Implementing custom ML application


This section describes how to implement a custom Machine Learning application running on Arm® Corstone™-300 based FVP or on the Arm® MPS3 FPGA prototyping board.

Arm® Ethos™-U55 code sample software project offers a simple way to incorporate additional use-case code into the existing infrastructure and provides a build system that automatically picks up added functionality and produces corresponding executable for each use-case. This is achieved by following certain configuration and code implementation conventions.

The following sign will indicate the important conventions to apply:

Convention: The code is developed using C++11 and C99 standards. This is governed by TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers framework.

Software project description

As mentioned in the Repository structure section, project sources are:

├── docs
 ├── ...
├── resources
 └── img_class
      └── ...
├── scripts
 └── ...
├── source
 ├── application
  ├── hal
  ├── main
  └── tensorflow-lite-micro
 └── use_case
├── CMakeLists.txt

Where source contains C/C++ sources for the platform and ML applications. Common code related to the Ethos-U55 code samples software framework resides in the application sub-folder and ML application specific logic (use-cases) sources are in the use-case subfolder.

Convention: Separate use-cases must be organized in sub-folders under the use-case folder. The name of the directory is used as a name for this use-case and could be provided as a USE_CASE_BUILD parameter value. It is expected by the build system that sources for the use-case are structured as follows: headers in an include directory, C/C++ sources in a src directory. For example:

      ├── include
         └── *.hpp
      └── src
          └── *.cc


Hardware abstraction layer is represented by the following interfaces. To access them, include hal.h header.

  • hal_platform structure: Structure that defines a platform context to be used by the application

    Attribute nameDescription
    initedInitialization flag. Is set after the platform_init() function is called.
    plat_namePlatform name. it is set to "mps3-bare" for MPS3 build and "FVP" for Fast Model build.
    data_acqPointer to data acquisition module responsible for user interaction and other data collection for the application logic.
    data_psnPointer to data presentation module responsible for data output through components available in the selected platform: LCD -- for MPS3, console -- for Fast Model.
    timerPointer to platform timer implementation (see platform_timer)
    platform_initPointer to platform initialization function.
    platform_releasePointer to platform release function
  • hal_init function: Initializes the HAL structure based on compile time config. This should be called before any other function in this API.

    Parameter nameDescription
    platformPointer to a pre-allocated hal_platform struct.
    data_acqPointer to a pre-allocated data acquisition module
    data_psnPointer to a pre-allocated data presentation module
    timerPointer to a pre-allocated timer module
    returnzero if successful, error code otherwise
  • hal_platform_init function: Initializes the HAL platform and all the modules on the platform the application requires to run.

    Parameter nameDescription
    platformPointer to a pre-allocated and initialized hal_platform struct.
    returnzero if successful, error code otherwise.
  • hal_platform_release function Releases the HAL platform. This should release resources acquired.

    Parameter nameDescription
    platformPointer to a pre-allocated and initialized hal_platform struct.
  • data_acq_module structure: Structure to encompass the data acquisition module and it's methods.

    Attribute nameDescription
    initedInitialization flag. Is set after the system_init () function is called.
    system_nameChannel name. It is set to "UART" for MPS3 build and fastmodel builds.
    system_initPointer to data acquisition module initialization function. The pointer is set according to the platform selected during the build. This function is called by the platforminitialization routines.
    get_inputPointer to a function reading user input. The pointer is set according to the selected platform during the build. For MPS3 and fastmodel environments, the function reads data from UART.
  • data_psn_module structure: Structure to encompass the data presentation module and its methods.

