blob: 53333ff608d4ea167cb6afb10d9b7fcbb05ff2ec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Arm Limited.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "arm_compute/core/Coordinates.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/QuantizationInfo.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/Size2D.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/Strides.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/TensorShape.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/utils/misc/Macros.h"
#include "support/Bfloat16.h"
#include "support/Half.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace arm_compute
/** 16-bit floating point type */
using half = half_float::half;
/** Permutation vector */
using PermutationVector = Strides;
/** Bidirectional strides */
using BiStrides = Coordinates;
/** Image colour formats */
enum class Format
UNKNOWN, /**< Unknown image format */
U8, /**< 1 channel, 1 U8 per channel */
S16, /**< 1 channel, 1 S16 per channel */
U16, /**< 1 channel, 1 U16 per channel */
S32, /**< 1 channel, 1 S32 per channel */
U32, /**< 1 channel, 1 U32 per channel */
BFLOAT16, /**< 16-bit brain floating-point number */
F16, /**< 1 channel, 1 F16 per channel */
F32, /**< 1 channel, 1 F32 per channel */
UV88, /**< 2 channel, 1 U8 per channel */
RGB888, /**< 3 channels, 1 U8 per channel */
RGBA8888, /**< 4 channels, 1 U8 per channel */
YUV444, /**< A 3 plane of 8 bit 4:4:4 sampled Y, U, V planes */
YUYV422, /**< A single plane of 32-bit macro pixel of Y0, U0, Y1, V0 bytes */
NV12, /**< A 2 plane YUV format of Luma (Y) and interleaved UV data at 4:2:0 sampling */
NV21, /**< A 2 plane YUV format of Luma (Y) and interleaved VU data at 4:2:0 sampling */
IYUV, /**< A 3 plane of 8-bit 4:2:0 sampled Y, U, V planes */
UYVY422 /**< A single plane of 32-bit macro pixel of U0, Y0, V0, Y1 byte */
/** Available data types */
enum class DataType
UNKNOWN, /**< Unknown data type */
U8, /**< unsigned 8-bit number */
S8, /**< signed 8-bit number */
QSYMM8, /**< quantized, symmetric fixed-point 8-bit number */
QASYMM8, /**< quantized, asymmetric fixed-point 8-bit number unsigned */
QASYMM8_SIGNED, /**< quantized, asymmetric fixed-point 8-bit number signed */
QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL, /**< quantized, symmetric per channel fixed-point 8-bit number */
U16, /**< unsigned 16-bit number */
S16, /**< signed 16-bit number */
QSYMM16, /**< quantized, symmetric fixed-point 16-bit number */
QASYMM16, /**< quantized, asymmetric fixed-point 16-bit number */
U32, /**< unsigned 32-bit number */
S32, /**< signed 32-bit number */
U64, /**< unsigned 64-bit number */
S64, /**< signed 64-bit number */
BFLOAT16, /**< 16-bit brain floating-point number */
F16, /**< 16-bit floating-point number */
F32, /**< 32-bit floating-point number */
F64, /**< 64-bit floating-point number */
SIZET /**< size_t */
/** Available Sampling Policies */
enum class SamplingPolicy
CENTER, /**< Samples are taken at pixel center */
TOP_LEFT /**< Samples are taken at pixel top left corner */
/** Constant value of the border pixels when using BorderMode::CONSTANT */
constexpr uint8_t CONSTANT_BORDER_VALUE = 199;
/** [DataLayout enum definition] **/
/** Supported tensor data layouts */
enum class DataLayout
UNKNOWN, /**< Unknown data layout */
NCHW, /**< Num samples, channels, height, width */
NHWC /**< Num samples, height, width, channels */
/** [DataLayout enum definition] **/
/** Supported tensor data layout dimensions */
enum class DataLayoutDimension
CHANNEL, /**< channel */
HEIGHT, /**< height */
WIDTH, /**< width */
BATCHES /**< batches */
/** Available ConvolutionMethod*/
enum class ConvolutionMethod
GEMM, /**< Convolution using GEMM */
GEMM_CONV2D, /**< Direct 2D GEMM convolution */
DIRECT, /**< Direct convolution */
WINOGRAD, /**< Convolution using Winograd */
FFT /**< Convolution using FFT */
/** Available DepthwiseConvolutionFunction*/
enum class DepthwiseConvolutionFunction
OPTIMIZED, /**< Optimized Depthwise Convolution */
GENERIC, /**< Generic Depthwise Convolution */
/** Available DeconvolutionMethod*/
enum class DeconvolutionMethod
GEMM, /**< Deconvolution using GEMM */
DIRECT, /**< Direct deconvolution */
/** Available FuseBatchNormalizationType*/
enum class FuseBatchNormalizationType
CONVOLUTION, /**< For Convolution weights */
DEPTHWISECONVOLUTION /**< For Depthwise Convolution weights*/
/** Padding mode to use for PadLayer */
enum class PaddingMode
/** Supported comparison operations */
enum class ComparisonOperation
Equal, /**< Equal comparison ( \f$ x == y \f$ ) */
NotEqual, /**< NotEqual comparison ( \f$ x != y \f$ ) */
Greater, /**< Greater comparison ( \f$ x > y \f$ ) */
GreaterEqual, /**< Greater equal comparison ( \f$ x >= y \f$ ) */
Less, /**< Less comparison ( \f$ x < y \f$ ) */
LessEqual /**< Less equal comparison ( \f$ x <= y \f$ ) */
/** Container for valid region of a window */
struct ValidRegion
/** Default constructor */
: anchor{}, shape{}
/** Allow instances of this class to be copy constructed */
ValidRegion(const ValidRegion &) = default;
/** Allow instances of this class to be move constructed */
ValidRegion(ValidRegion &&) = default;
/** Allow instances of this class to be copied */
ValidRegion &operator=(const ValidRegion &) = default;
/** Allow instances of this class to be moved */
ValidRegion &operator=(ValidRegion &&) = default;
/** Default destructor */
~ValidRegion() = default;
/** Constructor for a valid region with default number of dimensions
* @param[in] an_anchor Anchor for the start of the valid region.
* @param[in] a_shape Shape of the valid region.
ValidRegion(const Coordinates &an_anchor, const TensorShape &a_shape)
: anchor{ an_anchor }, shape{ a_shape }
anchor.set_num_dimensions(std::max(anchor.num_dimensions(), shape.num_dimensions()));
/** Constructor for a valid region with specified number of dimensions
* @param[in] an_anchor Anchor for the start of the valid region.
* @param[in] a_shape Shape of the valid region.
* @param[in] num_dimensions Number of dimensions (must be >= number of dimensions of anchor and shape).
ValidRegion(const Coordinates &an_anchor, const TensorShape &a_shape, size_t num_dimensions)
: anchor{ an_anchor }, shape{ a_shape }
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(num_dimensions < std::max(anchor.num_dimensions(), shape.num_dimensions()));
/** Return the start of the valid region for the given dimension @p d */
int start(unsigned int d) const
return anchor[d];
/** Return the end of the valid region for the given dimension @p d */
int end(unsigned int d) const
return anchor[d] + shape[d];
/** Accessor to set the value of anchor and shape for one of the dimensions.
* @param[in] dimension Dimension for which the value is set.
* @param[in] start Value to be set in anchor for the dimension.
* @param[in] size Value to be set in shape for the dimension.
* @return *this.
