Refactor verif/generator/ into different files

Move all error & validation into
Move all argument and tensor generation into
Move utility functions into
Create new TosaTensorValuesGen class for specialising tensor
value generation.

Change-Id: Ib9ac65e2308b14471a567c6f11d775c76585bc5b
Signed-off-by: Jeremy Johnson <>
diff --git a/verif/generator/ b/verif/generator/
index 7070205..caf63e3 100644
--- a/verif/generator/
+++ b/verif/generator/
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2021-2022, ARM Limited.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import numpy as np
+from generator.tosa_utils import product
+from generator.tosa_utils import usableDTypes
+from generator.tosa_utils import valueToName
+from tosa.DType import DType
+from tosa.Op import Op
+from tosa.ResizeMode import ResizeMode
 class ErrorIf(object):
@@ -58,3 +65,2078 @@
     InputListBodyGraphInputMismatch = "InputListBodyGraphInputMismatch"
     InputListBodyGraphOutputMismatch = "InputListBodyGraphOutputMismatch"
     CondGraphOutputNotMatchingBool = "CondGraphOutputNotMatchingBool"
+class TosaErrorIfArgGen:
+    @staticmethod
+    def eiResizeErrorIf(
+        testGen,
+        error_name,
+        mode,
+        dtype,
+        shapeList,
+        outputDType,
+        shift,
+        stride,
+        stride_fp,
+        offset,
+        offset_fp,
+    ):
+        if outputDType == DType.FLOAT:
+            if error_name == ErrorIf.StrideSmallerEqualZero:
+                stride_fp = testGen.rng.random(size=[2]) - 2
+            elif error_name == ErrorIf.ShiftNotZero:
+                shift = testGen.rng.integers(1, 5)
+            elif error_name == ErrorIf.StrideLargerDimension:
+                shape = shapeList[0]
+                transform_height = testGen.rng.choice([False, True])
+                if transform_height:
+                    stride_fp[0] = shape[1] + testGen.rng.integers(1, 10)
+                else:
+                    stride_fp[1] = shape[2] + testGen.rng.integers(1, 10)
+        else:
+            if error_name == ErrorIf.StrideSmallerEqualZero:
+                stride = np.int16(testGen.rng.integers(-1, 1, size=[2]))
+            elif error_name == ErrorIf.ShiftSmallerOne:
+                shift = testGen.rng.integers(-3, 1)
+                if shift <= 0:
+                    stride = [
+                        (16 >> -shift) - 1,
+                        (16 >> -shift) - 1,
+                    ]  # avoids other ERROR_IF checks
+                    offset = [
+                        (16 >> -shift) - 1,
+                        (16 >> -shift) - 1,
+                    ]  # avoids other ERROR_IF checks
+                else:
+                    stride = [
+                        (16 << shift) - 1,
+                        (16 << shift) - 1,
+                    ]  # avoids other ERROR_IF checks
+                    offset = [
+                        (16 << shift) - 1,
+                        (16 << shift) - 1,
+                    ]  # avoids other ERROR_IF checks
+            elif error_name == ErrorIf.ShiftLargerEleven:
+                shift = np.int16(testGen.rng.integers(12, 15))
+            elif error_name == ErrorIf.StrideLargerDimension:
+                shape = shapeList[0]
+                transform_height = testGen.rng.choice([False, True])
+                if transform_height:
+                    stride[0] = shape[1] + testGen.rng.integers(1, 10)
+                else:
+                    stride[1] = shape[2] + testGen.rng.integers(1, 10)
+            elif error_name == ErrorIf.StrideLargerEqualMax:
+                stride = [(16 << shift) + 1, (16 << shift) + 1]
+            elif error_name == ErrorIf.OffsetLargerEqualMax:
+                offset = [(16 << shift) + 1, (16 << shift) + 1]
+            elif error_name == ErrorIf.OffsetSmallerEqualMin:
+                offset = [(-16 << shift) - 1, (-16 << shift) - 1]
+        if error_name == ErrorIf.WrongOutputType:
+            if mode == ResizeMode.NEAREST and dtype == DType.INT8:
+                incorrect_types = (
+                    DType.INT4,
+                    DType.INT16,
+                    DType.INT32,
+                    DType.INT48,
+                    DType.FLOAT,
+                )
+            elif mode == ResizeMode.NEAREST and dtype == DType.INT16:
+                incorrect_types = (
+                    DType.INT4,
+                    DType.INT8,
+                    DType.INT32,
+                    DType.INT48,
+                    DType.FLOAT,
+                )
+            elif mode == ResizeMode.BILINEAR and dtype == DType.INT8:
+                incorrect_types = (
+                    DType.INT4,
+                    DType.INT8,
+                    DType.INT16,
+                    DType.INT48,
+                    DType.FLOAT,
+                )
+            elif mode == ResizeMode.BILINEAR and dtype == DType.INT16:
+                incorrect_types = (
+                    DType.INT4,
+                    DType.INT8,
+                    DType.INT16,
+                    DType.INT32,
+                    DType.FLOAT,
+                )
+            elif dtype == DType.FLOAT:
+                incorrect_types = (
+                    DType.INT4,
+                    DType.INT8,
+                    DType.INT16,
+                    DType.INT32,
+                    DType.INT48,
+                )
+            outputDType = testGen.rng.choice(a=incorrect_types)
