blob: 13f548e39ee3117e7ad083bfc62da91e93674fbc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017-2023 Arm Limited.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include "arm_gemm.hpp"
#include "bfloat.hpp"
#include "convolver.hpp"
#include "kernel_weight_format.hpp"
#include "kernel_traits.hpp"
#include "kernel_weight_format.hpp"
#include "mergeresults.hpp"
#include "performance_parameters.hpp"
#include "quantized.hpp"
#include "transform.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "profiler.hpp"
// Some macros used to decide how much working space to allocate.
// Round allocations up to the next cache line.
#define ALLOC_ROUND 64
// Implementation of the GemmCommon abstract class.
// This implementation interleaves the source matrices in blocks - good for
// larger matrices.
namespace arm_gemm {
namespace {
// Some kernels output to a linear buffer and require a separate merge step.
// Others output directly to the matrix result. This helper class calls the
// appropriate functions, using templating to avoid calling non-existent
// functions.
template<bool MergeStep, bool FixedFormat, typename OutputStage>
class kernel_and_merge {
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr, typename Tri, typename Tab>
static void run (
profiler &prof,
strategy &strat, const To *a_ptr, const To *b_panel, size_t b_stride, Tri *c_panel,
Tr *c_ptr, int ldc, int kern_k, unsigned int m_0,
unsigned int m_max, unsigned int n_0, unsigned int n_max, const Tr *biasptr,
const Activation &act, bool accumulate, const OutputStage &os, const int32_t *col_bias,
Tab *acc_buff);
// Run a kernel and call the separate merge step
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr, typename Tri, typename Tab>
void kernel_and_merge<true, false, Nothing>::run(
profiler &prof,
strategy &strat, const To *a_ptr, const To *b_panel, size_t, Tri *c_panel,
Tr *c_ptr, int ldc, int kern_k, unsigned int m_0,
unsigned int m_max, unsigned int n_0, unsigned int n_max, const Tr *biasptr,
const Activation &act, bool accumulate, const Nothing &, const int32_t *, Tab *)
const int bblocks = iceildiv(n_max - n_0, strategy::out_width());
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_KERNEL, (strategy::out_height() * bblocks * strategy::out_width() * kern_k));
strat.kernel(a_ptr, b_panel, c_panel, 1, bblocks, kern_k);
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_MERGE, (strategy::out_height() * bblocks * strategy::out_width() * sizeof(Tr)));
strat.transforms.Merge(c_ptr, c_panel, ldc, m_0, m_max, n_0, n_max, biasptr, act, accumulate);
// Run a fixed-format kernel and call the separate merge step
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr, typename Tri, typename Tab>
void kernel_and_merge<true, true, Nothing>::run(
profiler &prof,
strategy &strat, const To *a_ptr, const To *b_panel, size_t b_stride, Tri *c_panel,
Tr *c_ptr, int ldc, int kern_k, unsigned int m_0,
unsigned int m_max, unsigned int n_0, unsigned int n_max, const Tr *biasptr,
const Activation &act, bool accumulate, const Nothing &, const int32_t *, Tab *)
const int bblocks = iceildiv(n_max - n_0, strategy::out_width());
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_KERNEL, (strategy::out_height() * bblocks * strategy::out_width() * kern_k));
strat.kernel(a_ptr, b_panel, b_stride, c_panel, 1, (n_max - n_0), kern_k);
const int bblocks = iceildiv(n_max - n_0, strategy::out_width());
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_MERGE, (strategy::out_height() * bblocks * strategy::out_width() * sizeof(Tr)));
strat.transforms.Merge(c_ptr, c_panel, ldc, m_0, m_max, n_0, n_max, biasptr, act, accumulate);
// Run a kernel with integrated merge
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr, typename Tri, typename Tab>
void kernel_and_merge<false, false, Nothing>::run(
profiler &prof,
strategy &strat, const To *a_ptr, const To *b_panel, size_t, Tri *,
Tr *c_ptr, int ldc, int kern_k, unsigned int m_0, unsigned int m_max,
unsigned int n_0, unsigned int n_max, const Tr *biasptr,
const Activation &act, bool accumulate, const Nothing &, const int32_t *,
Tab *acc_buff)
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_KERNEL, (m_max - m_0) * (n_max - n_0) * kern_k);
// We need to offset the C pointer, but as it might be NULL (requesting output to accumulation buffer) we need
// to be careful not to offset a null pointer.
