RESIZE test generator updates

Allow random shift values rather than just 11
Check for values that cause unpredictable behaviour

Change-Id: I508c9d0982808ac03b8400d47ad9445d6afb1b79
Signed-off-by: Jeremy Johnson <>
diff --git a/verif/ b/verif/
index b9cca18..3702142 100644
--- a/verif/
+++ b/verif/
@@ -1111,28 +1111,55 @@
-                        shift = 11
-                        unit = float(1 << shift)
-                        stride_y = int(round(fp_stride_y * unit))
-                        stride_x = int(round(fp_stride_x * unit))
-                        offset_y = int(round(fp_offset_y * unit))
-                        offset_x = int(round(fp_offset_x * unit))
-                        while (
-                            stride_y >= (16 << shift)
-                            or stride_x >= (16 << shift)
-                            or offset_y >= (16 << shift)
-                            or offset_x >= (16 << shift)
-                            or offset_y <= (-16 << shift)
-                            or offset_x <= (-16 << shift)
-                        ):
-                            shift = shift - 1
+                        shift = testGen.randInt(1,12)
+                        # Now search for a shift value (1 to 11) that will produce
+                        # a valid and predictable resize operation
+                        count = 0
+                        while (count < 12):
                             unit = float(1 << shift)
                             stride_y = int(round(fp_stride_y * unit))
                             stride_x = int(round(fp_stride_x * unit))
                             offset_y = int(round(fp_offset_y * unit))
                             offset_x = int(round(fp_offset_x * unit))
+                            if (
+                                stride_y >= (16 << shift)
+                                or stride_x >= (16 << shift)
+                                or offset_y >= (16 << shift)
+                                or offset_x >= (16 << shift)
+                                or offset_y <= (-16 << shift)
+                                or offset_x <= (-16 << shift)
+                            ):
+                                # Change the shift value and check again
+                                count += 1
+                                shift = (shift % 11) + 1
+                                continue
+                            def RESIZE_REQUIRE_CALC(length_in, length_out, stride, offset, shift):
+                                # Perform the pseudo loop to look for out of bounds
+                                for pos in range(0,length_out):
+                                    a = pos * stride + offset
+                                    ia = a >> shift
+                                    ia0 = max(ia, 0)
+                                    ia1 = min(ia+1, length_in-1)
+                                    if ia0 > ia1:
+                                        # Found a problem value
+                                        break
+                                return ia0, ia1
+                            iy0, iy1 = RESIZE_REQUIRE_CALC(ifm_shape[1], output_dims[0], stride_y, offset_y, shift)
+                            ix0, ix1 = RESIZE_REQUIRE_CALC(ifm_shape[2], output_dims[1], stride_x, offset_x, shift)
+                            if ix0 > ix1 or iy0 > iy1:
+                                # Change the shift value and check again
+                                count += 1
+                                shift = (shift % 11) + 1
+                                continue
+                            break
+                        if count >= 12:
+                            # Couldn't find a good set of values for this test, skip it
+                            continue
                         stride = [stride_y, stride_x]
                         offset = [offset_y, offset_x]