+        return shift, stride, stride_fp, offset, offset_fp, outputDType
+    @staticmethod
+    def eiPoolingErrorIf(testGen, error_name, stride, pad, kernel):
+        if (
+            error_name == ErrorIf.StrideSmallerOne
+            # padding must not exceed the kernel size
+            and pad[0] < kernel[0]
+            and pad[1] < kernel[0]
+            and pad[2] < kernel[1]
+            and pad[3] < kernel[1]
+        ):
+            wrongStride = (
+                testGen.rng.choice([0, -1, -2, -3]),
+                testGen.rng.choice([0, -1, -2, -3]),
+            )
+            return wrongStride, pad, kernel
+        elif error_name == ErrorIf.PadSmallerZero:
+            wrongPad = (
+                testGen.rng.choice([-1, -2, -3]),
+                testGen.rng.choice([-1, -2, -3]),
+                testGen.rng.choice([-1, -2, -3]),
+                testGen.rng.choice([-1, -2, -3]),
+            )
+            return stride, wrongPad, kernel
+        elif error_name == ErrorIf.KernelSmallerOne:
+            wrongKernel = (
+                testGen.rng.choice([0, -1, -2, -3]),
+                testGen.rng.choice([0, -1, -2, -3]),
+            )
+            return stride, pad, wrongKernel
+        elif error_name == ErrorIf.PadLargerEqualKernel:
+            wrongPad = (
+                testGen.rng.choice([kernel[0], kernel[0] + 1, kernel[0] + 2]),
+                testGen.rng.choice([kernel[0], kernel[0] + 1, kernel[0] + 2]),
+                testGen.rng.choice([kernel[1], kernel[1] + 1, kernel[1] + 2]),
+                testGen.rng.choice([kernel[1], kernel[1] + 1, kernel[1] + 2]),
+            )
+            return stride, wrongPad, kernel
+        else:
+            return None, None, None
+    @staticmethod
+    def eiRescaleWrongOutputType(input_dtype, output_dtype):
+        if input_dtype == DType.INT8:
+            if output_dtype not in [DType.UINT8, DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.INT32]:
+                return True
+        if input_dtype in [DType.INT16, DType.INT32]:
+            if output_dtype not in [DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.INT32]:
+                return True
+        elif input_dtype == DType.INT48:
+            if output_dtype not in [DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.INT32]:
+                return True
+        elif input_dtype == DType.UINT8:
+            if output_dtype != DType.INT8:
+                return True
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def eiInvalidateInputOutputList(testGen, error_name, input_list, output_list):
+        # Mess up input/output tensors for ERROR_IF checks
+        if error_name == "WrongInputList":
+            add_input = testGen.rng.choice([True, False])
+            if add_input:
+                input_list.append("eiDummyInput")
+            else:
+                input_list = input_list[:-1]
+        elif error_name == "WrongOutputList":
+            add_output = testGen.rng.choice([True, False])
+            if add_output:
+                output_list.append("eiDummyOutput")
+            else:
+                output_list = []
+        return input_list, output_list
+    @staticmethod
+    def eiRestrictDimensions(shape, max_dim=32, max_items=100000):
+        """Restrict the dimensions and overall size of a shape to
+        max_dim and max_items.
+        """
+        new_shape = [min(d, max_dim) for d in shape] if max(shape) > max_dim else shape
+        while product(new_shape) > max_items:
+            new_shape = [max(d - 1, 1) for d in new_shape]
+        return new_shape
+    def eiSliceErrorIf(testGen, error_name, input_shape, start, size):
+        if error_name == ErrorIf.StartSmallerZero:
+            newStart = []
+            for i in range(len(input_shape)):
+                newStart.append(testGen.rng.choice([-3, -2, -1]))
+            return newStart, size
+        elif error_name == ErrorIf.SizeSmallerEqualZero:
+            newSize = []
+            for i in range(len(input_shape)):
+                newSize.append(testGen.rng.choice([-3, -2, -1, 0]))
+            return start, newSize
+        elif error_name == ErrorIf.StartSizeOutsideBounds:
+            newStart, newSize = [], []
+            for i in range(len(input_shape)):
+                newStart.append(input_shape[i] - 1)
+                newSize.append(testGen.rng.choice([2, 3, 4]))
+            return newStart, newSize
+        elif error_name == ErrorIf.InputSizeStartLengthMismatch:
+            remove = testGen.rng.choice([True, False])
+            if remove:
+                newStart = start[1:]
+                newSize = size[1:]
+            else:
+                newStart = start
+                newStart.append(1)
+                newSize = size
+                newSize.append(1)
+            return newStart, newSize
+        else:
+            return start, size
+    @staticmethod
+    def eiCastErrorIf(testGen, input_dtype):
+        if input_dtype in [DType.BOOL, DType.FLOAT]:
+            outputDType = [DType.BOOL, DType.INT48, DType.FLOAT]
+        elif input_dtype in [DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.INT32]:
+            outputDType = [DType.INT48]
+        else:
+            assert True, f"input_dtype ({input_dtype}) not supported"
+        return outputDType
+class TosaErrorValidator:
+    @staticmethod
+    def evValidateErrorIfs(serializer, validator_fcns, error_name, **kwargs):
+        """Check ERROR_IF statements are caught and set the expected result.
