MLECO-2458 and MLECO-2476 [Fix] VWW IFM quant step

* Changed image->cc conversion to be similar with preprocessing
  of img_class and vww models: images are scaled maintaing the
  aspect ration and then the centre crop of the correct size
  is taken.
* VWW applies input quantization info to the int8 image
  (prior converted to [0,1] float range).
* Changed adult_blur to a image without person.
* Fix menu print when selecting a specific ifm to run
  (Select message was displayed after typing something)

Change-Id: Ie6cde7ab4835ea842667b87397458a5d32131df3
diff --git a/scripts/py/ b/scripts/py/
index 957d2d0..c53fbd7 100644
--- a/scripts/py/
+++ b/scripts/py/
@@ -70,12 +70,23 @@
+    # IFM size
+    ifm_width = image_size[0]
+    ifm_height = image_size[1]
-    original_image.thumbnail(image_size)
-    delta_w = abs(image_size[0] - original_image.size[0])
-    delta_h = abs(image_size[1] - original_image.size[1])
-    resized_image ='RGB', args.image_size, (255, 255, 255, 0))
-    resized_image.paste(original_image, (int(delta_w / 2), int(delta_h / 2)))
+    # Aspect ratio resize
+    scale_ratio = (float)(max(ifm_width, ifm_height)) / (float)(min(original_image.size[0], original_image.size[1]))
+    resized_width = (int)(original_image.size[0] * scale_ratio)
+    resized_height = (int)(original_image.size[1] * scale_ratio)
+    resized_image = original_image.resize([resized_width,resized_height], Image.BILINEAR)
+    # Crop the center of the image
+    resized_image = resized_image.crop((
+        (resized_width - ifm_width) / 2,   # left
+        (resized_height - ifm_height) / 2, # top
+        (resized_width + ifm_width) / 2,   # right
+        (resized_height + ifm_height) / 2  # bottom
+        ))
     # Convert the image and write it to the cc file
     rgb_data = np.array(resized_image, dtype=np.uint8).flatten()