timer/include
+    )
+# Source files
+    "${PLAT_HAL}/**/*.c"
+    "${PLAT_HAL}/**/*.cc"
+    )
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/native-toolchain.cmake b/scripts/cmake/native-toolchain.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e28cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/native-toolchain.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER          g++)
+set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER            gcc)
+set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG         "-DDEBUG -O0 -g")
+set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG       "-DDEBUG -O0 -g")
+# Platform specific directory:
+set(PLATFORM_HAL                3)
+set(WARNING_FLAGS               "-Wsign-compare -Wshadow         \
+                                 -Wextra -Wall -Wunused-function \
+                                 -Wmissing-field-initializers    \
+                                 -Wswitch -Wvla -Wunused-parameter")
+set(SPECIAL_OPTS                "-fPIC -pthread")
+set(SPECIAL_OPTS_CXX            "-fno-threadsafe-statics")
+set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS      "-lm -lc -lstdc++ --verbose")
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/source_gen_utils.cmake b/scripts/cmake/source_gen_utils.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8653016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/source_gen_utils.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# This function generates C++ files for images located in the directory it is
+# pointed at. NOTE: uses python
+function(generate_images_code input_dir src_out hdr_out img_size)
+    # Absolute paths for passing into python script
+    get_filename_component(input_dir_abs ${input_dir} ABSOLUTE)
+    get_filename_component(src_out_abs ${src_out} ABSOLUTE)
+    get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${hdr_out} ABSOLUTE)
+    message(STATUS "Generating image files from ${input_dir_abs}")
+    execute_process(
+        --image_path ${input_dir_abs}
+        --source_folder_path ${src_out_abs}
+        --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs}
+        --image_size ${img_size} ${img_size}
+        RESULT_VARIABLE return_code
+    )
+    if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0")
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate image files.")
+    endif ()
+# This function generates C++ files for audio files located in the directory it is
+# pointed at. NOTE: uses python
+function(generate_audio_code input_dir src_out hdr_out s_rate_opt mono_opt off_opt duration_opt res_type_opt min_sample_opt)
+    # Absolute paths for passing into python script
+    get_filename_component(input_dir_abs ${input_dir} ABSOLUTE)
+    get_filename_component(src_out_abs ${src_out} ABSOLUTE)
+    get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${hdr_out} ABSOLUTE)
+    to_py_bool(mono_opt mono_opt_py)
+    message(STATUS "Generating audio files from ${input_dir_abs}")
+    execute_process(
+        --audio_path ${input_dir_abs}
+        --source_folder_path ${src_out_abs}
+        --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs}
+        --sampling_rate ${s_rate_opt}
+        --mono ${mono_opt_py}
+        --offset ${off_opt}
+        --duration ${duration_opt}
+        --res_type ${res_type_opt}
+        --min_samples ${min_sample_opt}
+        RESULT_VARIABLE return_code
+    )
+    if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0")
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate audio files.")
+    endif ()
+# This function generates default empty input C++ files for applications with no
+# external input. Main use is for the inference runner. NOTE: uses python
+function(generate_default_input_code hdr_out)
+    # Absolute paths for passing into python script
+    get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${hdr_out} ABSOLUTE)
+    message(STATUS "Generating default input files")
+    execute_process(
+            COMMAND ${PYTHON} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/
+            --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs}
+            RESULT_VARIABLE return_code
+    )
+    if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0")
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate default input .")
+    endif ()
+# This function generates C++ files for tflite NN model files.
+# @param[in]    MODEL_PATH      path to a tflite file
+# @param[in]    DESTINATION     directory in which the output cc must be
+#                               placed
+# @param[in]    EXPRESSIONS     C++ code expressions to add to the generated file
+# @param[in]    NAMESPACE       model name space
+# NOTE: Uses python
+    set(multiValueArgs EXPRESSIONS NAMESPACE)
+    set(oneValueArgs MODEL_PATH DESTINATION)
+    cmake_parse_arguments(PARSED "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )
+    # Absolute paths for passing into python script
+    get_filename_component(ABS_MODEL_PATH ${PARSED_MODEL_PATH} ABSOLUTE)
+        message(STATUS "Using ${ABS_MODEL_PATH}")
+    else ()
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "${ABS_MODEL_PATH} not found!")
+    endif ()
+    foreach(expression ${PARSED_EXPRESSIONS})
+        set(py_arg_exp ${py_arg_exp} --expression=${expression})
+    endforeach()
+    foreach(name ${PARSED_NAMESPACE})
+        set(py_arg_exp ${py_arg_exp} --namespaces=${name})
+    endforeach()
+    execute_process(
+        --tflite_path ${ABS_MODEL_PATH}
+        --output_dir ${ABS_DESTINATION} ${py_arg_exp}
+        RESULT_VARIABLE return_code
+    )
+    if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0")
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate model files.")
+    endif ()
+# This function generates C++ file for a given labels' text file.
+# @param[in]    INPUT          Path to the label text file
+# @param[in]    DESTINATION_SRC directory in which the output cc must be
+#                               placed
+# @param[in]    DESTINATION_HDR directory in which the output h file must be
+#                               placed
+# @param[in]    OUTPUT_FILENAME    Path to required output file
+# @param[in]    NAMESPACE       data name space
+# NOTE: Uses python
+    set(multiValueArgs NAMESPACE)
+    cmake_parse_arguments(PARSED "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )
+    # Absolute paths for passing into python script
+    get_filename_component(input_abs ${PARSED_INPUT} ABSOLUTE)
+    get_filename_component(src_out_abs ${PARSED_DESTINATION_SRC} ABSOLUTE)
+    get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${PARSED_DESTINATION_HDR} ABSOLUTE)
+    message(STATUS "Generating labels file from ${PARSED_INPUT}")
+    file(REMOVE "${hdr_out_abs}/${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME}.hpp")
+    file(REMOVE "${src_out_abs}/${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME}.cc")
+    foreach(name ${PARSED_NAMESPACE})
+        set(py_arg_exp ${py_arg_exp} --namespaces=${name})
+    endforeach()
+    message(STATUS "writing to ${hdr_out_abs}/${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME}.hpp and ${src_out_abs}/${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME}.cc")
+    execute_process(
+        --labels_file ${input_abs}
+        --source_folder_path ${src_out_abs}
+        --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs}
+        --output_file_name ${PARSED_OUTPUT_FILENAME} ${py_arg_exp}
+        RESULT_VARIABLE return_code
+    )
+    if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0")
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate label files.")
+    endif ()
+# This function generates C++ data files for test located in the directory it is
+# pointed at.
+# @param[in]    INPUT_DIR       directory in which are the npy files
+# @param[in]    DESTINATION_SRC directory in which the output cc must be
+#                               placed
+# @param[in]    DESTINATION_HDR directory in which the output h file must be
+#                               placed
+# @param[in]    USECASE         name of the sub-usecase
+# @param[in]    NAMESPACE       data name space
+# NOTE: Uses python
+    set(multiValueArgs NAMESPACE)
+    cmake_parse_arguments(PARSED "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )
+    # Absolute paths for passing into python script
+    get_filename_component(input_dir_abs ${PARSED_INPUT_DIR} ABSOLUTE)
+    get_filename_component(src_out_abs ${PARSED_DESTINATION_SRC} ABSOLUTE)
+    get_filename_component(hdr_out_abs ${PARSED_DESTINATION_HDR} ABSOLUTE)
+    foreach(name ${PARSED_NAMESPACE})
+        set(py_arg_exp ${py_arg_exp} --namespaces=${name})
+    endforeach()
+    message(STATUS "Generating test ifm and ofm files from ${input_dir_abs}")
+    execute_process(
+        --data_folder_path ${input_dir_abs}
+        --source_folder_path ${src_out_abs}
+        --header_folder_path ${hdr_out_abs}
+        --usecase ${PARSED_USECASE}
+        ${py_arg_exp}
+        RESULT_VARIABLE return_code
+    )
+    if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0")
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to generate test data files.")
+    endif ()
+# Function to prepare a python virtual environment for running the functions
+# outlined above.
+    if (${CMAKE_HOST_WIN32})
+#        windows python3 has python.exe
+        set(PY_EXEC python)
+        set(PYTHON ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pyenv/Scripts/${PY_EXEC})
+    else()
+        set(PY_EXEC python3)
+        set(PYTHON ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pyenv/bin/${PY_EXEC})
+    endif()
+    if (EXISTS ${PYTHON})
+        message(STATUS "Using existing python at ${PYTHON}")
+        return()
+    endif ()
+    message(STATUS "Configuring python environment at ${PYTHON}")
+    execute_process(
+        COMMAND ${PY_EXEC} -m venv ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pyenv
+        RESULT_VARIABLE return_code
+    )
+    if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0")
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to setup python3 environment")
+    endif ()
+    execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON} -m pip install wheel)
+    execute_process(
+        COMMAND ${PYTHON} -m pip install -r ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/requirements.txt
+        RESULT_VARIABLE return_code
+    )
+    if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0")
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to setup python3 environment")
+    endif ()
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-200.cmake b/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-200.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e2cd98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-200.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# CMake configuration file for peripheral memory map for MPS3 as per SSE-200 design
+#                              Application specific config                                        #
+# This parameter is based on the linker/scatter script for SSE-200. Do not change this parameter
+# in isolation.
