blob: 12ffcdfc3dd1f1e5993ddbfbe6f27047c258fe0c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "Utils.h"
#include "support/ToolchainSupport.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
namespace arm_compute
namespace test
namespace fixed_point_arithmetic
namespace detail
// Forward declare structs
struct functions;
template <typename T>
struct constant_expr;
/** Fixed point traits */
namespace traits
// Promote types
// clang-format off
template <typename T> struct promote { };
template <> struct promote<uint8_t> { using type = uint16_t; };
template <> struct promote<int8_t> { using type = int16_t; };
template <> struct promote<uint16_t> { using type = uint32_t; };
template <> struct promote<int16_t> { using type = int32_t; };
template <> struct promote<uint32_t> { using type = uint64_t; };
template <> struct promote<int32_t> { using type = int64_t; };
template <> struct promote<uint64_t> { using type = uint64_t; };
template <> struct promote<int64_t> { using type = int64_t; };
// clang-format on
/** Strongly typed enum class representing the overflow policy */
enum class OverflowPolicy
WRAP, /**< Wrap policy */
SATURATE /**< Saturate policy */
/** Strongly typed enum class representing the rounding policy */
enum class RoundingPolicy
TO_ZERO, /**< Round to zero policy */
TO_NEAREST_EVEN /**< Round to nearest even policy */
/** Arbitrary fixed-point arithmetic class */
template <typename T>
class fixed_point
// Static Checks
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type is not an integer");
// Friends
friend struct detail::functions;
friend struct detail::constant_expr<T>;
/** Constructor (from different fixed point type)
* @param[in] val Fixed point
* @param[in] p Fixed point precision
template <typename U>
fixed_point(fixed_point<U> val, uint8_t p)
: _value(0), _fixed_point_position(p)
assert(p > 0 && p < std::numeric_limits<T>::digits);
T v = 0;
if(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits < std::numeric_limits<U>::digits)
v = detail::constant_expr<T>::saturate_cast(val.raw());
auto v_cast = static_cast<fixed_point<T>>(val);
v = v_cast.raw();
_value = static_cast<T>(v);
/** Constructor (from integer)
* @param[in] val Integer value to be represented as fixed point
* @param[in] p Fixed point precision
* @param[in] is_raw If true val is a raw fixed point value else an integer
template <typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<U>::value>::type>
fixed_point(U val, uint8_t p, bool is_raw = false)
: _value(val << p), _fixed_point_position(p)
_value = val;
/** Constructor (from float)
* @param[in] val Float value to be represented as fixed point
* @param[in] p Fixed point precision
fixed_point(float val, uint8_t p)
: _value(detail::constant_expr<T>::to_fixed(val, p)), _fixed_point_position(p)
assert(p > 0 && p < std::numeric_limits<T>::digits);
/** Constructor (from float string)
* @param[in] str Float string to be represented as fixed point
* @param[in] p Fixed point precision
fixed_point(std::string str, uint8_t p)
: _value(detail::constant_expr<T>::to_fixed(support::cpp11::stof(str), p)), _fixed_point_position(p)
assert(p > 0 && p < std::numeric_limits<T>::digits);
/** Default copy constructor */
fixed_point &operator=(const fixed_point &) = default;
/** Default move constructor */
fixed_point &operator=(fixed_point &&) = default;
/** Default copy assignment operator */
fixed_point(const fixed_point &) = default;
/** Default move assignment operator */
fixed_point(fixed_point &&) = default;
/** Float conversion operator
* @return Float representation of fixed point
operator float() const
return detail::constant_expr<T>::to_float(_value, _fixed_point_position);
/** Integer conversion operator
* @return Integer representation of fixed point
template <typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type>
operator U() const
return detail::constant_expr<T>::to_int(_value, _fixed_point_position);
/** Convert to different fixed point of different type but same precision
* @note Down-conversion might fail.
