Improved test selection before test generation

Add test list output to tosa_verif_build_tests and test list
capture to file for tosa_verif_conformance_generator

Improve PAD & CONV2D test coverage for tosa-mi conformance

Change to use logging for output to hide info from test lists
Tweak verbosity levels of tosa_verif_conformance_generator

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Johnson <>
Change-Id: Ic29da5776b02e9ac610db6ee89d0ebfb4994e055
diff --git a/verif/generator/ b/verif/generator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a13178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verif/generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024, ARM Limited.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import copy
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger("tosa_verif_build_tests")
+class Test:
+    """Test container to allow group and permute selection."""
+    def __init__(
+        self, opName, testStr, dtype, error, shapeList, argsDict, testOpName=None
+    ):
+        self.opName = opName
+        self.testStr = testStr
+        self.dtype = dtype
+        self.error = error
+        self.shapeList = shapeList
+        self.argsDict = argsDict
+        # Given test op name used for look up in TOSA_OP_LIST for "conv2d_1x1" for example
+        self.testOpName = testOpName if testOpName is not None else opName
+        self.key = None
+        self.groupKey = None
+        self.mark = False
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.testStr
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        return self.testStr < str(other)
+    def getArg(self, param):
+        # Get parameter values (arguments) for this test
+        if param == "rank":
+            return len(self.shapeList[0])
+        elif param == "dtype":
+            if isinstance(self.dtype, list):
+                return tuple(self.dtype)
+            return self.dtype
+        elif param == "shape" and "shape" not in self.argsDict:
+            return str(self.shapeList[0])
+        if param in self.argsDict:
+            # Turn other args into hashable string without newlines
+            val = str(self.argsDict[param])
+            return ",".join(str(val).splitlines())
+        else:
+            return None
+    def setKey(self, keyParams):
+        if self.error is None:
+            # Create the main key based on primary parameters
+            key = [self.getArg(param) for param in keyParams]
+            self.key = tuple(key)
+        else:
+            # Use the error as the key
+            self.key = self.error
+        return self.key
+    def getKey(self):
+        return self.key
+    def setGroupKey(self, groupParams):
+        # Create the group key based on arguments that do not define the group
+        # Therefore this test will match other tests that have the same arguments
+        # that are NOT the group arguments (group arguments like test set number)
+        paramsList = sorted(["shape", "dtype"] + list(self.argsDict.keys()))
+        key = []
+        for param in paramsList:
+            if param in groupParams:
+                continue
+            key.append(self.getArg(param))
+        self.groupKey = tuple(key)
+        return self.groupKey
+    def getGroupKey(self):
+        return self.groupKey
+    def inGroup(self, groupKey):
+        return self.groupKey == groupKey
+    def setMark(self):
+        # Marks the test as important
+        self.mark = True
+    def getMark(self):
+        return self.mark
+    def isError(self):
+        return self.error is not None
+def _get_selection_info_from_op(op, selectionCriteria, item, default):
+    # Get selection info from the op
+    if (
+        "selection" in op
+        and selectionCriteria in op["selection"]
+        and item in op["selection"][selectionCriteria]
+    ):
+        return op["selection"][selectionCriteria][item]
+    else:
+        return default
+def _get_tests_by_group(tests):
+    # Create simple structures to record the tests in groups
+    groups = []
+    group_tests = {}
+    for test in tests:
+        key = test.getGroupKey()
+        if key in group_tests:
+            group_tests[key].append(test)
+        else:
+            group_tests[key] = [test]
+            groups.append(key)
+    # Return list of test groups (group keys) and a dictionary with a list of tests
+    # associated with each group key
+    return groups, group_tests
+def _get_specific_op_info(opName, opSelectionInfo, testOpName):
+    # Get the op specific section from the selection config
+    name = opName if opName in opSelectionInfo else testOpName
+    if name not in opSelectionInfo:
+"No op entry found for {opName} in test selection config")
+        return {}
+    return opSelectionInfo[name]
+class TestOpList:
+    """All the tests for one op grouped by permutations."""
+    def __init__(self, opName, opSelectionInfo, selectionCriteria, testOpName):
+        self.opName = opName
+        self.testOpName = testOpName
+        op = _get_specific_op_info(opName, opSelectionInfo, testOpName)
+        # See verif/conformance/ for more information on
+        # these selection arguments
+        self.permuteArgs = _get_selection_info_from_op(
+            op, selectionCriteria, "permutes", ["rank", "dtype"]
+        )
+        self.paramArgs = _get_selection_info_from_op(
+            op, selectionCriteria, "full_params", []
+        )
+        self.specificArgs = _get_selection_info_from_op(
+            op, selectionCriteria, "specifics", {}
+        )
+        self.groupArgs = _get_selection_info_from_op(
+            op, selectionCriteria, "groups", ["s"]
+        )
+        self.maximumPerPermute = _get_selection_info_from_op(
+            op, selectionCriteria, "maximum", None
+        )
+        self.numErrorIfs = _get_selection_info_from_op(
+            op, selectionCriteria, "num_errorifs", 1
+        )
+        self.selectAll = _get_selection_info_from_op(
+            op, selectionCriteria, "all", False
+        )
+        if self.paramArgs and self.maximumPerPermute > 1:
+            logger.warning(f"Unsupported - selection params AND maximum for {opName}")
+        self.tests = []
+        self.testStrings = set()
+        self.shapes = set()
+        self.permutes = set()
+        self.testsPerPermute = {}
+        self.paramsPerPermute = {}
+        self.specificsPerPermute = {}
+        self.selectionDone = False