+set(ACTIVATION_BUF_SRAM_SZ "0x00200000" CACHE STRING "Maximum SRAM size for activation buffers")
+set(DESIGN_NAME            "SSE-200"    CACHE STRING "Design name")
+#                                         Mem sizes                                               #
+set(ITCM_SIZE             "0x00100000" CACHE STRING "ITCM size:         1 MiB")
+set(DTCM_BLK_SIZE         "0x00100000" CACHE STRING "DTCM size:         1 MiB, 4 banks")
+set(BRAM_SIZE             "0x00200000" CACHE STRING "BRAM size:         2 MiB")
+set(QSPI_SRAM_SIZE        "0x00800000" CACHE STRING "QSPI Flash size:   8 MiB")
+set(DDR4_BLK_SIZE         "0x10000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block size: 256 MiB")
+#                                         Base addresses                                          #
+set(ITCM_BASE_NS          "0x00000000" CACHE STRING "Instruction TCM Non-Secure base address")
+set(BRAM_BASE_NS          "0x01000000" CACHE STRING "CODE SRAM Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM0_BASE_NS         "0x20000000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 0 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM1_BASE_NS         "0x20100000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 1 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM2_BASE_NS         "0x20200000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 2 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM3_BASE_NS         "0x20300000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 3 Non-Secure base address")
+set(QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS     "0x28000000" CACHE STRING "QSPI SRAM Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS     "0x60000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 0 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS     "0x80000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 1 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS     "0xA0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 2 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS     "0xC0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 3 Non-Secure base address")
+set(ITCM_BASE_S           "0x10000000" CACHE STRING "Instruction TCM Secure base address")
+set(BRAM_BASE_S           "0x11000000" CACHE STRING "CODE SRAM Secure base address")
+set(DTCM0_BASE_S          "0x30000000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 0 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM1_BASE_S          "0x30100000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 1 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM2_BASE_S          "0x30200000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 2 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM3_BASE_S          "0x30300000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 3 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S      "0x70000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 0 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S      "0x90000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 1 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S      "0xB0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 2 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S      "0xD0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 3 Secure base address")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE      "0x41100000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 0 Base Address")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE      "0x41101000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 1 Base Address")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE      "0x41102000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 2 Base Address")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE      "0x41103000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 3 Base Address")
+    set(ETHOS_U55_BASE       "0x41700000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55 base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE   "0x41701000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE   "0x41701200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 1 base address")
+endif ()
+set(MPS3_I2C0_BASE        "0x41200000" CACHE STRING "Touch Screen I2C Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_I2C1_BASE        "0x41201000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2C Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_SSP2_BASE        "0x41202000" CACHE STRING "ADC SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(MPS3_SSP3_BASE        "0x41203000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(MPS3_SSP4_BASE        "0x41204000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(MPS3_I2C2_BASE        "0x41205000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_I2C3_BASE        "0x41206000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_I2C4_BASE        "0x41207000" CACHE STRING "HDMI I2C SBCon Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_I2C5_BASE        "0x41208000" CACHE STRING "DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_SCC_BASE         "0x41300000" CACHE STRING "SCC Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE    "0x41301000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2S Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE      "0x41302000" CACHE STRING "FPGA IO Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART0_BASE      "0x41303000" CACHE STRING "UART 0 Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART1_BASE      "0x41304000" CACHE STRING "UART 1 Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART2_BASE      "0x41305000" CACHE STRING "UART 2 Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART3_BASE      "0x41306000" CACHE STRING "UART 3 Base Address Shield 0")
+set(CMSDK_UART4_BASE      "0x41307000" CACHE STRING "UART 4 Base Address Shield 1")
+set(CMSDK_UART5_BASE      "0x41308000" CACHE STRING "UART 5 Base Address ")
+set(HDMI_AUDIO_BASE       "0x41309000" CACHE STRING "HDMI AUDIO Base Address ")
+set(CLCD_CONFIG_BASE      "0x4130A000" CACHE STRING "CLCD CONFIG Base Address ")
+set(RTC_BASE              "0x4130B000" CACHE STRING "RTC Base address ")
+set(SMSC9220_BASE         "0x41400000" CACHE STRING "Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address ")
+set(USB_BASE              "0x41500000" CACHE STRING "USB Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_eMMC_BASE        "0x41702000" CACHE STRING "User eMMC Base Address")
+set(USER_BASE             "0x41703000" CACHE STRING "User ? Base Address ")
+set(QSPI_XIP_BASE         "0x41800000" CACHE STRING "QSPI XIP config Base Address ")
+set(QSPI_WRITE_BASE       "0x41801000" CACHE STRING "QSPI write config Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE  "0x51100000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 0 Base Address")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE  "0x51101000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 0 Base Address")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE  "0x51102000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 0 Base Address")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE  "0x51103000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 0 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C0_BASE    "0x51200000" CACHE STRING "Touch Screen I2C Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C1_BASE    "0x51201000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2C Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SSP2_BASE    "0x51202000" CACHE STRING "ADC SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SSP3_BASE    "0x51203000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SSP4_BASE    "0x51204000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C2_BASE    "0x51205000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C3_BASE    "0x51206000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C4_BASE    "0x51207000" CACHE STRING "HDMI I2C SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C5_BASE    "0x51208000" CACHE STRING "DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SCC_BASE     "0x51300000" CACHE STRING "SCC Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE     "0x51301000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2S Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE   "0x51302000" CACHE STRING "FPGA IO Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART0_BASE   "0x51303000" CACHE STRING "UART 0 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART1_BASE   "0x51304000" CACHE STRING "UART 1 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART2_BASE   "0x51305000" CACHE STRING "UART 2 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART3_BASE   "0x51306000" CACHE STRING "UART 3 Base Address Shield 0")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART4_BASE   "0x51307000" CACHE STRING "UART 4 Base Address Shield 1")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART5_BASE   "0x51308000" CACHE STRING "UART 5 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_HDMI_AUDIO_BASE    "0x51309000" CACHE STRING "HDMI AUDIO Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CLCD_CONFIG_BASE   "0x5130A000" CACHE STRING "CLCD CONFIG Base Address ")
+set(SEC_RTC_BASE           "0x5130B000" CACHE STRING "RTC Base address ")
+set(SEC_SMSC9220_BASE      "0x51400000" CACHE STRING "Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_USB_BASE           "0x51500000" CACHE STRING "USB Base Address ")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U55_BASE        "0x51700000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE    "0x51701000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE    "0x51701200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 1 base address")
+endif ()
+set(SEC_MMC_BASE          "0x51702000" CACHE STRING "User eMMC Base Address")
+set(SEC_USER_BASE         "0x51703000" CACHE STRING "User ? Base Address ")
+set(SEC_QSPI_XIP_BASE     "0x51800000" CACHE STRING "QSPI XIP config Base Address ")
+set(SEC_QSPI_WRITE_BASE   "0x51801000" CACHE STRING "QSPI write config Base Address ")
+#                                           IRQ numbers                                           #
+set(NONSEC_WATCHDOG_RESET_IRQn    " 0" CACHE STRING " Non-Secure Watchdog Reset Interrupt")
+set(NONSEC_WATCHDOG_IRQn          " 1" CACHE STRING " Non-Secure Watchdog Interrupt         ")
+set(S32K_TIMER_IRQn               " 2" CACHE STRING " S32K Timer Interrupt                  ")
+set(TIMER0_IRQn                   " 3" CACHE STRING " TIMER 0 Interrupt                     ")
+set(TIMER1_IRQn                   " 4" CACHE STRING " TIMER 1 Interrupt                     ")
+set(DUALTIMER_IRQn                " 5" CACHE STRING " Dual Timer Interrupt                  ")
+set(MPC_IRQn                      " 9" CACHE STRING " MPC Combined (Secure) Interrupt       ")
+set(PPC_IRQn                      "10" CACHE STRING " PPC Combined (Secure) Interrupt       ")
+set(MSC_IRQn                      "11" CACHE STRING " MSC Combined (Secure) Interrput       ")
+set(BRIDGE_ERROR_IRQn             "12" CACHE STRING " Bridge Error Combined (Secure) Interrupt ")
+set(UARTRX0_IRQn                  "32" CACHE STRING " UART 0 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX0_IRQn                  "33" CACHE STRING " UART 0 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX1_IRQn                  "34" CACHE STRING " UART 1 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX1_IRQn                  "35" CACHE STRING " UART 1 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX2_IRQn                  "36" CACHE STRING " UART 2 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX2_IRQn                  "37" CACHE STRING " UART 2 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX3_IRQn                  "38" CACHE STRING " UART 3 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX3_IRQn                  "39" CACHE STRING " UART 3 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX4_IRQn                  "40" CACHE STRING " UART 4 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX4_IRQn                  "41" CACHE STRING " UART 4 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UART0_IRQn                    "42" CACHE STRING " UART 0 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART1_IRQn                    "43" CACHE STRING " UART 1 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART2_IRQn                    "44" CACHE STRING " UART 2 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART3_IRQn                    "45" CACHE STRING " UART 3 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART4_IRQn                    "46" CACHE STRING " UART 4 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UARTOVF_IRQn                  "47" CACHE STRING " UART 0,1,2,3,4 Overflow Interrupt     ")
+set(ETHERNET_IRQn                 "48" CACHE STRING " Ethernet Interrupt                    ")
+set(I2S_IRQn                      "49" CACHE STRING " I2S Interrupt                         ")
+set(TSC_IRQn                      "50" CACHE STRING " Touch Screen Interrupt                ")
+set(SPI2_IRQn                     "52" CACHE STRING " SPI 2 Interrupt                       ")
+set(SPI3_IRQn                     "53" CACHE STRING " SPI 3 Interrupt                       ")
+set(SPI4_IRQn                     "54" CACHE STRING " SPI 4 Interrupt                       ")
+    if (CPU_CORTEX_M55 EQUAL 1)
+        set(EthosU_IRQn           "55" CACHE STRING " Ethos-U55 Interrupt                   ")
+    elseif (CPU_CORTEX_M33 EQUAL 1)
+        set(EthosU_IRQn           "67" CACHE STRING " Ethos-U55 Interrupt                   ")
+    endif()
+endif ()