ValidRegion &set(size_t dimension, int start, size_t size)
anchor.set(dimension, start);
shape.set(dimension, size);
return *this;
Coordinates anchor; /**< Anchor for the start of the valid region. */
TensorShape shape; /**< Shape of the valid region. */
/** Methods available to handle borders */
enum class BorderMode
UNDEFINED, /**< Borders are left undefined */
CONSTANT, /**< Pixels outside the image are assumed to have a constant value */
REPLICATE /**< Pixels outside the image are assumed to have the same value as the closest image pixel */
/** Container for 2D border size */
struct BorderSize
/** Empty border, i.e. no border */
constexpr BorderSize() noexcept
: top{ 0 },
right{ 0 },
bottom{ 0 },
left{ 0 }
/** Border with equal size around the 2D plane */
explicit constexpr BorderSize(unsigned int size) noexcept
: top{ size },
right{ size },
bottom{ size },
left{ size }
/** Border with same size for top/bottom and left/right */
constexpr BorderSize(unsigned int top_bottom, unsigned int left_right)
: top{ top_bottom }, right{ left_right }, bottom{ top_bottom }, left{ left_right }
/** Border with different sizes */
constexpr BorderSize(unsigned int top, unsigned int right, unsigned int bottom, unsigned int left)
: top{ top }, right{ right }, bottom{ bottom }, left{ left }
/** Check if the entire border is zero */
constexpr bool empty() const
return top == 0 && right == 0 && bottom == 0 && left == 0;
/** Check if the border is the same size on all sides */
constexpr bool uniform() const
return top == right && top == bottom && top == left;
/** Scale this border size.
* @param[in] scale Scale to multiply border size by.
* @return *this.
BorderSize &operator*=(float scale)
top *= scale;
right *= scale;
bottom *= scale;
left *= scale;
return *this;
/** Scale a copy of this border size.
* @param[in] scale Scale to multiply border size by.
* @return a scaled copy of this.
BorderSize operator*(float scale)
BorderSize size = *this;
size *= scale;
return size;
/** Check equality with another BorderSize struct
* @param[in] rhs other struct to check against
* @return true if they are equal
bool operator==(const BorderSize &rhs)
return (top == && (right == rhs.right) && (bottom == rhs.bottom) && (left == rhs.left);
/** Check non-equality with another BorderSize struct
* @param[in] rhs other struct to check against
* @return true if they are different
bool operator!=(const BorderSize &rhs)
return !(*this == rhs);
/** Limit this border size.
* @param[in] limit Border size to limit this border size to.
void limit(const BorderSize &limit)
top = std::min(top,;
right = std::min(right, limit.right);
bottom = std::min(bottom, limit.bottom);
left = std::min(left, limit.left);
unsigned int top; /**< top of the border */
unsigned int right; /**< right of the border */
unsigned int bottom; /**< bottom of the border */
unsigned int left; /**< left of the border */
/** Container for 2D padding size */
using PaddingSize = BorderSize;
/** Policy to handle overflow */
enum class ConvertPolicy
WRAP, /**< Wrap around */
SATURATE /**< Saturate */
/** Interpolation method */
enum class InterpolationPolicy
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, /**< Output values are defined to match the source pixel whose center is nearest to the sample position */
BILINEAR, /**< Output values are defined by bilinear interpolation between the pixels */
AREA, /**< Output values are determined by averaging the source pixels whose areas fall under the area of the destination pixel, projected onto the source image */
/** Bilinear Interpolation method used by LKTracker */
enum class BilinearInterpolation
BILINEAR_OLD_NEW, /**< Old-new method */
BILINEAR_SCHARR /**< Scharr method */
/** Rectangle type */
struct Rectangle
uint16_t x; /**< Top-left x coordinate */
uint16_t y; /**< Top-left y coordinate */
uint16_t width; /**< Width of the rectangle */
uint16_t height; /**< Height of the rectangle */
/** Coordinate type */
struct Coordinates2D
int32_t x; /**< X coordinates */
int32_t y; /**< Y coordinates */
/** Coordinate type */
struct Coordinates3D
uint32_t x; /**< X coordinates */
uint32_t y; /**< Y coordinates */
uint32_t z; /**< Z coordinates */
/** Padding information as a pair of unsigned int start/end */
using PaddingInfo = std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>;
/** List of padding information */
using PaddingList = std::vector<PaddingInfo>;
/** Information to produce a tiled version of a Tensor */
using Multiples = std::vector<uint32_t>;
/** Available channels */
enum class Channel
UNKNOWN, /** Unknown channel format */
C0, /**< First channel (used by formats with unknown channel types). */
C1, /**< Second channel (used by formats with unknown channel types). */
C2, /**< Third channel (used by formats with unknown channel types). */
C3, /**< Fourth channel (used by formats with unknown channel types). */
R, /**< Red channel. */
G, /**< Green channel. */
B, /**< Blue channel. */
A, /**< Alpha channel. */
Y, /**< Luma channel. */
U, /**< Cb/U channel. */
V /**< Cr/V/Value channel. */
/** Available reduction operations */
enum class ReductionOperation
ARG_IDX_MAX, /**< Index of the max value */
ARG_IDX_MIN, /**< Index of the min value */
MEAN_SUM, /**< Mean of sum */
PROD, /**< Product */
SUM_SQUARE, /**< Sum of squares */
SUM, /**< Sum */
MIN, /**< Min */
MAX, /**< Max */
/** Available element-wise operations */
enum class ArithmeticOperation
ADD, /**< (x + y) */
SUB, /**< (x - y) */
DIV, /**< (x / y) */
MIN, /**< Min(x, y) */
MAX, /**< Max(x, y) */
SQUARED_DIFF, /**< (x - y)^2 */
POWER, /**< x ^ y */
PRELU, /**< y*x if x < 0, x otherwise */
/** Available element wise unary operations */
enum class ElementWiseUnary
RSQRT, /**< Reverse square root */
EXP, /**< Exponential */
NEG, /**< Negate */
LOG, /**< Natural Logarithm */
ABS, /**< Absolute value */
SIN, /**< Sine */
ROUND, /**< Round */
LOGICAL_NOT, /**< Logical Not */
/** Available bitwise operations */
enum class BitwiseOperation
AND, /**< Bitwise AND operation */
NOT, /**< Bitwise NOT operation */
OR, /**< Bitwise OR operation */
XOR, /**< Bitwise XOR operation */
/** The normalization type used for the normalization layer */
enum class NormType
IN_MAP_1D, /**< Normalization applied within the same map in 1D region */
IN_MAP_2D, /**< Normalization applied within the same map in 2D region */
CROSS_MAP /**< Normalization applied cross maps */
/** Detection window used for the object detection. The detection window keeps the following information:
* -# Geometry of the rectangular window (x/y of top-left corner and width/height)
* -# Index of the class used for evaluating which class the detection window belongs to
* -# Confidence value (score) obtained with the classifier
struct DetectionWindow
uint16_t x{ 0 }; /**< Top-left x coordinate */
uint16_t y{ 0 }; /**< Top-left y coordinate */
uint16_t width{ 0 }; /**< Width of the detection window */
uint16_t height{ 0 }; /**< Height of the detection window */
uint16_t idx_class{ 0 }; /**< Index of the class */
float score{ 0.f }; /**< Confidence value for the detection window */
/** Dimension rounding type when down-scaling on CNNs
* @note Used in pooling and convolution layer
enum class DimensionRoundingType
FLOOR, /**< Floor rounding */
CEIL /**< Ceil rounding */
/** Available pooling types */
enum class PoolingType
MAX, /**< Max Pooling */
AVG, /**< Average Pooling */
L2 /**< L2 Pooling */
/** Available non maxima suppression types */
enum class NMSType
LINEAR, /**< Linear NMS */
GAUSSIAN, /**< Gaussian NMS */
ORIGINAL /**< Original NMS */
/** BoxWithNonMaximaSuppressionLimit Information class */
class BoxNMSLimitInfo final
/** Constructor
* @param[in] score_thresh (Optional) Score threshold.