+        Args:
+            serializer: the serializer to set the expected result in
+            validator_fcns: a sequence of validator functions to verify the result
+            error_name: the name of the ERROR_IF condition to check for
+            kwargs: keyword arguments for the validator functions
+        Returns:
+            True if the result matches the expected result; otherwise False
+        """
+        overall_result = True
+        for val_fcn in validator_fcns:
+            val_result = val_fcn(True, **kwargs)
+            validator_name = val_result["error_name"]
+            error_result = val_result["error_result"]
+            error_reason = val_result["error_reason"]
+            # expect an error IFF the error_name and validator_name match
+            expected_result = error_result == (error_name == validator_name)
+            overall_result &= expected_result
+            if expected_result and error_result:
+                serializer.setExpectedReturnCode(2, True, desc=error_reason)
+            elif error_result:  # and not expected_result
+                print(
+                    f"Unexpected ERROR_IF: Op: {valueToName(Op, kwargs['op']['op'])}"
+                    f" Expected: {error_name}, Got: {validator_name}"
+                )
+            elif not expected_result:  # and not error_result
+                print(
+                    f"Missed ERROR_IF: Op: {valueToName(Op, kwargs['op']['op'])}"
+                    f" Expected: {error_name}"
+                )
+            if not expected_result:
+                for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items()):
+                    if k != "op":
+                        if k.endswith("dtype"):
+                            v = valueToName(DType, v)
+                        print(f"  {k} = {v}")
+        return overall_result
+    @staticmethod
+    def evWrongInputType(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_result = False
+        # Find the unsupported input data types
+        op = kwargs["op"]
+        input_dtypes = op["types"]
+        allowed_input_dtypes = {
+            t[0] if isinstance(t, list) else t for t in input_dtypes
+        }
+        wrong_input_dtypes = list(usableDTypes(excludes=allowed_input_dtypes))
+        if op["op"] == Op.CLAMP:
+            wrong_input_dtypes.remove(DType.INT48)
+        if check:
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            if input_dtype not in allowed_input_dtypes:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": ErrorIf.WrongInputType,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": "Input data type not supported for this operator",
+            "param_reqs": {"rank": None, "dtype": wrong_input_dtypes, "shape": None},
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evWrongOutputType(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_result = False
+        if check:
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            output_dtype = kwargs["output_dtype"]
+            op = kwargs["op"]
+            if op["op"] == Op.RESIZE:
+                mode = kwargs["mode"]
+                if (
+                    (
+                        mode == ResizeMode.NEAREST
+                        and input_dtype == DType.INT8
+                        and output_dtype != DType.INT8
+                    )
+                    or (
+                        mode == ResizeMode.NEAREST
+                        and input_dtype == DType.INT16
+                        and output_dtype != DType.INT16
+                    )
+                    or (
+                        mode == ResizeMode.BILINEAR
+                        and input_dtype == DType.INT8
+                        and output_dtype != DType.INT32
+                    )
+                    or (
+                        mode == ResizeMode.BILINEAR
+                        and input_dtype == DType.INT16
+                        and output_dtype != DType.INT48
+                    )
+                    or (input_dtype == DType.FLOAT and output_dtype != DType.FLOAT)
+                ):
+                    error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] == Op.RESCALE:
+                if input_dtype == DType.INT8:
+                    if output_dtype not in [
+                        DType.UINT8,
+                        DType.INT8,
+                        DType.INT16,
+                        DType.INT32,
+                    ]:
+                        error_result = True
+                if input_dtype in [DType.INT16, DType.INT32]:
+                    if output_dtype not in [DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.INT32]:
+                        error_result = True
+                elif input_dtype == DType.INT48:
+                    if output_dtype not in [DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.INT32]:
+                        error_result = True
+                elif input_dtype == DType.UINT8:
+                    if output_dtype != DType.INT8:
+                        error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] in [Op.FULLY_CONNECTED, Op.MATMUL]:
+                if (
+                    (input_dtype == DType.INT8 and output_dtype != DType.INT32)
+                    or (input_dtype == DType.INT16 and output_dtype != DType.INT48)
+                    or (input_dtype == DType.FLOAT and output_dtype != DType.FLOAT)
+                ):
+                    error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] == Op.ARGMAX:
+                if (
+                    input_dtype in [DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.FLOAT]
+                    and output_dtype != DType.INT32
+                ):
+                    error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] == Op.MUL:
+                if input_dtype != DType.FLOAT and output_dtype != DType.INT32:
+                    error_result = True
+                elif input_dtype == DType.FLOAT and output_dtype != DType.FLOAT:
+                    error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] == Op.TABLE:
+                if input_dtype == DType.INT8 and output_dtype != DType.INT8:
+                    error_result = True
+                elif input_dtype == DType.INT16 and output_dtype != DType.INT32:
+                    error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] in [Op.EQUAL, Op.GREATER_EQUAL, Op.GREATER]:
+                if output_dtype != DType.BOOL:
+                    error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] == Op.CAST:
+                if (
+                    (
+                        input_dtype == DType.BOOL
+                        and output_dtype not in [DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.INT32]
+                    )
+                    or (
+                        input_dtype == DType.INT8
+                        and output_dtype
+                        not in [DType.BOOL, DType.INT16, DType.INT32, DType.FLOAT]
+                    )
+                    or (
+                        input_dtype == DType.INT16
+                        and output_dtype
+                        not in [DType.BOOL, DType.INT8, DType.INT32, DType.FLOAT]
+                    )
+                    or (
+                        input_dtype == DType.INT32
+                        and output_dtype
+                        not in [DType.BOOL, DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.FLOAT]
+                    )
+                    or (
+                        input_dtype == DType.FLOAT
+                        and output_dtype not in [DType.INT8, DType.INT16, DType.INT32]
+                    )
+                ):
+                    error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] in {
+                Op.CONV2D,
+                Op.CONV3D,
+                Op.DEPTHWISE_CONV2D,
+                Op.TRANSPOSE_CONV2D,
+            }:
+                if (
+                    input_dtype == DType.INT8
+                    and output_dtype != DType.INT32
+                    or input_dtype == DType.INT16
+                    and output_dtype != DType.INT48
+                    or input_dtype == DType.FLOAT
+                    and output_dtype != DType.FLOAT
+                ):
+                    error_result = True
+                # invalid input types are ignored, to avoid reporting multiple errors
+            else:
+                if output_dtype != input_dtype:
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": ErrorIf.WrongOutputType,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": (
+                "Output data type not supported for this configuration of operator"
+            ),
+            "param_reqs": {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None},
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evWrongRank(check=False, **kwargs):
+        all_ranks = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+        # Make a list of incorrect ranks
+        assert "op" in kwargs
+        op = kwargs["op"]
+        rmin, rmax = op["rank"]
+        rank_range = range(rmin, rmax + 1)
+        incorrect_ranks = list(set(all_ranks) - set(rank_range))
+        # Remove small incorrect ranks to avoid index errors
+        incorrect_ranks = [rank for rank in incorrect_ranks if rank > rmin]
+        # Set minimum incorrect rank to 3 to avoid index error
+        if op["op"] in [Op.RESIZE]:
