blob: 4f46eb2bf6d0dd54b4f87bb5e0a9fa861fdd73ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Arm Limited.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "src/core/cpu/kernels/CpuDirectConvolutionKernel.h"
#include "src/core/NEON/kernels/detail/NEDirectConvolutionDetail.h"
#include "src/core/NEON/wrapper/wrapper.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/Error.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/Helpers.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/IAccessWindow.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/ITensor.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/Types.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/Utils.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/Validate.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/utils/misc/ShapeCalculator.h"
#include "src/core/AccessWindowStatic.h"
#include "src/core/CPP/Validate.h"
#include "src/core/NEON/NEFixedPoint.h"
#include "src/core/helpers/AutoConfiguration.h"
#include "src/core/helpers/WindowHelpers.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace arm_compute::detail;
namespace arm_compute
namespace cpu
namespace kernels
template <unsigned int stridex>
float16x8_t internal_vld1q(const float16_t *in);
template <>
float16x8_t internal_vld1q<1>(const float16_t *in)
return vld1q_f16(in);
template <>
float16x8_t internal_vld1q<2>(const float16_t *in)
const float16x8x2_t tmp = vld2q_f16(in);
return tmp.val[0];
template <>
float16x8_t internal_vld1q<3>(const float16_t *in)
const float16x8x3_t tmp = vld3q_f16(in);
return tmp.val[0];
inline float16x8_t internal_vdupq_n(float16_t v)
return vdupq_n_f16(v);
inline void internal_vst1q(float16_t *p, const float16x8_t &v)
vst1q_f16(p, v);
float16x8_t internal_vmull(const float16x8_t &x, const float16x8_t &y)
return vmulq_f16(x, y);
inline float16x8_t internal_vmlal(const float16x8_t &x, const float16x8_t &y, const float16x8_t &z)
return vaddq_f16(x, vmulq_f16(y, z));
template <unsigned int stridex>
float32x4_t internal_vld1q(const float *in);
template <>
float32x4_t internal_vld1q<1>(const float *in)
return vld1q_f32(in);
template <>
float32x4_t internal_vld1q<2>(const float *in)
const float32x4x2_t tmp = vld2q_f32(in);
return tmp.val[0];
template <>
float32x4_t internal_vld1q<3>(const float *in)
const float32x4x3_t tmp = vld3q_f32(in);
return tmp.val[0];
inline float32x4_t internal_vdupq_n(float v)
return vdupq_n_f32(v);
inline void internal_vst1q(float *p, const float32x4_t &v)
vst1q_f32(p, v);
float32x4_t internal_vmull(const float32x4_t &x, const float32x4_t &y)
return vmulq_f32(x, y);
inline float32x4_t internal_vmlal(const float32x4_t &x, const float32x4_t &y, const float32x4_t &z)
return vmlaq_f32(x, y, z);
constexpr int small_tensor_size_optim = 8;
inline bool run_optim_small_tensor_info(const ITensorInfo *t)
return t->dimension(Window::DimX) <= small_tensor_size_optim && t->dimension(Window::DimY) <= small_tensor_size_optim;
inline bool run_optim_small_tensor(const ITensor *t)
return run_optim_small_tensor_info(t->info());
// Optimized convolver for 1x1 kernels used only where input width and height are both <= 8
// For big Z as in Input=7x7x832, this implementation is faster than the general code becuase it doesn't need to
// store intermidiate results in memory. Temporary results are stored in SIMD registers directly and then written to the output buffer.
template <unsigned int stridex>
class convolver_w1x1_i8x8_f32
static void convolve(const Window &window, const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(src->info()->dimension(Window::DimX) > small_tensor_size_optim);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(src->info()->dimension(Window::DimY) > small_tensor_size_optim);
const int input_stride_x = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().x();
const int input_stride_y = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int input_stride_z = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int output_stride_y = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int output_stride_z = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int kernel_stride_z = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int kernel_stride_w = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes()[3];
const int output_h = dst->info()->dimension(1);
const int range_z = window.z().end() - window.z().start();
const int kernel_depth = weights->info()->dimension(Window::DimZ);
const unsigned int conv_stride_y = std::get<1>(conv_info.stride());
const unsigned int conv_pad_left = conv_info.pad_left();
const unsigned int conv_pad_top = conv_info.pad_top();
// setup output window for the iterator
Window window_out = window;
window_out.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimX), dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimX)));
window_out.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimY), dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimY)));
window_out.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(window.z().start(), window.z().end(), range_z));
// setup input window for the iterator
Window window_in = window;
// we just want execute_window_loop to iterate over the higher dimensions (>3), so we set the first 3 dimensions to 0
window_in.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
window_in.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
window_in.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
Window window_k = calculate_max_window(*weights->info(), Steps(1u));
Iterator out(dst, window_out);
Iterator in(src, window_in);
Iterator k(weights, window_k);
const uint8_t *k_ptr = k.ptr();
execute_window_loop(window_out, [&](const Coordinates & id)
const uint8_t *input_ptr = in.ptr() - conv_pad_left * input_stride_x - conv_pad_top * input_stride_y;
uint8_t *out_ptr = out.ptr();
int ih = 0;
int oh = 0;
std::array<float32x4_t, 8> accum0 = { vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0) };
std::array<float32x4_t, 8> accum1 = { vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0) };
for(int oz = 0; oz < range_z; ++oz)
accum0[0] = accum0[1] = accum0[2] = accum0[3] = accum0[4] = accum0[5] = accum0[6] = accum0[7] = vdupq_n_f32(0.f);
accum1[0] = accum1[1] = accum1[2] = accum1[3] = accum1[4] = accum1[5] = accum1[6] = accum1[7] = vdupq_n_f32(0.f);
auto p_out_base = out_ptr + oz * output_stride_z;
for(int p = 0; p < kernel_depth; ++p)
const auto k_val = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(k_ptr + p * kernel_stride_z + (id.z() + oz) * kernel_stride_w);
const auto vk0 = internal_vdupq_n(*k_val);
for(ih = 0, oh = 0; oh < output_h; ++oh, ih += conv_stride_y)
const int offset_xy = ih * input_stride_y;
auto in_val = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(input_ptr + p * input_stride_z + offset_xy);
auto v_in0 = internal_vld1q<stridex>(in_val);
auto v_in1 = internal_vld1q<stridex>(in_val + 4);
accum0[oh] = vmlaq_f32(accum0[oh], vk0, v_in0);
accum1[oh] = vmlaq_f32(accum1[oh], vk0, v_in1);