* @param[in] nms (Optional) NMS value
* @param[in] detections (Optional) Number of detections
* @param[in] soft_nms_enabled (Optional) Enable SoftNMS
* @param[in] soft_nms_method (Optional) Soft NMS method
* @param[in] soft_nms_sigma (Optional) Soft NMS sigma value
* @param[in] soft_nms_min_score_thres (Optional) Soft NMS minimum score threshold
* @param[in] suppress_size (Optional) Filter out boxes based on their size. Defaults to false
* @param[in] min_size (Optional) Smaller boxes than min_size will be filtered out. Defaults to 1
* @param[in] im_width (Optional) Boxes whose centers (on the x axis) is beyond im_width will be filtered. Defaults to 1
* @param[in] im_height (Optional) Boxes whose centers (on the y axis) is beyond im_height will be filtered. Defaults to 1
BoxNMSLimitInfo(float score_thresh = 0.05f, float nms = 0.3f,
int detections = 100, bool soft_nms_enabled = false,
NMSType soft_nms_method = NMSType::LINEAR,
float soft_nms_sigma = 0.5f, float soft_nms_min_score_thres = 0.001f, bool suppress_size = false, float min_size = 1.0f, float im_width = 1.0f, float im_height = 1.0f)
: _score_thresh(score_thresh), _nms(nms), _detections_per_im(detections), _soft_nms_enabled(soft_nms_enabled), _soft_nms_method(soft_nms_method), _soft_nms_sigma(soft_nms_sigma),
_soft_nms_min_score_thres(soft_nms_min_score_thres), _suppress_size(suppress_size), _min_size(min_size), _im_width(im_width), _im_height(im_height)
/** Get the score threshold */
float score_thresh() const
return _score_thresh;
/** Get the NMS */
float nms() const
return _nms;
/** Get the number of detections */
int detections_per_im() const
return _detections_per_im;
/** Check if soft NMS is enabled */
bool soft_nms_enabled() const
return _soft_nms_enabled;
/** Get soft NMS method */
NMSType soft_nms_method() const
return _soft_nms_method;
/** Get soft NMS sigma */
float soft_nms_sigma() const
return _soft_nms_sigma;
/** Get soft nms min score threshold */
float soft_nms_min_score_thres() const
return _soft_nms_min_score_thres;
/** Get if NMS will suppress boxes based on their size/position */
bool suppress_size() const
return _suppress_size;
/** Get size suppression threshold */
float min_size() const
return _min_size;
/** Get image width (NMS may suppress boxes whose center sits beyond the image width) */
float im_width() const
return _im_width;
/** Get image height (NMS may suppress boxes whose center sits beyond the image height) */
float im_height() const
return _im_height;
float _score_thresh;
float _nms;
int _detections_per_im;
bool _soft_nms_enabled;
NMSType _soft_nms_method;
float _soft_nms_sigma;
float _soft_nms_min_score_thres;
bool _suppress_size;
float _min_size;
float _im_width;
float _im_height;
/** Padding and stride information class */
class PadStrideInfo
/** Constructor
* @param[in] stride_x (Optional) Stride, in elements, across x. Defaults to 1.
* @param[in] stride_y (Optional) Stride, in elements, across y. Defaults to 1.
* @param[in] pad_x (Optional) Padding, in elements, across x. Defaults to 0.
* @param[in] pad_y (Optional) Padding, in elements, across y. Defaults to 0.
* @param[in] round (Optional) Dimensions rounding. Defaults to @ref FLOOR.
PadStrideInfo(unsigned int stride_x = 1, unsigned int stride_y = 1,
unsigned int pad_x = 0, unsigned int pad_y = 0,
DimensionRoundingType round = DimensionRoundingType::FLOOR)
: _stride(std::make_pair(stride_x, stride_y)),
/** Constructor
* @param[in] stride_x Stride, in elements, across x.
* @param[in] stride_y Stride, in elements, across y.
* @param[in] pad_left Padding across x on the left, in elements.
* @param[in] pad_top Padding across y on the top, in elements.
* @param[in] pad_right Padding across x on the right, in elements.
* @param[in] pad_bottom Padding across y on the bottom, in elements.
* @param[in] round Dimensions rounding.
PadStrideInfo(unsigned int stride_x, unsigned int stride_y,
unsigned int pad_left, unsigned int pad_right,
unsigned int pad_top, unsigned int pad_bottom,
DimensionRoundingType round)
: _stride(std::make_pair(stride_x, stride_y)),
/** Get the stride.
* @return a pair: stride x, stride y.
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> stride() const
return _stride;
/** Check whether the padding is symmetric.
* @return True if the padding is symmetric.
bool padding_is_symmetric() const
return (_pad_left == _pad_right) && (_pad_top == _pad_bottom);
/** Get the padding.
* @note This should only be used when the padding is symmetric.
* @return a pair: padding left/right, padding top/bottom
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> pad() const
//this accessor should be used only when padding is symmetric
return std::make_pair(_pad_left, _pad_top);
/** Get the left padding */
unsigned int pad_left() const
return _pad_left;
/** Get the right padding */
unsigned int pad_right() const
return _pad_right;
/** Get the top padding */
unsigned int pad_top() const
return _pad_top;
/** Get the bottom padding */
unsigned int pad_bottom() const
return _pad_bottom;
/** Get the rounding type */
DimensionRoundingType round() const
return _round_type;
/** Check whether this has any padding */
bool has_padding() const
return (_pad_left != 0 || _pad_top != 0 || _pad_right != 0 || _pad_bottom != 0);
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> _stride;
unsigned int _pad_left;
unsigned int _pad_top;
unsigned int _pad_right;
unsigned int _pad_bottom;
DimensionRoundingType _round_type;
/** PriorBox layer info */
class PriorBoxLayerInfo final
/** Default Constructor */
: _min_sizes(),
/** Constructor
* @param[in] min_sizes Min sizes vector.
* @param[in] variances Variances vector.
* @param[in] offset Offset value.
* @param[in] flip (Optional) Flip the aspect ratios.
* @param[in] clip (Optional) Clip coordinates so that they're within [0,1].
* @param[in] max_sizes (Optional) Max sizes vector.
* @param[in] aspect_ratios (Optional) Aspect ratios of the boxes.
* @param[in] img_size (Optional) Image size.
* @param[in] steps (Optional) Step values.
PriorBoxLayerInfo(const std::vector<float> &min_sizes, const std::vector<float> &variances, float offset, bool flip = true, bool clip = false,
const std::vector<float> &max_sizes = {}, const std::vector<float> &aspect_ratios = {},
const Coordinates2D &img_size = Coordinates2D{ 0, 0 }, const std::array<float, 2> &steps = { { 0.f, 0.f } })
: _min_sizes(min_sizes),
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < aspect_ratios.size(); ++i)
float ar = aspect_ratios[i];
bool already_exist = false;
for(auto ar_new : _aspect_ratios)
if(fabs(ar - ar_new) < 1e-6)
already_exist = true;
_aspect_ratios.push_back(1.f / ar);
/** Get min sizes. */
std::vector<float> min_sizes() const
return _min_sizes;
/** Get min variances. */
std::vector<float> variances() const
return _variances;
/** Get the step coordinates */
std::array<float, 2> steps() const
return _steps;
/** Get the image size coordinates */
Coordinates2D img_size() const
return _img_size;
/** Get the offset */
float offset() const
return _offset;
/** Get the flip value */
bool flip() const
return _flip;
/** Get the clip value */
bool clip() const
return _clip;
/** Get max sizes. */
std::vector<float> max_sizes() const
return _max_sizes;
/** Get aspect ratios. */
std::vector<float> aspect_ratios() const
return _aspect_ratios;
std::vector<float> _min_sizes;
std::vector<float> _variances;
float _offset;
bool _flip;
bool _clip;
std::vector<float> _max_sizes;
std::vector<float> _aspect_ratios;
Coordinates2D _img_size;
std::array<float, 2> _steps;
// Bounding Box [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
using BBox = std::array<float, 4>;
// LabelBBox used for map label and bounding box
using LabelBBox = std::map<int, std::vector<BBox>>;
/** Available Detection Output code types */
enum class DetectionOutputLayerCodeType
CORNER, /**< Use box corners */
CENTER_SIZE, /**< Use box centers and size */
CORNER_SIZE, /**< Use box centers and size */
TF_CENTER /**< Use box centers and size but flip x and y co-ordinates */
/** Detection Output layer info */
class DetectionOutputLayerInfo final
/** Default Constructor */
: _num_classes(),
_num_loc_classes = _share_location ? 1 : _num_classes;
/** Constructor
* @param[in] num_classes Number of classes to be predicted.