+            incorrect_ranks = [3, 5]
+        elif op["op"] in [Op.TRANSPOSE]:
+            incorrect_ranks = [7, 8]
+        elif op["op"] in [Op.CONV3D]:
+            incorrect_ranks = [6, 7]
+        error_name = ErrorIf.WrongRank
+        param_reqs = {"rank": incorrect_ranks, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Rank not supported for this operator"
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            if (
+                op["op"] in [Op.RESIZE, Op.AVG_POOL2D, Op.MAX_POOL2D]
+                and len(input_shape) != 4
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] == Op.FULLY_CONNECTED and len(input_shape) != 2:
+                error_result = True
+            elif op["op"] == Op.MATMUL and len(input_shape) != 3:
+                error_result = True
+            else:
+                if len(input_shape) not in rank_range:
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evWrongInputList(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.WrongInputList
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Op input list does not match expected input"
+        if check:
+            op = kwargs["op"]
+            input_list = kwargs["input_list"]
+            num_operands = kwargs["num_operands"]
+            if op["op"] in [Op.SCATTER, Op.GATHER]:
+                # SCATTER/GATHER add an indices input tensor in their build functions
+                num_operands += 1
+            if len(input_list) != num_operands:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evWrongOutputList(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.WrongOutputList
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Op output list does not match expected output"
+        if check:
+            output_list = kwargs["output_list"]
+            # Note this will be incorrect if an operator returns more than one output
+            if len(output_list) != 1:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evMaxDimExceeded(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.MaxDimExceeded
+        param_reqs = {
+            "rank": [4, 4],
+            "dtype": [DType.INT8],
+            "shape": [[1, 16584, 5, 1], [1, 2, 16499, 4]],
+        }
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = (
+            "At least one maximum dimension is greater than or equal to 16384"
+        )
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            output_shape = kwargs["output_shape"]  # Note this is just (OH, OW)
+            if (
+                (input_shape[1] >= 16384)
+                or (input_shape[2] >= 16384)
+                or (output_shape[0] >= 16384)
+                or (output_shape[1] >= 16384)
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evBatchMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.BatchMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": [4, 4], "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input batch size not equal to output batch size"
+        assert "op" in kwargs
+        op = kwargs["op"]
+        rmin, rmax = op["rank"]
+        rank_range = range(rmin, rmax + 1)
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            output_shape = kwargs[
+                "result_tensor"
+            ].shape  # Note this is just (N, OH, OW, C)
+            if (len(input_shape) in rank_range) and (input_shape[0] != output_shape[0]):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evChannelMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ChannelMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": [4, 4], "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input channel size not equal to output channel size"
+        assert "op" in kwargs
+        op = kwargs["op"]
+        rmin, rmax = op["rank"]
+        rank_range = range(rmin, rmax + 1)
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            output_shape = kwargs[
+                "result_tensor"
+            ].shape  # Note this is just (N, OH, OW, C)
+            if (len(input_shape) in rank_range) and (input_shape[3] != output_shape[3]):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evStrideSmallerEqualZero(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.StrideSmallerEqualZero
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Stride value smaller than or equal zero"
+        if check:
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            output_dtype = kwargs["output_dtype"]
+            if input_dtype != DType.FLOAT and output_dtype == DType.FLOAT:
+                stride = kwargs["stride"]  # Work around wrong input/output type tests
+            elif output_dtype == DType.FLOAT:
+                stride = kwargs["stride_fp"]
+            elif input_dtype == DType.FLOAT and output_dtype != DType.FLOAT:
+                stride = kwargs[
+                    "stride_fp"
+                ]  # Work around wrong input/output type tests
+            else:
+                stride = kwargs["stride"]
+            if min(stride) <= 0:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evStrideLargerEqualMax(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.StrideLargerEqualMax
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": [DType.INT8, DType.INT16], "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Stride value larger than or equal to maximum value"
+        if check:
+            shift = kwargs["shift"]
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            stride = kwargs["stride"]
+            if input_dtype in [DType.INT8, DType.INT16]:
+                if shift >= 0 and (
+                    stride[0] >= (16 << shift) or stride[1] >= (16 << shift)
+                ):
+                    error_result = True
+                elif shift < 0 and (
+                    stride[0] >= (16 >> -shift) or stride[1] >= (16 >> -shift)
+                ):
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evStrideLargerDimension(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.StrideLargerDimension
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": [DType.FLOAT], "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Stride value larger than or equal to H/W dimension"
+        if check:
+            shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            stride = kwargs["stride_fp"]
+            if (
+                input_dtype == DType.FLOAT
+                and (stride[0] > shape[1])
+                or (stride[1] > shape[2])
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evOffsetSmallerEqualMin(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.OffsetSmallerEqualMin
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": [DType.INT8, DType.INT16], "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Offset value smaller than or equal to minimum value"
+        if check:
+            shift = kwargs["shift"]
+            output_dtype = kwargs["output_dtype"]
+            if output_dtype == DType.FLOAT:
+                offset = kwargs["offset_fp"]
+            else:
+                offset = kwargs["offset"]
+            if shift >= 0 and (
+                offset[0] <= (-16 << shift) or offset[1] <= (-16 << shift)
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+            elif shift < 0 and (
+                offset[0] <= (-16 >> -shift) or offset[1] <= (-16 >> -shift)
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evOffsetLargerEqualMax(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.OffsetLargerEqualMax
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": [DType.INT8, DType.INT16], "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Offset value larger than or equal to maximum value"
+        if check:
+            shift = kwargs["shift"]
+            output_dtype = kwargs["output_dtype"]
+            if output_dtype == DType.FLOAT:
+                offset = kwargs["offset_fp"]
+            else:
+                offset = kwargs["offset"]
+            if shift >= 0:
+                if offset[0] >= (16 << shift) or offset[1] >= (16 << shift):
+                    error_result = True
+            if shift >= 0 and (
+                offset[0] >= (16 << shift) or offset[1] >= (16 << shift)
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+            elif shift < 0 and (
+                offset[0] >= (16 >> -shift) or offset[1] >= (16 >> -shift)
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evShiftNotZero(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ShiftNotZero
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": [DType.FLOAT], "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Shift value must be zero for float input"
+        if check:
+            shift = kwargs["shift"]
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            output_dtype = kwargs["output_dtype"]
+            if (
+                input_dtype == DType.FLOAT
+                and output_dtype == DType.FLOAT
+                and shift != 0
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evShiftSmallerOne(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ShiftSmallerOne
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": [DType.INT8, DType.INT16], "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Shift value smaller than one"
+        if check:
+            shift = kwargs["shift"]
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            output_dtype = kwargs["output_dtype"]
