MLECO-4503: Adding video VSI for object detection

* Added Board support - Arm Corstone 300 and 310
* Added Python Scripts for Video VSI
* Added source files for Video VSI
* Add new usecase handler for OD use case
* Bumped resampy version to resolve issue with slowdown

Signed-off-by: Idriss Chaouch <>

Signed-off-by: Richard Burton <>

Change-Id: Ie59ae955d4d85f672a49c63733052624542aec85
diff --git a/scripts/py/vsi/ b/scripts/py/vsi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8056096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/py/vsi/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+#  SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  Copyright 2024 Arm Limited and/or its affiliates <>
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import vsi_video
+## Set verbosity level
+#verbosity = logging.DEBUG
+verbosity = logging.ERROR
+# [debugging] Verbosity settings
+level = { 10: "DEBUG",  20: "INFO",  30: "WARNING",  40: "ERROR" }
+logging.basicConfig(format='Py: VSI5: [%(levelname)s]\t%(message)s', level = verbosity)"Verbosity level is set to " + level[verbosity])
+# Video Server configuration
+server_address = ('', 6001)
+server_authkey = 'vsi_video'
+# IRQ registers
+IRQ_Status = 0
+# Timer registers
+Timer_Control  = 0
+Timer_Interval = 0
+# Timer Control register definitions
+Timer_Control_Run_Msk      = 1<<0
+Timer_Control_Periodic_Msk = 1<<1
+Timer_Control_Trig_IRQ_Msk = 1<<2
+Timer_Control_Trig_DMA_Msk = 1<<3
+# DMA registers
+DMA_Control = 0
+# DMA Control register definitions
+DMA_Control_Enable_Msk    = 1<<0
+DMA_Control_Direction_Msk = 1<<1
+DMA_Control_Direction_P2M = 0<<1
+DMA_Control_Direction_M2P = 1<<1
+# User registers
+Regs = [0] * 64
+# Data buffer
+Data = bytearray()
+## Initialize
+#  @return None
+def init():
+"Python function init() called")
+    vsi_video.init(server_address, server_authkey)
+## Read interrupt request (the VSI IRQ Status Register)
+#  @return value value read (32-bit)
+def rdIRQ():
+    global IRQ_Status
+"Python function rdIRQ() called")
+    value = IRQ_Status
+    logging.debug("Read interrupt request: {}".format(value))
+    return value
+## Write interrupt request (the VSI IRQ Status Register)
+#  @param value value to write (32-bit)
+#  @return value value written (32-bit)
+def wrIRQ(value):
+    global IRQ_Status
+"Python function wrIRQ() called")
+    value = vsi_video.wrIRQ(IRQ_Status, value)
+    IRQ_Status = value
+    logging.debug("Write interrupt request: {}".format(value))
+    return value
+## Write Timer registers (the VSI Timer Registers)
+#  @param index Timer register index (zero based)
+#  @param value value to write (32-bit)
+#  @return value value written (32-bit)
+def wrTimer(index, value):
+    global Timer_Control, Timer_Interval
+"Python function wrTimer() called")
+    if   index == 0:
+        Timer_Control = value
+        logging.debug("Write Timer_Control: {}".format(value))
+    elif index == 1:
+        Timer_Interval = value
+        logging.debug("Write Timer_Interval: {}".format(value))
+    return value
+## Timer event (called at Timer Overflow)
+#  @return None
+def timerEvent():
+    global IRQ_Status
+"Python function timerEvent() called")
+    IRQ_Status = vsi_video.timerEvent(IRQ_Status)
+## Write DMA registers (the VSI DMA Registers)
+#  @param index DMA register index (zero based)
+#  @param value value to write (32-bit)
+#  @return value value written (32-bit)
+def wrDMA(index, value):
+    global DMA_Control
+"Python function wrDMA() called")
+    if   index == 0:
+        DMA_Control = value
+        logging.debug("Write DMA_Control: {}".format(value))
+    return value
+## Read data from peripheral for DMA P2M transfer (VSI DMA)
+#  @param size size of data to read (in bytes, multiple of 4)
+#  @return data data read (bytearray)
+def rdDataDMA(size):
+    global Data
+"Python function rdDataDMA() called")
+    Data = vsi_video.rdDataDMA(size)
+    n = min(len(Data), size)
+    data = bytearray(size)
+    data[0:n] = Data[0:n]
+    logging.debug("Read data ({} bytes)".format(size))
+    return data
+## Write data to peripheral for DMA M2P transfer (VSI DMA)
+#  @param data data to write (bytearray)
+#  @param size size of data to write (in bytes, multiple of 4)
+#  @return None
+def wrDataDMA(data, size):
+    global Data
+"Python function wrDataDMA() called")
+    Data = data
+    logging.debug("Write data ({} bytes)".format(size))
+    vsi_video.wrDataDMA(data, size)
+    return
+## Read user registers (the VSI User Registers)
+#  @param index user register index (zero based)
+#  @return value value read (32-bit)
+def rdRegs(index):
+    global Regs
+"Python function rdRegs() called")
+    if index <= vsi_video.REG_IDX_MAX:
+        Regs[index] = vsi_video.rdRegs(index)
+    value = Regs[index]
+    logging.debug("Read user register at index {}: {}".format(index, value))
+    return value
+## Write user registers (the VSI User Registers)
+#  @param index user register index (zero based)
+#  @param value value to write (32-bit)
+#  @return value value written (32-bit)
+def wrRegs(index, value):
+    global Regs
+"Python function wrRegs() called")
+    if index <= vsi_video.REG_IDX_MAX:
+        value = vsi_video.wrRegs(index, value)
+    Regs[index] = value
+    logging.debug("Write user register at index {}: {}".format(index, value))
+    return value
+## @}