Update tosa_verif_run_ref

Rename to tosa_verif_run_tests to match build_tests
Improve output and system under test support
Improve xunit support
Add results checker
Add utilities json2numpy and json2fbbin
Add set of python tests
Update README.md

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Johnson <jeremy.johnson@arm.com>
Change-Id: Ia09f8e6fd126579b3ba1c1cda95c1326802417ca
diff --git a/verif/tests/tosa_mock_sut_run.py b/verif/tests/tosa_mock_sut_run.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9572618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verif/tests/tosa_mock_sut_run.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+"""TOSA test runner module for a mock System Under Test (SUT)."""
+# Copyright (c) 2021, ARM Limited.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import os
+from runner.run_command import run_sh_command
+from runner.run_command import RunShCommandError
+from runner.tosa_test_runner import TosaTestRunner
+class TosaSUTRunner(TosaTestRunner):
+    """TOSA mock SUT runner."""
+    def __init__(self, args, runnerArgs, testDir):
+        """Initialize using the given test details."""
+        super().__init__(args, runnerArgs, testDir)
+    def runTestGraph(self):
+        """Run the test on a mock SUT."""
+        # Read the command line sut-module-args in form arg=value
+        # and put them in a dictionary
+        # Note: On the command line (for this module) they look like:
+        #       tests.tosa_mock_sut_run:arg=value
+        sutArgs = {}
+        for runArg in self.runnerArgs:
+            try:
+                arg, value = runArg.split("=", 1)
+            except ValueError:
+                # Argument without a value - treat it as a flag
+                arg = runArg
+                value = True
+            sutArgs[arg] = value
+        print(f"MOCK SUT: Runner argument dictionary: {sutArgs}")
+        # Useful meta data and arguments
+        tosaFlatbufferSchema = self.args.operator_fbs
+        tosaSubgraphFile = self.testDesc["tosa_file"]
+        tosaTestDirectory = self.testDir
+        tosaTestDescFile = self.descFile
+        # Expected file name for the graph results on valid graph
+        graphResultFiles = []
+        for idx, name in enumerate(self.testDesc["ofm_name"]):
+            graphResultFiles.append(
+                "{}:{}".format(name, self.testDesc["ofm_file"][idx])
+            )
+        # Build up input "tensor_name":"filename" list
+        tosaInputTensors = []
+        for idx, name in enumerate(self.testDesc["ifm_name"]):
+            tosaInputTensors.append(
+                "{}:{}".format(name, self.testDesc["ifm_file"][idx])
+            )
+        # Build up command line
+        cmd = [
+            "echo",
+            f"FBS={tosaFlatbufferSchema}",
+            f"Path={tosaTestDirectory}",
+            f"Desc={tosaTestDescFile}",
+            f"Graph={tosaSubgraphFile}",
+            "Results={}".format(",".join(graphResultFiles)),
+            "Inputs={}".format(",".join(tosaInputTensors)),
+        ]
+        # Run test on implementation
+        graphResult = None
+        graphMessage = None
+        try:
+            stdout, stderr = run_sh_command(cmd, verbose=True, capture_output=True)
+        except RunShCommandError as e:
+            # Return codes can be used to indicate graphResult status (see tosa_ref_run.py)
+            # But in this mock version we just set the result based on sutArgs below
+            print(f"MOCK SUT: Unexpected error {e.return_code} from command: {e}")
+            graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.OTHER_ERROR
+            graphMessage = e.stderr
+        # Other mock system testing
+        if self.args.binary:
+            # Check that the mock binary conversion has happened
+            _, ext = os.path.splitext(tosaSubgraphFile)
+            if (
+                os.path.basename(tosaTestDescFile) != "desc_binary.json"
+                and ext != ".tosa"
+            ):
+                graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.OTHER_ERROR
+        # Mock up graph result based on passed arguments
+        if not graphResult:
+            try:
+                if sutArgs["graph"] == "valid":
+                    graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.TOSA_VALID
+                    # Create dummy output file(s) for passing result checker
+                    for idx, fname in enumerate(self.testDesc["ofm_file"]):
+                        if "num_results" in sutArgs and idx == int(
+                            sutArgs["num_results"]
+                        ):
+                            # Skip writing any more to test results checker
+                            break
+                        print("Created " + fname)
+                        fp = open(os.path.join(tosaTestDirectory, fname), "w")
+                        fp.close()
+                elif sutArgs["graph"] == "error":
+                    graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.TOSA_ERROR
+                    graphMessage = "MOCK SUT: ERROR_IF"
+                elif sutArgs["graph"] == "unpredictable":
+                    graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE
+                    graphMessage = "MOCK SUT: UNPREDICTABLE"
+                else:
+                    graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.OTHER_ERROR
+                    graphMessage = "MOCK SUT: error from system under test"
+            except KeyError:
+                graphMessage = "MOCK SUT: No graph result specified!"
+                print(graphMessage)
+                graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.OTHER_ERROR
+        # Return graph result and message
+        return graphResult, graphMessage