Refactor verif/generator/ into different files

Move all error & validation into
Move all argument and tensor generation into
Move utility functions into
Create new TosaTensorValuesGen class for specialising tensor
value generation.

Change-Id: Ib9ac65e2308b14471a567c6f11d775c76585bc5b
Signed-off-by: Jeremy Johnson <>
diff --git a/verif/generator/ b/verif/generator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca115a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verif/generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, ARM Limited.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from tosa.DType import DType
+def valueToName(item, value):
+    """Get the name of an attribute with the given value.
+    This convenience function is needed to print meaningful names for
+    the values of the tosa.Op.Op and tosa.DType.DType classes.
+    This would not be necessary if they were subclasses of Enum, or
+    IntEnum, which, sadly, they are not.
+    Args:
+        item: The class, or object, to find the value in
+        value: The value to find
+    Example, to get the name of a DType value:
+        name = valueToName(DType, DType.INT8)   # returns 'INT8'
+        name = valueToName(DType, 4)            # returns 'INT8'
+    Returns:
+        The name of the first attribute found with a matching value,
+    Raises:
+        ValueError if the value is not found
+    """
+    for attr in dir(item):
+        if getattr(item, attr) == value:
+            return attr
+    raise ValueError(f"value ({value}) not found")
+def allDTypes(*, excludes=None):
+    """Get a set of all DType values, optionally excluding some values.
+    This convenience function is needed to provide a sequence of DType values.
+    This would be much easier if DType was a subclass of Enum, or IntEnum,
+    as we could then iterate over the values directly, instead of using
+    dir() to find the attributes and then check if they are what we want.
+    Args:
+        excludes: iterable of DTYPE values (e.g. [DType.INT8, DType.BOOL])
+    Returns:
+        A set of DType values
+    """
+    excludes = () if not excludes else excludes
+    return {
+        getattr(DType, t)
+        for t in dir(DType)
+        if not callable(getattr(DType, t))
+        and not t.startswith("__")
+        and getattr(DType, t) not in excludes
+    }
+def usableDTypes(*, excludes=None):
+    """Get a set of usable DType values, optionally excluding some values.
+    Excludes (DType.UNKNOWN, DType.UINT8) in addition to the excludes
+    specified by the caller, as the serializer lib does not support them.
+    If you wish to include 'UNKNOWN' or 'UINT8' use allDTypes instead.
+    Args:
+        excludes: iterable of DType values (e.g. [DType.INT8, DType.BOOL])
+    Returns:
+        A set of DType values
+    """
+    omit = {DType.UNKNOWN, DType.UINT8}
+    omit.update(excludes if excludes else ())
+    return allDTypes(excludes=omit)
+def product(shape):
+    value = 1
+    for n in shape:
+        value *= n
+    return value