template <typename U>
operator fixed_point<U>()
U val = static_cast<U>(_value);
if(std::numeric_limits<U>::digits < std::numeric_limits<T>::digits)
val = detail::constant_expr<U>::saturate_cast(_value);
return fixed_point<U>(val, _fixed_point_position, true);
/** Arithmetic += assignment operator
* @param[in] rhs Fixed point operand
* @return Reference to this fixed point
template <typename U>
fixed_point<T> &operator+=(const fixed_point<U> &rhs)
fixed_point<T> val(rhs, _fixed_point_position);
_value += val.raw();
return *this;
/** Arithmetic -= assignment operator
* @param[in] rhs Fixed point operand
* @return Reference to this fixed point
template <typename U>
fixed_point<T> &operator-=(const fixed_point<U> &rhs)
fixed_point<T> val(rhs, _fixed_point_position);
_value -= val.raw();
return *this;
/** Raw value accessor
* @return Raw fixed point value
T raw() const
return _value;
/** Precision accessor
* @return Precision of fixed point
uint8_t precision() const
return _fixed_point_position;
/** Rescale a fixed point to a new precision
* @param[in] p New fixed point precision
void rescale(uint8_t p)
assert(p > 0 && p < std::numeric_limits<T>::digits);
using promoted_T = typename traits::promote<T>::type;
promoted_T val = _value;
if(p > _fixed_point_position)
val <<= (p - _fixed_point_position);
else if(p < _fixed_point_position)
uint8_t pbar = _fixed_point_position - p;
val += (pbar != 0) ? (1 << (pbar - 1)) : 0;
val >>= pbar;
_value = detail::constant_expr<T>::saturate_cast(val);
_fixed_point_position = p;
T _value; /**< Fixed point raw value */
uint8_t _fixed_point_position; /**< Fixed point precision */
namespace detail
/** Count the number of leading zero bits in the given value.
* @param[in] value Input value.
* @return Number of leading zero bits.
template <typename T>
constexpr int clz(T value)
using unsigned_T = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
// __builtin_clz is available for int. Need to correct reported number to
// match the original type.
return __builtin_clz(value) - (32 - std::numeric_limits<unsigned_T>::digits);
template <typename T>
struct constant_expr
/** Calculate representation of 1 in fixed point given a fixed point precision
* @param[in] p Fixed point precision
* @return Representation of value 1 in fixed point.
static constexpr T fixed_one(uint8_t p)
return (1 << p);
/** Calculate fixed point precision step given a fixed point precision
* @param[in] p Fixed point precision
* @return Fixed point precision step
static constexpr float fixed_step(uint8_t p)
return (1.0f / static_cast<float>(1 << p));
/** Convert a fixed point value to float given its precision.
* @param[in] val Fixed point value
* @param[in] p Fixed point precision
* @return Float representation of the fixed point number
static constexpr float to_float(T val, uint8_t p)
return static_cast<float>(val * fixed_step(p));
/** Convert a fixed point value to integer given its precision.
* @param[in] val Fixed point value
* @param[in] p Fixed point precision
* @return Integer of the fixed point number
static constexpr T to_int(T val, uint8_t p)
return val >> p;
/** Convert a single precision floating point value to a fixed point representation given its precision.
* @param[in] val Floating point value
* @param[in] p Fixed point precision
* @return The raw fixed point representation
static constexpr T to_fixed(float val, uint8_t p)
return static_cast<T>(saturate_cast<float>(val * fixed_one(p) + ((val >= 0) ? 0.5 : -0.5)));
/** Clamp value between two ranges
* @param[in] val Value to clamp
* @param[in] min Minimum value to clamp to
* @param[in] max Maximum value to clamp to
* @return clamped value
static constexpr T clamp(T val, T min, T max)
return std::min(std::max(val, min), max);
/** Saturate given number
* @param[in] val Value to saturate
* @return Saturated value
template <typename U>
static constexpr T saturate_cast(U val)
return static_cast<T>(std::min<U>(std::max<U>(val, static_cast<U>(std::numeric_limits<T>::min())), static_cast<U>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max())));
struct functions
/** Output stream operator
* @param[in] s Output stream
* @param[in] x Fixed point value
* @return Reference output to updated stream
template <typename T, typename U, typename traits>
static std::basic_ostream<T, traits> &write(std::basic_ostream<T, traits> &s, fixed_point<U> &x)
return s << static_cast<float>(x);
/** Signbit of a fixed point number.
* @param[in] x Fixed point number
* @return True if negative else false.
template <typename T>
static bool signbit(fixed_point<T> x)
return ((x._value >> std::numeric_limits<T>::digits) != 0);
/** Checks if two fixed point numbers are equal
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return True if fixed points are equal else false
template <typename T>
static bool isequal(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
uint8_t p = std::min(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
return (x._value == y._value);
/** Checks if two fixed point number are not equal
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return True if fixed points are not equal else false
template <typename T>
static bool isnotequal(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return !isequal(x, y);
/** Checks if one fixed point is greater than the other
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return True if fixed point is greater than other
template <typename T>
static bool isgreater(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
uint8_t p = std::min(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
return (x._value > y._value);
/** Checks if one fixed point is greater or equal than the other
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return True if fixed point is greater or equal than other
template <typename T>
static bool isgreaterequal(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
uint8_t p = std::min(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
return (x._value >= y._value);
/** Checks if one fixed point is less than the other
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return True if fixed point is less than other
template <typename T>
static bool isless(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
uint8_t p = std::min(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
return (x._value < y._value);
/** Checks if one fixed point is less or equal than the other
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return True if fixed point is less or equal than other
template <typename T>
static bool islessequal(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
uint8_t p = std::min(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
return (x._value <= y._value);
/** Checks if one fixed point is less or greater than the other
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return True if fixed point is less or greater than other
template <typename T>
static bool islessgreater(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return isnotequal(x, y);
/** Clamp fixed point to specific range.