    Attribute nameDescription
    initedInitialization flag. It is set after the system_init () function is called.
    system_nameSystem component name used to present data. It is set to "lcd" for MPS3 build and to "log_psn" for fastmodel build. In case of fastmodel, all pixel drawing functions are replaced by console output of the data summary.
    system_initPointer to data presentation module initialization function. The pointer is set according to the platform selected during the build. This function is called by the platform initialization routines.
    present_data_imagePointer to a function to draw an image. The pointer is set according to the selected platform during the build. For MPS3, the image will be drawn on the LCD; for fastmodel image summary will be printed in the UART (coordinates, channel info, downsample factor)
    present_data_textPointer to a function to print a text. The pointer is set according to the selected platform during the build. For MPS3, the text will be drawn on the LCD; for fastmodel text will be printed in the UART.
    present_boxPointer to a function to draw a rectangle. The pointer is set according to the selected platform during the build. For MPS3, the image will be drawn on the LCD; for fastmodel image summary will be printed in the UART.
    clearPointer to a function to clear the output. The pointer is set according to the selected platform during the build. For MPS3, the function will clear the LCD; for fastmodel will do nothing.
    set_text_colorPointer to a function to set text color for the next call of present_data_text() function. The pointer is set according to the selected platform during the build. For MPS3, the function will set the color for the text printed on the LCD; for fastmodel -- will do nothing.
  • platform_timer structure: Structure to hold a platform specific timer implementation.

    Attribute nameDescription
    initedInitialization flag. It is set after the timer is initialized by the hal_platform_init function.
    resetPointer to a function to reset a timer.
    get_time_counterPointer to a function to get current time counter.
    get_duration_msPointer to a function to calculate duration between two time-counters in milliseconds.
    get_duration_usPointer to a function to calculate duration between two time-counters in microseconds
    get_cpu_cycle_diffPointer to a function to calculate duration between two time-counters in Cortex-M55 cycles.
    get_npu_cycle_diffPointer to a function to calculate duration between two time-counters in Ethos-U55 cycles. Available only when project is configured with ETHOS_U55_ENABLED set.
    start_profilingWraps get_time_counter function with additional profiling initialisation, if required.
    stop_profilingWraps get_time_counter function along with additional instructions when profiling ends, if required.

Example of the API initialization in the main function:

#include "hal.h"

int main ()


  hal_platform platform;
  data_acq_module dataAcq;
  data_psn_module dataPsn;
  platform_timer timer;

  /* Initialise the HAL and platform */
  hal_init(&platform, &dataAcq, &dataPsn, &timer);



  return 0;


Main loop function

Code samples application main function will delegate the use-case logic execution to the main loop function that must be implemented for each custom ML scenario.

Main loop function takes the initialized hal_platform structure pointer as an argument.

The main loop function has external linkage and main executable for the use-case will have reference to the function defined in the use-case code.

void main_loop(hal_platform& platform){



Application context

Application context could be used as a holder for a state between main loop iterations. Include AppContext.hpp to use ApplicationContext class.

Method nameDescription
SetSaves given value as a named attribute in the context.
GetGets the saved attribute from the context by the given name.
HasChecks if an attribute with a given name exists in the context.

For example:

#include "hal.h"
#include "AppContext.hpp"

void main_loop(hal_platform& platform) {

    /* Instantiate application context */
    arm::app::ApplicationContext caseContext;
    caseContext.Set<hal_platform&>("platform", platform);
    caseContext.Set<uint32_t>("counter", 0);

    /* loop */
  while (true) {
    // do something, pass application context down the call stack


Profiler is a helper class assisting in collection of timings and Ethos-U55 cycle counts for operations. It uses platform timer to get system timing information.

Method nameDescription
StartProfilingStarts profiling and records the starting timing data.
StopProfilingStops profiling and records the ending timing data.
StopProfilingAndResetStops the profiling and internally resets the platform timers.
ResetResets the profiler and clears all collected data.
GetAllResultsAndResetGets all the results as string and resets the profiler.
PrintProfilingResultPrints collected profiling results and resets the profiler.
SetNameSet the profiler name.

Usage example:

Profiler profiler{&platform, "Inference"};

// Code running inference to profile


NN Model API

Model (refers to neural network model) is an abstract class wrapping the underlying TensorFlow Lite Micro API and providing methods to perform common operations such as TensorFlow Lite Micro framework initialization, inference execution, accessing input and output tensor objects.

To use this abstraction, import TensorFlowLiteMicro.hpp header.

