Update framework test generator to support TF/TFL conv3d.

Add a new attribute `rank` to indicate the testing dimension range of
input tensor. Also fix a minor bug in the existing conv3d simulation.
And relax rescale operator in the reference model to support 5-D input.

Change-Id: Ib42fe513831dc83eb7f9af07e011787a6c752704
Signed-off-by: TatWai Chong <tatwai.chong@arm.com>
diff --git a/verif/frameworks/arg_gen.py b/verif/frameworks/arg_gen.py
index fa4a652..5467fa2 100644
--- a/verif/frameworks/arg_gen.py
+++ b/verif/frameworks/arg_gen.py
@@ -120,6 +120,95 @@
         return arg_list
+    # conv3d argument generators build the TF constants
+    def agConv3d(op, shapes, rng):
+        arg_list = []
+        # input shape = [OC, KD, KH, KW, IC]
+        # Must be rank 5
+        if len(shapes) != 5:
+            return arg_list
+        if len(op["filter"]) < 3:
+            return arg_list
+        filter_d, filter_h, filter_w = op["filter"]
+        # strides, padding, dilations,
+        for stride_d in [1, 2]:
+            for stride_h in [1, 2]:
+                for stride_w in [1, 2]:
+                    for padding in ["SAME", "VALID"]:
+                        for dilation_d in [1, 2]:
+                            for dilation_h in [1, 2]:
+                                for dilation_w in [1, 2]:
+                                    # Disqualify argument combinations that would cause
+                                    # an illegal convolution
+                                    # fmt: off
+                                    if (padding == "VALID") and (
+                                        (shapes[1] - (filter_d - 1) * 2 - dilation_d) <= 0
+                                        or (shapes[2] - (filter_h - 1) * 2 - dilation_h) <= 0
+                                        or (shapes[3] - (filter_w - 1) * 2 - dilation_w) <= 0
+                                    ):
+                                        continue
+                                    if (
+                                        (shapes[1] - 1 - (filter_d - 1) * dilation_d) % stride_d
+                                        != 0
+                                    ) or (
+                                        (shapes[2] - 1 - (filter_h - 1) * dilation_h) % stride_h
+                                        != 0
+                                    ) or (
+                                        (shapes[3] - 1 - (filter_w - 1) * dilation_w) % stride_w
+                                        != 0
+                                    ):
+                                        # Not an exact integer output
+                                        continue
+                                    # fmt: on
+                                    # TODO investigate the error of `CPU implementation of Conv3D
+                                    # currently only supports dilated rates of 1.` from Tensorflow.
+                                    # Only test dilations = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] for now.
+                                    if (
+                                        (dilation_d != 1)
+                                        or (dilation_h != 1)
+                                        or (dilation_w != 1)
+                                    ):
+                                        continue
+                                    # Tensorflow expects strides is a list of ints that has length >= 5.
+                                    # Strides and dilations in the batch and depth dimensions must be 1.
+                                    arg_list.append(
+                                        [
+                                            "_st{}{}{}{}{}_pad{}_dilat{}{}{}{}{}".format(
+                                                1,
+                                                stride_d,
+                                                stride_h,
+                                                stride_w,
+                                                1,
+                                                padding,
+                                                1,
+                                                dilation_d,
+                                                dilation_h,
+                                                dilation_w,
+                                                1,
+                                            ),
+                                            [
+                                                [1, stride_d, stride_h, stride_w, 1],
+                                                padding,
+                                                [
+                                                    1,
+                                                    dilation_d,
+                                                    dilation_h,
+                                                    dilation_w,
+                                                    1,
+                                                ],
+                                            ],
+                                        ]
+                                    )
+        return arg_list
     # conv2d argument generators build the TF constants
     def agDepthwiseConv2d(op, shapes, rng):
         arg_list = []