for(oh = 0; oh < output_h; ++oh)
auto p_out = reinterpret_cast<float *>(p_out_base + oh * output_stride_y);
vst1q_f32(p_out, accum0[oh]);
vst1q_f32(p_out + 4, accum1[oh]);
in, out);
template <typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int stridex>
class convolver_1x1
static void convolve(const Window &window, unsigned int num_elems_read_per_iteration, unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration,
const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
const int input_stride_x = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().x();
const int input_stride_y = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int input_stride_z = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int output_stride_y = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int output_stride_z = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int kernel_stride_z = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int kernel_stride_w = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes()[3];
const int output_w = dst->info()->dimension(0);
const int output_h = dst->info()->dimension(1);
const int range_z = window.z().end() - window.z().start();
const int kernel_depth = weights->info()->dimension(Window::DimZ);
const unsigned int conv_stride_y = std::get<1>(conv_info.stride());
const unsigned int conv_pad_left = conv_info.pad_left();
const unsigned int conv_pad_top = conv_info.pad_top();
// setup output window for the iterator
Window window_out = window;
window_out.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimX), dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimX)));
window_out.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimY), dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimY)));
window_out.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(window.z().start(), window.z().end(), range_z));
// setup input window for the iterator
Window window_in = window;
// we just want execute_window_loop to iterate over the higher dimensions (>3), so we set the first 3 dimensions to 0
window_in.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
window_in.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
window_in.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
Window window_k = calculate_max_window(*weights->info(), Steps(1u));
Iterator out(dst, window_out);
Iterator in(src, window_in);
Iterator k(weights, window_k);
const uint8_t *k_ptr = k.ptr();
execute_window_loop(window_out, [&](const Coordinates & id)
For a detailed explanation on how the algorithm works refer to template <> class convolver_3x3<1>
const uint8_t *input_ptr = in.ptr() - conv_pad_left * input_stride_x - conv_pad_top * input_stride_y;
uint8_t *out_ptr = out.ptr();
int ih = 0;
int oh = 0;
for(int oz = 0; oz < range_z; ++oz)
auto p_out_base = out_ptr + oz * output_stride_z;
// Step 1
const auto k_val = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + 0 * kernel_stride_z + (id.z() + oz) * kernel_stride_w);
const auto vk = internal_vdupq_n(*k_val);
for(ih = 0, oh = 0; oh < output_h; ++oh, ih += conv_stride_y)
const int offset_xy = ih * input_stride_y;
auto in_val = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + (0 * input_stride_z + offset_xy));
auto p_out = reinterpret_cast<T2 *>(p_out_base + oh * output_stride_y);
for(int ow = 0; ow < output_w; ow += num_elems_written_per_iteration, in_val += num_elems_read_per_iteration, p_out += num_elems_written_per_iteration)
internal_vst1q(p_out, internal_vmull(vk, internal_vld1q<stridex>(in_val)));
// Step 2
for(int p = 1; p < kernel_depth; ++p)
const auto k_val = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + p * kernel_stride_z + (id.z() + oz) * kernel_stride_w);
const auto vk = internal_vdupq_n(*k_val);
for(ih = 0, oh = 0; oh < output_h; ++oh, ih += conv_stride_y)
const int offset_xy = ih * input_stride_y;
auto in_val = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + p * input_stride_z + offset_xy);
auto p_out = reinterpret_cast<T2 *>(p_out_base + oh * output_stride_y);
for(int ow = 0; ow < output_w; ow += num_elems_written_per_iteration, in_val += num_elems_read_per_iteration, p_out += num_elems_written_per_iteration)
internal_vst1q(p_out, internal_vmlal(internal_vld1q<1>(p_out), vk, internal_vld1q<stridex>(in_val)));
in, out);
template <unsigned int stridex>
float32x4x2_t convolve_5x5(const float *in_0, const float *in_1, const float *in_2, const float *in_3, const float *in_4,
const float *m0, const float *m1, const float *m2, const float *m3, const float *m4);
inline float32x4x3_t load_matrix_hi(const float *const m0, const float *const m1, const float *const m2)
const float32x4x3_t m00 =
return m00;
inline float32x4x2_t load_matrix_lo(const float *const m3, const float *const m4)
const float32x4x2_t m00 =
return m00;
inline float32x4x3_t load_input(const float *const in)
const float32x4x3_t vin =
vld1q_f32(in + 4),
vld1q_f32(in + 8)
return vin;
template <>
inline float32x4x2_t convolve_5x5<1>(const float *in_0, const float *in_1, const float *in_2, const float *in_3, const float *in_4,
const float *m0, const float *m1, const float *m2, const float *m3, const float *m4)
const float32x4x3_t vin0 = load_input(in_0);
const float32x4x3_t vin1 = load_input(in_1);
const float32x4x3_t vin2 = load_input(in_2);
const float32x4x3_t vin3 = load_input(in_3);
const float32x4x3_t vin4 = load_input(in_4);
const float32x4x3_t m00 = load_matrix_hi(m0, 1 + m0, 2 + m0);
const float32x4x2_t m01 = load_matrix_lo(3 + m0, 4 + m0);
const float32x4x3_t m10 = load_matrix_hi(m1, 1 + m1, 2 + m1);
const float32x4x2_t m11 = load_matrix_lo(3 + m1, 4 + m1);
const float32x4x3_t m20 = load_matrix_hi(m2, 1 + m2, 2 + m2);
const float32x4x2_t m21 = load_matrix_lo(3 + m2, 4 + m2);
const float32x4x3_t m30 = load_matrix_hi(m3, 1 + m3, 2 + m3);
const float32x4x2_t m31 = load_matrix_lo(3 + m3, 4 + m3);
const float32x4x3_t m40 = load_matrix_hi(m4, 1 + m4, 2 + m4);
const float32x4x2_t m41 = load_matrix_lo(3 + m4, 4 + m4);
float32x4x2_t out =
vmulq_f32(vin0.val[0], m00.val[0]),
vmulq_f32(vin0.val[1], m00.val[0])
