Tag TOSA specification for 0.21.0 release

Functional changes:
- MUL, add right shift on 32x32 bit multiply
- RESIZE: add float type
- Add int48 to supported number formats
- Add SCATTER operator

Descriptive changes:
- Pseudocode cleanup, usage clarifications
- Fix various rank limitations
- Rewrite the introduction for improved clarity
- Improve the documentation for attributes and inputs
for training profile vs. inference profiles.
Update revision to 0.21.0

Signed-off-by: Eric Kunze <eric.kunze@arm.com>
Change-Id: Ie2d83c66600cb01f39992c6b0c168fea2917330c
1 file changed
tree: 2d68454c21dceba5c49a112eaa91e64acd4f2960
  1. Makefile
  2. README.md
  3. chapters/
  4. tosa.css
  5. tosa_spec.adoc

TOSA Specification Repository

This repository contains the source files for the TOSA specification. See the specification itself for details on the purpose and definition of the specification.

Build requirements

The TOSA specification is written in asciidoc format, and has been built using the following tools:

  • Asciidoctor 1.5.5 or later (Asciidoctor)
  • Asciidoctor-pdf
  • GNU Make 4.1 or later

The default make build creates both an html and a pdf version of the specification in out/html and out/pdf

If only an html build is required, make html will build only the html file, and asciidoctor-pdf is not needed.

If only a pdf build is required, make pdf will build only the pdf.