Method nameDescription
GetInputTensorReturns the pointer to the model's input tensor.
GetOutputTensorReturns the pointer to the model's output tensor
GetTypeReturns the model's data type
GetInputShapeReturn the pointer to the model's input shape
GetOutputShapeReturn the pointer to the model's output shape.
GetNumInputsReturn the number of input tensors the model has.
GetNumOutputsReturn the number of output tensors the model has.
LogTensorInfoLogs the tensor information to stdout for the given tensor pointer: tensor name, tensor address, tensor type, tensor memory size and quantization params.
LogInterpreterInfoLogs the interpreter information to stdout.
InitInitializes the TensorFlow Lite Micro framework, allocates require memory for the model.
GetAllocatorGets the allocator pointer for the instance.
IsInitedChecks if this model object has been initialized.
IsDataSignedChecks if the model uses signed data type.
RunInferenceRuns the inference (invokes the interpreter).
ShowModelInfoHandlerModel information handler common to all models.
GetTensorArenaReturns pointer to memory region to be used for tensors allocations.
ModelPointerReturns the pointer to the NN model data array.
ModelSizeReturns the model size.
GetOpResolverReturns the reference to the TensorFlow Lite Micro operator resolver.
EnlistOperationsRegisters required operators with TensorFlow Lite Micro operator resolver.
GetActivationBufferSizeReturns the size of the tensor arena memory region.

Convention: Each ML use-case must have extension of this class and implementation of the protected virtual methods:

virtual const uint8_t* ModelPointer() = 0;
virtual size_t ModelSize() = 0;
virtual const tflite::MicroOpResolver& GetOpResolver() = 0;
virtual bool EnlistOperations() = 0;
virtual size_t GetActivationBufferSize() = 0;

Network models have different set of operators that must be registered with tflite::MicroMutableOpResolver object in the EnlistOperations method. Network models could require different size of activation buffer that is returned as tensor arena memory for TensorFlow Lite Micro framework by the GetTensorArena and GetActivationBufferSize methods.

Please see MobileNetModel.hpp and files from image classification ML application use-case as an example of the model base class extension.

Adding custom ML use case

This section describes how to implement additional use-case and compile it into the binary executable to run with Fast Model or MPS3 FPGA board. It covers common major steps: application main loop creation, description of the NN model, inference execution.

In addition, few useful examples are provided: reading user input, printing into console, drawing images into MPS3 LCD.

      ├── include
      └── src

Start with creation of a sub-directory under the use_case directory and two other directories src and include as described in Software project description section:

Implementing main loop

Use-case main loop is the place to put use-case main logic. Essentially, it is an infinite loop that reacts on user input, triggers use-case conditional logic based on the input and present results back to the user. However, it could also be a simple logic that runs a single inference and then exits.

Main loop has knowledge about the platform and has access to the platform components through the hardware abstraction layer (referred to as HAL).

Create a file in the src directory (the one created under Adding custom ML use case), the name is not important. Define main_loop function with the signature described in Main loop function:

#include "hal.h"

void main_loop(hal_platform& platform) {
  printf("Hello world!");

The above is already a working use-case, if you compile and run it (see Building custom usecase) the application will start, print message to console and exit straight away.

Now, you can start filling this function with logic.

Implementing custom NN model

Before inference could be run with a custom NN model, TensorFlow Lite Micro framework must learn about the operators/layers included in the model. Developer must register operators using MicroMutableOpResolver API.

Ethos-U55 code samples project has an abstraction around TensorFlow Lite Micro API (see NN model API). Create HelloWorldModel.hpp in the use-case include sub-directory, extend Model abstract class and declare required methods.

For example:


#include "Model.hpp"

namespace arm {
namespace app {

class HelloWorldModel: public Model {
    /** @brief   Gets the reference to op resolver interface class. */
    const tflite::MicroOpResolver& GetOpResolver() override;

    /** @brief   Adds operations to the op resolver instance. */
    bool EnlistOperations() override;

    const uint8_t* ModelPointer() override;

    size_t ModelSize() override;

    /* Maximum number of individual operations that can be enlisted. */
    static constexpr int _ms_maxOpCnt = 5;

    /* A mutable op resolver instance. */
    tflite::MicroMutableOpResolver<_ms_maxOpCnt> _m_opResolver;
} /* namespace app */
} /* namespace arm */


Create file in the src sub-directory and define the methods there. Include HelloWorldModel.hpp created earlier. Note that Model.hpp included in the header provides access to TensorFlow Lite Micro's operation resolver API.