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin0.val[0], vin0.val[1], 1), m00.val[1]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin0.val[0], vin0.val[1], 2), m00.val[2]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin0.val[0], vin0.val[1], 3), m01.val[0]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vin0.val[1], m01.val[1]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vin1.val[0], m10.val[0]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin1.val[0], vin1.val[1], 1), m10.val[1]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin1.val[0], vin1.val[1], 2), m10.val[2]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin1.val[0], vin1.val[1], 3), m11.val[0]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vin1.val[1], m11.val[1]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vin2.val[0], m20.val[0]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin2.val[0], vin2.val[1], 1), m20.val[1]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin2.val[0], vin2.val[1], 2), m20.val[2]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin2.val[0], vin2.val[1], 3), m21.val[0]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vin2.val[1], m21.val[1]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vin3.val[0], m30.val[0]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin3.val[0], vin3.val[1], 1), m30.val[1]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin3.val[0], vin3.val[1], 2), m30.val[2]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin3.val[0], vin3.val[1], 3), m31.val[0]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vin3.val[1], m31.val[1]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vin4.val[0], m40.val[0]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin4.val[0], vin4.val[1], 1), m40.val[1]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin4.val[0], vin4.val[1], 2), m40.val[2]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vextq_f32(vin4.val[0], vin4.val[1], 3), m41.val[0]);
out.val[0] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[0], vin4.val[1], m41.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin0.val[1], vin0.val[2], 1), m00.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin0.val[1], vin0.val[2], 2), m00.val[2]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin0.val[1], vin0.val[2], 3), m01.val[0]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vin0.val[2], m01.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vin1.val[1], m10.val[0]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin1.val[1], vin1.val[2], 1), m10.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin1.val[1], vin1.val[2], 2), m10.val[2]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin1.val[1], vin1.val[2], 3), m11.val[0]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vin1.val[2], m11.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vin2.val[1], m20.val[0]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin2.val[1], vin2.val[2], 1), m20.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin2.val[1], vin2.val[2], 2), m20.val[2]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin2.val[1], vin2.val[2], 3), m21.val[0]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vin2.val[2], m21.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vin3.val[1], m30.val[0]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin3.val[1], vin3.val[2], 1), m30.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin3.val[1], vin3.val[2], 2), m30.val[2]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin3.val[1], vin3.val[2], 3), m31.val[0]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vin3.val[2], m31.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vin4.val[1], m40.val[0]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin4.val[1], vin4.val[2], 1), m40.val[1]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin4.val[1], vin4.val[2], 2), m40.val[2]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vextq_f32(vin4.val[1], vin4.val[2], 3), m41.val[0]);
out.val[1] = vmlaq_f32(out.val[1], vin4.val[2], m41.val[1]);
return out;
template <>
inline float32x4x2_t convolve_5x5<2>(const float *in_0, const float *in_1, const float *in_2, const float *in_3, const float *in_4,
const float *m0, const float *m1, const float *m2, const float *m3, const float *m4)
float32x4x2_t out = convolve_5x5<1>(in_0, in_1, in_2, in_3, in_4, m0, m1, m2, m3, m4);
out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f32(vgetq_lane_f32(out.val[0], 2), out.val[0], 1);
out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f32(vgetq_lane_f32(out.val[1], 0), out.val[0], 2);
out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f32(vgetq_lane_f32(out.val[1], 2), out.val[0], 3);
return out;
template <>
inline float32x4x2_t convolve_5x5<3>(const float *in_0, const float *in_1, const float *in_2, const float *in_3, const float *in_4,
const float *m0, const float *m1, const float *m2, const float *m3, const float *m4)
float32x4x2_t out = convolve_5x5<1>(in_0, in_1, in_2, in_3, in_4, m0, m1, m2, m3, m4);
out.val[0] = vsetq_lane_f32(vgetq_lane_f32(out.val[0], 3), out.val[0], 1);
return out;
template <typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int stridex>
class convolver_3x3
static void convolve(const Window &window, unsigned int num_elems_read_per_iteration, unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration,
const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
const int input_stride_x = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().x();
const int input_stride_y = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int input_stride_z = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int output_stride_y = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int output_stride_z = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int kernel_stride_x = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().x();
const int kernel_stride_y = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int kernel_stride_z = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int kernel_stride_w = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes()[3];
const int output_w = dst->info()->dimension(0);
const int output_h = dst->info()->dimension(1);
const int num_planes_z = window.z().end() - window.z().start();
const int delta_input = get_input_num_elems_processed(num_elems_written_per_iteration, stridex);
const int kernel_depth = weights->info()->dimension(Window::DimZ);
const unsigned int conv_stride_y = std::get<1>(conv_info.stride());
const unsigned int conv_pad_left = conv_info.pad_left();
const unsigned int conv_pad_top = conv_info.pad_top();
// setup output window for the iterator
Window window_out = window;
window_out.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimX), dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimX)));
window_out.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimY), dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimY)));
window_out.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(window.z().start(), window.z().end(), num_planes_z));
// setup input window for the iterator
Window window_in = window;
// we just want execute_window_loop to iterate over the higher dimensions (>3), so we set the first 3 dimensions to 0
window_in.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
window_in.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
window_in.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
Window window_k = calculate_max_window(*weights->info(), Steps(1u));
Iterator out(dst, window_out);
Iterator in(src, window_in);
Iterator k(weights, window_k);
const uint8_t *k_ptr = k.ptr();
execute_window_loop(window_out, [&](const Coordinates & id)
const uint8_t *input_ptr = in.ptr() - conv_pad_left * input_stride_x - conv_pad_top * input_stride_y;
uint8_t *out_ptr = out.ptr();
int ih = 0;
int oh = 0;
Each thread executing this kernel computes one or more output's volume planes.