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.tests)
+    def add(self, test):
+        # Add a test to this op group and set up the permutations/group for it
+        assert test.opName.startswith(self.opName)
+        if str(test) in self.testStrings:
+  "Skipping duplicate test: {str(test)}")
+            return
+        self.tests.append(test)
+        self.testStrings.add(str(test))
+        self.shapes.add(test.getArg("shape"))
+        # Work out the permutation key for this test
+        permute = test.setKey(self.permuteArgs)
+        # Set up the group key for the test (for pulling out groups during selection)
+        test.setGroupKey(self.groupArgs)
+        if permute not in self.permutes:
+            # New permutation
+            self.permutes.add(permute)
+            # Set up area to record the selected tests
+            self.testsPerPermute[permute] = []
+            if self.paramArgs:
+                # Set up area to record the unique test params found
+                self.paramsPerPermute[permute] = {}
+                for param in self.paramArgs:
+                    self.paramsPerPermute[permute][param] = set()
+            # Set up copy of the specific test args for selecting these
+            self.specificsPerPermute[permute] = copy.deepcopy(self.specificArgs)
+    def _init_select(self):
+        # Can only perform the selection process once as it alters the permute
+        # information set at init
+        assert not self.selectionDone
+        # Count of non-specific tests added to each permute (not error)
+        if not self.selectAll:
+            countPerPermute = {permute: 0 for permute in self.permutes}
+        # Go through each test looking for permutes, unique params & specifics
+        for test in self.tests:
+            permute = test.getKey()
+            append = False
+            possible_append = False
+            if test.isError():
+                # Error test, choose up to number of tests
+                if len(self.testsPerPermute[permute]) < self.numErrorIfs:
+                    append = True
+            else:
+                if self.selectAll:
+                    append = True
+                else:
+                    # See if this is a specific test to add
+                    for param, values in self.specificsPerPermute[permute].items():
+                        arg = test.getArg(param)
+                        # Iterate over a copy of the values, so we can remove them from the original
+                        if arg in values.copy():
+                            # Found a match, remove it, so we don't look for it later
+                            values.remove(arg)
+                            # Mark the test as special (and so shouldn't be removed)
+                            test.setMark()
+                            append = True
+                    if self.paramArgs:
+                        # See if this test contains any new params we should keep
+                        # Perform this check even if we have already selected the test
+                        # so we can record the params found
+                        for param in self.paramArgs:
+                            arg = test.getArg(param)
+                            if arg not in self.paramsPerPermute[permute][param]:
+                                # We have found a new value for this arg, record it
+                                self.paramsPerPermute[permute][param].add(arg)
+                                possible_append = True
+                    else:
+                        # No params set, so possible test to add up to maximum
+                        possible_append = True
+                    if (not append and possible_append) and (
+                        self.maximumPerPermute is None
+                        or countPerPermute[permute] < self.maximumPerPermute
+                    ):
+                        # Not selected but could be added and we have space left if
+                        # a maximum is set.
+                        append = True
+                        countPerPermute[permute] += 1
+            # Check for grouping with chosen tests
+            if not append:
+                # We will keep any tests together than form a group
+                key = test.getGroupKey()
+                for t in self.testsPerPermute[permute]:
+                    if t.getGroupKey() == key:
+                        if t.getMark():
+                            test.setMark()
+                        append = True
+            if append:
+                self.testsPerPermute[permute].append(test)
+        self.selectionDone = True
+    def select(self, rng=None):
+        # Create selection of tests with optional shuffle
+        if not self.selectionDone:
+            if rng:
+                rng.shuffle(self.tests)
+            self._init_select()
+        # Now create the full list of selected tests per permute
+        selection = []
+        for permute, tests in self.testsPerPermute.items():
+            selection.extend(tests)
+        return selection
+    def all(self):
+        # Un-selected list of tests - i.e. all of them
+        return self.tests
+class TestList:
+    """List of all tests grouped by operator."""
+    def __init__(self, opSelectionInfo, selectionCriteria="default"):
+        self.opLists = {}
+        self.opSelectionInfo = opSelectionInfo
+        self.selectionCriteria = selectionCriteria
+    def __len__(self):
+        length = 0
+        for opName in self.opLists.keys():
+            length += len(self.opLists[opName])
+        return length
+    def add(self, test):
+        if test.opName not in self.opLists:
+            self.opLists[test.opName] = TestOpList(
+                test.opName,
+                self.opSelectionInfo,
+                self.selectionCriteria,
+                test.testOpName,
+            )
+        self.opLists[test.opName].add(test)
+    def _get_tests(self, selectMode, rng):
+        selection = []
+        for opList in self.opLists.values():
+            if selectMode:
+                tests =
+            else:
+                tests = opList.all()
+            selection.extend(tests)
+        selection = sorted(selection)
+        return selection
+    def select(self, rng=None):
+        return self._get_tests(True, rng)
+    def all(self):
+        return self._get_tests(False, None)