TOSA Specification 1.0.0 rc0 release notes

The first release candidate for the TOSA specification

Changed the way profiles are defined. Profiles are no longer supersets of functionality. Each profile contains enough operators to define a useful set of functionality.

Added the concept of extensions. Each extension provides additional functionality to an underlying profile.
  Profiles included in the current version are:

Added SIN and COS to the elementwise operators.

Modified convolution operators to have the accumulator type specified as an attribute.
  The output types were also adjusted such that a FP16 convolution can have either FP16
  or FP32 accumulator, with the output type always as FP16. These now work similar to AVG_POOL2D.

Removed the Main Training profile.
  It did not have any operators of its own, and thus wasn't possible to justify in its current state.

FP8 types now use non-saturating rules when CAST is used to cast from a wider data type.

Added a new limit on the number of tensors allowed in a tensor list: MAX_TENSOR_LIST_SIZE

New non-normative appendix added to carry information about why choices in TOSA were made.

Cleanup and update of TOSA status noting that this is the first release candidate for TOSA 1.0

Added a new field to the XML to note what version of the specification an operator was added in. (Nothing before 1.0 is included)

Error bound fixes

Bugfixes, pseudocode clarifications
  1. 58098a7 Machine parsable specification by Eric Kunze ยท 1 year, 10 months ago