Add INT4 support for ConstOp deserialization

Signed-off-by: Jerry Ge <>
Change-Id: I6eda561327635d3c5ec4793f3ae3a1483f2c018c
1 file changed
tree: 32bc0eb9ceb1b69c10e2ec11cb5e57bc1e62c001
  1. .clang-format
  2. .gitmodules
  3. CMakeLists.txt
  4. LICENSE.txt
  6. include/
  7. src/
  8. third_party/

TOSA MLIR Translator


The TOSA MLIR Translator repository implements translators between the TOSA MLIR dialect and serialized representations.

The current implementation supports serialization from MLIR form to flatbuffers. A deserializer from flatbuffers to MLIR form is in development.


##TOSA serialization library The library includes a FlatBuffers schema and a C++ API for reading and writing a TOSA graph as a flatbuffer.


This repository does not currently build standalone. It must be included within another MLIR repository with a pass manager registering the passes implemented within this repository.

The included CMake rules can be used to add this repository as a submodule. The include/SerializationPasses.h enables MLIR pass registration inclusion.

If target "tosa_serialize" is linked correctly, you should able to see "--tosa-serialize" and "--tosa-serialize-json" options available in your MLIR pass manager/MLIR optimizer.


To serialize a TOSA MLIR graph to TOSA flatbuffer binary file:

--tosa-flatbuffer-filename <TOSA_FLATBUFFER_FILENAME>

To serialize a TOSA MLIR graph to TOSA flatbuffer JSON file:

--tosa-flatbuffer-schema <PATH_TO_TOSA_FLATBUFFER_SCHEMA>
--tosa-flatbuffer-filename <TOSA_FLATBUFFER_FILENAME>

where <PATH_TO_TOSA_FLATBUFFER_SCHEMA> is provided within the serialization library submodule in third_party/serialization_lib/schema/tosa.fbs


The TOSA MLIR Translator is licensed under Apache-2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.