+            if shift < 1 and input_dtype != DType.FLOAT and output_dtype != DType.FLOAT:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evShiftLargerEleven(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ShiftLargerEleven
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": [DType.INT8, DType.INT16], "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Shift value larger than eleven"
+        if check:
+            shift = kwargs["shift"]
+            if shift > 11:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evRankMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.RankMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input Rank does not match output rank"
+        if check:
+            input1_shape = kwargs["input1"].shape
+            input2_shape = kwargs["input2"].shape
+            # In case of SELECT op
+            input3_shape = (
+                kwargs["input3"].shape if "input3" in kwargs else input2_shape
+            )
+            output_shape = kwargs["result_tensor"].shape
+            if (
+                (len(input1_shape) != len(output_shape))
+                or (len(input2_shape) != len(output_shape))
+                or (len(input3_shape) != len(output_shape))
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evDimensionMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.DimensionMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input Dimensions do not match output"
+        if check:
+            input1_shape = kwargs["input1"].shape
+            input2_shape = kwargs["input2"].shape
+            # In case of SELECT op
+            input3_shape = (
+                kwargs["input3"].shape if "input3" in kwargs else input2_shape
+            )
+            output_shape = kwargs["result_tensor"].shape
+            for i in range(
+                min(len(input1_shape), len(input2_shape), len(input3_shape))
+            ):
+                if (
+                    (input1_shape[i] != 1 and input1_shape[i] != output_shape[i])
+                    or (input2_shape[i] != 1 and input2_shape[i] != output_shape[i])
+                    or (input3_shape[i] != 1 and input3_shape[i] != output_shape[i])
+                ):
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evInputZeroPointNotZero(check=False, **kwargs):
+        op = kwargs["op"]
+        error_result = False
+        # Quantizable types
+        qTypes = (DType.INT8, DType.UINT8)
+        # This does not apply to quantizable types
+        inputDtypes = [
+            dtype
+            for dtype in op["types"]
+            if (isinstance(dtype, list) and dtype[0] not in qTypes)
+            or (not isinstance(dtype, list) and dtype not in qTypes)
+        ]
+        if check:
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            if isinstance(kwargs["qinfo"], tuple):
+                qinfo = kwargs["qinfo"]
+                input_zero_point = qinfo[0]
+            else:
+                # For use: qinfo.ints[0][1] = input_zp, qinfo.ints[1][1] = output_zp
+                qinfo = kwargs["qinfo"].ints
+                input_zero_point = qinfo[0][1]
+            if op["op"] == Op.MATMUL:
+                qinfo = kwargs["qinfo"].ints
+                for dtype, zp in (
+                    (kwargs["input_dtype"], qinfo[0][1]),
+                    (kwargs["input2_dtype"], qinfo[1][1]),
+                ):
+                    if dtype not in qTypes and zp != 0:
+                        error_result = True
+                        break
+            else:
+                error_result = input_dtype not in qTypes and input_zero_point != 0
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": ErrorIf.InputZeroPointNotZero,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": "Input DType not INT8 and zero point not 0",
+            "param_reqs": {"rank": None, "dtype": inputDtypes, "shape": None},
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evWeightZeroPointNotZero(check=False, **kwargs):
+        op = kwargs["op"]
+        # exclude inputs with INT8 weights
+        inputDtypes = [
+            t for t in op["types"] if not isinstance(t, list) or t[1] != DType.INT8
+        ]
+        error_name = ErrorIf.WeightZeroPointNotZero
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": inputDtypes, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Weight DType not INT8 and zero point not 0"
+        if check:
+            weight_dtype = kwargs["weight_dtype"]
+            # For use: qinfo.ints[0][1] = input_zp, qinfo.ints[1][1] = weight_zp
+            qinfo = kwargs["qinfo"].ints
+            weight_zero_point = qinfo[1][1]
+            if weight_dtype != DType.INT8 and weight_zero_point != 0:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evOutputZeroPointNotZero(check=False, **kwargs):
+        op = kwargs["op"]
+        inputDtypes = op["types"].copy()
+        if DType.INT8 in inputDtypes:
+            inputDtypes.remove(DType.INT8)
+        if DType.UINT8 in inputDtypes:
+            inputDtypes.remove(DType.UINT8)
+        error_name = ErrorIf.OutputZeroPointNotZero
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": inputDtypes, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Output DType not INT8 and zero point not 0"
+        if check:
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            output_dtype = kwargs["output_dtype"]
+            if isinstance(kwargs["qinfo"], tuple):
+                qinfo = kwargs["qinfo"]
+                output_zero_point = qinfo[1]
+            else:
+                # For use: qinfo.ints[0][1] = input_zp, qinfo.ints[1][1] = output_zp
+                qinfo = kwargs["qinfo"].ints
+                output_zero_point = qinfo[1][1]
+            if op["op"] == Op.AVG_POOL2D:
+                if input_dtype != DType.INT8 and output_zero_point != 0:
+                    error_result = True
+            elif (
+                output_dtype not in [DType.INT8, DType.UINT8] and output_zero_point != 0
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evAxisSmallerZero(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.AxisSmallerZero
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Axis smaller than zero"
+        if check:
+            axis = kwargs["axis"]
+            if axis < 0:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evAxisLargerRank(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.AxisLargerRank
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Axis larger than rank"
+        if check:
+            axis = kwargs["axis"]
+            shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            if axis > len(shape):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evShapeOfAxisNotOne(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ShapeOfAxisNotOne
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "shape[axis] is not equal to 1"
+        if check:
+            axis = kwargs["axis"]
+            shape = kwargs["output_shape"]
+            if (0 <= axis < len(shape)) and shape[axis] != 1:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evPadSmallerZero(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.PadSmallerZero
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "At least one pad is smaller than zero"
+        if check:
+            op = kwargs["op"]
+            pad = kwargs["pad"]
+            if op["op"] == Op.PAD:
+                for padding in pad:
+                    if min(padding) < 0:
+                        error_result = True
+            else:
+                if min(pad) < 0:
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evPadLargerEqualKernel(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.PadLargerEqualKernel
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "At least one pad is larger than kernel dimension"
+        if check:
+            pad = kwargs["pad"]
+            kernel = kwargs["kernel"]
+            if min(pad) > 0 and min(kernel) > 1:
+                if (
+                    pad[0] >= kernel[0]
+                    or pad[1] >= kernel[0]
+                    or pad[2] >= kernel[1]
+                    or pad[3] >= kernel[1]
+                ):
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evPoolingOutputShapeMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.PoolingOutputShapeMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = (
+            "Mismatch between output shape provided and expected output shape"
+        )
+        if check:
+            pad = kwargs["pad"]
+            pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right = pad[0], pad[1], pad[2], pad[3]
+            kernel = kwargs["kernel"]
+            kernel_y, kernel_x = kernel[0], kernel[1]
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            IH, IW = input_shape[1], input_shape[2]
+            output_shape = kwargs["output_shape"]
+            OH, OW = output_shape[1], output_shape[2]
+            stride = kwargs["stride"]
+            stride_y, stride_x = stride[0], stride[1]
+            # calculate correct height, width dimensions
+            if stride_x != 0 and stride_y != 0:
+                y_correct = (
+                    IH + pad_top + pad_bottom + stride_y - kernel_y
+                ) // stride_y
+                x_correct = (
+                    IW + pad_left + pad_right + stride_x - kernel_x
+                ) // stride_x
+            # ensure parameters are valid
+            params_valid = (
+                min(kernel) >= 1
+                and min(stride) >= 1