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @param[in] min Minimum value to clamp to
* @param[in] max Maximum value to clamp to
* @return Clamped result
template <typename T>
static fixed_point<T> clamp(fixed_point<T> x, T min, T max)
return fixed_point<T>(constant_expr<T>::clamp(x._value, min, max), x._fixed_point_position, true);
/** Negate number
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @return Negated fixed point result
template <OverflowPolicy OP = OverflowPolicy::SATURATE, typename T>
static fixed_point<T> negate(fixed_point<T> x)
using promoted_T = typename traits::promote<T>::type;
promoted_T val = -x._value;
if(OP == OverflowPolicy::SATURATE)
val = constant_expr<T>::saturate_cast(val);
return fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(val), x._fixed_point_position, true);
/** Perform addition among two fixed point numbers
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return Result fixed point with precision equal to minimum precision of both operands
template <OverflowPolicy OP = OverflowPolicy::SATURATE, typename T>
static fixed_point<T> add(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
uint8_t p = std::min(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
if(OP == OverflowPolicy::SATURATE)
using type = typename traits::promote<T>::type;
type val = static_cast<type>(x._value) + static_cast<type>(y._value);
val = constant_expr<T>::saturate_cast(val);
return fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(val), p, true);
return fixed_point<T>(x._value + y._value, p, true);
/** Perform subtraction among two fixed point numbers
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return Result fixed point with precision equal to minimum precision of both operands
template <OverflowPolicy OP = OverflowPolicy::SATURATE, typename T>
static fixed_point<T> sub(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
uint8_t p = std::min(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
if(OP == OverflowPolicy::SATURATE)
using type = typename traits::promote<T>::type;
type val = static_cast<type>(x._value) - static_cast<type>(y._value);
val = constant_expr<T>::saturate_cast(val);
return fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(val), p, true);
return fixed_point<T>(x._value - y._value, p, true);
/** Perform multiplication among two fixed point numbers
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return Result fixed point with precision equal to minimum precision of both operands
template <OverflowPolicy OP = OverflowPolicy::SATURATE, typename T>
static fixed_point<T> mul(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
using promoted_T = typename traits::promote<T>::type;
uint8_t p_min = std::min(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
uint8_t p_max = std::max(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
promoted_T round_factor = (1 << (p_max - 1));
promoted_T val = ((static_cast<promoted_T>(x._value) * static_cast<promoted_T>(y._value)) + round_factor) >> p_max;
if(OP == OverflowPolicy::SATURATE)
val = constant_expr<T>::saturate_cast(val);
return fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(val), p_min, true);
/** Perform division among two fixed point numbers
* @param[in] x First fixed point operand
* @param[in] y Second fixed point operand
* @return Result fixed point with precision equal to minimum precision of both operands
template <OverflowPolicy OP = OverflowPolicy::SATURATE, typename T>
static fixed_point<T> div(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
using promoted_T = typename traits::promote<T>::type;
uint8_t p = std::min(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position);
promoted_T denom = static_cast<promoted_T>(y._value);
if(denom != 0)
promoted_T val = (static_cast<promoted_T>(x._value) << std::max(x._fixed_point_position, y._fixed_point_position)) / denom;
if(OP == OverflowPolicy::SATURATE)
val = constant_expr<T>::saturate_cast(val);
return fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(val), p, true);
T val = (x._value < 0) ? std::numeric_limits<T>::min() : std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
return fixed_point<T>(val, p, true);
/** Shift left
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @param[in] shift Shift value
* @return Shifted value
template <OverflowPolicy OP = OverflowPolicy::SATURATE, typename T>
static fixed_point<T> shift_left(fixed_point<T> x, size_t shift)
using promoted_T = typename traits::promote<T>::type;
promoted_T val = static_cast<promoted_T>(x._value) << shift;
if(OP == OverflowPolicy::SATURATE)
val = constant_expr<T>::saturate_cast(val);
return fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(val), x._fixed_point_position, true);
/** Shift right
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @param[in] shift Shift value
* @return Shifted value
template <typename T>
static fixed_point<T> shift_right(fixed_point<T> x, size_t shift)
return fixed_point<T>(x._value >> shift, x._fixed_point_position, true);
/** Calculate absolute value
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @return Absolute value of operand
template <typename T>
static fixed_point<T> abs(fixed_point<T> x)
using promoted_T = typename traits::promote<T>::type;
T val = (x._value < 0) ? constant_expr<T>::saturate_cast(-static_cast<promoted_T>(x._value)) : x._value;
return fixed_point<T>(val, x._fixed_point_position, true);
/** Calculate the logarithm of a fixed point number
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @return Logarithm value of operand
template <typename T>
static fixed_point<T> log(fixed_point<T> x)
uint8_t p = x._fixed_point_position;
auto const_one = fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(1), p);
// Logarithm of 1 is zero and logarithm of negative values is not defined in R, so return 0.
