Fix TransposeConv2d in operator API

- Change name of the TransposeConv2d attribute output_shape to out_shape
  in to match with TOSA specification
- Fix serialization attributes mapping for operator TransposeConv2d
- Add a unit test for TransposeConv2d operator

Signed-off-by: Dmitrii Agibov <>
Change-Id: I6613c0d093aeea0af30012bcc1c8e5d26dec746c
diff --git a/scripts/operator_api/ b/scripts/operator_api/
index 99639f4..d9077f0 100644
--- a/scripts/operator_api/
+++ b/scripts/operator_api/
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
         "fully_connected": "FullyConnected",
         "matmul": "MatMul",
         "max_pool2d": "Pool",
-        "transpose_conv2d": "Conv",
+        "transpose_conv2d": "TransposeConv",
         "clamp": "Clamp",
         "arithmetic_right_shift": "ArithmeticRightShift",
         "mul": "Mul",
@@ -99,9 +99,16 @@
         serLibOpAtts = copy.deepcopy(allSerialLibAtts[serLibOpType])
         tosaArgsDict = {arg["name"]: arg for arg in tosaArgs}
         serTosaTypeMap = {"ResizeMode": "tosa_mode"}
-        # For reshape operator, change 'new_shape' to 'shape' to match tosa.xml
-        if tosaOpName == "reshape":
-            serLibOpAtts[0]["name"] = "shape"
+        serAttsToFix = {
+            "reshape": {"new_shape": "shape"},
+            "transpose_conv2d": {"output_shape": "out_shape"},
+        }
+        if tosaOpName in serAttsToFix:
+            # Fix attributes names to match with tosa.xml
+            for attDefName, tosaSpecName in serAttsToFix[tosaOpName].items():
+                for opAtts in serLibOpAtts:
+                    if opAtts["name"] == attDefName:
+                        opAtts["name"] = tosaSpecName
         for att in serLibOpAtts:
             attName = att["name"]
             attType = att["dType"]