+set(GPIO0_IRQn                    "68" CACHE STRING " GPIO 0 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO1_IRQn                    "69" CACHE STRING " GPIO 1 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO2_IRQn                    "70" CACHE STRING " GPIO 2 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO3_IRQn                    "71" CACHE STRING " GPIO 3 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO0_0_IRQn                  "72" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_1_IRQn                  "73" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_2_IRQn                  "74" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_3_IRQn                  "75" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_4_IRQn                  "76" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_5_IRQn                  "77" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_6_IRQn                  "78" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_7_IRQn                  "79" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_8_IRQn                  "80" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_9_IRQn                  "81" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_10_IRQn                 "82" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_11_IRQn                 "83" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_12_IRQn                 "84" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_13_IRQn                 "85" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_14_IRQn                 "86" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_15_IRQn                 "87" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_0_IRQn                  "88" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_1_IRQn                  "89" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_2_IRQn                  "90" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_3_IRQn                  "91" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_4_IRQn                  "92" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_5_IRQn                  "93" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_6_IRQn                  "94" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_7_IRQn                  "95" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_8_IRQn                  "96" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_9_IRQn                  "97" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_10_IRQn                 "98" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_11_IRQn                 "99" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_12_IRQn                 "100" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_13_IRQn                 "101" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_14_IRQn                 "102" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_15_IRQn                 "103" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_0_IRQn                  "104" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_1_IRQn                  "105" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_2_IRQn                  "106" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_3_IRQn                  "107" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_4_IRQn                  "108" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_5_IRQn                  "109" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_6_IRQn                  "110" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_7_IRQn                  "111" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_8_IRQn                  "112" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_9_IRQn                  "113" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_10_IRQn                 "114" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_11_IRQn                 "115" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_12_IRQn                 "116" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_13_IRQn                 "117" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_14_IRQn                 "118" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_15_IRQn                 "119" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_0_IRQn                  "120" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_1_IRQn                  "121" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_2_IRQn                  "122" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_3_IRQn                  "123" CACHE STRING "")
+set(UARTRX5_IRQn                  "124" CACHE STRING "UART 5 RX Interrupt")
+set(UARTTX5_IRQn                  "125" CACHE STRING "UART 5 TX Interrupt")
+set(UART5_IRQn                    "126" CACHE STRING "UART 5 combined Interrupt")
+set(HDCLCD_IRQn                   "127" CACHE STRING "HDCLCD Interrupt")
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-300.cmake b/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-300.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b565fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles/corstone-sse-300.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# CMake configuration file for peripheral memory map for MPS3 as per SSE-300 design
+#                              Application specific config                                        #
+# This parameter is based on the linker/scatter script for SSE-300. Do not change this parameter
+# in isolation.
+set(ACTIVATION_BUF_SRAM_SZ "0x00400000" CACHE STRING "Maximum SRAM size for activation buffers")
+set(DESIGN_NAME            "Arm Corstone-300 (SSE-300)" CACHE STRING "Design name")
+#                                         Mem sizes                                               #
+set(ITCM_SIZE             "0x00080000" CACHE STRING "ITCM size:       512 kiB")
+set(DTCM_BLK_SIZE         "0x00020000" CACHE STRING "DTCM size:       128 kiB, 4 banks")
+set(BRAM_SIZE             "0x00200000" CACHE STRING "BRAM size:         2 MiB")
+set(ISRAM0_SIZE           "0x00200000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM0 size:       2 MiB")
+set(ISRAM1_SIZE           "0x00200000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM1 size:       2 MiB")
+set(QSPI_SRAM_SIZE        "0x00800000" CACHE STRING "QSPI Flash size:   8 MiB")
+set(DDR4_BLK_SIZE         "0x10000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block size: 256 MiB")
+#                                Base addresses for memory regions                                #
+set(ITCM_BASE_NS          "0x00000000" CACHE STRING "Instruction TCM Non-Secure base address")
+set(BRAM_BASE_NS          "0x01000000" CACHE STRING "CODE SRAM Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM0_BASE_NS         "0x20000000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 0 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM1_BASE_NS         "0x20020000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 1 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM2_BASE_NS         "0x20040000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 2 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DTCM3_BASE_NS         "0x20060000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 3 Non-Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM0_BASE_NS        "0x21000000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM1_BASE_NS        "0x21200000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address")
+set(QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS     "0x28000000" CACHE STRING "QSPI SRAM Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS     "0x60000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 0 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS     "0x80000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 1 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS     "0xA0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 2 Non-Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS     "0xC0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 3 Non-Secure base address")
+set(ITCM_BASE_S           "0x10000000" CACHE STRING "Instruction TCM Secure base address")
+set(BRAM_BASE_S           "0x11000000" CACHE STRING "CODE SRAM Secure base address")
+set(DTCM0_BASE_S          "0x30000000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 0 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM1_BASE_S          "0x30020000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 1 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM2_BASE_S          "0x30040000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 2 Secure base address")
+set(DTCM3_BASE_S          "0x30060000" CACHE STRING "Data TCM block 3 Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM0_BASE_S         "0x31000000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Secure base address")
+set(ISRAM1_BASE_S         "0x31200000" CACHE STRING "Internal SRAM Area Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S      "0x70000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 0 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S      "0x90000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 1 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S      "0xB0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 2 Secure base address")
+set(DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S      "0xD0000000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 block 3 Secure base address")
+#                     Base addresses for peripherals - non secure                                 #
+set(CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE      "0x41100000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 0 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE      "0x41101000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 1 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE      "0x41102000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 2 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE      "0x41103000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 3 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(AHB_USER0_BASE        "0x41104000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 0 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(AHB_USER1_BASE        "0x41105000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 1 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(AHB_USER2_BASE        "0x41106000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 2 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(AHB_USER3_BASE        "0x41107000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 3 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(DMA0_BASE             "0x41200000" CACHE STRING "DMA0 (4KB)")
+set(DMA1_BASE             "0x41201000" CACHE STRING "DMA1 (4KB)")
+set(DMA2_BASE             "0x41202000" CACHE STRING "DMA2 (4KB)")
+set(DMA3_BASE             "0x41203000" CACHE STRING "DMA3 (4KB)")
+set(SMSC9220_BASE         "0x41400000" CACHE STRING "Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address (1MB)")
+set(USB_BASE              "0x41500000" CACHE STRING "USB Base Address (1MB)")
+set(USER_APB0_BASE        "0x41700000" CACHE STRING "User APB0")
+set(USER_APB1_BASE        "0x41701000" CACHE STRING "User APB1")
+set(USER_APB2_BASE        "0x41702000" CACHE STRING "User APB2")
+set(USER_APB3_BASE        "0x41703000" CACHE STRING "User APB3")
+set(QSPI_XIP_BASE         "0x41800000" CACHE STRING "QSPI XIP config Base Address ")
+set(QSPI_WRITE_BASE       "0x41801000" CACHE STRING "QSPI write config Base Address ")
+    set(ETHOS_U55_BASE        "0x48102000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55 base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE    "0x48103000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE    "0x48103200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 1 base address")
+endif (ETHOS_U55_ENABLED)
+set(MPS3_I2C0_BASE        "0x49200000" CACHE STRING "Touch Screen I2C Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_I2C1_BASE        "0x49201000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2C Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_SSP2_BASE        "0x49202000" CACHE STRING "ADC SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(MPS3_SSP3_BASE        "0x49203000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(MPS3_SSP4_BASE        "0x49204000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(MPS3_I2C2_BASE        "0x49205000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_I2C3_BASE        "0x49206000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(USER_APB_BASE         "0x49207000" CACHE STRING "User APB")
+set(MPS3_I2C5_BASE        "0x49208000" CACHE STRING "DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_SCC_BASE         "0x49300000" CACHE STRING "SCC Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE    "0x49301000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2S Base Address ")
+set(MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE      "0x49302000" CACHE STRING "FPGA IO Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART0_BASE      "0x49303000" CACHE STRING "UART 0 Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART1_BASE      "0x49304000" CACHE STRING "UART 1 Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART2_BASE      "0x49305000" CACHE STRING "UART 2 Base Address ")
+set(CMSDK_UART3_BASE      "0x49306000" CACHE STRING "UART 3 Base Address Shield 0")
+set(CMSDK_UART4_BASE      "0x49307000" CACHE STRING "UART 4 Base Address Shield 1")
+set(CMSDK_UART5_BASE      "0x49308000" CACHE STRING "UART 5 Base Address ")
+set(CLCD_CONFIG_BASE      "0x4930A000" CACHE STRING "CLCD CONFIG Base Address ")
+set(RTC_BASE              "0x4930B000" CACHE STRING "RTC Base address ")
+#                     Base addresses for peripherals - secure                                     #
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE   "0x51100000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 0 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE   "0x51101000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 1 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE   "0x51102000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 2 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE   "0x51103000" CACHE STRING "User GPIO 3 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_AHB_USER0_BASE     "0x51104000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 0 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_AHB_USER1_BASE     "0x51105000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 1 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_AHB_USER2_BASE     "0x51106000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 2 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_AHB_USER3_BASE     "0x51107000" CACHE STRING "AHB USER 3 Base Address (4KB)")