Tri *offset_c_ptr;
if (c_ptr == nullptr) {
offset_c_ptr = nullptr;
} else {
offset_c_ptr = c_ptr + m_0 * ldc + n_0;
strat.kernel(// A and B pointers are just the packed panels.
a_ptr, b_panel,
// Provide relevant part of output array and row stride.
offset_c_ptr, ldc,
// M, N, K sizes
m_max-m_0, n_max - n_0, kern_k,
// Bias, activation, accumulation. Need to offset the bias as needed.
biasptr ? biasptr + n_0 : nullptr, act, accumulate,
// Accumulation buffer.
acc_buff );
// Run a kernel with integrated merge, quantizing
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr, typename Tri, typename Tab>
void kernel_and_merge<false, false, Requantize32>::run(
profiler &prof,
strategy &strat, const To *a_ptr, const To *b_panel, size_t, Tri *,
Tr *c_ptr, int ldc, int kern_k, unsigned int m_0, unsigned int m_max,
unsigned int n_0, unsigned int n_max, const Tr *,
const Activation &, bool accumulate, const Requantize32 &qp, const int32_t *col_bias,
Tab *acc_buff)
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_KERNEL, (m_max - m_0) * (n_max - n_0) * kern_k);
strat.kernel(// A and B pointers are just the packed panels.
a_ptr, b_panel,
// Provide relevant part of output array and row stride.
c_ptr + m_0 * ldc + n_0, ldc,
// M, N, K sizes
m_max-m_0, n_max - n_0, kern_k,
// Bias, activation, accumulation. Need to offset the bias as needed.
col_bias + n_0, qp, n_0, accumulate, acc_buff);
// Run a kernel and call the separate quantize step
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr, typename Tri, typename Tab>
void kernel_and_merge<true, false, Requantize32>::run(
profiler &prof,
strategy &strat, const To *a_ptr, const To *b_panel, size_t, Tri *c_panel,
Tr *c_ptr, int ldc, int kern_k, unsigned int m_0,
unsigned int m_max, unsigned int n_0, unsigned int n_max, const Tr *,
const Activation &, bool, const Requantize32 &qp, const int32_t *col_bias,
Tab *)
const int bblocks = iceildiv(n_max - n_0, strategy::out_width());
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_KERNEL, (strategy::out_height() * bblocks * strategy::out_width() * kern_k));
strat.kernel(a_ptr, b_panel, c_panel, 1, bblocks, kern_k);
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_QUANTIZE, ((m_max-m_0) * bblocks * strategy::out_width() * sizeof(Tr)));
// The interleaved kernel outputs in blocks - each block is a
// row-major matrix of size out_width * out_height. The merge
// kernels are designed to deal with this but the requantizer is
// not, so we need to requantize one block at a time.
for (int i=0; i<bblocks; i++) {
unsigned int n_start = n_0 + (strategy::out_width() * i);
unsigned int n_end = std::min(n_start + strategy::out_width(), n_max);
// The row bias is interleaved with the transposed A data, get a pointer to it here.
const int32_t *row_bias = reinterpret_cast<const int32_t *>(a_ptr + strategy::out_height() * kern_k);
requantize_block_32(qp, (n_end - n_start), (m_max-m_0),
c_panel + (i * strategy::out_width() * strategy::out_height()), strategy::out_width(),
c_ptr + m_0 * ldc + n_start, ldc,
row_bias, col_bias + n_start, n_start);
// Integer GEMMs can be used in two contexts - "normal" where the full 32-bit output is required, or in
// "requantizing" context where the output will be requantized.
// These require different input transforms, as if we are requantizing we want to sum the rows of the A input, and
// if we are not we don't.
// This helper class allows the appropriate transforms to be found, without requiring kernels that don't support
// quantization to define useless "quantized" transforms.
template<typename strategy, bool quantized>
class transform_type {
typedef decltype(strategy::transforms) type;
template<typename strategy>
class transform_type<strategy, true> {
typedef decltype(strategy::transforms_quantized) type;
// We need a similar trick here to figure out what type the accumulator buffer should be.
template<typename strategy, typename OutputStage, bool ForceFloat>
class accumulate_buffer_type {
typedef typename strategy::result_type type;
template<typename strategy>
class accumulate_buffer_type<strategy, Requantize32, false> {
typedef int32_t type;
template<typename strategy, typename OutputStage>
class accumulate_buffer_type<strategy, OutputStage, true> {
typedef float type;
// Stripe width is a concept only needed for FixedFormat kernels. Use an accessor to avoid issues in other scenarios.