+                and min(pad) >= 0
+                and not (
+                    pad[0] >= kernel[0]
+                    or pad[1] >= kernel[0]
+                    or pad[2] >= kernel[1]
+                    or pad[3] >= kernel[1]
+                )
+            )
+            if params_valid and (OH != y_correct or OW != x_correct):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evArgmaxOutputShapeMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ArgmaxOutputShapeMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": [2, 4], "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = (
+            "Mismatch between output shape provided and expected output shape"
+        )
+        if check:
+            output_shape = kwargs["output_shape"]
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            axis = kwargs["axis"]
+            dimension_match = True
+            axis_shift = 0
+            # Check that rank is correct before trying to check dimensions
+            if (len(input_shape) - 1) == len(output_shape):
+                for i in range(len(input_shape)):
+                    if i == axis:
+                        axis_shift = 1
+                        continue
+                    if input_shape[i] != output_shape[i - axis_shift]:
+                        dimension_match = False
+                if not dimension_match:
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evArgmaxOutputRankMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ArgmaxOutputRankMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = (
+            "Mismatch between output shape provided and expected output shape"
+        )
+        if check:
+            output_shape = kwargs["output_shape"]
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            axis = kwargs["axis"]
+            valid_params = axis >= 0 and axis < len(input_shape)
+            if valid_params and (len(input_shape) - 1) != len(output_shape):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evKernelSmallerOne(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.KernelSmallerOne
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "At least one kernel dimension is smaller than zero"
+        if check:
+            kernel = kwargs["kernel"]
+            if min(kernel) < 1:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evStrideSmallerOne(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.StrideSmallerOne
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "At least one stride dimension is smaller than zero"
+        if check:
+            stride = kwargs["stride"]
+            if min(stride) < 1:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evDilationSmallerOne(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_result = check and min(kwargs["dilation"]) < 1
+        return {
+            "error_name": ErrorIf.DilationSmallerOne,
+            "error_reason": "At least one dilation is smaller than one",
+            "param_reqs": {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None},
+            "error_result": error_result,
+        }
+    @staticmethod
+    def evScaleTrue(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ScaleTrue
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": [DType.INT48], "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Scale set to true but input type is INT48"
+        if check:
+            input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+            scale32 = kwargs["scale32"]
+            if scale32 and input_dtype == DType.INT48:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evScaleNotTrue(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ScaleNotTrue
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Scale set to false but double round set to true"
+        if check:
+            scale32 = kwargs["scale32"]
+            double_round = kwargs["double_round"]
+            if not scale32 and double_round:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evTensorSizeInputOutputMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.TensorSizeInputOutputMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input tensor size does not match output tensor size"
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            output_shape = kwargs["output_shape"]
+            input_size =
+            output_size =
+            if input_size != output_size:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evStartSmallerZero(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.StartSmallerZero
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Starting point smaller than zero"
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            start = kwargs["start"]
+            rank = len(input_shape)
+            if len(start) == rank:
+                for index in range(rank):
+                    if start[index] < 0:
+                        error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evSizeSmallerEqualZero(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.SizeSmallerEqualZero
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Size smaller than or equal to zero"
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            size = kwargs["size"]
+            rank = len(input_shape)
+            if len(size) == rank:
+                for index in range(rank):
+                    if size[index] <= 0:
+                        error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evStartSizeOutsideBounds(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.StartSizeOutsideBounds
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "starting point plus size larger than input dimension"
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            start = kwargs["start"]
+            size = kwargs["size"]
+            rank = len(input_shape)
+            if len(start) == rank and len(size) == rank:
+                for index in range(rank):
+                    if start[index] + size[index] > input_shape[index]:
+                        error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evSizeOutputShapeMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.SizeOutputShapeMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Size does not match output dimension"
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            output_shape = kwargs["output_shape"]
+            size = kwargs["size"]
+            rank = len(input_shape)
+            if len(size) == rank:
+                for index in range(rank):
+                    if size[index] != output_shape[index]:
+                        error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evInputSizeStartLengthMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.InputSizeStartLengthMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "rank of input not equal to length of start or size"
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            start = kwargs["start"]
+            size = kwargs["size"]
+            rank = len(input_shape)
+            if rank != len(start) or rank != len(size):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evIndexOutsideBounds(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.IndexOutsideBounds
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Index outside of allowed bounds"
+        if check:
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            perms = kwargs["perms"]
+            rank = len(input_shape)
+            for index in perms:
+                if index < 0 or index > rank:
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evIndexUsedTwice(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.IndexUsedTwice
+        param_reqs = {"rank": [2, 4], "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Index used multiple times"
+        if check:
+            perms = kwargs["perms"]
+            unique_indices = []
+            for index in perms:
+                if index in unique_indices:
+                    error_result = True
+                else:
+                    unique_indices.append(index)
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evMaxSmallerMin(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.MaxSmallerMin
+        param_reqs = {"rank": [2, 4], "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Max value smaller than min value"
+        if check:
+            max_val = kwargs["max_val"]
+            min_val = kwargs["min_val"]
+            if max_val < min_val:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evConcatInputRankMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ConcatInputRankMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": [2, 4], "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input ranks are not identical"
+        if check:
+            inputs = kwargs["inputs"]
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            for input in inputs:
+                if len(input.shape) != len(input_shape):
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evConcatInputDimMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ConcatInputDimMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": [2, 4], "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input dimensions differ on too many axes"
+        if check:
+            inputs = kwargs["inputs"]
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            axis = kwargs["axis"]
+            # Ensure rank is valid before checking dims.