* @param[in] share_location If true, bounding box are shared among different classes.
* @param[in] code_type Type of coding method for bbox.
* @param[in] keep_top_k Number of total bounding boxes to be kept per image after NMS step.
* @param[in] nms_threshold Threshold to be used in NMS.
* @param[in] top_k (Optional) Number of boxes per image with top confidence scores that are fed into the NMS algorithm. Default set to -1.
* @param[in] background_label_id (Optional) Background label ID. If there is no background class, set it as -1.
* @param[in] confidence_threshold (Optional) Only consider detections whose confidences are larger than a threshold. Default set to -FLT_MAX.
* @param[in] variance_encoded_in_target (Optional) If true, variance is encoded in target. Otherwise we need to adjust the predicted offset accordingly.Default set to false.
* @param[in] eta (Optional) Eta.
DetectionOutputLayerInfo(int num_classes, bool share_location, DetectionOutputLayerCodeType code_type, int keep_top_k, float nms_threshold, int top_k = -1, int background_label_id = -1,
float confidence_threshold = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(), bool variance_encoded_in_target = false, float eta = 1)
: _num_classes(num_classes),
_num_loc_classes = _share_location ? 1 : _num_classes;
/** Get num classes. */
int num_classes() const
return _num_classes;
/** Get share location. */
bool share_location() const
return _share_location;
/** Get detection output code type. */
DetectionOutputLayerCodeType code_type() const
return _code_type;
/** Get if variance encoded in target. */
bool variance_encoded_in_target() const
return _variance_encoded_in_target;
/** Get the number of total bounding boxes to be kept per image. */
int keep_top_k() const
return _keep_top_k;
/** Get nms threshold. */
float nms_threshold() const
return _nms_threshold;
/** Get eta. */
float eta() const
return _eta;
/** Get background label ID. */
int background_label_id() const
return _background_label_id;
/** Get confidence threshold. */
float confidence_threshold() const
return _confidence_threshold;
/** Get top K. */
int top_k() const
return _top_k;
/** Get number of location classes. */
int num_loc_classes() const
return _num_loc_classes;
int _num_classes;
bool _share_location;
DetectionOutputLayerCodeType _code_type;
int _keep_top_k;
float _nms_threshold;
int _top_k;
int _background_label_id;
float _confidence_threshold;
bool _variance_encoded_in_target;
float _eta;
int _num_loc_classes;
/** Detection Output layer info */
class DetectionPostProcessLayerInfo final
/** Default Constructor */
: _max_detections(),
/** Constructor
* @param[in] max_detections Number of total detection.
* @param[in] max_classes_per_detection Number of total classes to be kept after NMS step. Used in the Fast Non-Max-Suppression
* @param[in] nms_score_threshold Threshold to be used in NMS
* @param[in] iou_threshold Threshold to be used during the intersection over union.
* @param[in] num_classes Number of classes.
* @param[in] scales_values Scales values used for decode center size boxes.
* @param[in] use_regular_nms (Optional) Boolean to determinate if use regular or fast nms. Defaults to false.
* @param[in] detection_per_class (Optional) Number of detection per class. Used in the Regular Non-Max-Suppression. Defaults to 100.
* @param[in] dequantize_scores (Optional) If the scores need to be dequantized. Defaults to true.
DetectionPostProcessLayerInfo(unsigned int max_detections, unsigned int max_classes_per_detection, float nms_score_threshold, float iou_threshold, unsigned int num_classes,
std::array<float, 4> scales_values, bool use_regular_nms = false, unsigned int detection_per_class = 100, bool dequantize_scores = true)
: _max_detections(max_detections),
/** Get max detections. */
unsigned int max_detections() const
return _max_detections;
/** Get max_classes per detection. Used in the Fast Non-Max-Suppression.*/
unsigned int max_classes_per_detection() const
return _max_classes_per_detection;
/** Get detection per class. Used in the Regular Non-Max-Suppression */
unsigned int detection_per_class() const
return _detection_per_class;
/** Get nms threshold. */
float nms_score_threshold() const
return _nms_score_threshold;
/** Get intersection over union threshold. */
float iou_threshold() const
return _iou_threshold;
/** Get num classes. */
unsigned int num_classes() const
return _num_classes;
/** Get if use regular nms. */
bool use_regular_nms() const
return _use_regular_nms;
/** Get y scale value. */
float scale_value_y() const
// Saved as [y,x,h,w]
return _scales_values[0];
/** Get x scale value. */
float scale_value_x() const
// Saved as [y,x,h,w]
return _scales_values[1];
/** Get h scale value. */
float scale_value_h() const
// Saved as [y,x,h,w]
return _scales_values[2];
/** Get w scale value. */
float scale_value_w() const
// Saved as [y,x,h,w]
return _scales_values[3];
/** Get dequantize_scores value. */
bool dequantize_scores() const
return _dequantize_scores;
unsigned int _max_detections;
unsigned int _max_classes_per_detection;
float _nms_score_threshold;
float _iou_threshold;
unsigned int _num_classes;
std::array<float, 4> _scales_values;
bool _use_regular_nms;
unsigned int _detection_per_class;
bool _dequantize_scores;
/** Pooling Layer Information struct*/
struct PoolingLayerInfo
/** Default Constructor */
: pool_type(PoolingType::MAX),
/** Constructor
* @param[in] pool_type Pooling type @ref PoolingType.
* @param[in] pool_size Pooling size, in elements, across x and y.
* @param[in] data_layout Data layout used by the layer @ref DataLayout
* @param[in] pad_stride_info (Optional) Padding and stride information @ref PadStrideInfo
* @param[in] exclude_padding (Optional) Strategy when accounting padding in calculations.
* True will exclude padding while false will not (Used in AVG/L2 pooling to determine the pooling area).
* Defaults to false;
* @param[in] fp_mixed_precision (Optional) Use wider accumulators (32 bit instead of 16 for FP16) to improve accuracy.
explicit PoolingLayerInfo(PoolingType pool_type,
unsigned int pool_size,
DataLayout data_layout,
PadStrideInfo pad_stride_info = PadStrideInfo(),
bool exclude_padding = false,
bool fp_mixed_precision = false)
: pool_type(pool_type),
pool_size(Size2D(pool_size, pool_size)),
/** Constructor
* @param[in] pool_type Pooling type @ref PoolingType.
* @param[in] pool_size Pooling size, in elements, across x and y.
* @param[in] data_layout Data layout used by the layer @ref DataLayout
* @param[in] pad_stride_info (Optional) Padding and stride information @ref PadStrideInfo
* @param[in] exclude_padding (Optional) Strategy when accounting padding in calculations.
* True will exclude padding while false will not (Used in AVG/L2 pooling to determine the pooling area).
* Defaults to false;
* @param[in] fp_mixed_precision (Optional) Use wider accumulators (32 bit instead of 16 for FP16) to improve accuracy.
explicit PoolingLayerInfo(PoolingType pool_type,
Size2D pool_size,
DataLayout data_layout,
PadStrideInfo pad_stride_info = PadStrideInfo(),
bool exclude_padding = false,
bool fp_mixed_precision = false)
: pool_type(pool_type),
/** Constructor
* @note This constructor is used for global pooling
* @param[in] pool_type Pooling type @ref PoolingType.