Let's say the 3rd dimension of the output volume is 32, the first thread will compute the output for Z = [0,7], the second thread will compute the output for Z = [8,15],
the third thread [16,24] and the fourth thread [25,31].
The algorithm outer loop iterates over Z, P, Y, X where P is the depth/3rd dimension of each kernel. This order is not arbitrary, the main benefit of this
is that we setup the neon registers containing the kernel's values only once and then compute each XY using the preloaded registers as opposed as doing this for every XY value.
The algorithm does not require allocating any additional memory amd computes the results directly in-place in two stages:
1) Convolve plane 0 with kernel 0 and initialize the corresponding output plane with these values.
2) Convolve the remaining planes and accumulate the results in the output's plane which has been initialized in step 1.
for(int oz = 0; oz < num_planes_z; ++oz)
const int zoffset = id.z() + oz;
uint8_t *p_out_base = out_ptr + oz * output_stride_z;
// Step 1
const auto ptr_k_r0 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + 0 * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 0 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r1 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + 0 * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 1 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r2 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + 0 * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 2 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto vk_r0 = load_matrix_row(ptr_k_r0);
const auto vk_r1 = load_matrix_row(ptr_k_r1);
const auto vk_r2 = load_matrix_row(ptr_k_r2);
for(ih = 0, oh = 0; oh < output_h; ++oh, ih += conv_stride_y)
auto in_top = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + 0 * input_stride_z + (ih + 0) * input_stride_y);
auto in_mid = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + 0 * input_stride_z + (ih + 1) * input_stride_y);
auto in_low = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + 0 * input_stride_z + (ih + 2) * input_stride_y);
auto p_out = reinterpret_cast<T2 *>(p_out_base + oh * output_stride_y);
for(int ow = 0; ow < output_w; ow += num_elems_written_per_iteration,
in_top += delta_input, in_mid += delta_input, in_low += delta_input, p_out += num_elems_written_per_iteration)
convolve_3x3<false>(in_top, in_mid, in_low, p_out, vk_r0, vk_r1, vk_r2, stridex);
// Step 2
for(int p = 1; p < kernel_depth; ++p)
const uint8_t *ptr_k_base = k_ptr + p * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w;
const uint8_t *input_base = input_ptr + p * input_stride_z;
const auto ptr_k_r0 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(ptr_k_base);
const auto ptr_k_r1 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(ptr_k_base + kernel_stride_y);
const auto ptr_k_r2 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(ptr_k_base + kernel_stride_y * 2);
const auto vk_r0 = load_matrix_row(ptr_k_r0);
const auto vk_r1 = load_matrix_row(ptr_k_r1);
const auto vk_r2 = load_matrix_row(ptr_k_r2);
for(ih = 0, oh = 0; oh < output_h; ++oh, ih += conv_stride_y)
auto in_top = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_base + (ih + 0) * input_stride_y);
auto in_mid = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_base + (ih + 1) * input_stride_y);
auto in_low = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_base + (ih + 2) * input_stride_y);
auto p_out = reinterpret_cast<T2 *>(p_out_base + oh * output_stride_y);
for(int ow = 0; ow < output_w; ow += num_elems_written_per_iteration,
in_top += delta_input, in_mid += delta_input, in_low += delta_input, p_out += num_elems_written_per_iteration)
convolve_3x3<true>(in_top, in_mid, in_low, p_out, vk_r0, vk_r1, vk_r2, stridex);
in, out);
template <typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int stridex>
class convolver_5x5
static void convolve(const Window &window, unsigned int num_elems_read_per_iteration, unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration,
const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
const int input_stride_x = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().x();
const int input_stride_y = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int input_stride_z = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int output_stride_y = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int output_stride_z = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int kernel_stride_x = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().x();
const int kernel_stride_y = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().y();
const int kernel_stride_z = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().z();
const int kernel_stride_w = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes()[3];
const int output_w = dst->info()->dimension(0);
const int output_h = dst->info()->dimension(1);
const int num_planes_z = window.z().end() - window.z().start();
const int delta_input = get_input_num_elems_processed(num_elems_written_per_iteration, stridex);
const int kernel_depth = weights->info()->dimension(Window::DimZ);
const unsigned int conv_stride_y = std::get<1>(conv_info.stride());
const unsigned int conv_pad_left = conv_info.pad_left();
const unsigned int conv_pad_top = conv_info.pad_top();
// setup output window for the iterator
Window window_out = window;
window_out.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimX), dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimX)));
window_out.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimY), dst->info()->dimension(Window::DimY)));
window_out.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(window.z().start(), window.z().end(), num_planes_z));
// setup input window for the iterator
Window window_in = window;
// we just want execute_window_loop to iterate over the higher dimensions (>3), so we set the first 3 dimensions to 0
window_in.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
window_in.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
window_in.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(0, 0, 0));
Window window_k = calculate_max_window(*weights->info(), Steps(1u));
Iterator out(dst, window_out);
Iterator in(src, window_in);
Iterator k(weights, window_k);
const uint8_t *k_ptr = k.ptr();
execute_window_loop(window_out, [&](const Coordinates & id)
const uint8_t *input_ptr = in.ptr() - conv_pad_left * input_stride_x - conv_pad_top * input_stride_y;
uint8_t *out_ptr = out.ptr();
int ih = 0;
int oh = 0;
for(int oz = 0; oz < num_planes_z; ++oz)
const int zoffset = id.z() + oz;
uint8_t *p_out_base = out_ptr + oz * output_stride_z;
// Step 1
const auto ptr_k_r0 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + 0 * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 0 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r1 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + 0 * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 1 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r2 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + 0 * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 2 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r3 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + 0 * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 3 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r4 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + 0 * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 4 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