Please, see use_case/img_class/src/ for code examples. If you are using a TensorFlow Lite model compiled with Vela, it is important to add custom Ethos-U55 operator to the operators list.

The following example shows how to add the custom Ethos-U55 operator with TensorFlow Lite Micro framework. We will use the ARM_NPU define to exclude the code if the application was built without NPU support.

#include "HelloWorldModel.hpp"

bool arm::app::HelloWorldModel::EnlistOperations() {

#if defined(ARM_NPU)
    if (kTfLiteOk == this->_m_opResolver.AddEthosU()) {
        info("Added %s support to op resolver\n",
    } else {
        printf_err("Failed to add Arm NPU support to op resolver.");
        return false;
#endif /* ARM_NPU */

    return true;

To minimize application memory footprint, it is advised to register only operators used by the NN model.

Define ModelPointer and ModelSize methods. These functions are wrappers around the functions generated in the C++ file containing the neural network model as an array. This generation the C++ array from the .tflite file, logic needs to be defined in the usecase.cmake file for this HelloWorld example.

For more details on usecase.cmake, see Building custom use case. For details on code generation flow in general, see Automatic file generation

The TensorFlow Lite model data is read during Model::Init() method execution, see application/tensorflow-lite-micro/ for more details. Model invokes ModelPointer() function which calls the GetModelPointer() function to get neural network model data memory address. The GetModelPointer() function will be generated during the build and could be found in the file build/generated/hello_world/src/<model_file_name>.cc. Generated file is added to the compilation automatically.

Use ${use-case}_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH build parameter to include custom model to the generation/compilation process (see Build options).

Executing inference

To run an inference successfully it is required to have:

  • a TensorFlow Lite model file
  • extended Model class
  • place to add the code to invoke inference
  • main loop function
  • and some input data.

For the hello_world example below, the input array is not populated. However, for real-world scenarios, this data should either be read from an on-board device or be prepared in the form of C++ sources before compilation and be baked into the application.

For example, the image classification application has extra build steps to generate C++ sources from the provided images with generate_images_code CMake function.

Note: Check the input data type for your NN model and input array data type are the same. For example, generated C++ sources for images store image data as uint8 array. For models that were quantized to int8 data type, it is important to convert image data to int8 correctly before inference execution. Asymmetric data type to symmetric data type conversion involves positioning zero value, i.e. subtracting an offset for uint8 values. Please check image classification application source for the code example (ConvertImgToInt8 function).

The following code adds inference invocation to the main loop function:

#include "hal.h"
#include "HelloWorldModel.hpp"

  void main_loop(hal_platform& platform) {

  /* model wrapper object */
  arm::app::HelloWorldModel model;

  /* Load the model */
  if (!model.Init()) {
    printf_err("failed to initialise model\n");

  TfLiteTensor *outputTensor = model.GetOutputTensor();
  TfLiteTensor *inputTensor = model.GetInputTensor();

  /* dummy input data*/
  uint8_t inputData[1000];

  memcpy(inputTensor->, inputData, 1000);

  /* run inference */

  const uint32_t tensorSz = outputTensor->bytes;
  const uint8_t * outputData = tflite::GetTensorData<uint8>(outputTensor);

The code snippet has several important blocks:

  • Creating HelloWorldModel object and initializing it.

    arm::app::HelloWorldModel model;
    /* Load the model */
    if (!model.Init()) {
      printf_err(\"failed to initialise model\\n\");
  • Getting pointers to allocated input and output tensors.

    TfLiteTensor *outputTensor = model.GetOutputTensor();
    TfLiteTensor *inputTensor = model.GetInputTensor();
  • Copying input data to the input tensor. We assume input tensor size to be 1000 uint8 elements.

    memcpy(inputTensor->, inputData, 1000);
  • Running inference

  • Reading inference results: data and data size from the output tensor. We assume that output layer has uint8 data type.

    Const uint32_t tensorSz = outputTensor->bytes ;
    const uint8_t *outputData = tflite::GetTensorData<uint8>(outputTensor);

Adding profiling for Ethos-U55 is easy. Include Profiler.hpp header and invoke StartProfiling and StopProfiling around inference execution.