// Also, log(x) == -log(1/x) for 0 < x < 1.
if(isequal(x, const_one) || islessequal(x, fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(0), p)))
return fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(0), p, true);
else if(isless(x, const_one))
return mul(log(div(const_one, x)), fixed_point<T>(-1, p));
// Remove even powers of 2
T shift_val = 31 - __builtin_clz(x._value >> p);
x = shift_right(x, shift_val);
x = sub(x, const_one);
// Constants
auto ln2 = fixed_point<T>(0.6931471, p);
auto A = fixed_point<T>(1.4384189, p);
auto B = fixed_point<T>(-0.67719, p);
auto C = fixed_point<T>(0.3218538, p);
auto D = fixed_point<T>(-0.0832229, p);
// Polynomial expansion
auto sum = add(mul(x, D), C);
sum = add(mul(x, sum), B);
sum = add(mul(x, sum), A);
sum = mul(x, sum);
return mul(add(sum, fixed_point<T>(static_cast<T>(shift_val), p)), ln2);
/** Calculate the exponential of a fixed point number.
* exp(x) = exp(floor(x)) * exp(x - floor(x))
* = pow(2, floor(x) / ln(2)) * exp(x - floor(x))
* = exp(x - floor(x)) << (floor(x) / ln(2))
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @return Exponential value of operand
template <typename T>
static fixed_point<T> exp(fixed_point<T> x)
uint8_t p = x._fixed_point_position;
// Constants
auto const_one = fixed_point<T>(1, p);
auto ln2 = fixed_point<T>(0.6931471, p);
auto inv_ln2 = fixed_point<T>(1.442695, p);
auto A = fixed_point<T>(0.9978546, p);
auto B = fixed_point<T>(0.4994721, p);
auto C = fixed_point<T>(0.1763723, p);
auto D = fixed_point<T>(0.0435108, p);
T scaled_int_part = detail::constant_expr<T>::to_int(mul(x, inv_ln2)._value, p);
// Polynomial expansion
auto frac_part = sub(x, mul(ln2, fixed_point<T>(scaled_int_part, p)));
auto taylor = add(mul(frac_part, D), C);
taylor = add(mul(frac_part, taylor), B);
taylor = add(mul(frac_part, taylor), A);
taylor = mul(frac_part, taylor);
taylor = add(taylor, const_one);
// Saturate value
if(static_cast<T>(clz(taylor.raw())) <= scaled_int_part)
return fixed_point<T>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max(), p, true);
return (scaled_int_part < 0) ? shift_right(taylor, -scaled_int_part) : shift_left(taylor, scaled_int_part);
/** Calculate the inverse square root of a fixed point number
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @return Inverse square root value of operand
template <typename T>
static fixed_point<T> inv_sqrt(fixed_point<T> x)
const uint8_t p = x._fixed_point_position;
int8_t shift = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits - (p + detail::clz(x._value));
shift += std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed ? 1 : 0;
// Use volatile to restrict compiler optimizations on shift as compiler reports maybe-uninitialized error on Android
volatile int8_t *shift_ptr = &shift;
auto const_three = fixed_point<T>(3, p);
auto a = (*shift_ptr < 0) ? shift_left(x, -(shift)) : shift_right(x, shift);
fixed_point<T> x2 = a;
// We need three iterations to find the result for QS8 and five for QS16
constexpr int num_iterations = std::is_same<T, int8_t>::value ? 3 : 5;
for(int i = 0; i < num_iterations; ++i)
fixed_point<T> three_minus_dx = sub(const_three, mul(a, mul(x2, x2)));
x2 = shift_right(mul(x2, three_minus_dx), 1);
return (shift < 0) ? shift_left(x2, (-shift) >> 1) : shift_right(x2, shift >> 1);
/** Calculate the hyperbolic tangent of a fixed point number
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @return Hyperbolic tangent of the operand
template <typename T>
static fixed_point<T> tanh(fixed_point<T> x)
uint8_t p = x._fixed_point_position;
// Constants
auto const_one = fixed_point<T>(1, p);
auto const_two = fixed_point<T>(2, p);
auto exp2x = exp(const_two * x);
auto num = exp2x - const_one;
auto den = exp2x + const_one;
auto tanh = num / den;
return tanh;
/** Calculate the a-th power of a fixed point number.