for(ih = 0, oh = 0; oh < output_h; ++oh, ih += conv_stride_y)
auto in_0 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + 0 * input_stride_z + (ih + 0) * input_stride_y);
auto in_1 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + 0 * input_stride_z + (ih + 1) * input_stride_y);
auto in_2 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + 0 * input_stride_z + (ih + 2) * input_stride_y);
auto in_3 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + 0 * input_stride_z + (ih + 3) * input_stride_y);
auto in_4 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + 0 * input_stride_z + (ih + 4) * input_stride_y);
auto p_out = reinterpret_cast<T2 *>(p_out_base + oh * output_stride_y);
for(int ow = 0; ow < output_w; ow += num_elems_written_per_iteration,
in_0 += delta_input, in_1 += delta_input, in_2 += delta_input, in_3 += delta_input, in_4 += delta_input, p_out += num_elems_written_per_iteration)
auto vres = convolve_5x5<stridex>(in_0, in_1, in_2, in_3, in_4, ptr_k_r0, ptr_k_r1, ptr_k_r2, ptr_k_r3, ptr_k_r4);
store_results<stridex>(p_out, vres);
// Step 2
for(int p = 1; p < kernel_depth; ++p)
const auto ptr_k_r0 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + p * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 0 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r1 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + p * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 1 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r2 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + p * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 2 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r3 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + p * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 3 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
const auto ptr_k_r4 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(k_ptr + p * kernel_stride_z + zoffset * kernel_stride_w + 4 * kernel_stride_y + 0 * kernel_stride_x);
for(ih = 0, oh = 0; oh < output_h; ++oh, ih += conv_stride_y)
auto in_0 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + p * input_stride_z + (ih + 0) * input_stride_y);
auto in_1 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + p * input_stride_z + (ih + 1) * input_stride_y);
auto in_2 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + p * input_stride_z + (ih + 2) * input_stride_y);
auto in_3 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + p * input_stride_z + (ih + 3) * input_stride_y);
auto in_4 = reinterpret_cast<const T1 *>(input_ptr + p * input_stride_z + (ih + 4) * input_stride_y);
auto p_out = reinterpret_cast<T2 *>(p_out_base + oh * output_stride_y);
for(int ow = 0; ow < output_w; ow += num_elems_written_per_iteration,
in_0 += delta_input, in_1 += delta_input, in_2 += delta_input, in_3 += delta_input, in_4 += delta_input, p_out += num_elems_written_per_iteration)
auto vres = convolve_5x5<stridex>(in_0, in_1, in_2, in_3, in_4, ptr_k_r0, ptr_k_r1, ptr_k_r2, ptr_k_r3, ptr_k_r4);
accumulate_results<stridex>(p_out, vres);
in, out);
float vreduce(const float32x4_t &v)
auto v0 = wrapper::vgethigh(v);
auto v1 = wrapper::vgetlow(v);
auto v_out = wrapper::vadd(v0, v1);
float a = wrapper::vgetlane(v_out, 0);
float b = wrapper::vgetlane(v_out, 1);
return a + b;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline void convolve_1x1(const Window &window, unsigned int num_elems_read_per_iteration, unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration,
const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
const unsigned int conv_stride_x = std::get<0>(conv_info.stride());
case 1:
convolver_1x1<T1, T2, 1>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 2:
convolver_1x1<T1, T2, 2>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 3:
convolver_1x1<T1, T2, 3>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
template <>
inline void convolve_1x1<float, float>(const Window &window, unsigned int num_elems_read_per_iteration, unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration,
const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
const unsigned int conv_stride_x = std::get<0>(conv_info.stride());
case 1:
convolver_w1x1_i8x8_f32<1>::convolve(window, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 2:
convolver_w1x1_i8x8_f32<2>::convolve(window, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 3:
convolver_w1x1_i8x8_f32<3>::convolve(window, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
case 1:
convolver_1x1<float, float, 1>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 2:
convolver_1x1<float, float, 2>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 3:
convolver_1x1<float, float, 3>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline void convolve_3x3(const Window &window, unsigned int num_elems_read_per_iteration, unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration,
const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
const unsigned int conv_stride_x = std::get<0>(conv_info.stride());
case 1:
convolver_3x3<T1, T2, 1>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 2:
convolver_3x3<T1, T2, 2>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 3:
convolver_3x3<T1, T2, 3>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline void convolve_5x5(const Window &window, unsigned int num_elems_read_per_iteration, unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration,
const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
const unsigned int conv_stride_x = std::get<0>(conv_info.stride());
case 1:
convolver_5x5<T1, T2, 1>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 2:
convolver_5x5<T1, T2, 2>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
case 3:
convolver_5x5<T1, T2, 3>::convolve(window, num_elems_read_per_iteration, num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, conv_info);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
Status validate_arguments(const ITensorInfo *src, const ITensorInfo *weights, const ITensorInfo *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(src->data_layout() == DataLayout::UNKNOWN);
const DataLayout data_layout = src->data_layout();
const int width_idx = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::WIDTH);
const int height_idx = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::HEIGHT);
const int channel_idx = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::CHANNEL);
ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(std::get<0>(conv_info.stride()) > 3, "Strides larger than 3 not supported.");
ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(weights->dimension(channel_idx) != src->dimension(channel_idx));
ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(weights->dimension(width_idx) != weights->dimension(height_idx));
ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(weights->num_dimensions() > 4);
ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(data_layout == DataLayout::NHWC && src->data_type() != DataType::F32);
ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON((weights->dimension(width_idx) > 3) && (src->data_type() == DataType::F16));
// Checks performed when output is configured
if(dst->total_size() != 0)
TensorShape output_shape = misc::shape_calculator::compute_deep_convolution_shape(*src, *weights, conv_info);
DataType data_type = src->data_type();
ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(dst->data_type() != data_type);
return Status{};
std::pair<Status, Window> validate_and_configure_window(ITensorInfo *src, ITensorInfo *weights, ITensorInfo *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info, unsigned int &num_weight_elems_read_per_row,
unsigned int &num_elems_read_per_iteration, unsigned int &num_elems_written_per_iteration, BorderSize &border_size)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(src->data_layout() == DataLayout::UNKNOWN);
const DataLayout data_layout = src->data_layout();
const int width_idx = get_data_layout_dimension_index(data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::WIDTH);
// Calculate right and bottom border
unsigned int kernel_size = weights->dimension(width_idx);
const int conv_stride_x = std::get<0>(conv_info.stride());
const int conv_stride_y = std::get<1>(conv_info.stride());
const int input_width = src->dimension(width_idx);
Window win{};
bool window_changed = false;
if(data_layout == DataLayout::NCHW)
case 1:
case DataType::F16:
num_elems_written_per_iteration = 8;
case DataType::F32:
num_elems_written_per_iteration = 8;
num_elems_written_per_iteration = 4;
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data type not supported.");
num_weight_elems_read_per_row = kernel_size;
num_elems_read_per_iteration = conv_stride_x * num_elems_written_per_iteration;
case 3:
case DataType::F32:
num_weight_elems_read_per_row = 4 + kernel_size - 1;
num_elems_read_per_iteration = 12;
num_elems_written_per_iteration = 16 >> conv_stride_x;
case DataType::F16:
num_weight_elems_read_per_row = 8 + kernel_size - 1;
num_elems_read_per_iteration = 24;
num_elems_written_per_iteration = 32 >> conv_stride_x;
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data type not supported.");
case 5:
case DataType::F32:
num_weight_elems_read_per_row = 4 + kernel_size - 1;
num_elems_read_per_iteration = 12;
num_elems_written_per_iteration = 16 >> conv_stride_x;
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data type not supported.");
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
// Calculate right pad
int start_x = kernel_size / 2 - static_cast<int>(conv_info.pad_left());
int end_x = ceil_to_multiple(static_cast<int>(dst->dimension(0)), num_elems_written_per_iteration) * conv_stride_x;
int upper_bound_w = ceil_to_multiple(start_x + end_x, num_elems_read_per_iteration) - input_width;
// Calculate border
const unsigned int conv_pad_left = conv_info.pad_left();
const unsigned int conv_pad_top = conv_info.pad_top();
const unsigned int conv_pad_right = std::max(upper_bound_w, 0);
const unsigned int conv_pad_bottom = conv_info.pad_bottom();
border_size.left = conv_pad_left; = conv_pad_top;
border_size.right = conv_pad_right;
border_size.bottom = conv_pad_bottom;
// Configure window
win = calculate_max_window(*dst, Steps(num_elems_written_per_iteration));
AccessWindowRectangle input_access(src, -conv_pad_left, -conv_pad_top,
num_elems_read_per_iteration, kernel_size,
conv_stride_x, conv_stride_y);
AccessWindowStatic weights_access(weights, 0, 0, num_weight_elems_read_per_row, kernel_size);
AccessWindowHorizontal output_access(dst, 0, num_elems_written_per_iteration);
window_changed = update_window_and_padding(win, input_access, weights_access, output_access);
output_access.set_valid_region(win, ValidRegion(Coordinates(), dst->tensor_shape()));
// Configure window NHWC without any padding
win = calculate_max_window(*dst, Steps());
Status err = (window_changed) ? ARM_COMPUTE_CREATE_ERROR(ErrorCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, "Insufficient Padding!") : Status{};
return std::make_pair(err, win);
bool have_zero_x_internal_padding(ITensorInfo *src, ITensorInfo *weights)
return (src->padding().left == 0 && weights->padding().left == 0 && src->padding().right == 0 && weights->padding().right == 0);
} // namespace
template <typename T>
void CpuDirectConvolutionKernel::convolve_nhwc_optimized(const Window &window, const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst)
// This function assumes that input and weights have not padding in channel
// Declare useful types
using vtype = wrapper::traits::neon_bitvector<T, wrapper::traits::BitWidth::W128>;
using vector_type = typename vtype::type;
using tag_type = typename vtype::tag_type;
// Scalar quantities
const int element_size = src->info()->element_size();
const int input_stride_w = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().y() / element_size;
const int input_stride_h = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().z() / element_size;
const int input_stride_n = src->info()->strides_in_bytes()[3] / element_size;
const int input_dim_w = src->info()->dimension(1);
const int input_dim_h = src->info()->dimension(2);
const int output_stride_c = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().x();
const unsigned int kernel_stride_w = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().y() / element_size;
const unsigned int kernel_stride_h = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().z() / element_size;
const int kernel_dim_w = weights->info()->dimension(1);
const int kernel_dim_h = weights->info()->dimension(2);
const int conv_pad_top = _conv_info.pad_top();
const int conv_pad_left = _conv_info.pad_left();
const int conv_stride_w = std::get<0>(_conv_info.stride());
const int conv_stride_h = std::get<1>(_conv_info.stride());
// Setup input window for the output iterator
Window window_out = window;
window_out.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1));
// Setup input window for the weights iterator
Window window_w = calculate_max_window(*weights->info(), Steps());
window_w.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1));
window_w.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1));
window_w.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1));
Iterator out(dst, window_out);
Iterator wei(weights, window_w);
constexpr int num_elems_read_per_iteration = 16 / sizeof(T);
* This implementation parallelize the full WC plane of input and weights by
* treating them as series of elements. So for example, a 3x3 weights and
* floating point vector operations of 4 elements per time, the first 3
* channel elements of the first row would be taken and additionally the first
* element of the second row. The 9 elements in each single WC weight plane
* would require 2 4-element vector operations and a last single element operation.
