MLECO-2426: Support for new Corstone-300 app note AN552 rev B.

These changes will limit the use of FPGA internal SRAM from a max
of 4MiB to 2MiB and the BRAM from 2MiB to 1MiB.

Change-Id: I69c8e695aee26ff4f235bfe83ffd26efbd66f547
diff --git a/release_notes.txt b/release_notes.txt
index 5bd8137..aaa9151 100644
--- a/release_notes.txt
+++ b/release_notes.txt
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
     * Added Noise Reduction use case.
     * Updated support for Arm GNU Embedded Toolchain 10.3-2021.07 and Arm Compiler 6.17.
     * Documentation updates.
+    * Changes to support AN552 design - the new Arm® Corstone™-300 implementation.
 Changes in 21.08
     * Support for 21.05 Ethos-U component (core-software, core-driver, Vela 3.0.0).
@@ -57,4 +58,4 @@
     * Used EAC Ethos-U55 software model and drivers.
     * Windows support for build scripts.
 Known issues:
-    * telnet connection to FastModel environment may hang after some period of inactivity.
\ No newline at end of file
+    * telnet connection to FastModel environment may hang after some period of inactivity.