Opensource ML embedded evaluation kit

Change-Id: I12e807f19f5cacad7cef82572b6dd48252fd61fd
diff --git a/source/use_case/asr/src/ b/source/use_case/asr/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e706eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/use_case/asr/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "UseCaseHandler.hpp"
+#include "InputFiles.hpp"
+#include "AsrClassifier.hpp"
+#include "Wav2LetterModel.hpp"
+#include "hal.h"
+#include "Wav2LetterMfcc.hpp"
+#include "AudioUtils.hpp"
+#include "UseCaseCommonUtils.hpp"
+#include "AsrResult.hpp"
+#include "Wav2LetterPreprocess.hpp"
+#include "Wav2LetterPostprocess.hpp"
+#include "OutputDecode.hpp"
+namespace arm {
+namespace app {
+    /**
+    * @brief           Helper function to increment current audio clip index.
+    * @param[in,out]   ctx   Pointer to the application context object.
+    **/
+    static void _IncrementAppCtxClipIdx(ApplicationContext& ctx);
+    /**
+     * @brief           Helper function to set the audio clip index.
+     * @param[in,out]   ctx   Pointer to the application context object.
+     * @param[in]       idx   Value to be set.
+     * @return          true if index is set, false otherwise.
+     **/
+    static bool _SetAppCtxClipIdx(ApplicationContext& ctx, uint32_t idx);
+    /**
+     * @brief           Presents inference results using the data presentation
+     *                  object.
+     * @param[in]       platform    Reference to the hal platform object.
+     * @param[in]       results     Vector of classification results to be displayed.
+     * @param[in]       infTimeMs   Inference time in milliseconds, if available
+     *                              otherwise, this can be passed in as 0.
+     * @return          true if successful, false otherwise.
+     **/
+    static bool _PresentInferenceResult(
+                    hal_platform& platform,
+                    const std::vector<arm::app::asr::AsrResult>& results);
+    /* Audio inference classification handler. */
+    bool ClassifyAudioHandler(ApplicationContext& ctx, uint32_t clipIndex, bool runAll)
+    {
+        constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtInfStartX = 20;
+        constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtInfStartY = 40;
+        auto& platform = ctx.Get<hal_platform&>("platform");
+        platform.data_psn->clear(COLOR_BLACK);
+        /* If the request has a valid size, set the audio index. */
+        if (clipIndex < NUMBER_OF_FILES) {
+            if (!_SetAppCtxClipIdx(ctx, clipIndex)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get model reference. */
+        auto& model = ctx.Get<Model&>("model");
+        if (!model.IsInited()) {
+            printf_err("Model is not initialised! Terminating processing.\n");
+            return false;
+        }
+        /* Get score threshold to be applied for the classifier (post-inference). */
+        auto scoreThreshold = ctx.Get<float>("scoreThreshold");
+        /* Get tensors. Dimensions of the tensor should have been verified by
+         * the callee. */
+        TfLiteTensor* inputTensor = model.GetInputTensor(0);
+        TfLiteTensor* outputTensor = model.GetOutputTensor(0);
+        const uint32_t inputRows = inputTensor->dims->data[arm::app::Wav2LetterModel::ms_inputRowsIdx];
+        /* Populate MFCC related parameters. */
+        auto mfccParamsWinLen = ctx.Get<uint32_t>("frameLength");
+        auto mfccParamsWinStride = ctx.Get<uint32_t>("frameStride");
+        /* Populate ASR inference context and inner lengths for input. */
+        auto inputCtxLen = ctx.Get<uint32_t>("ctxLen");
+        const uint32_t inputInnerLen = inputRows - (2 * inputCtxLen);
+        /* Audio data stride corresponds to inputInnerLen feature vectors. */
+        const uint32_t audioParamsWinLen = (inputRows - 1) * mfccParamsWinStride + (mfccParamsWinLen);
+        const uint32_t audioParamsWinStride = inputInnerLen * mfccParamsWinStride;
+        const float audioParamsSecondsPerSample = (1.0/audio::Wav2LetterMFCC::ms_defaultSamplingFreq);
+        /* Get pre/post-processing objects. */
+        auto& prep = ctx.Get<audio::asr::Preprocess&>("preprocess");
+        auto& postp = ctx.Get<audio::asr::Postprocess&>("postprocess");
+        /* Set default reduction axis for post-processing. */
+        const uint32_t reductionAxis = arm::app::Wav2LetterModel::ms_outputRowsIdx;
+        /* Audio clip start index. */
+        auto startClipIdx = ctx.Get<uint32_t>("clipIndex");
+        /* Loop to process audio clips. */
+        do {
+            /* Get current audio clip index. */
+            auto currentIndex = ctx.Get<uint32_t>("clipIndex");
+            /* Get the current audio buffer and respective size. */
+            const int16_t* audioArr = get_audio_array(currentIndex);
+            const uint32_t audioArrSize = get_audio_array_size(currentIndex);
+            if (!audioArr) {
+                printf_err("Invalid audio array pointer\n");
+                return false;
+            }
+            /* Audio clip must have enough samples to produce 1 MFCC feature. */
+            if (audioArrSize < mfccParamsWinLen) {
+                printf_err("Not enough audio samples, minimum needed is %u\n", mfccParamsWinLen);
+                return false;
+            }
+            /* Initialise an audio slider. */
+            auto audioDataSlider = audio::ASRSlidingWindow<const int16_t>(
+                                        audioArr,
+                                        audioArrSize,
+                                        audioParamsWinLen,
+                                        audioParamsWinStride);
+            /* Declare a container for results. */
+            std::vector<arm::app::asr::AsrResult> results;
+            /* Display message on the LCD - inference running. */