* This works since when we create the input vector to multiply with the weights,
* the exact required elements are loaded in the same order. Therefore the
* multiplication works on the correct input/weight elements.
execute_window_loop(window_out, [&](const Coordinates & id)
* In here we create theoretical indexes which then we validate for both
* inputs and weights.
* As a reminder, this loop take each output point in NHW, C is treated
* in the weights loop.
// We are computing the theoretical starting input starting points
const int in_w_start_t = static_cast<int>(id.y()) * conv_stride_w - conv_pad_left;
const int in_h_start_t = static_cast<int>(id.z()) * conv_stride_h - conv_pad_top;
const int in_w_end_t = in_w_start_t + kernel_dim_w;
const int in_h_end_t = in_h_start_t + kernel_dim_h;
// We are computing the valid initial and ending input points by checking the borders
const int in_w_start = std::max(in_w_start_t, 0);
const int in_h_start = std::max(in_h_start_t, 0);
const int in_w_end = std::min(in_w_end_t, input_dim_w);
const int in_h_end = std::min(in_h_end_t, input_dim_h);
// We use the input points to select the valid weight points to use
const int index_wc_start = (in_w_start - in_w_start_t) * kernel_stride_w;
const int index_h_start = in_h_start - in_h_start_t;
const int index_wc_end = (kernel_dim_w - (in_w_end_t - in_w_end)) * kernel_stride_w;
const int index_h_end = kernel_dim_h - (in_h_end_t - in_h_end);
execute_window_loop(window_w, [&](const Coordinates & id_w)
* This is the loop in the weights, and it goes along N (the batches)
* As a reminder, the batches of the weights are translated into the
* channels of the output
const T *in_ptr_row = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(src->buffer() + src->info()->offset_first_element_in_bytes())
+ id[3] * input_stride_n + in_w_start * input_stride_w + in_h_start * input_stride_h;
const T *weights_ptr_row = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(wei.ptr()) + index_h_start * kernel_stride_h;
uint8_t *out_ptr = out.ptr() + id_w[3] * output_stride_c;
T out_temp = static_cast<T>(0);
for(int index_h = index_h_start; index_h < index_h_end; ++index_h, in_ptr_row += input_stride_h, weights_ptr_row += kernel_stride_h)
const T *in_ptr_mover = in_ptr_row;
int index_wc = index_wc_start;
vector_type out_temp_vec = wrapper::vdup_n(static_cast<T>(0), tag_type());
for(; index_wc <= index_wc_end - num_elems_read_per_iteration; index_wc += num_elems_read_per_iteration, in_ptr_mover += num_elems_read_per_iteration)
const auto src_vec = wrapper::vloadq(in_ptr_mover);
const auto w_vec = wrapper::vloadq(weights_ptr_row + index_wc);
out_temp_vec = wrapper::vmla(out_temp_vec, w_vec, src_vec);
out_temp += vreduce(out_temp_vec);
for(; index_wc < index_wc_end; ++index_wc, ++in_ptr_mover)
const auto src_val = *(in_ptr_mover);
const auto w_val = *(weights_ptr_row + index_wc);
out_temp += src_val * w_val;
*(reinterpret_cast<T *>(out_ptr)) = out_temp;
template <typename T>
void CpuDirectConvolutionKernel::convolve_nhwc(const Window &window, const ITensor *src, const ITensor *weights, ITensor *dst)
// Declare useful types
using vtype = wrapper::traits::neon_bitvector<T, wrapper::traits::BitWidth::W128>;
using vector_type = typename vtype::type;
using tag_type = typename vtype::tag_type;
// Scalar quantities
const int element_size = src->info()->element_size();
const int input_stride_w = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().y() / element_size;
const int input_stride_h = src->info()->strides_in_bytes().z() / element_size;
const int input_stride_n = src->info()->strides_in_bytes()[3] / element_size;
const int input_dim_w = src->info()->dimension(1);
const int input_dim_h = src->info()->dimension(2);
const int output_stride_c = dst->info()->strides_in_bytes().x();
const unsigned int kernel_stride_w = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().y() / element_size;
const unsigned int kernel_stride_h = weights->info()->strides_in_bytes().z() / element_size;
const int kernel_dim_w = weights->info()->dimension(1);
const int kernel_dim_h = weights->info()->dimension(2);
const int conv_pad_top = _conv_info.pad_top();
const int conv_pad_left = _conv_info.pad_left();
const int conv_stride_w = std::get<0>(_conv_info.stride());
const int conv_stride_h = std::get<1>(_conv_info.stride());
// Setup input window for the output iterator
Window window_out = window;
window_out.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1));
// Setup input window for the weights iterator
Window window_w = calculate_max_window(*weights->info(), Steps());
window_w.set(Window::DimX, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1));
window_w.set(Window::DimY, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1));
window_w.set(Window::DimZ, Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1));
Iterator out(dst, window_out);
Iterator wei(weights, window_w);
constexpr int num_elems_read_per_iteration = 16 / sizeof(T);
execute_window_loop(window_out, [&](const Coordinates & id)
// We are computing the theoretical starting input starting points
const int in_w_start_t = static_cast<int>(id.y()) * conv_stride_w - conv_pad_left;
const int in_h_start_t = static_cast<int>(id.z()) * conv_stride_h - conv_pad_top;
const int in_w_end_t = in_w_start_t + kernel_dim_w;
const int in_h_end_t = in_h_start_t + kernel_dim_h;
// We are computing the valid initial and ending input points by checking the borders
const int in_w_start = std::max(in_w_start_t, 0);
const int in_h_start = std::max(in_h_start_t, 0);
const int in_w_end = std::min(in_w_end_t, input_dim_w);
const int in_h_end = std::min(in_h_end_t, input_dim_h);
// We use the input points to select the valid weight points to use
const int wei_w_start = in_w_start - in_w_start_t;
const int wei_h_start = in_h_start - in_h_start_t;