+            valid_rank = True
+            for input in inputs:
+                if len(input.shape) != len(input_shape):
+                    valid_rank = False
+            if valid_rank:
+                for input in inputs:
+                    for i, dim in enumerate(input.shape):
+                        if dim != input_shape[i] and axis != i:
+                            error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evConcatShapeSumMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.ConcatShapeSumMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": [2, 4], "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Sum of dimensions on axis not equal to output dimension"
+        if check:
+            inputs = kwargs["inputs"]
+            input_shape = kwargs["input_shape"]
+            output_shape = kwargs["output_shape"]
+            axis = kwargs["axis"]
+            # Ensure rank is valid before checking dims.
+            valid_params = True
+            for input in inputs:
+                if len(input.shape) != len(input_shape):
+                    valid_params = False
+            if axis < 0 or axis > len(input_shape):
+                valid_params = False
+            if valid_params:
+                axis_dim_sum = 0
+                for input in inputs:
+                    axis_dim_sum += input.shape[axis]
+                if axis_dim_sum != output_shape[axis]:
+                    error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evInputListThenGraphMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.CondIfInputListThenGraphMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input list shape does not match then-graph shape"
+        if check:
+            a = kwargs["a"]
+            b = kwargs["b"]
+            basicBlocks = kwargs["basicBlocks"]
+            then_block = basicBlocks[1]
+            then_inputs = then_block.inputs
+            then_tens = then_block.tensors
+            if (a.shape != then_tens[then_inputs[0]].shape) or (
+                b.shape != then_tens[then_inputs[1]].shape
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evInputListElseGraphMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.CondIfInputListElseGraphMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input list shape does not match else-graph shape"
+        if check:
+            a = kwargs["a"]
+            b = kwargs["b"]
+            basicBlocks = kwargs["basicBlocks"]
+            else_block = basicBlocks[2]
+            else_inputs = else_block.inputs
+            else_tens = else_block.tensors
+            if (a.shape != else_tens[else_inputs[0]].shape) or (
+                b.shape != else_tens[else_inputs[1]].shape
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evOutputListThenGraphMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.CondIfOutputListThenGraphMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Output list shape does not match then-graph shape"
+        if check:
+            basicBlocks = kwargs["basicBlocks"]
+            cond_block = basicBlocks[0]
+            cond_outputs = cond_block.outputs
+            cond_tens = cond_block.tensors
+            then_block = basicBlocks[1]
+            then_outputs = then_block.outputs
+            then_tens = then_block.tensors
+            if then_tens[then_outputs[0]].shape != cond_tens[cond_outputs[0]].shape:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evOutputListElseGraphMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.CondIfOutputListElseGraphMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Output list shape does not match else-graph shape"
+        if check:
+            basicBlocks = kwargs["basicBlocks"]
+            cond_block = basicBlocks[0]
+            cond_outputs = cond_block.outputs
+            cond_tens = cond_block.tensors
+            else_block = basicBlocks[2]
+            else_outputs = else_block.outputs
+            else_tens = else_block.tensors
+            if else_tens[else_outputs[0]].shape != cond_tens[cond_outputs[0]].shape:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evInputListOutputListMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.InputListOutputListMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input list does not match output list"
+        if check:
+            basicBlocks = kwargs["basicBlocks"]
+            while_block = basicBlocks[0]
+            while_inputs = while_block.inputs
+            while_outputs = while_block.outputs
+            while_tens = while_block.tensors
+            if while_tens[while_inputs[1]].shape != while_tens[while_outputs[0]].shape:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evInputListCondGraphMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.InputListCondGraphMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input list does not match cond graph"
+        if check:
+            basicBlocks = kwargs["basicBlocks"]
+            while_block = basicBlocks[0]
+            while_inputs = while_block.inputs
+            while_tens = while_block.tensors
+            cond_block = basicBlocks[1]
+            cond_inputs = cond_block.inputs
+            cond_tens = cond_block.tensors
+            if (
+                while_tens[while_inputs[0]].shape != cond_tens[cond_inputs[0]].shape
+            ) or (while_tens[while_inputs[1]].shape != cond_tens[cond_inputs[2]].shape):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evInputListBodyGraphInputMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.InputListBodyGraphInputMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input list does not match body graph input"
+        if check:
+            basicBlocks = kwargs["basicBlocks"]
+            while_block = basicBlocks[0]
+            while_inputs = while_block.inputs
+            while_tens = while_block.tensors
+            body_block = basicBlocks[2]
+            body_outputs = body_block.inputs
+            body_tens = body_block.tensors
+            if (
+                while_tens[while_inputs[0]].shape != body_tens[body_outputs[0]].shape
+            ) or (
+                while_tens[while_inputs[1]].shape != body_tens[body_outputs[2]].shape
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evInputListBodyGraphOutputMismatch(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.InputListBodyGraphOutputMismatch
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Input list does not match body graph output"
+        if check:
+            basicBlocks = kwargs["basicBlocks"]
+            while_block = basicBlocks[0]
+            while_inputs = while_block.inputs
+            while_tens = while_block.tensors
+            body_block = basicBlocks[2]
+            body_outputs = body_block.outputs