* The power is computed as x^a = e^(log(x) * a)
* @param[in] x Fixed point operand
* @param[in] a Fixed point exponent
* @return a-th power of the operand
template <typename T>
static fixed_point<T> pow(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> a)
return exp(log(x) * a);
template <typename T>
bool operator==(const fixed_point<T> &lhs, const fixed_point<T> &rhs)
return functions::isequal(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(const fixed_point<T> &lhs, const fixed_point<T> &rhs)
return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T>
bool operator<(const fixed_point<T> &lhs, const fixed_point<T> &rhs)
return functions::isless(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T>
bool operator>(const fixed_point<T> &lhs, const fixed_point<T> &rhs)
return operator<(rhs, lhs);
template <typename T>
bool operator<=(const fixed_point<T> &lhs, const fixed_point<T> &rhs)
return !operator>(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T>
bool operator>=(const fixed_point<T> &lhs, const fixed_point<T> &rhs)
return !operator<(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T>
fixed_point<T> operator+(const fixed_point<T> &lhs, const fixed_point<T> &rhs)
return functions::add(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T>
fixed_point<T> operator-(const fixed_point<T> &lhs, const fixed_point<T> &rhs)
return functions::sub(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T>
fixed_point<T> operator-(const fixed_point<T> &rhs)
return functions::negate(rhs);
template <typename T>
fixed_point<T> operator*(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return functions::mul(x, y);
template <typename T>
fixed_point<T> operator/(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return functions::div(x, y);
template <typename T>
fixed_point<T> operator>>(fixed_point<T> x, size_t shift)
return functions::shift_right(x, shift);
template <typename T>
fixed_point<T> operator<<(fixed_point<T> x, size_t shift)
return functions::shift_left(x, shift);
template <typename T, typename U, typename traits>
std::basic_ostream<T, traits> &operator<<(std::basic_ostream<T, traits> &s, fixed_point<U> x)
return functions::write(s, x);
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> min(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return x > y ? y : x;
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> max(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return x > y ? x : y;
template <OverflowPolicy OP = OverflowPolicy::SATURATE, typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> add(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return functions::add<OP>(x, y);
template <OverflowPolicy OP = OverflowPolicy::SATURATE, typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> sub(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return functions::sub<OP>(x, y);
template <OverflowPolicy OP = OverflowPolicy::SATURATE, typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> mul(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return functions::mul<OP>(x, y);
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> div(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> y)
return functions::div(x, y);
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> abs(fixed_point<T> x)
return functions::abs(x);
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> clamp(fixed_point<T> x, T min, T max)
return functions::clamp(x, min, max);
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> exp(fixed_point<T> x)
return functions::exp(x);
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> log(fixed_point<T> x)
return functions::log(x);
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> inv_sqrt(fixed_point<T> x)
return functions::inv_sqrt(x);
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> tanh(fixed_point<T> x)
return functions::tanh(x);
template <typename T>
inline fixed_point<T> pow(fixed_point<T> x, fixed_point<T> a)
return functions::pow(x, a);
} // namespace detail
// Expose operators
using detail::operator==;
using detail::operator!=;
using detail::operator<;
using detail::operator>;
using detail::operator<=;
using detail::operator>=;
using detail::operator+;
using detail::operator-;
using detail::operator*;
using detail::operator/;
using detail::operator>>;
using detail::operator<<;
// Expose additional functions
using detail::min;
using detail::max;
using detail::add;
using detail::sub;
using detail::mul;
using detail::div;
using detail::abs;
using detail::clamp;
using detail::exp;
using detail::log;
using detail::inv_sqrt;
using detail::tanh;
using detail::pow;
// TODO: floor
// TODO: ceil
// TODO: sqrt
} // namespace fixed_point_arithmetic
} // namespace test
} // namespace arm_compute