const int wei_w_end = kernel_dim_w - (in_w_end_t - in_w_end);
const int wei_h_end = kernel_dim_h - (in_h_end_t - in_h_end);
const int index_c_end = weights->info()->dimension(0);
const T *const in_ptr_start = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(src->buffer() + src->info()->offset_first_element_in_bytes()) + id[3] * input_stride_n;
execute_window_loop(window_w, [&](const Coordinates & id_w)
const T *const weights_ptr_start = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(wei.ptr());
uint8_t *out_ptr = out.ptr() + id_w[3] * output_stride_c;
T out_temp = static_cast<T>(0);
for(int index_wei_h = wei_h_start, index_in_h = in_h_start; index_wei_h < wei_h_end; ++index_wei_h, ++index_in_h)
const T *const in_ptr_row = in_ptr_start + index_in_h * input_stride_h;
const T *const weights_ptr_row = weights_ptr_start + index_wei_h * kernel_stride_h;
for(int index_wei_w = wei_w_start, index_in_w = in_w_start; index_wei_w < wei_w_end; ++index_wei_w, ++index_in_w)
const T *in_ptr_mover = in_ptr_row + index_in_w * input_stride_w;
const T *weights_ptr_mover = weights_ptr_row + index_wei_w * kernel_stride_w;
int index_c = 0;
vector_type out_temp_vec = wrapper::vdup_n(static_cast<T>(0), tag_type());
for(; index_c <= index_c_end - num_elems_read_per_iteration; index_c += num_elems_read_per_iteration, in_ptr_mover += num_elems_read_per_iteration, weights_ptr_mover += num_elems_read_per_iteration)
const auto src_vec = wrapper::vloadq(in_ptr_mover);
const auto w_vec = wrapper::vloadq(weights_ptr_mover);
out_temp_vec = wrapper::vmla(out_temp_vec, w_vec, src_vec);
out_temp += vreduce(out_temp_vec);
for(; index_c < index_c_end; ++index_c, ++in_ptr_mover, ++weights_ptr_mover)
const auto src_val = *(in_ptr_mover);
const auto w_val = *(weights_ptr_mover);
out_temp += src_val * w_val;
*(reinterpret_cast<T *>(out_ptr)) = out_temp;
BorderSize CpuDirectConvolutionKernel::border_size() const
return _border_size;
void CpuDirectConvolutionKernel::configure(ITensorInfo *src, ITensorInfo *weights, ITensorInfo *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(src, weights, dst);
_conv_info = conv_info;
_data_layout = src->data_layout();
_kernel_size = weights->dimension(get_data_layout_dimension_index(_data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::WIDTH));
const unsigned int conv_pad_left = conv_info.pad_left();
const unsigned int conv_pad_top = conv_info.pad_top();
const unsigned int conv_pad_right = conv_info.pad_right();
const unsigned int conv_pad_bottom = conv_info.pad_bottom();
if(_data_layout == DataLayout::NCHW)
_border_size = BorderSize(conv_pad_top, conv_pad_right, conv_pad_bottom, conv_pad_left);
_border_size = BorderSize(0);
// Get convolved dimensions
TensorShape output_shape = misc::shape_calculator::compute_deep_convolution_shape(*src, *weights, conv_info);
DataType data_type = src->data_type();
// Output auto inizialitation if not yet initialized
auto_init_if_empty(*dst, output_shape, 1, data_type);
// Perform validation step
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(src, weights, dst, conv_info));
// Configure kernel window
auto win_config = validate_and_configure_window(src, weights, dst, conv_info, _num_weight_elems_read_per_row,
_num_elems_read_per_iteration, _num_elems_written_per_iteration, _border_size);
Status CpuDirectConvolutionKernel::validate(const ITensorInfo *src, const ITensorInfo *weights, const ITensorInfo *dst, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info)
unsigned int num_weight_elems_read_per_row = 0;
unsigned int num_elems_read_per_iteration = 0;
unsigned int num_elems_written_per_iteration = 0;
BorderSize border_size = {};
ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ON_ERROR(validate_arguments(src, weights, dst, conv_info));
return Status{};
void CpuDirectConvolutionKernel::run_op(ITensorPack &tensors, const Window &window, const ThreadInfo &info)
auto src = tensors.get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_SRC_0);
auto weights = tensors.get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_SRC_1);
auto dst = tensors.get_tensor(TensorType::ACL_DST);
const int kernel_size = weights->info()->dimension(get_data_layout_dimension_index(_data_layout, DataLayoutDimension::WIDTH));
if(_data_layout == DataLayout::NCHW)
case 1:
case DataType::F32:
convolve_1x1<float, float>(window, _num_elems_read_per_iteration, _num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, _conv_info);
case DataType::F16:
convolve_1x1<float16_t, float16_t>(window, _num_elems_read_per_iteration, _num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, _conv_info);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data type not supported");
case 3:
case DataType::F32:
convolve_3x3<float, float>(window, _num_elems_read_per_iteration, _num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, _conv_info);
case DataType::F16:
convolve_3x3<float16_t, float16_t>(window, _num_elems_read_per_iteration, _num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, _conv_info);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data type not supported");
case 5:
case DataType::F32:
convolve_5x5<float, float>(window, _num_elems_read_per_iteration, _num_elems_written_per_iteration, src, weights, dst, _conv_info);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data type not supported");
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Only kernel sizes 1x1, 3x3 and 5x5 are supported.");
case DataType::F32:
if(have_zero_x_internal_padding(src->info(), weights->info()))
convolve_nhwc_optimized<float>(window, src, weights, dst);
convolve_nhwc<float>(window, src, weights, dst);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Data type not supported");
const char *CpuDirectConvolutionKernel::name() const
return "CpuDirectConvolutionLayerKernel";
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace cpu
} // namespace arm_compute