* @param[in] data_layout Data layout used by the layer @ref DataLayout
explicit PoolingLayerInfo(PoolingType pool_type, DataLayout data_layout)
: pool_type(pool_type),
pad_stride_info(PadStrideInfo(1, 1, 0, 0)),
PoolingType pool_type;
Size2D pool_size;
DataLayout data_layout;
PadStrideInfo pad_stride_info;
bool exclude_padding;
bool is_global_pooling;
bool fp_mixed_precision;
/** ROI Pooling Layer Information class */
class ROIPoolingLayerInfo final
/** Constructor
* @param[in] pooled_width Pooled width of the layer.
* @param[in] pooled_height Pooled height of the layer.
* @param[in] spatial_scale Spatial scale to be applied to the ROI coordinates and dimensions.
* @param[in] sampling_ratio Number of samples to include in each pooling region (if set to zero, a ceil(roi_dims/pooling_dims))
ROIPoolingLayerInfo(unsigned int pooled_width, unsigned int pooled_height, float spatial_scale, unsigned int sampling_ratio = 0)
: _pooled_width(pooled_width), _pooled_height(pooled_height), _spatial_scale(spatial_scale), _sampling_ratio(sampling_ratio)
/** Get the pooled width of the layer */
unsigned int pooled_width() const
return _pooled_width;
/** Get the pooled height of the layer */
unsigned int pooled_height() const
return _pooled_height;
/** Get the spatial scale */
float spatial_scale() const
return _spatial_scale;
/** Get sampling ratio */
unsigned int sampling_ratio() const
return _sampling_ratio;
unsigned int _pooled_width;
unsigned int _pooled_height;
float _spatial_scale;
unsigned int _sampling_ratio;
/** Generate Proposals Information class */
class GenerateProposalsInfo
/** Constructor
* @param[in] im_width Width of the original image
* @param[in] im_height Height of the original image
* @param[in] im_scale Scale applied to the original image
* @param[in] spatial_scale (Optional)Scale applied to the feature map. Defaults to 1.0
* @param[in] pre_nms_topN (Optional)Number of the best scores to be selected from the transformations. Defaults to 6000.
* @param[in] post_nms_topN (Optional)Number of the best scores to be selected from the NMS operation. Defaults to 300.
* @param[in] nms_thres (Optional)NMS overlap threshold. Defaults to 0.7.
* @param[in] min_size (Optional)Size used to validate the anchors produced. Defaults to 16.
* @param[in] values_per_roi (Optional)Values used to represent a ROI(Region of interest). Defaults to 4.
GenerateProposalsInfo(float im_width, float im_height, float im_scale, float spatial_scale = 1.0, int pre_nms_topN = 6000, int post_nms_topN = 300, float nms_thres = 0.7, float min_size = 16.0,
size_t values_per_roi = 4)
: _im_height(im_height), _im_width(im_width), _im_scale(im_scale), _spatial_scale(spatial_scale), _pre_nms_topN(pre_nms_topN), _post_nms_topN(post_nms_topN), _nms_thres(nms_thres),
_min_size(min_size), _values_per_roi(values_per_roi)
/* Get the original height */
float im_height() const
return _im_height;
/* Get the original width */
float im_width() const
return _im_width;
/* Get the image scale */
float im_scale() const
return _im_scale;
/* Get the value of how many best scores to select (before NMS) */
int pre_nms_topN() const
return _pre_nms_topN;
/* Get the value of how many best scores to select (after NMS) */
int post_nms_topN() const
return _post_nms_topN;
/* Get the NMS overlap threshold */
float nms_thres() const
return _nms_thres;
/* Get the minimal size */
float min_size() const
return _min_size;
/* Get the spatial scale to be applied to the feature maps */
float spatial_scale() const
return _spatial_scale;
/* Get the values used to represent a ROI(Region of interest)*/
size_t values_per_roi() const
return _values_per_roi;
float _im_height;
float _im_width;
float _im_scale;
float _spatial_scale;
int _pre_nms_topN;
int _post_nms_topN;
float _nms_thres;
float _min_size;
size_t _values_per_roi;
/** ComputeAnchors information class */
class ComputeAnchorsInfo
/** Constructor
* @param[in] feat_width Feature map width
* @param[in] feat_height Feature map height
* @param[in] spatial_scale Feature map scale
* @param[in] values_per_roi (Optional)Values used to represent a ROI(Region Of Interest). Defaults to 4
ComputeAnchorsInfo(float feat_width, float feat_height, float spatial_scale, size_t values_per_roi = 4)
: _feat_height(feat_height),
/* Get the height of the feature map */
float feat_height() const
return _feat_height;
/* Get the width of the feature map */
float feat_width() const
return _feat_width;
/* Get the scale of the feature map */
float spatial_scale() const
return _spatial_scale;
/* Get the values used to represent a ROI(Region Of Interest)*/
size_t values_per_roi() const
return _values_per_roi;
float _feat_height;
float _feat_width;
float _spatial_scale;
size_t _values_per_roi;
/** Bounding Box Transform information class */
class BoundingBoxTransformInfo final
/** Constructor
* @param[in] img_width Width of the original image
* @param[in] img_height Height, of the original image
* @param[in] scale Scale of the original image
* @param[in] apply_scale (Optional)Re-apply scaling after transforming the boxes. Defaults to false
* @param[in] weights (Optional)Weights [wx, wy, ww, wh] for the deltas. Defaults to all ones
* @param[in] correct_transform_coords (Optional)Correct bounding box transform coordinates. Defaults to false
* @param[in] bbox_xform_clip (Optional)Minimum bounding box width and height after bounding box transformation in log-space. Defaults to log(1000/16)
BoundingBoxTransformInfo(float img_width, float img_height, float scale, bool apply_scale = false, const std::array<float, 4> weights = { { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f } }, bool correct_transform_coords =
float bbox_xform_clip =
: _img_width(img_width), _img_height(img_height), _scale(scale), _apply_scale(apply_scale), _correct_transform_coords(correct_transform_coords), _weights(weights), _bbox_xform_clip(bbox_xform_clip)
std::array<float, 4> weights() const
return _weights;
float bbox_xform_clip() const
return _bbox_xform_clip;
float img_height() const
return _img_height;
float img_width() const
return _img_width;
float scale() const
return _scale;
bool apply_scale() const
return _apply_scale;
bool correct_transform_coords() const
return _correct_transform_coords;
float _img_width;
float _img_height;
float _scale;
bool _apply_scale;
bool _correct_transform_coords;
std::array<float, 4> _weights;
float _bbox_xform_clip;
/** Activation Layer Information class */
class ActivationLayerInfo
/** Available activation functions */
enum class ActivationFunction
LOGISTIC, /**< Logistic ( \f$ f(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}} \f$ ) */
TANH, /**< Hyperbolic tangent ( \f$ f(x) = a \cdot tanh(b \cdot x) \f$ ) */
RELU, /**< Rectifier ( \f$ f(x) = max(0,x) \f$ ) */
BOUNDED_RELU, /**< Upper Bounded Rectifier ( \f$ f(x) = min(a, max(0,x)) \f$ ) */
LU_BOUNDED_RELU, /**< Lower and Upper Bounded Rectifier ( \f$ f(x) = min(a, max(b,x)) \f$ ) */
LEAKY_RELU, /**< Leaky Rectifier ( \f$ f(x) = \begin{cases} \alpha x & \quad \text{if } x \text{ < 0}\\ x & \quad \text{if } x \geq \text{ 0 } \end{cases} \f$ ) */
SOFT_RELU, /**< Soft Rectifier ( \f$ f(x)= log(1+e^x) \f$ ) */
ELU, /**< Exponential Linear Unit ( \f$ f(x) = \begin{cases} \alpha (exp(x) - 1) & \quad \text{if } x \text{ < 0}\\ x & \quad \text{if } x \geq \text{ 0 } \end{cases} \f$ ) */
ABS, /**< Absolute ( \f$ f(x)= |x| \f$ ) */
SQUARE, /**< Square ( \f$ f(x)= x^2 \f$ )*/
SQRT, /**< Square root ( \f$ f(x) = \sqrt{x} \f$ )*/
LINEAR, /**< Linear ( \f$ f(x)= ax + b \f$ ) */
IDENTITY, /**< Identity ( \f$ f(x)= x \f$ ) */
HARD_SWISH /**< Hard-swish ( \f$ f(x) = (x * relu6(x+3))/6 \f$ ) */
ActivationLayerInfo() = default;
/** Default Constructor
* @param[in] f The activation function to use.