+set(SEC_DMA0_BASE          "0x51200000" CACHE STRING "DMA0 (4KB)")
+set(SEC_DMA1_BASE          "0x51201000" CACHE STRING "DMA1 (4KB)")
+set(SEC_DMA2_BASE          "0x51202000" CACHE STRING "DMA2 (4KB)")
+set(SEC_DMA3_BASE          "0x51203000" CACHE STRING "DMA3 (4KB)")
+set(SEC_SMSC9220_BASE      "0x51400000" CACHE STRING "Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address (1MB)")
+set(SEC_USB_BASE           "0x51500000" CACHE STRING "USB Base Address (1MB)")
+set(SEC_USER_APB0_BASE     "0x51700000" CACHE STRING "User APB0 Base Address")
+set(SEC_USER_APB1_BASE     "0x51701000" CACHE STRING "User APB1 Base Address")
+set(SEC_USER_APB2_BASE     "0x51702000" CACHE STRING "User APB2 Base Address")
+set(SEC_USER_APB3_BASE     "0x51703000" CACHE STRING "User APB3 Base Address")
+set(SEC_QSPI_XIP_BASE      "0x51800000" CACHE STRING "QSPI XIP config Base Address ")
+set(SEC_QSPI_WRITE_BASE    "0x51801000" CACHE STRING "QSPI write config Base Address ")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U55_BASE     "0x58102000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE "0x58103000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE "0x58103200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 1 base address")
+endif (ETHOS_U55_ENABLED)
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C0_BASE     "0x58200000" CACHE STRING "Touch Screen I2C Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C1_BASE     "0x58201000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2C Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SSP2_BASE     "0x58202000" CACHE STRING "ADC SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SSP3_BASE     "0x58203000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SSP4_BASE     "0x58204000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C2_BASE     "0x58205000" CACHE STRING "Shield 0 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C3_BASE     "0x58206000" CACHE STRING "Shield 1 SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_USER_APB_BASE      "0x58207000" CACHE STRING "User APB Base Address")
+set(SEC_MPS3_I2C5_BASE     "0x58208000" CACHE STRING "DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_SCC_BASE         "0x58300000" CACHE STRING "SCC Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE    "0x58301000" CACHE STRING "Audio Interface I2S Base Address ")
+set(SEC_MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE      "0x58302000" CACHE STRING "FPGA IO Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART0_BASE      "0x58303000" CACHE STRING "UART 0 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART1_BASE      "0x58304000" CACHE STRING "UART 1 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART2_BASE      "0x58305000" CACHE STRING "UART 2 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART3_BASE      "0x58306000" CACHE STRING "UART 3 Base Address Shield 0")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART4_BASE      "0x58307000" CACHE STRING "UART 4 Base Address Shield 1")
+set(SEC_CMSDK_UART5_BASE      "0x58308000" CACHE STRING "UART 5 Base Address ")
+set(SEC_CLCD_CONFIG_BASE      "0x5830A000" CACHE STRING "CLCD CONFIG Base Address ")
+set(SEC_RTC_BASE              "0x5830B000" CACHE STRING "RTC Base address ")
+#                                           MPCs                                                  #
+set(MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S     "0x50083000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM0 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+set(MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S     "0x50084000" CACHE STRING "ISRAM1 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+set(MPC_BRAM_BASE_S       "0x57000000" CACHE STRING "SRAM Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+set(MPC_QSPI_BASE_S       "0x57001000" CACHE STRING "QSPI Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+set(MPC_DDR4_BASE_S       "0x57002000" CACHE STRING "DDR4 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address")
+#                                           IRQ numbers                                           #
+set(NONSEC_WATCHDOG_RESET_IRQn    " 0" CACHE STRING " Non-Secure Watchdog Reset Interrupt")
+set(NONSEC_WATCHDOG_IRQn          " 1" CACHE STRING " Non-Secure Watchdog Interrupt         ")
+set(S32K_TIMER_IRQn               " 2" CACHE STRING " S32K Timer Interrupt                  ")
+set(TIMER0_IRQn                   " 3" CACHE STRING " TIMER 0 Interrupt                     ")
+set(TIMER1_IRQn                   " 4" CACHE STRING " TIMER 1 Interrupt                     ")
+set(DUALTIMER_IRQn                " 5" CACHE STRING " Dual Timer Interrupt                  ")
+set(MPC_IRQn                      " 9" CACHE STRING " MPC Combined (Secure) Interrupt       ")
+set(PPC_IRQn                      "10" CACHE STRING " PPC Combined (Secure) Interrupt       ")
+set(MSC_IRQn                      "11" CACHE STRING " MSC Combined (Secure) Interrput       ")
+set(BRIDGE_ERROR_IRQn             "12" CACHE STRING " Bridge Error Combined (Secure) Interrupt ")
+set(MGMT_PPU_IRQn                 "14" CACHE STRING " MGMT_PPU" )
+set(SYS_PPU_IRQn                  "15" CACHE STRING " SYS_PPU" )
+set(CPU0_PPU_IRQn                 "16" CACHE STRING " CPU0_PPU" )
+set(DEBUG_PPU_IRQn                "26" CACHE STRING " DEBUG_PPU" )
+set(TIMER3_AON_IRQn               "27" CACHE STRING " TIMER3_AON" )
+set(CPU0CTIIQ0_IRQn               "28" CACHE STRING " CPU0CTIIQ0" )
+set(CPU0CTIIQ01_IRQn              "29" CACHE STRING " CPU0CTIIQ01" )
+set(SYS_TSTAMP_COUNTER_IRQn       "32" CACHE STRING " System timestamp counter interrupt" )
+set(UARTRX0_IRQn                  "33" CACHE STRING " UART 0 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX0_IRQn                  "34" CACHE STRING " UART 0 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX1_IRQn                  "35" CACHE STRING " UART 1 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX1_IRQn                  "36" CACHE STRING " UART 1 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX2_IRQn                  "37" CACHE STRING " UART 2 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX2_IRQn                  "38" CACHE STRING " UART 2 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX3_IRQn                  "39" CACHE STRING " UART 3 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX3_IRQn                  "40" CACHE STRING " UART 3 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTRX4_IRQn                  "41" CACHE STRING " UART 4 RX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UARTTX4_IRQn                  "42" CACHE STRING " UART 4 TX Interrupt                   ")
+set(UART0_IRQn                    "43" CACHE STRING " UART 0 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART1_IRQn                    "44" CACHE STRING " UART 1 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART2_IRQn                    "45" CACHE STRING " UART 2 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART3_IRQn                    "46" CACHE STRING " UART 3 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UART4_IRQn                    "47" CACHE STRING " UART 4 combined Interrupt             ")
+set(UARTOVF_IRQn                  "48" CACHE STRING " UART 0,1,2,3,4 Overflow Interrupt     ")
+set(ETHERNET_IRQn                 "49" CACHE STRING " Ethernet Interrupt                    ")
+set(I2S_IRQn                      "50" CACHE STRING " Audio I2S Interrupt                   ")
+set(TSC_IRQn                      "51" CACHE STRING " Touch Screen Interrupt                ")
+set(USB_IRQn                      "52" CACHE STRING " USB Interrupt                         ")
+set(SPI2_IRQn                     "53" CACHE STRING " ADC (SPI) Interrupt                   ")
+set(SPI3_IRQn                     "54" CACHE STRING " SPI 3 Interrupt (Shield 0)            ")
+set(SPI4_IRQn                     "55" CACHE STRING " SPI 4 Interrupt (Sheild 1)            ")
+set(EthosU_IRQn                   "56" CACHE STRING " Ethos-U55 Interrupt                  ")
+endif ()
+set(GPIO0_IRQn                    "69" CACHE STRING " GPIO 0 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO1_IRQn                    "70" CACHE STRING " GPIO 1 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO2_IRQn                    "71" CACHE STRING " GPIO 2 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO3_IRQn                    "72" CACHE STRING " GPIO 3 Combined Interrupt             ")
+set(GPIO0_0_IRQn                  "73" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_1_IRQn                  "74" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_2_IRQn                  "75" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_3_IRQn                  "76" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_4_IRQn                  "77" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_5_IRQn                  "78" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_6_IRQn                  "79" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_7_IRQn                  "80" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_8_IRQn                  "81" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_9_IRQn                  "82" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_10_IRQn                 "83" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_11_IRQn                 "84" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_12_IRQn                 "85" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_13_IRQn                 "86" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_14_IRQn                 "87" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO0_15_IRQn                 "88" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_0_IRQn                  "89" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_1_IRQn                  "90" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_2_IRQn                  "91" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_3_IRQn                  "92" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_4_IRQn                  "93" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_5_IRQn                  "94" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_6_IRQn                  "95" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_7_IRQn                  "96" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_8_IRQn                  "97" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_9_IRQn                  "98" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_10_IRQn                 "99" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_11_IRQn                 "100" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_12_IRQn                 "101" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_13_IRQn                 "102" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_14_IRQn                 "103" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO1_15_IRQn                 "104" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_0_IRQn                  "105" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_1_IRQn                  "106" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_2_IRQn                  "107" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_3_IRQn                  "108" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_4_IRQn                  "109" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_5_IRQn                  "110" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_6_IRQn                  "111" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_7_IRQn                  "112" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_8_IRQn                  "113" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_9_IRQn                  "114" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_10_IRQn                 "115" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_11_IRQn                 "116" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_12_IRQn                 "117" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_13_IRQn                 "118" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_14_IRQn                 "119" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO2_15_IRQn                 "120" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_0_IRQn                  "121" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_1_IRQn                  "122" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_2_IRQn                  "123" CACHE STRING "")
+set(GPIO3_3_IRQn                  "124" CACHE STRING "")
+set(UARTRX5_IRQn                  "125" CACHE STRING "UART 5 RX Interrupt")
+set(UARTTX5_IRQn                  "126" CACHE STRING "UART 5 TX Interrupt")
+set(UART5_IRQn                    "127" CACHE STRING "UART 5 combined Interrupt")
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles/simple_platform.cmake b/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles/simple_platform.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c11706d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/subsystem-profiles/simple_platform.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# CMake configuration file for peripheral memory map for simple platform. This is a stripped down
+# version of Arm Corstone-300 platform with minimal peripherals to be able to use Ethos-U55. However,
+# for ease of integration with Arm FastModel Tools, it uses PL011 as the UART component instead of
+# the CMSDK UART block used by the MPS3 FPGA and FVP implementations.
