MLECO-2881: Minor improvements for downloaded resources

Check could have been bypassed if the script path provided as
an argument was incorrect. Also, a minor update in the CMake
function to fix the path.

Signed-off-by: Kshitij Sisodia <>
Change-Id: Id3cd4027843783e3ed8700eac503e7ba3f09ad04
diff --git a/scripts/cmake/util_functions.cmake b/scripts/cmake/util_functions.cmake
index ee9eceb..25f9731 100644
--- a/scripts/cmake/util_functions.cmake
+++ b/scripts/cmake/util_functions.cmake
@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@
     string(JOIN "/" FILE_URL ${resource_downloaded_dir})
-            COMMAND python3 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/py/
+            COMMAND python3 ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/py/
             --resource_downloaded_dir ${resource_downloaded_dir}
-            --setup_script_path ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/
+            --setup_script_path ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/../
             RESULT_VARIABLE return_code
     if (NOT return_code EQUAL "0")