MLECO-3185: Documentation updates

Documentation updated to reflect refactoring changes
in the last few weeks.

Change-Id: Ic7abf5cc3af9898123049e890c189ed74e505309
diff --git a/scripts/mps3/sse-310/images.txt b/scripts/mps3/sse-310/images.txt
index 8a920cb..ef9ae8e 100644
--- a/scripts/mps3/sse-310/images.txt
+++ b/scripts/mps3/sse-310/images.txt
@@ -1,23 +1,14 @@
 TITLE: Arm MPS3 FPGA prototyping board Images Configuration File
-; MCC mapping for Corstone-310 MPS3 bitfile package AN555
-; +-------------+---------------+-------------------------------+
-; | FPGA addr   | MCC addr      |  Region                       |
-; +-------------+---------------+-------------------------------+
-; | 0x00000000  | 0x00000000    | ITCM (NS)                     |
-; | 0x01000000  | 0x02000000    | BRAM or FPGA's data SRAM (NS) |
-; | 0x60000000  | 0x08000000    | DDR (NS)                      |
-; | 0x70000000  | 0x0c000000    | DDR (S)                       |
-; +-------------+---------------+-------------------------------+
+TOTALIMAGES: 2                          ;Number of Images (Max: 32)
-TOTALIMAGES: 2 ;Number of Images (Max: 32)
+IMAGE0ADDRESS: 0x00_1100_0000           ; Address to load into
+IMAGE0UPDATE: RAM                       ; Image Update:NONE/AUTO/FORCE
+IMAGE0FILE: \SOFTWARE\bram.bin          ; Image/data to be loaded
-IMAGE0ADDRESS: 0x00000000 ; MCC@0x00000000 <=> FPGA@0x00000000
-IMAGE1ADDRESS: 0x0c000000 ; MCC@0x0c000000 <=> FPGA@0x70000000
+IMAGE1ADDRESS: 0x00_7000_0000           ; Address to load into
+IMAGE1UPDATE: RAM                       ; Image Update:NONE/AUTO/FORCE
+IMAGE1FILE: \SOFTWARE\ddr.bin           ; Image/data to be loaded