Profiler profiler{&platform, "Inference"};



Printing to console

Provided examples already used some function to print messages to the console. The full list of available functions:

  • printf
  • trace - printf wrapper for tracing messages
  • debug - printf wrapper for debug messages
  • info - printf wrapper for informational messages
  • warn - printf wrapper for warning messages
  • printf_err - printf wrapper for error messages

printf wrappers could be switched off with LOG_LEVEL define:

trace (0) < debug (1) < info (2) < warn (3) < error (4).

Default output level is info = level 2.

Reading user input from console

Platform data acquisition module has get_input function to read keyboard input from the UART. It can be used as follows:

char ch_input[128];
platform.data_acq->get_input(ch_input, sizeof(ch_input));

The function will block until user provides an input.

Output to MPS3 LCD

Platform presentation module has functions to print text or an image to the board LCD:

  • present_data_text
  • present_data_image

Text presentation function has the following signature:

  • const char* str: string to print.
  • const uint32_t str_sz: string size.
  • const uint32_t pos_x: x coordinate of the first letter in pixels.
  • const uint32_t pos_y: y coordinate of the first letter in pixels.
  • const uint32_t alow_multiple_lines: signals whether the text is allowed to span multiple lines on the screen, or should be truncated to the current line.

This function does not wrap text, if the given string cannot fit on the screen it will go outside the screen boundary.

Example that prints "Hello world" on the LCD:

std::string hello("Hello world");
platform.data_psn->present_data_text(hello.c_str(), hello.size(), 10, 35, 0);

Image presentation function has the following signature:

  • uint8_t* data: image data pointer;
  • const uint32_t width: image width;
  • const uint32_t height: image height;
  • const uint32_t channels: number of channels. Only 1 and 3 channels are supported now.
  • const uint32_t pos_x: x coordinate of the first pixel.
  • const uint32_t pos_y: y coordinate of the first pixel.
  • const uint32_t downsample_factor: the factor by which the image is to be down sampled.

For example, the following code snippet visualizes an input tensor data for MobileNet v2 224 (down sampling it twice):

platform.data_psn->present_data_image((uint8_t *) inputTensor->, 224, 224, 3, 10, 35, 2);

Please see hal-api section for other data presentation functions.

Building custom use case

There is one last thing to do before building and running a use-case application: create a usecase.cmake file in the root of your use-case, the name of the file is not important.

Convention: The build system searches for CMake file in each use-case directory and includes it into the build flow. This file could be used to specify additional application specific build options, add custom build steps or override standard compilation and linking flags. Use USER_OPTION function to add additional build option. Prefix variable name with ${use_case} (use-case name) to avoid names collisions with other CMake variables. Some useful variable names visible in use-case CMake file:

  • DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH – default model path to use if use-case specific ${use_case}_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH is not set in the build arguments.
  • TARGET_NAME – name of the executable.
  • use_case – name of the current use-case.
  • UC_SRC – list of use-case sources.
  • UC_INCLUDE – path to the use-case headers.
  • ETHOS_U55_ENABLED – flag indicating if the current build supports Ethos-U55.
  • TARGET_PLATFORM – Target platform being built for.
  • TARGET_SUBSYSTEM – If target platform supports multiple subsystems, this is the name of the subsystem.
  • All standard build options.
    • CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_C_FLAGS – compilation flags.
    • CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS – linker flags.

For the hello world use-case it will be enough to create helloworld.cmake file and set DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH:

  set(DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH  ${DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR}/helloworldmodel_uint8_vela.tflite)
  set(DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH  ${DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR}/helloworldmodel_uint8.tflite)

This can be used in subsequent section, for example:

USER_OPTION(${use_case}_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH "Neural network model in tflite format."

# Generate model file

This ensures that the model path pointed by ${use_case}_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH is converted to a C++ array and is picked up by the build system. More information on auto-generations is available under section Automatic file generation.

To build you application follow the general instructions from Add Custom inputs and specify the name of the use-case in the build command:

cmake \
  -DUSE_CASE_BUILD=hello_world \
  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake ..

As a result, ethos-u-hello_world.axf should be created, MPS3 build will also produce sectors/hello_world directory with binaries and images-hello_world.txt to be copied to the board MicroSD card.

Next section of the documentation: Testing and benchmarking.