+            body_tens = body_block.tensors
+            if (
+                while_tens[while_inputs[0]].shape != body_tens[body_outputs[0]].shape
+            ) or (
+                while_tens[while_inputs[1]].shape != body_tens[body_outputs[2]].shape
+            ):
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+    @staticmethod
+    def evCondGraphOutputNotMatchingBool(check=False, **kwargs):
+        error_name = ErrorIf.CondGraphOutputNotMatchingBool
+        param_reqs = {"rank": None, "dtype": None, "shape": None}
+        error_result = False
+        error_reason = "Cond graph output is not a match list of booleans"
+        if check:
+            basicBlocks = kwargs["basicBlocks"]
+            cond_block = basicBlocks[1]
+            cond_outputs = cond_block.outputs
+            cond_tens = cond_block.tensors
+            if cond_tens[cond_outputs[0]].dtype != DType.BOOL:
+                error_result = True
+        info_dict = {
+            "error_name": error_name,
+            "error_result": error_result,
+            "error_reason": error_reason,
+            "param_reqs": param_reqs,
+        }
+        return info_dict
+class TosaInvalidValidator:
+    @staticmethod
+    def ivWrongDataTypeOrModeResize(**kwargs):
+        input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+        args = kwargs["args"]
+        mode = args[0]
+        output_dtype = args[8]
+        if mode == ResizeMode.BILINEAR:
+            # Invalid output data type / Invalid input datatype
+            return (
+                not (input_dtype == DType.INT8 and output_dtype == DType.INT32)
+                or not (input_dtype == DType.INT16 and output_dtype == DType.INT48)
+                or not (input_dtype == DType.FLOAT and output_dtype == DType.FLOAT)
+                or (input_dtype not in [DType.INT8, DType.INT32, DType.FLOAT])
+            )
+        elif mode == ResizeMode.NEAREST:
+            # Invalid output data type / Invalid input datatype
+            return (input_dtype != output_dtype) or (
+                input_dtype not in [DType.INT8, DType.INT32, DType.FLOAT]
+            )
+        else:
+            # Invalid resize mode
+            return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def ivBadStride(**kwargs):
+        input_dtype = kwargs["input_dtype"]
+        args = kwargs["args"]
+        stride_x = args[1][0]
+        stride_y = args[1][1]
+        stride_fp_x = args[4][0]
+        stride_fp_y = args[4][1]
+        if input_dtype == DType.FLOAT:
+            if stride_fp_x <= 0 or stride_fp_y <= 0:
+                # Negative or zero stride
+                return True
+        else:
+            if stride_x <= 0 or stride_y <= 0:
+                # Negative or zero stride
+                return True
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def ivHeightWidthInvalid(**kwargs):
+        opName = kwargs["opName"]
+        inputShapes = kwargs["shapeList"]
+        input_shape = inputShapes[0]
+        args = kwargs["args"]
+        strides = args[0]
+        padding = args[1]
+        if opName.endswith("pool2d"):
+            # avg_pool2d, max_pool2d
+            kernel_shape = args[2]
+            h = (
+                input_shape[1] + padding[0] + padding[1] + strides[0] - kernel_shape[0]
+            ) // strides[0]
+            w = (
+                input_shape[2] + padding[2] + padding[3] + strides[1] - kernel_shape[1]
+            ) // strides[1]
+            # return True if any dimension is < 1
+            return h < 1 or w < 1
+        if opName.startswith("transpose_conv2d"):
+            # transpose_conv2d
+            dilations = args[2]
+            output_shape = args[3]
+            filter_shape = inputShapes[1]
+            kernel_shape = filter_shape[1:-1]
+            def get_out_size(in_size, stride, kernel_size, dilation, out_pad, in_pad):
+                """Calculate the transpose_conv2d output size for a dimension.
+                Based on the keras function deconv_output_length, in
+                Args:
+                    in_size: the input size - int
+                    stride: the stride - int
+                    kernel_size: the kernel size - int
+                    dilation: the kernel dilation - int
+                    out_pad: the output padding - int
+                    in_pad: the input padding - int
+                Returns:
+                    the output size
+                """
+                dilated_kernel_size = kernel_size + (kernel_size - 1) * (dilation - 1)
+                return (
+                    (in_size - 1) * stride + dilated_kernel_size - 2 * in_pad + out_pad
+                )
+            for pad_h, pad_w in (
+                (kernel_shape[0] - 1, kernel_shape[1] - 1),  # FULL padding
+                (kernel_shape[0] // 2, kernel_shape[1] // 2),  # SAME padding
+                (0, 0),  # VALID padding
+            ):
+                h = get_out_size(
+                    input_shape[1],
+                    strides[0],
+                    kernel_shape[0],
+                    dilations[0],
+                    padding[0],
+                    pad_h,
+                )
+                w = get_out_size(
+                    input_shape[2],
+                    strides[1],
+                    kernel_shape[1],
+                    dilations[1],
+                    padding[1],
+                    pad_w,
+                )
+                if output_shape[1] == h and output_shape[2] == w:
+                    return False
+            # output shape does not match the expected shape for any padding option
+            return True
+        if "conv2d" in opName or "conv3d" in opName:
+            # conv2d, conv3d, depthwise_conv2d
+            dilations = args[2]
+            filter_shape = inputShapes[1]
+            kernel_shape = (
+                filter_shape[0:2]
+                if opName.startswith("depthwise_conv2d")
+                else filter_shape[1:-1]
+            )
+            for i in range(len(kernel_shape)):
+                dim = (
+                    input_shape[i + 1]
+                    - kernel_shape[i]
+                    - (kernel_shape[i] - 1) * (dilations[i] - 1)
+                    + padding[i * 2 + 0]
+                    + padding[i * 2 + 1]
+                ) // strides[i] + 1
+                # return True if any dimension is < 1
+                if dim < 1:
+                    return True
+            return False
+        assert False, f"Unrecognized Op: {opName}"
+    @staticmethod
+    def ivNonPositiveOutputShape(**kwargs):
+        args = kwargs["args"]
+        output_shape = args[3]
+        if output_shape[1] <= 0 or output_shape[2] <= 0:
+            # Negative output shape
+            return True
+        return False