* @param[in] a (Optional) The alpha parameter used by some activation functions
* (@ref ActivationFunction::BOUNDED_RELU, @ref ActivationFunction::LU_BOUNDED_RELU, @ref ActivationFunction::LINEAR, @ref ActivationFunction::TANH).
* @param[in] b (Optional) The beta parameter used by some activation functions (@ref ActivationFunction::LINEAR, @ref ActivationFunction::LU_BOUNDED_RELU, @ref ActivationFunction::TANH).
ActivationLayerInfo(ActivationFunction f, float a = 0.0f, float b = 0.0f)
: _act(f), _a(a), _b(b), _enabled(true)
/** Get the type of activation function */
ActivationFunction activation() const
return _act;
/** Get the alpha value */
float a() const
return _a;
/** Get the beta value */
float b() const
return _b;
/** Check if initialised */
bool enabled() const
return _enabled;
ActivationFunction _act = { ActivationLayerInfo::ActivationFunction::IDENTITY };
float _a = {};
float _b = {};
bool _enabled = { false };
/** Fully connected layer info */
struct FullyConnectedLayerInfo
DataLayout weights_trained_layout{ DataLayout::NCHW }; /**< Layout that the weights have been trained with. */
bool transpose_weights{ true }; /**< Transpose weights if true. */
bool are_weights_reshaped{ false }; /**< Reshape the weights tensor if false. */
bool retain_internal_weights{ false }; /**< Retain internal reshaped weights. */
bool fp_mixed_precision{ false }; /**< Use wider accumulators (32 bit instead of 16 for FP16) to improve accuracy. */
ActivationLayerInfo activation_info{}; /**< Fused activation to apply after the matrix multiplication. */
/** Sets the weights trained data layout
* @param[in] layout Data layout that the weights were trained with
* @return Updated object
FullyConnectedLayerInfo &set_weights_trained_layout(DataLayout layout)
weights_trained_layout = layout;
return *this;
/** Sets the transpose weights flag
* @param[in] should_transpose_weights Boolean flag indicating if weights should be transposed
* @return Updated object
FullyConnectedLayerInfo &set_transpose_weights(bool should_transpose_weights)
transpose_weights = should_transpose_weights;
return *this;
/** Normalization Layer Information class */
class NormalizationLayerInfo
/** Default Constructor
* @param[in] type The normalization type. Can be @ref NormType::IN_MAP_1D, @ref NormType::IN_MAP_2D or @ref NormType::CROSS_MAP
* @param[in] norm_size The normalization size is the number of elements to normalize across. Defaults to 5.
* @param[in] alpha (Optional) Alpha parameter used by normalization equation. Defaults to 0.0001.
* @param[in] beta (Optional) Beta parameter used by normalization equation. Defaults to 0.5.
* @param[in] kappa (Optional) Kappa parameter used by [Krichevksy 2012] Across Channel Local Brightness Normalization equation.
* @param[in] is_scaled (Optional) Boolean that specifies if alpha will be scaled by the normalization size or not.
* Should be false to follow [Krichevksy 2012].
NormalizationLayerInfo(NormType type, uint32_t norm_size = 5, float alpha = 0.0001f, float beta = 0.5f, float kappa = 1.f, bool is_scaled = true)
: _type(type), _norm_size(norm_size), _alpha(alpha), _beta(beta), _kappa(kappa), _is_scaled(is_scaled)
/** Get the normalization type */
NormType type() const
return _type;
/** Get the normalization size */
uint32_t norm_size() const
return _norm_size;
/** Get the alpha value */
float alpha() const
return _alpha;
/** Get the beta value */
float beta() const
return _beta;
/** Get the kappa value */
float kappa() const
return _kappa;
/** Get the is_scaled value */
bool is_scaled() const
return _is_scaled;
/** Check if normalization is cross map */
bool is_cross_map() const
return _type == NormType::CROSS_MAP;
/** Check if normalization is not cross map */
bool is_in_map() const
return !is_cross_map();
/** Return the scaling factor of the normalization function.
* If is_scaled is set to false then [Krichevksy 2012] normalization scaling is performed,
* where alpha is returned plainly, else alpha is scaled by the total number of elements used for the normalization.
* @return The normalization scaling factor.
float scale_coeff() const
const uint32_t size = (_type == NormType::IN_MAP_2D) ? _norm_size * _norm_size : _norm_size;
return (_is_scaled) ? (_alpha / size) : _alpha;
NormType _type;
uint32_t _norm_size;
float _alpha;
float _beta;
float _kappa;
bool _is_scaled;
class StridedSliceLayerInfo
/** Default Constructor
* @param[in] begin_mask (Optional) If the ith bit of begin_mask is set, starts[i] is ignored and the fullest possible range in that dimension is used instead.
* @param[in] end_mask (Optional) If the ith bit of end_mask is set, ends[i] is ignored and the fullest possible range in that dimension is used instead.
* @param[in] shrink_axis_mask (Optional) If the ith bit of shrink_axis_mask is set, it implies that the ith specification shrinks the dimensionality by 1.
StridedSliceLayerInfo(int32_t begin_mask = 0, int32_t end_mask = 0, int32_t shrink_axis_mask = 0)
: _begin_mask(begin_mask), _end_mask(end_mask), _shrink_axis_mask(shrink_axis_mask)
/* Get the begin mask value */
int32_t begin_mask() const
return _begin_mask;
/* Get the end mask value */
int32_t end_mask() const
return _end_mask;
/* Get the shrink axis mask value */
int32_t shrink_axis_mask() const
return _shrink_axis_mask;
int32_t _begin_mask;
int32_t _end_mask;
int32_t _shrink_axis_mask;
/** Convolution Layer Weights Information class. This class stores the necessary information to compute convolution layer when the weights are already reshaped */
class WeightsInfo
/** Default constructor */
: _are_reshaped(false), _kernel_width(0), _kernel_height(0), _num_kernels(0), _retain_internal_weights(false)
/** Constructor
* @param[in] are_reshaped True if the weights have been reshaped
* @param[in] kernel_width Kernel width.
* @param[in] kernel_height Kernel height.
* @param[in] num_kernels Number of convolution kernels.
* @param[in] retain_internal_weights (Optional) True if internal reshaped weights must be retained. Used for reconfiguration purposes. Default is false.
WeightsInfo(bool are_reshaped, unsigned int kernel_width, unsigned int kernel_height, unsigned int num_kernels, bool retain_internal_weights = false)
: _are_reshaped(are_reshaped), _kernel_width(kernel_width), _kernel_height(kernel_height), _num_kernels(num_kernels), _retain_internal_weights(retain_internal_weights)
/** Flag which specifies if the weights tensor has been reshaped.
* @return True if the weights tensors has been reshaped
bool are_reshaped() const
return _are_reshaped;
/** Return the number of convolution kernels
* @return The number of convolution kernels
unsigned int num_kernels() const
return _num_kernels;
/** Return the width and height of the kernel
* @return The width and height of the kernel
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> kernel_size() const
return std::make_pair(_kernel_width, _kernel_height);
bool retain_internal_weights() const
return _retain_internal_weights;
bool _are_reshaped;
unsigned int _kernel_width;
unsigned int _kernel_height;
unsigned int _num_kernels;
bool _retain_internal_weights;
/** GEMM reshape information class. This class stores the necessary information about matrix A and matrix B reshape.