+#                              Application specific config                                        #
+# This parameter is based on the linker/scatter script for internal FVP. Do not change this
+# parameter in isolation.
+set(ACTIVATION_BUF_SRAM_SZ "0x00200000"      CACHE STRING "Maximum SRAM size for activation buffers")
+set(DESIGN_NAME            "Simple platform" CACHE STRING "Design name")
+#                                         Base addresses                                          #
+set(PL011_UART0_BASE            "0x49303000" CACHE STRING "PL011 UART 0 Base Address")
+    set(ETHOS_U55_BASE          "0x48102000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55 base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE      "0x48103000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE      "0x48103200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 1 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U55_BASE      "0x58102000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE  "0x58103000" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 0 base address")
+    set(SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE  "0x58103200" CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55's timing adapter 1 base address")
+endif ()
+#                                           IRQ numbers                                           #
+    set(EthosU_IRQn             "56"         CACHE STRING "Ethos-U55 Interrupt")
+endif ()
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/ta_config.cmake b/scripts/cmake/ta_config.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..427884c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/ta_config.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# CMake description file for the Ethos-U55 Timing Adapter settings (single
+# NPU core with two AXIs).
+set(TA0_BASE "${SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE}"   CACHE STRING "Timing adapter 0: base-address")
+set(TA1_BASE "${SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE}"   CACHE STRING "Timing adapter 1: base-address")
+message(STATUS "using TA0_BASE @ ${TA0_BASE}; TA1_BASE @ ${TA1_BASE}.")
+# Timing adapter settings for AXI0
+set(TA0_MAXR        "8"        CACHE STRING "6-bit field. Max no. of pending reads. 0=infinite")
+set(TA0_MAXW        "8"        CACHE STRING "6-bit field. Max no. of pending writes. 0=infinite")
+set(TA0_MAXRW       "0"        CACHE STRING "6-bit field. Max no. of pending reads+writes. 0=infinite")
+set(TA0_RLATENCY    "32"       CACHE STRING "12-bit field. Minimum latency (clock cycles) from AVALID to RVALID.")
+set(TA0_WLATENCY    "32"       CACHE STRING "12-bit field. Minimum latency (clock cycles) from WVALID&WLAST to BVALID.")
+set(TA0_PULSE_ON    "3999"     CACHE STRING "No. of cycles addresses let through (0-65535).")
+set(TA0_PULSE_OFF   "1"        CACHE STRING "No. of cycles addresses blocked (0-65535).")
+set(TA0_BWCAP       "4000"     CACHE STRING "16-bit field. Max no. of 64-bit words transfered per pulse cycle 0=infinite")
+set(TA0_PERFCTRL    "0"        CACHE STRING "6-bit field selecting an event for event counter 0=default")
+set(TA0_PERFCNT     "0"        CACHE STRING "32-bit event counter")
+set(TA0_MODE        "1"        CACHE STRING "Bit 0: 1=enable dynamic clocking to avoid underrun;
+                                             Bit 1: 1=enable random AR reordering (0=default);
+                                             Bit 2: 1=enable random R reordering (0=default);
+                                             Bit 3: 1=enable random B reordering (0=default);
+                                             Bit 11-4: Frequency scale 0=full speed, 255=(1/256) speed")
+set(TA0_HISTBIN     "0"        CACHE STRING "Controls which histogram bin (0-15) that should be accessed by HISTCNT.")
+set(TA0_HISTCNT     "0"        CACHE STRING "32-bit field. Read/write the selected histogram bin.")
+# Timing adapter settings for AXI1
+set(TA1_MAXR        "2"       CACHE STRING "6-bit field. Max no. of pending reads. 0=infinite")
+set(TA1_MAXW        "0"       CACHE STRING "6-bit field. Max no. of pending writes. 0=infinite")
+set(TA1_MAXRW       "0"       CACHE STRING "6-bit field. Max no. of pending reads+writes. 0=infinite")
+set(TA1_RLATENCY    "64"      CACHE STRING "12-bit field. Minimum latency (clock cycles) from AVALID to RVALID.")
+set(TA1_WLATENCY    "0"       CACHE STRING "12-bit field. Minimum latency (clock cycles) from WVALID&WLAST to BVALID.")
+set(TA1_PULSE_ON    "320"     CACHE STRING "No. of cycles addresses let through (0-65535).")
+set(TA1_PULSE_OFF   "80"      CACHE STRING "No. of cycles addresses blocked (0-65535).")
+set(TA1_BWCAP       "50"      CACHE STRING "16-bit field. Max no. of 64-bit words transfered per pulse cycle 0=infinite")
+set(TA1_PERFCTRL    "0"       CACHE STRING "6-bit field selecting an event for event counter 0=default")
+set(TA1_PERFCNT     "0"       CACHE STRING "32-bit event counter")
+set(TA1_MODE        "1"       CACHE STRING "Bit 0: 1=enable dynamic clocking to avoid underrun;
+                                            Bit 1: 1=enable random AR reordering (0=default);
+                                            Bit 2: 1=enable random R reordering (0=default);
+                                            Bit 3: 1=enable random B reordering (0=default);
+                                            Bit 11-4: Frequency scale 0=full speed, 255=(1/256) speed")
+set(TA1_HISTBIN     "0"       CACHE STRING "Controls which histogram bin (0-15) that should be accessed by HISTCNT.")
+set(TA1_HISTCNT     "0"       CACHE STRING "32-bit field. Read/write the selected histogram bin.")
