Fix Reshape in operator API

- The API incorrectly requires the new shape to be passed in twice.
- This fix changes the name of the attribute from new_shape to shape in the script.
- Adds a unit test to verify that the reshape operator works correctly.

Signed-off-by: Grant Watson <>
Change-Id: I07dd0ef786c747896b6e54f4eada0e7b97c6cef3
diff --git a/scripts/operator_api/ b/scripts/operator_api/
index afe12c1..99639f4 100644
--- a/scripts/operator_api/
+++ b/scripts/operator_api/
@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@
         serLibOpAtts = copy.deepcopy(allSerialLibAtts[serLibOpType])
         tosaArgsDict = {arg["name"]: arg for arg in tosaArgs}
         serTosaTypeMap = {"ResizeMode": "tosa_mode"}
+        # For reshape operator, change 'new_shape' to 'shape' to match tosa.xml
+        if tosaOpName == "reshape":
+            serLibOpAtts[0]["name"] = "shape"
         for att in serLibOpAtts:
             attName = att["name"]
             attType = att["dType"]
@@ -397,33 +400,6 @@
     renderTemplate(environment, dataTypes, operators, template, outfile)
-def getSerializeOpTypeMap():
-    """
-    Utility function for generating the map used in getSerializeOpType()
-    """
-    import re
-    allSerialLibAtts = getSerialLibAtts()
-    serAtts = [
-        re.sub(r"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])", "_", name).lower()
-        for name in allSerialLibAtts.keys()
-    ]
-    serAtts = sorted(serAtts, key=len, reverse=True)
-    base_path = getBasePath()
-    tosaXml = minidom.parse(base_path / "thirdparty/specification/tosa.xml")
-    opsXml = tosaXml.getElementsByTagName("operator")
-    opNames = [
-        op.getElementsByTagName("name")[0] for op in opsXml
-    ]
-    map = {}
-    for opName in opNames:
-        for serAtt in serAtts:
-            if serAtt in opName:
-                components = serAtt.split("_")
-                map[opName] = "".join(x.title() for x in components)
-    return map
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     base_path = getBasePath()
     environment = Environment(