* The matrix A can only be reshaped through @ref CLGEMMReshapeLHSMatrixKernel or @ref NEGEMMInterleave4x4Kernel
* Note: Optionally just for @ref CLGEMMReshapeLHSMatrixKernel is it possible to set mult_interleave4x4_height, the multiplication factor for the height of the 4x4 interleaved block
* The matrix B can only be reshaped through @ref CLGEMMReshapeRHSMatrixKernel or @ref NEGEMMTranspose1xWKernel
* Note: Optionally just for @ref CLGEMMReshapeRHSMatrixKernel is it possible to set mult_transpose1xW_width, the multiplication factor for the width of the 1xW transposed block
class GEMMReshapeInfo final
/** Default constructor */
: _m(1), _n(1), _k(1), _mult_transpose1xW_width(1), _mult_interleave4x4_height(1), _depth_output_gemm3d(0), _reinterpret_input_as_3d(false), _broadcast_bias(false)
/** Constructor
* @param[in] m Number of matrix A rows
* @param[in] n Number of matrix B columns
* @param[in] k Number of matrix A columns or matrix B rows
* @param[in] mult_transpose1xW_width (Optional) Multiplication factor for the width of the 1xW transposed block
* @param[in] mult_interleave4x4_height (Optional) Multiplication factor for the height of the 4x4 interleaved block
* @param[in] depth_output_gemm3d (Optional) Depth (third dimension) of the output tensor to be used with the GEMM3D kernel.
* If 0 the output will not be reinterpreted as 3D. Default 0
* @param[in] reinterpret_input_as_3d (Optional) Reinterpret the input as 3D tensor. (i.e. this flag should be set to true when GEMM is used
* to perform 1x1 convolutions with the NHWC data layout)
* @param[in] broadcast_bias (Optional) Broadcast the shape of the bias tensor from a vector to a matrix.
GEMMReshapeInfo(int m, int n, int k, int mult_transpose1xW_width = 1, int mult_interleave4x4_height = 1, int depth_output_gemm3d = 0, bool reinterpret_input_as_3d = false, bool broadcast_bias = false)
: _m(m), _n(n), _k(k), _mult_transpose1xW_width(mult_transpose1xW_width), _mult_interleave4x4_height(mult_interleave4x4_height), _depth_output_gemm3d(depth_output_gemm3d),
_reinterpret_input_as_3d(reinterpret_input_as_3d), _broadcast_bias(broadcast_bias)
/** Number of matrix A rows
* @return the number of matrix A rows
int m() const
return _m;
/** Number of matrix B columns
* @return the number of matrix B columns
int n() const
return _n;
/** Number of matrix A columns or matrix B rows
* @return the number of matrix A columns or matrix B rows
int k() const
return _k;
/** Multiplication factor for the width of the 1xW transposed block
* @return the multiplication factor for the width of the 1xW transposed block
int mult_transpose1xW_width() const
return _mult_transpose1xW_width;
/** Multiplication factor for the height of the 4x4 interleaved block
* @return the multiplication factor for the height of the 4x4 interleaved block
int mult_interleave4x4_height() const
return _mult_interleave4x4_height;
/** Depth (third dimension) of the output tensor to be used with the GEMM3D kernel
* @note GEMM3D kernel is used when the output has to be reinterpret as 3D tensor. In that case:
* m = depth_output_gemm3d * output_height
* @return the depth of the output tensor to be used with the GEMM3D kernel
int depth_output_gemm3d() const
return _depth_output_gemm3d;
/** Flag which specifies if the input tensor has to be reinterpreted as 3D
* @return True if the input tensor has to be reinterpreted as 3D tensor
bool reinterpret_input_as_3d() const
return _reinterpret_input_as_3d;
/** Flag which specifies whether to broadcast the shape of the bias tensor.
* @return True if the shape of the bias tensor is to be broadcasted.
bool broadcast_bias() const
return _broadcast_bias;
int _m;
int _n;
int _k;
int _mult_transpose1xW_width;
int _mult_interleave4x4_height;
int _depth_output_gemm3d;
bool _reinterpret_input_as_3d;
bool _broadcast_bias;
struct DepthwiseConvolutionReshapeInfo
unsigned int c0{ 1 }; /**< Number of channels processed by the depth-wise convolution */
bool transpose{ false }; /**< True if the block MxC0 (where M is the area of the filter i.e. KwxKh) has to be transposed */
/** GEMMLowp output stage type */
enum class GEMMLowpOutputStageType
NONE, /**< No quantization */
QUANTIZE_DOWN, /**< Quantize using an integer multiplication */
QUANTIZE_DOWN_FIXEDPOINT, /**< Quantize using a fixed point multiplication */
QUANTIZE_DOWN_FLOAT /**< Quantize using a floating point multiplication */
/** GEMMLowp output stage info */
struct GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo
GEMMLowpOutputStageType type{ GEMMLowpOutputStageType::NONE }; /**< GEMMLowp output stage type */
int32_t gemmlowp_offset{ 0 }; /**< GEMMLowp output stage offset used for quantizing to QASYMM8 */
int32_t gemmlowp_multiplier{ 0 }; /**< GEMMLowp output stage multiplier used for quantizing to QASYMM8 */
int32_t gemmlowp_shift{ 0 }; /**< GEMMLowp output stage shift used for quantizing to uint8 */
int32_t gemmlowp_min_bound{ std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::lowest() }; /**< GEMMLowp min value used to saturate down the output result before converting back to QASYMM8 */
int32_t gemmlowp_max_bound{ std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() }; /**< GEMMLowp max value used to saturate down the output result before converting back to QASYMM8 */
std::vector<int32_t> gemmlowp_multipliers{}; /**< GEMMLowp output stage multiplier used for quantizing to QASYMM8 */
std::vector<int32_t> gemmlowp_shifts{}; /**< GEMMLowp output stage multiplier used for quantizing to QASYMM8 */
float gemmlowp_real_multiplier{ 0 }; /**< GEMMLowp output stage real multiplier used for quantizing to QASYMM8 */
bool is_quantized_per_channel{ false }; /**< GEMMLowp quantized per-channel flag */
DataType output_data_type{ DataType::UNKNOWN }; /**< Output tensor data type to use if the output is not initialized */
/** GEMM LHS (Left Hand Side) matrix information */
struct GEMMLHSMatrixInfo
GEMMLHSMatrixInfo() = default;
GEMMLHSMatrixInfo(unsigned int m, unsigned int k, unsigned int v, bool trans, bool inter)
: m0(m), k0(k), v0(v), transpose(trans), interleave(inter)
unsigned int m0{ 1 }; /**< Number of rows processed by the matrix multiplication */
unsigned int k0{ 1 }; /**< Number of partial accumulations performed by the matrix multiplication */
unsigned int v0{ 1 }; /**< Number of vertical blocks of size (m0xk0) stored on the same output row */
bool transpose{ true }; /**< True if the (m0xk0) block has to be transposed before been stored */
bool interleave{ true }; /**< True if the v0 (m0xk0) blocks have to be interleaved in the output row */
/** GEMM RHS (Right Hand Side) matrix information */
struct GEMMRHSMatrixInfo
GEMMRHSMatrixInfo() = default;
GEMMRHSMatrixInfo(unsigned int n, unsigned int k, unsigned int h, bool trans, bool inter, bool export_to_cl_img)
: n0(n), k0(k), h0(h), transpose(trans), interleave(inter), export_to_cl_image(export_to_cl_img)
unsigned int n0{ 1 }; /**< Number of columns processed by the matrix multiplication */
unsigned int k0{ 1 }; /**< Number of partial accumulations performed by the matrix multiplication */
unsigned int h0{ 1 }; /**< Number of horizontal blocks of size (k0xn0) stored on the same output row */
bool transpose{ true }; /**< True if the (k0xn0) block has to be transposed before been stored */
bool interleave{ true }; /**< True if the h0 (k0xn0) blocks have to be interleaved in the output row */
bool export_to_cl_image{ false }; /**< True if the reshaped rhs has to be exported to cl_image. n0 must be equal to 4 */
/** GEMM information class. This class stores the necessary information to compute GEMM functions
* This object also contains the information about how matrix A and matrix B have been reshaped
class GEMMInfo
/** Default constructor */
GEMMInfo() noexcept
: _is_a_reshaped(false),
/** Constructor
* @param[in] is_a_reshaped True if the matrix A has been reshaped
* @param[in] is_b_reshaped True if the matrix B has been reshaped
* @param[in] reshape_b_only_on_first_run Reshape matrix B only for the first run
* @param[in] depth_output_gemm3d (Optional) Depth (third dimension) of the output tensor to be used with the GEMM3D kernel
* If 0 the output will not be reinterpreted as 3D. Default 0
* @param[in] reinterpret_input_as_3d (Optional) Reinterpret the input as 3D tensor. (i.e. this flag should be set to true when GEMM is used
* to perform 1x1 convolutions with the NHWC data layout)
* @param[in] retain_internal_weights (Optional) Retain the weights tensor from previous run
* @param[in] gemmlowp_output_stage (Optional) GEMMLowp Output stage info
* @param[in] fp_mixed_precision (Optional) Use wider accumulators (32 bit instead of 16 for FP16) to improve accuracy.