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template b/scripts/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72978ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/templates/mem_regions.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+#cmakedefine ITCM_SIZE             (@ITCM_SIZE@)     /* ITCM size */
+#cmakedefine DTCM_BLK_SIZE         (@DTCM_BLK_SIZE@)     /* DTCM size, 4 banks of this size available */
+#cmakedefine BRAM_SIZE             (@BRAM_SIZE@)     /* BRAM size */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM0_SIZE           (@ISRAM0_SIZE@)     /* ISRAM0 size */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM1_SIZE           (@ISRAM1_SIZE@)     /* ISRAM1 size */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_SRAM_SIZE        (@QSPI_SRAM_SIZE@)     /* QSPI Flash size */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK_SIZE         (@DDR4_BLK_SIZE@)     /* DDR4 block size */
+#cmakedefine ITCM_BASE_NS          (@ITCM_BASE_NS@)     /* Instruction TCM Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine BRAM_BASE_NS          (@BRAM_BASE_NS@)     /* CODE SRAM Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM0_BASE_NS         (@DTCM0_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 0 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM1_BASE_NS         (@DTCM1_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 1 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM2_BASE_NS         (@DTCM2_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 2 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM3_BASE_NS         (@DTCM3_BASE_NS@)     /* Data TCM block 3 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM0_BASE_NS        (@ISRAM0_BASE_NS@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM1_BASE_NS        (@ISRAM1_BASE_NS@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS     (@QSPI_SRAM_BASE_NS@)     /* QSPI SRAM Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK0_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 0 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK1_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 1 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK2_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 2 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS     (@DDR4_BLK3_BASE_NS@)     /* DDR4 block 3 Non-Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ITCM_BASE_S           (@ITCM_BASE_S@)     /* Instruction TCM Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine BRAM_BASE_S           (@BRAM_BASE_S@)     /* CODE SRAM Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM0_BASE_S          (@DTCM0_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 0 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM1_BASE_S          (@DTCM1_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 1 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM2_BASE_S          (@DTCM2_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 2 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DTCM3_BASE_S          (@DTCM3_BASE_S@)     /* Data TCM block 3 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM0_BASE_S         (@ISRAM0_BASE_S@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine ISRAM1_BASE_S         (@ISRAM1_BASE_S@)     /* Internal SRAM Area Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK0_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 0 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK1_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 1 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK2_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 2 Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S      (@DDR4_BLK3_BASE_S@)     /* DDR4 block 3 Secure base address */
+#endif /*  MEM_REGION_DEFS_H  */
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template b/scripts/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e8888b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/templates/peripheral_irqs.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+/*                    Peripheral interrupt numbers                            */
+/* -------------------  Cortex-M Processor Exceptions Numbers  -------------- */
+/*                 -14 to -1 should be defined by the system header           */
+/* ----------------------  Core Specific Interrupt Numbers  ------------------*/
+#cmakedefine NONSEC_WATCHDOG_RESET_IRQn (@NONSEC_WATCHDOG_RESET_IRQn@)  /* Non-Secure Watchdog Reset Interrupt   */
+#cmakedefine NONSEC_WATCHDOG_IRQn       (@NONSEC_WATCHDOG_IRQn@)  /* Non-Secure Watchdog Interrupt         */
+#cmakedefine S32K_TIMER_IRQn            (@S32K_TIMER_IRQn@)  /* S32K Timer Interrupt                  */
+#cmakedefine TIMER0_IRQn                (@TIMER0_IRQn@)  /* TIMER 0 Interrupt                     */
+#cmakedefine TIMER1_IRQn                (@TIMER1_IRQn@)  /* TIMER 1 Interrupt                     */
+#cmakedefine DUALTIMER_IRQn             (@DUALTIMER_IRQn@)  /* Dual Timer Interrupt                  */
+#cmakedefine MPC_IRQn                   (@MPC_IRQn@)  /* MPC Combined (@Secure@) Interrupt       */
+#cmakedefine PPC_IRQn                   (@PPC_IRQn@)  /* PPC Combined (@Secure@) Interrupt       */
+#cmakedefine MSC_IRQn                   (@MSC_IRQn@)  /* MSC Combined (@Secure@) Interrput       */
+#cmakedefine BRIDGE_ERROR_IRQn          (@BRIDGE_ERROR_IRQn@)  /* Bridge Error Combined (@Secure@) Interrupt */
+#cmakedefine MGMT_PPU_IRQn              (@MGMT_PPU_IRQn@)  /* MGMT_PPU */
+#cmakedefine SYS_PPU_IRQn               (@SYS_PPU_IRQn@)  /* SYS_PPU */
+#cmakedefine CPU0_PPU_IRQn              (@CPU0_PPU_IRQn@)  /* CPU0_PPU */
+#cmakedefine DEBUG_PPU_IRQn             (@DEBUG_PPU_IRQn@)  /* DEBUG_PPU */
+#cmakedefine TIMER3_AON_IRQn            (@TIMER3_AON_IRQn@)  /* TIMER3_AON */
+#cmakedefine CPU0CTIIQ0_IRQn            (@CPU0CTIIQ0_IRQn@)  /* CPU0CTIIQ0 */
+#cmakedefine CPU0CTIIQ01_IRQn           (@CPU0CTIIQ01_IRQn@)  /* CPU0CTIIQ01 */
+#cmakedefine SYS_TSTAMP_COUNTER_IRQn    (@SYS_TSTAMP_COUNTER_IRQn@)  /* System timestamp counter interrupt */
+/* ----------------------  CMSDK Specific Interrupt Numbers  ----------------- */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX0_IRQn               (@UARTRX0_IRQn@)  /* UART 0 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX0_IRQn               (@UARTTX0_IRQn@)  /* UART 0 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX1_IRQn               (@UARTRX1_IRQn@)  /* UART 1 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX1_IRQn               (@UARTTX1_IRQn@)  /* UART 1 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX2_IRQn               (@UARTRX2_IRQn@)  /* UART 2 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX2_IRQn               (@UARTTX2_IRQn@)  /* UART 2 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX3_IRQn               (@UARTRX3_IRQn@)  /* UART 3 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX3_IRQn               (@UARTTX3_IRQn@)  /* UART 3 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTRX4_IRQn               (@UARTRX4_IRQn@)  /* UART 4 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX4_IRQn               (@UARTTX4_IRQn@)  /* UART 4 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UART0_IRQn                 (@UART0_IRQn@)  /* UART 0 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UART1_IRQn                 (@UART1_IRQn@)  /* UART 1 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UART2_IRQn                 (@UART2_IRQn@)  /* UART 2 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UART3_IRQn                 (@UART3_IRQn@)  /* UART 3 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UART4_IRQn                 (@UART4_IRQn@)  /* UART 4 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine UARTOVF_IRQn               (@UARTOVF_IRQn@)  /* UART 0,1,2,3 and 4 Overflow Interrupt */
+#cmakedefine ETHERNET_IRQn              (@ETHERNET_IRQn@)  /* Ethernet Interrupt                    */
+#cmakedefine I2S_IRQn                   (@I2S_IRQn@)  /* I2S Interrupt                         */
+#cmakedefine TSC_IRQn                   (@TSC_IRQn@)  /* Touch Screen Interrupt                */
+#cmakedefine SPI2_IRQn                  (@SPI2_IRQn@)  /* SPI 2 Interrupt                       */
+#cmakedefine SPI3_IRQn                  (@SPI3_IRQn@)  /* SPI 3 Interrupt                       */
+#cmakedefine SPI4_IRQn                  (@SPI4_IRQn@)  /* SPI 4 Interrupt                       */
+#cmakedefine EthosU_IRQn                (@EthosU_IRQn@)   /* Ethos-Uxx Interrupt */
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_IRQn                 (@GPIO0_IRQn@)  /* GPIO 0 Combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_IRQn                 (@GPIO1_IRQn@)  /* GPIO 1 Combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_IRQn                 (@GPIO2_IRQn@)  /* GPIO 2 Combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_IRQn                 (@GPIO3_IRQn@)  /* GPIO 3 Combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_0_IRQn               (@GPIO0_0_IRQn@)  /* All P0 I/O pins used as irq source    */
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_1_IRQn               (@GPIO0_1_IRQn@)  /* There are 16 pins in total            */
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_2_IRQn               (@GPIO0_2_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_3_IRQn               (@GPIO0_3_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_4_IRQn               (@GPIO0_4_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_5_IRQn               (@GPIO0_5_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_6_IRQn               (@GPIO0_6_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_7_IRQn               (@GPIO0_7_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_8_IRQn               (@GPIO0_8_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_9_IRQn               (@GPIO0_9_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_10_IRQn              (@GPIO0_10_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_11_IRQn              (@GPIO0_11_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_12_IRQn              (@GPIO0_12_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_13_IRQn              (@GPIO0_13_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_14_IRQn              (@GPIO0_14_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO0_15_IRQn              (@GPIO0_15_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_0_IRQn               (@GPIO1_0_IRQn@)  /* All P1 I/O pins used as irq source    */
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_1_IRQn               (@GPIO1_1_IRQn@)  /* There are 16 pins in total            */
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_2_IRQn               (@GPIO1_2_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_3_IRQn               (@GPIO1_3_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_4_IRQn               (@GPIO1_4_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_5_IRQn               (@GPIO1_5_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_6_IRQn               (@GPIO1_6_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_7_IRQn               (@GPIO1_7_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_8_IRQn               (@GPIO1_8_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_9_IRQn               (@GPIO1_9_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_10_IRQn              (@GPIO1_10_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_11_IRQn              (@GPIO1_11_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_12_IRQn              (@GPIO1_12_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_13_IRQn              (@GPIO1_13_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_14_IRQn              (@GPIO1_14_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO1_15_IRQn              (@GPIO1_15_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_0_IRQn               (@GPIO2_0_IRQn@)  /* All P2 I/O pins used as irq source    */
