Testing and benchmarking


The tests folder uses the following structure:

├── common
   └── ...
├── use_case
   ├── <usecase1>
      └── ...
   ├── <usecase2>
      └── ...
└── utils
    └── ...

The folders contain the following information:

  • common: The tests for generic and common appplication functions.
  • use_case: Every use-case specific test in their respective folders.
  • utils: Utility sources that are only used within the tests.

When configuring and building for your native target platform, the results of the build is placed under <build folder>/bin/ folder. For example:

├── arm_ml_embedded_evaluation_kit-<usecase1>-tests
├── arm_ml_embedded_evaluation_kit-<usecase2>-tests
├── ethos-u-<usecase1>
└── ethos-u-<usecase1>

To execute unit-tests for a specific use-case, in addition to the common tests, use:

INFO - native platform initialised
INFO - ARM Ethos-U55 Evaluation application for MPS3 FPGA Prototyping Board and FastModel

   All tests passed (37 assertions in 7 test cases)

Note: Test outputs could contain [ERROR] messages. This is OK as they are coming from negative scenarios tests.


Profiling is enabled by default when configuring the project. Profiling enables you to display:

  • The active and idle NPU cycle counts when the Arm® Ethos™-U55 is enabled. For more information, refer to the -DETHOS_U55_ENABLED section in: Build options.
  • If CPU profiling is enabled, the CPU cycle counts and the time elapsed, in milliseconds, for inferences performed. For further information, please refer to the -DCPU_PROFILE_ENABLED section in: Build options.

Note: Only do this when running on a physical FPGA board as the FVP does not contain a cycle-approximate or cycle-accurate Cortex-M model.

For example:

  • On the FVP:
    Active NPU cycles: 5475412
    Idle NPU cycles:   702
  • For the MPS3 platform, the time duration in milliseconds is also reported when -DCPU_PROFILE_ENABLED=1 is added to CMake configuration command, like so:
    Active NPU cycles: 5629033
    Idle NPU cycles:   1005276
    Active CPU cycles: 993553 (approx)
    Time in ms:        210

The next section of the documentation refers to: Memory Considerations.