* @param[in] broadcast_bias (Optional) Broadcast the shape of the bias tensor from a vector to a matrix.
* @param[in] activation_info (Optional) Activation to apply after the matrix multiplication
GEMMInfo(bool is_a_reshaped, bool is_b_reshaped, bool reshape_b_only_on_first_run, int depth_output_gemm3d = 0, bool reinterpret_input_as_3d = false, bool retain_internal_weights = false,
GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo gemmlowp_output_stage = GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo(), bool fp_mixed_precision = false, bool broadcast_bias = false,
const ActivationLayerInfo &activation_info = ActivationLayerInfo()) noexcept
: _is_a_reshaped(is_a_reshaped),
/** Flag which specifies if the matrix A has been reshaped
* @return True if the matrix A has been reshaped
bool is_a_reshaped() const
return _is_a_reshaped;
/** Flag which specifies if the matrix B has been reshaped
* @return True if the matrix B has been reshaped
bool is_b_reshaped() const
return _is_b_reshaped;
/** Flag which specifies if the reshape of matrix B should executed only for the first
* @note This flag could be set to TRUE when GEMM is used to accelerate convolution layer
* @return True if the reshaped of matrix B happens only for the first run
bool reshape_b_only_on_first_run() const
return _reshape_b_only_on_first_run;
/** Depth of the output when GEMM output is reinterpreted as 3D tensor
* @return the depth of the output tensor
int depth_output_gemm3d() const
return _depth_output_gemm3d;
/** Flag which specifies if the input tensor has to be reinterpreted as 3D
* @return True if the input tensor has to be reinterpreted as 3D tensor
bool reinterpret_input_as_3d() const
return _reinterpret_input_as_3d;
/** Flag which specifies if the weights tensor has to be retained from previous run
* @return True if the weights tensor has to be retained
bool retain_internal_weights() const
return _retain_internal_weights;
/** GEMMLowp output stage
* @return the GEMMLowp output stage info
GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo gemmlowp_output_stage() const
return _gemmlowp_output_stage;
/** Sets GEMMLowp output stage
* @param[in] output_stage Output stage to set
void set_gemmlowp_output_stage(GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo &output_stage)
_gemmlowp_output_stage = output_stage;
/** Flag which specifies if a wider accumulator should be used.
* @return True if a wider accumulator has to be used
bool fp_mixed_precision() const
return _fp_mixed_precision;
/** Flag which specifies whether to broadcast the shape of the bias tensor.
* @return True if the shape of the bias tensor is to be broadcasted.
bool broadcast_bias() const
return _broadcast_bias;
/** Flag which specifies whether b should be pre-transposed if supported.
* @return True if b should be pre-transposed else false.
bool pretranpose_B() const
return _pretranpose_B;
/** Set pre-transpose b flag
* @param[in] flag Flag to set
void set_pretranpose_B(bool flag)
_pretranpose_B = flag;
/** Activation layer to apply after the matrix multiplication
* @return ActivationLayerInfo object
ActivationLayerInfo activation_info() const
return _activation_info;
/** Set activation layer info
* @param[in] activation_info ActivationLayerInfo object to set
void set_activation_info(const ActivationLayerInfo &activation_info)
_activation_info = activation_info;
bool _is_a_reshaped;
bool _is_b_reshaped;
bool _reshape_b_only_on_first_run;
int _depth_output_gemm3d;
bool _reinterpret_input_as_3d;
bool _retain_internal_weights;
GEMMLowpOutputStageInfo _gemmlowp_output_stage;
bool _fp_mixed_precision;
bool _broadcast_bias;
bool _pretranpose_B;
ActivationLayerInfo _activation_info;
/** Winograd information */
struct WinogradInfo
/** Default constructor
* @param[in] output_tile_sz Width and height of the output tile
* @param[in] kernel_sz Width and height of the kernel
* @param[in] input_dims Width and height of the input tensor before the convolution is applied
* @param[in] conv_info Convolution info (Pads, strides)
* @param[in] data_layout Data layout to use for the output tensor once the convolution has been applied
WinogradInfo(Size2D output_tile_sz, Size2D kernel_sz, Size2D input_dims, PadStrideInfo conv_info, DataLayout data_layout)
: output_tile_size(output_tile_sz), kernel_size(kernel_sz), input_dimensions(input_dims), convolution_info(conv_info), output_data_layout(data_layout)
Size2D output_tile_size{}; /**< Width and height of the output tile */
Size2D kernel_size{}; /**< Width and height of the kernel*/
Size2D input_dimensions{}; /**< Width and height of the input tensor before the convolution is applied */
PadStrideInfo convolution_info{}; /**< Convolution info (Pads, strides,...) */
DataLayout output_data_layout{ DataLayout::NCHW }; /**< Data layout to use for the output tensor once the convolution has been applied (NCHW or NHWC) */
/** IO formatting information class*/
struct IOFormatInfo
/** Precision type used when printing floating point numbers */
enum class PrecisionType
Default, /**< Default precision to the one that the current stream has */
Custom, /**< Custom precision specified by the user using the precision parameter */
Full /**< The maximum precision of the floating point representation */
/** Specifies the area to be printed, used by Tensor objects */
enum class PrintRegion
ValidRegion, /**< Prints the valid region of the Tensor object */
NoPadding, /**< Prints the Tensor object without the padding */
Full /**< Print the tensor object including padding */
/** Construct a set of IO formatting information.
* @param[in] print_region Area to be printed. Used by Tensor objects. Default: ValidRegion.
* @param[in] precision_type Precision type for floating point numbers. Default: stream default.
* @param[in] precision Precision value for float point numbers. Default: 10.
* @param[in] align_columns Whether to align columns when printed. Default: true.
* @param[in] element_delim Delimeter between elements. Default: " ".
* @param[in] row_delim Delimenter between rows. Default: "\n".
IOFormatInfo(PrintRegion print_region = PrintRegion::ValidRegion,
PrecisionType precision_type = PrecisionType::Default,
unsigned int precision = 10,
bool align_columns = true,
std::string element_delim = " ",
std::string row_delim = "\n")
: print_region(print_region),
/** Area to be printed by Tensor objects */
PrintRegion print_region;
/** Floating point precision type */
PrecisionType precision_type;
/** Floating point precision */
unsigned int precision;
/** Element delimeter */
std::string element_delim;
/** Row delimeter */
std::string row_delim;
/** Align columns */
bool align_columns;
} // namespace arm_compute
#endif /* ARM_COMPUTE_TYPES_H */