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_1_IRQn               (@GPIO2_1_IRQn@)  /* There are 15 pins in total            */
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_2_IRQn               (@GPIO2_2_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_3_IRQn               (@GPIO2_3_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_4_IRQn               (@GPIO2_4_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_5_IRQn               (@GPIO2_5_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_6_IRQn               (@GPIO2_6_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_7_IRQn               (@GPIO2_7_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_8_IRQn               (@GPIO2_8_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_9_IRQn               (@GPIO2_9_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_10_IRQn              (@GPIO2_10_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_11_IRQn              (@GPIO2_11_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_12_IRQn              (@GPIO2_12_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_13_IRQn              (@GPIO2_13_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_14_IRQn              (@GPIO2_14_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO2_15_IRQn              (@GPIO2_15_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_0_IRQn               (@GPIO3_0_IRQn@)  /* All P3 I/O pins used as irq source    */
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_1_IRQn               (@GPIO3_1_IRQn@)  /* There are 4 pins in total             */
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_2_IRQn               (@GPIO3_2_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine GPIO3_3_IRQn               (@GPIO3_3_IRQn@)
+#cmakedefine UARTRX5_IRQn               (@UARTRX5_IRQn@)  /* UART 5 RX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UARTTX5_IRQn               (@UARTTX5_IRQn@)  /* UART 5 TX Interrupt                   */
+#cmakedefine UART5_IRQn                 (@UART5_IRQn@)  /* UART 5 combined Interrupt             */
+#cmakedefine HDCLCD_IRQn                (@HDCLCD_IRQn@)  /* HDCLCD Interrupt                      */
+#endif /* PERIPHERAL_IRQS_H */
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template b/scripts/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050d7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/templates/peripheral_memmap.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+#cmakedefine DESIGN_NAME              "@DESIGN_NAME@"
+/*                         Peripheral memory map                              */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE         (@CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE         (@CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 1 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE         (@CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 2 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE         (@CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 3 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine AHB_USER0_BASE           (@AHB_USER0_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 0 Base Address (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine AHB_USER1_BASE           (@AHB_USER1_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 1 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine AHB_USER2_BASE           (@AHB_USER2_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 2 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine AHB_USER3_BASE           (@AHB_USER3_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 3 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine DMA0_BASE                (@DMA0_BASE@)       /* DMA0 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine DMA1_BASE                (@DMA1_BASE@)       /* DMA1 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine DMA2_BASE                (@DMA2_BASE@)       /* DMA2 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine DMA3_BASE                (@DMA3_BASE@)       /* DMA3 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB0_BASE           (@USER_APB0_BASE@)       /* User APB0 */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB1_BASE           (@USER_APB1_BASE@)       /* User APB1 */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB2_BASE           (@USER_APB2_BASE@)       /* User APB2 */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB3_BASE           (@USER_APB3_BASE@)       /* User APB3 */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C0_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C0_BASE@)       /* Touch Screen I2C Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C1_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C1_BASE@)       /* Audio Interface I2C Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_SSP2_BASE           (@MPS3_SSP2_BASE@)       /* ADC SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_SSP3_BASE           (@MPS3_SSP3_BASE@)       /* Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_SSP4_BASE           (@MPS3_SSP4_BASE@)       /* Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C2_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C2_BASE@)       /* Shield 0 SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C3_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C3_BASE@)       /* Shield 1 SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine USER_APB_BASE            (@USER_APB_BASE@)       /* User APB Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C4_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C4_BASE@)       /* HDMI I2C SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_I2C5_BASE           (@MPS3_I2C5_BASE@)       /* DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_SCC_BASE            (@MPS3_SCC_BASE@)       /* SCC Base Address    */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE       (@MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE@)       /* Audio Interface I2S Base Address */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE         (@MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE@)       /* FPGA IO Base Address */
+#cmakedefine PL011_UART0_BASE         (@PL011_UART0_BASE@)       /* PL011 UART0 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART0_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART0_BASE@)       /* UART 0 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART1_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART1_BASE@)       /* UART 1 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART2_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART2_BASE@)       /* UART 2 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART3_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART3_BASE@)       /* UART 3 Base Address Shield 0*/
+#cmakedefine ETHOS_U55_BASE           (@ETHOS_U55_BASE@)    /* Ethos-U55 base address*/
+#cmakedefine ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE       (@ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE@)    /* Ethos-U55's timing adapter 0 base address */
+#cmakedefine ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE       (@ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE@)    /* Ethos-U55's timing adapter 1 base address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART4_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART4_BASE@)       /* UART 4 Base Address Shield 1*/
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_UART5_BASE         (@CMSDK_UART5_BASE@)       /* UART 5 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine HDMI_AUDIO_BASE          (@HDMI_AUDIO_BASE@)       /* HDMI AUDIO Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CLCD_CONFIG_BASE         (@CLCD_CONFIG_BASE@)       /* CLCD CONFIG Base Address */
+#cmakedefine RTC_BASE                 (@RTC_BASE@)       /* RTC Base address */
+#cmakedefine SMSC9220_BASE            (@SMSC9220_BASE@)       /* Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine USB_BASE                 (@USB_BASE@)       /* USB Base Address */
+#cmakedefine CMSDK_SDIO_BASE          (@CMSDK_SDIO_BASE@)       /* User SDIO Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_CLCD_BASE           (@MPS3_CLCD_BASE@)       /* HDLCD Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine MPS3_eMMC_BASE           (@MPS3_eMMC_BASE@)       /* User eMMC Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine USER_BASE                (@USER_BASE@)       /* User ? Base Address */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_XIP_BASE            (@QSPI_XIP_BASE@)       /* QSPI XIP config Base Address */
+#cmakedefine QSPI_WRITE_BASE          (@QSPI_WRITE_BASE@)       /* QSPI write config Base Address */
+/*                      Secure Peripheral memory map                          */
+#cmakedefine MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S        (@MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S@)       /* ISRAM0 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S        (@MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S@)       /* ISRAM1 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_GPIO0_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_GPIO1_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_GPIO2_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_GPIO3_BASE@)       /* User GPIO 0 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_AHB_USER0_BASE       (@SEC_AHB_USER0_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 0 Base Address (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_AHB_USER1_BASE       (@SEC_AHB_USER1_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 1 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_AHB_USER2_BASE       (@SEC_AHB_USER2_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 2 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_AHB_USER3_BASE       (@SEC_AHB_USER3_BASE@)       /* AHB USER 3 Base Address (4KB)*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_DMA0_BASE            (@SEC_DMA0_BASE@)       /* DMA0 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_DMA1_BASE            (@SEC_DMA1_BASE@)       /* DMA1 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_DMA2_BASE            (@SEC_DMA2_BASE@)       /* DMA2 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_DMA3_BASE            (@SEC_DMA3_BASE@)       /* DMA3 (4KB) */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_APB0_BASE       (@SEC_USER_APB0_BASE@)       /* User APB0 */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_APB1_BASE       (@SEC_USER_APB1_BASE@)       /* User APB1 */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_APB2_BASE       (@SEC_USER_APB2_BASE@)       /* User APB2 */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_APB3_BASE       (@SEC_USER_APB3_BASE@)       /* User APB3 */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C0_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C0_BASE@)       /* Touch Screen I2C Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C1_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C1_BASE@)       /* Audio Interface I2C Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_SSP2_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_SSP2_BASE@)       /* ADC SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_SSP3_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_SSP3_BASE@)       /* Shield 0 SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_SSP4_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_SSP4_BASE@)       /* Shield 1 SPI PL022 Base Address   */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C2_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C2_BASE@)       /* Shield 0 SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C3_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C3_BASE@)       /* Shield 1 SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C4_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C4_BASE@)       /* HDMI I2C SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_I2C5_BASE       (@SEC_MPS3_I2C5_BASE@)       /* DDR EPROM I2C SBCon Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_SCC_BASE        (@SEC_MPS3_SCC_BASE@)       /* SCC Base Address    */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE   (@SEC_MPS3_AAIC_I2S_BASE@)       /* Audio Interface I2S Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE     (@SEC_MPS3_FPGAIO_BASE@)       /* FPGA IO Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART0_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART0_BASE@)       /* UART 0 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART1_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART1_BASE@)       /* UART 1 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART2_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART2_BASE@)       /* UART 2 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART3_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART3_BASE@)       /* UART 3 Base Address Shield 0*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART4_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART4_BASE@)       /* UART 4 Base Address Shield 1*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_CMSDK_UART5_BASE     (@SEC_CMSDK_UART5_BASE@)       /* UART 5 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_HDMI_AUDIO_BASE      (@SEC_HDMI_AUDIO_BASE@)       /* HDMI AUDIO Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_CLCD_CONFIG_BASE     (@SEC_CLCD_CONFIG_BASE@)       /* CLCD CONFIG Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_RTC_BASE             (@SEC_RTC_BASE@)       /* RTC Base address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_SMSC9220_BASE        (@SEC_SMSC9220_BASE@)       /* Ethernet SMSC9220 Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USB_BASE             (@SEC_USB_BASE@)       /* USB Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_ETHOS_U55_BASE       (@SEC_ETHOS_U55_BASE@)   /* Ethos-U55 base address*/
+#cmakedefine SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE   (@SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA0_BASE@)   /* Ethos-U55's timing adapter 0 base address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE   (@SEC_ETHOS_U55_TA1_BASE@)   /* Ethos-U55's timing adapter 1 base address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_USER_BASE            (@SEC_USER_BASE@)       /* User ? Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_QSPI_XIP_BASE        (@SEC_QSPI_XIP_BASE@)       /* QSPI XIP config Base Address */
+#cmakedefine SEC_QSPI_WRITE_BASE      (@SEC_QSPI_WRITE_BASE@)       /* QSPI write config Base Address */
+/*                                  MPCs                                      */
+#cmakedefine MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S        (@MPC_ISRAM0_BASE_S@)       /* Internal SRAM 0 MPC */
+#cmakedefine MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S        (@MPC_ISRAM1_BASE_S@)       /* Internal SRAM 1 MPC */
+#cmakedefine MPC_BRAM_BASE_S          (@MPC_BRAM_BASE_S@)       /* SRAM Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine MPC_QSPI_BASE_S          (@MPC_QSPI_BASE_S@)       /* QSPI Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
+#cmakedefine MPC_DDR4_BASE_S          (@MPC_DDR4_BASE_S@)       /* DDR4 Memory Protection Controller Secure base address */
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template b/scripts/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e202a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/templates/timing_adapter_settings.template
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Auto-generated file
+// ** DO NOT EDIT **
+#cmakedefine TA0_BASE       (@TA0_BASE@)
+#cmakedefine TA1_BASE       (@TA1_BASE@)
+/* Timing adapter settings for AXI0 */
+#if defined(TA0_BASE)
+#define TA0_MAXR           (@TA0_MAXR@)
+#define TA0_MAXW           (@TA0_MAXW@)
+#define TA0_MAXRW          (@TA0_MAXRW@)
+#define TA0_RLATENCY       (@TA0_RLATENCY@)
+#define TA0_WLATENCY       (@TA0_WLATENCY@)
+#define TA0_PULSE_ON       (@TA0_PULSE_ON@)
+#define TA0_PULSE_OFF      (@TA0_PULSE_OFF@)
+#define TA0_BWCAP          (@TA0_BWCAP@)
+#define TA0_PERFCTRL       (@TA0_PERFCTRL@)
+#define TA0_PERFCNT        (@TA0_PERFCNT@)
+#define TA0_MODE           (@TA0_MODE@)
+#define TA0_HISTBIN        (@TA0_HISTBIN@)
+#define TA0_HISTCNT        (@TA0_HISTCNT@)
+#endif /* defined(TA0_BASE) */
+/* Timing adapter settings for AXI1 */
+#if defined(TA1_BASE)
+#define TA1_MAXR           (@TA1_MAXR@)
+#define TA1_MAXW           (@TA1_MAXW@)
+#define TA1_MAXRW          (@TA1_MAXRW@)
+#define TA1_RLATENCY       (@TA1_RLATENCY@)
+#define TA1_WLATENCY       (@TA1_WLATENCY@)
+#define TA1_PULSE_ON       (@TA1_PULSE_ON@)
+#define TA1_PULSE_OFF      (@TA1_PULSE_OFF@)
+#define TA1_BWCAP          (@TA1_BWCAP@)
+#define TA1_PERFCTRL       (@TA1_PERFCTRL@)
+#define TA1_PERFCNT        (@TA1_PERFCNT@)
+#define TA1_MODE           (@TA1_MODE@)
+#define TA1_HISTBIN        (@TA1_HISTBIN@)
+#define TA1_HISTCNT        (@TA1_HISTCNT@)
+#endif /* defined(TA1_BASE) */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/tensorflow.cmake b/scripts/cmake/tensorflow.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1123c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/tensorflow.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+    set(TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE "release_with_logs")
+    # No override for optimsiation level; we rely on the default
+    # optimisation applied by TensorFlow Lite Micro build here.
+    message(WARNING     "TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_BUILD_TYPE is not set.")
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "Build type ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} does not have a corresponding "
+                        "default to set TensorFlow build type")
+USER_OPTION(TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_BUILD_TYPE "TensorFlow Lite Mirco build type (release/debug etc.)"
+    STRING)
+USER_OPTION(TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_CLEAN_DOWNLOADS "Select if TPIP downloads should be cleaned before each build."
+    OFF
+    BOOL)
+USER_OPTION(TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_CLEAN_BUILD "Select if clean target should be added to a list of targets"
+    ON
+    BOOL)
+else ()
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "No compiler ID is set")
+    set(TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_TARGET "cortex_m_ethos_eval")
+    if(ETHOS_U55_ENABLED)
+        # Arm Ethos-U55 NPU is the co-processor for ML workload:
+    endif()
+    # Copy over the target helper (cortex_m_ethos_eval)
+        DESTINATION ${TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_PATH}/tools/make/targets/)
+    list(APPEND MAKE_TARGETS_LIST "clean_downloads")
+    list(APPEND MAKE_TARGETS_LIST "clean")
+# Primary target
+list(APPEND MAKE_TARGETS_LIST "microlite")
+message(STATUS "TensorFlow Lite Micro build to be called for these targets: ${MAKE_TARGETS_LIST}")
+# Commands and targets
+add_custom_target(tensorflow_build ALL
+    # Command to build the TensorFlow Lite Micro library
+    COMMAND make -j${J} -f ${TENSORFLOW_LITE_MICRO_PATH}/tools/make/Makefile ${MAKE_TARGETS_LIST}
+        # Conditional arguments
+    # Command to copy over the generated library to the local build tree.
+    COMMENT "Building TensorFlow Lite Micro library..."
+    BYPRODUCTS ${TENSORFLOW_SRC_PATH}/tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads
+# Create library
+add_library(tensorflow-lite-micro STATIC IMPORTED)
+add_dependencies(tensorflow-lite-micro tensorflow_build)
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/util_functions.cmake b/scripts/cmake/util_functions.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d76131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cmake/util_functions.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# Helper function to provide user option and corresponding default value
+function(USER_OPTION name description default type)
+    if (NOT DEFINED ${name})
+        set(${name} ${default} CACHE ${type} ${description})
+    endif()
+    # if it is a path
+    if (${type} STREQUAL PATH)
+        # Get the absolute path, relative to the cmake root
+        get_filename_component(ABSPATH "${${name}}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR})
+        # check that this is a directory
+            message(FATAL_ERROR
+                "Invalid directory path. Description: ${description}; Path: ${ABSPATH}")
+        endif()
+        set(${name} ${ABSPATH} CACHE ${type} ${description} FORCE)
+    # if this is a file path
+    elseif(${type} STREQUAL FILEPATH)
+        # Get the absolute path, relative to the cmake root
+        get_filename_component(ABSPATH "${${name}}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR})
+        # check that the file exists:
+        if (NOT EXISTS ${ABSPATH})
+            message(FATAL_ERROR
+                "Invalid file path. Description: ${description}; Path: ${ABSPATH}")
+        endif()
+        set(${name} ${ABSPATH} CACHE ${type} ${description} FORCE)
+    endif()
+    message(STATUS "User option ${name} is set to ${${name}}")
+# Function to get the path type for a variable
+# Args:
+#   path_var[in]:           path variable for which the cmake path type is requested
+#   cmake_path_type[out]:   CMake path type. Set to FILEPATH when it is a file
+#                           or PATH when it points to a directory. If the path
+#                           is invalid, this remains empty.
+function(get_path_type path_var cmake_path_type)
+    # Validate path - get absolute value
+    get_filename_component(ABSPATH "${path_var}" ABSOLUTE
+                           BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR})
+    if (DEFINED path_var)
+        if (IS_DIRECTORY ${ABSPATH})
+            set(${cmake_path_type} PATH PARENT_SCOPE)
+            message(STATUS "Variable of PATH type")
+        elseif(EXISTS ${ABSPATH})
+            set(${cmake_path_type} FILEPATH PARENT_SCOPE)
+        else()
+            set(${cmake_path_type} "" PARENT_SCOPE)
+        endif()
+    else()
+        set(${cmake_path_type} UNINITIALIZED PARENT_SCOPE)
+    endif()
+# Function to print all the user options added using the function `USER_OPTION`
+    message(STATUS "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+    message(STATUS "Defined build user options:")
+    message(STATUS "")
+    foreach(opt ${USER_OPTIONS})
+        message(STATUS "    ${opt}=${${opt}}")
+    endforeach()
+    message(STATUS "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+function (SUBDIRLIST result curdir)
+    file(GLOB children RELATIVE ${curdir} ${curdir}/*)
+    set(dirlist "")
+    foreach(child ${children})
+        if(IS_DIRECTORY ${curdir}/${child})
+            LIST(APPEND dirlist ${child})
+        endif()
+    endforeach()
+    set(${result} ${dirlist} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(to_py_bool cmake_bool py_bool)
+    if(${${cmake_bool}})
+        set(${py_bool} True PARENT_SCOPE)
+    else()
+        set(${py_bool} False PARENT_SCOPE)
+    endif()
+# Function to download a files from the Arm Model Zoo
+# Arguments:
+#   file_sub_path: subpath within the model zoo respository
+#   download_path: location where this file is to be downloaded (path including filename)
+function(download_file_from_modelzoo file_sub_path download_path)
+    set(MODEL_ZOO_REPO      "")
+    set(MODEL_ZOO_VERSION   "68b5fbc77ed28e67b2efc915997ea4477c1d9d5b")
+    string(JOIN "/" FILE_URL
+        ${MODEL_ZOO_REPO} ${MODEL_ZOO_VERSION} ${file_sub_path})
+    message(STATUS "Downloading ${FILE_URL} to ${download_path}...")
+    file(DOWNLOAD ${FILE_URL} ${download_path}
+    if(${RET_VAL})
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "Download failed with error code: ${RET_VAL}; "
+                            "Error message: ${RET_MSG}")
+    endif()