+            std::string str_inf{"Running inference... "};
+            platform.data_psn->present_data_text(
+                                str_inf.c_str(), str_inf.size(),
+                                dataPsnTxtInfStartX, dataPsnTxtInfStartY, 0);
+            info("Running inference on audio clip %u => %s\n", currentIndex,
+                 get_filename(currentIndex));
+            size_t inferenceWindowLen = audioParamsWinLen;
+            /* Start sliding through audio clip. */
+            while (audioDataSlider.HasNext()) {
+                /* If not enough audio see how much can be sent for processing. */
+                size_t nextStartIndex = audioDataSlider.NextWindowStartIndex();
+                if (nextStartIndex + audioParamsWinLen > audioArrSize) {
+                    inferenceWindowLen = audioArrSize - nextStartIndex;
+                }
+                const int16_t* inferenceWindow = audioDataSlider.Next();
+                info("Inference %zu/%zu\n", audioDataSlider.Index() + 1,
+                     static_cast<size_t>(ceilf(audioDataSlider.FractionalTotalStrides() + 1)));
+                Profiler prepProfiler{&platform, "pre-processing"};
+                prepProfiler.StartProfiling();
+                /* Calculate MFCCs, deltas and populate the input tensor. */
+                prep.Invoke(inferenceWindow, inferenceWindowLen, inputTensor);
+                prepProfiler.StopProfiling();
+                std::string prepProfileResults = prepProfiler.GetResultsAndReset();
+                info("%s\n", prepProfileResults.c_str());
+                /* Run inference over this audio clip sliding window. */
+                arm::app::RunInference(platform, model);
+                /* Post-process. */
+                postp.Invoke(outputTensor, reductionAxis, !audioDataSlider.HasNext());
+                /* Get results. */
+                std::vector<ClassificationResult> classificationResult;
+                auto& classifier = ctx.Get<AsrClassifier&>("classifier");
+                classifier.GetClassificationResults(
+                            outputTensor, classificationResult,
+                            ctx.Get<std::vector<std::string>&>("labels"), 1);
+                results.emplace_back(asr::AsrResult(classificationResult,
+                                                    (audioDataSlider.Index() *
+                                                    audioParamsSecondsPerSample *
+                                                    audioParamsWinStride),
+                                                    audioDataSlider.Index(), scoreThreshold));
+                arm::app::DumpTensor(outputTensor,
+                    outputTensor->dims->data[arm::app::Wav2LetterModel::ms_outputColsIdx]);
+#endif /* VERIFY_TEST_OUTPUT */
+            }
+            /* Erase. */
+            str_inf = std::string(str_inf.size(), ' ');
+            platform.data_psn->present_data_text(
+                                str_inf.c_str(), str_inf.size(),
+                                dataPsnTxtInfStartX, dataPsnTxtInfStartY, 0);
+            ctx.Set<std::vector<arm::app::asr::AsrResult>>("results", results);
+            if (!_PresentInferenceResult(platform, results)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            _IncrementAppCtxClipIdx(ctx);
+        } while (runAll && ctx.Get<uint32_t>("clipIndex") != startClipIdx);
+        return true;
+    }
+    static void _IncrementAppCtxClipIdx(ApplicationContext& ctx)
+    {
+        auto curAudioIdx = ctx.Get<uint32_t>("clipIndex");
+        if (curAudioIdx + 1 >= NUMBER_OF_FILES) {
+            ctx.Set<uint32_t>("clipIndex", 0);
+            return;
+        }
+        ++curAudioIdx;
+        ctx.Set<uint32_t>("clipIndex", curAudioIdx);
+    }
+    static bool _SetAppCtxClipIdx(ApplicationContext& ctx, const uint32_t idx)
+    {
+        if (idx >= NUMBER_OF_FILES) {
+            printf_err("Invalid idx %u (expected less than %u)\n",
+                       idx, NUMBER_OF_FILES);
+            return false;
+        }
+        ctx.Set<uint32_t>("clipIndex", idx);
+        return true;
+    }
+    static bool _PresentInferenceResult(hal_platform& platform,
+                                        const std::vector<arm::app::asr::AsrResult>& results)
+    {
+        constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtStartX1 = 20;
+        constexpr uint32_t dataPsnTxtStartY1 = 60;
+        constexpr bool allow_multiple_lines = true;
+        platform.data_psn->set_text_color(COLOR_GREEN);
+        /* Results from multiple inferences should be combined before processing. */
+        std::vector<arm::app::ClassificationResult> combinedResults;
+        for (auto& result : results) {
+            combinedResults.insert(combinedResults.end(),
+                                   result.m_resultVec.begin(),
+                                   result.m_resultVec.end());
+        }
+        /* Get each inference result string using the decoder. */
+        for (const auto & result : results) {
+            std::string infResultStr = audio::asr::DecodeOutput(result.m_resultVec);
+            info("Result for inf %u: %s\n", result.m_inferenceNumber,
+                                            infResultStr.c_str());
+        }
+        /* Get the decoded result for the combined result. */
+        std::string finalResultStr = audio::asr::DecodeOutput(combinedResults);
+        platform.data_psn->present_data_text(
+                            finalResultStr.c_str(), finalResultStr.size(),
+                            dataPsnTxtStartX1, dataPsnTxtStartY1,
+                            allow_multiple_lines);
+        info("Final result: %s\n", finalResultStr.c_str());
+        return true;
+    }
+} /* namespace app */
+} /* namespace arm */
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