Create MI tests for EW Ternary: SELECT

Signed-off-by: James Ward <>
Change-Id: Ib3b58e00d2cc9f318e214d24a87680c884f78237
132 files changed
tree: 8f2a02b27aea2b64dd3075a4ae06c40b82238d5d
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitmodules
  3. .pre-commit-config.yaml
  6. frameworks/
  7. operators/
  8. third_party/

TOSA Conformance Tests


This repository contains the conformance tests for the Tensor Operator Set Architecture (TOSA) Specification


These conformance tests cover the Base Inference profile (TOSA-BI) only.

There are tests included that cover examples of TensorFlow Lite framework operators converted to TOSA.


The conformance tests repository has branches that correspond to each TOSA version (major.minor), and tags (major.minor.patch) that match to specific versions.

Perform the following command to check out a specific version:

git checkout --recurse-submodules VERSION

Where VERSION can be for example: v0.23 or v0.23.0

Test Contents

Typical test contents will be:

  • test*.json - TOSA test in flatbuffer JSON format
  • input-*.json or placeholder-*.json - input files (e.g. tensors) in JSON format
  • Conformance-*.json - expected output file in JSON format
  • desc.json - test meta-data in JSON format
  • model-* - optional framework model file, used to create the TOSA test


Flatbuffer Schema

A JSON flatbuffer TOSA test file needs to be used with a corresponding version of the schema file. The schema is linked via git submodules and should be checked out with the specific version chosen above. You can find the schema:

ls -l third_party/serialization_lib/schema/tosa.fbs

If you have not checked out a specific conformance version, then use the following command to initialise the necessary submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive


It is recommended to use these tests with the Unit Test Runner from the TOSA Unit Test Infrastructure in the TOSA Reference Model, please see that repository for more information.


The TOSA Conformance tests are licensed under Apache-2.0 unless otherwise noted.