template<typename strategy, bool FixedFormat>
struct get_stripe_width {
static unsigned int get() {
return 0;
template<typename strategy>
struct get_stripe_width<strategy, true> {
static unsigned int get() {
return strategy::stripe_width();
// KernelWeightFormat is a similar story.
template<typename strategy, bool FixedFormat, typename To>
struct get_kernel_weight_format {
static KernelWeightFormat get() {
return KernelWeightFormat::NON_FIXED;
template<typename strategy, typename To>
struct get_kernel_weight_format<strategy, true, To> {
static KernelWeightFormat get() {
KernelWeightFormat kwf = strategy::kernel_weight_format();
// If we are using a BF16 kernel to do an FP32 problem (fast mode) then we need to set the BF16 flag on the
// weight format.
if (std::is_same<To, float>::value && std::is_same<typename strategy::operand_type, bfloat16>::value) {
uint32_t kwf_i = static_cast<uint32_t>(kwf);
kwf_i |= 0x10;
kwf = static_cast<KernelWeightFormat>(kwf_i);
return kwf;
} // anonymous namespace
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr, typename OutputStage=Nothing, bool MergeStep=true, bool FixedFormat=false, bool ForceThreadColumns=false, bool ForceFloatAccumulate=false>
class GemmInterleaved : public GemmCommon<To, Tr> {
typedef typename strategy::operand_type Toi;
typedef typename strategy::result_type Tri;
typedef typename accumulate_buffer_type<strategy, OutputStage, ForceFloatAccumulate>::type Tab;
/* const properties set by constructor */
const CPUInfo * const _ci;
const unsigned int _Msize;
const unsigned int _Nsize;
const unsigned int _Ksize;
const unsigned int _Ksections;
const unsigned int _Ktotal;
const unsigned int _rounded_Ksize;
const unsigned int _nbatches;
const unsigned int _nmulti;
const bool _thread_columns;
const Activation _act;
const int _maxthreads;
int _nthreads;
/* Blocking info */
unsigned int _k_block=0;
unsigned int _x_block=0;
unsigned int _Mround=0;
/* Working space, pretransposed buffer, buffer manager */
const Toi *_B_transposed=nullptr;
void *_working_space=nullptr;
Tab *_accumulation_buffer=nullptr;
/* Output stage */
OutputStage _os;
/* Quantized support (in addition to 'output stage' above */
int32_t *col_bias = nullptr;
/* Indirect parameters. _indirect_buf doubles as a flag to indicate that "indirect" transform should be used. */
const To * const * const * _indirect_buf = nullptr;
/* Convolver - only set up for convolution problems, so also doubles as a flag. */
std::unique_ptr<convolver<To>> _convolver = nullptr;
unsigned int get_col_sum_size() const {
if (std::is_same<OutputStage, Requantize32>::value) {
return _Nsize * _nmulti * sizeof(int32_t);
} else {
return 0;
/* We will need to walk through the blocks of B in a few contexts, so
* factor that out. */
class blockwalker {
/* Size loops, etc. based on our parent's configuration */
const GemmInterleaved<strategy, To, Tr, OutputStage, MergeStep, FixedFormat, ForceThreadColumns, ForceFloatAccumulate> &_parent;
/* K, X and multi parameters for current iteration. */
unsigned int _k0=0, _x0=0, _multi=0;
/* Range of X to iterate over - used in "ForceThreadColumns" cases */
unsigned int _x_start=0;
unsigned int _x_end=_parent._Nsize;
unsigned int _index=0;
bool _done=false;
bool _newkblock=true;
bool _newmulti=true;
blockwalker(const GemmInterleaved<strategy, To, Tr, OutputStage, MergeStep, FixedFormat, ForceThreadColumns, ForceFloatAccumulate> &parent) : _parent(parent) { }
blockwalker(const GemmInterleaved<strategy, To, Tr, OutputStage, MergeStep, FixedFormat, ForceThreadColumns, ForceFloatAccumulate> &parent,
unsigned int x_start, unsigned int x_end) : _parent(parent), _x0 (_x_start), _x_start(x_start), _x_end(x_end) { }
unsigned int xmax() {
return std::min(_x0 + _parent._x_block, _x_end);
unsigned int kmax() {
return std::min(_k0 + _parent._k_block, _parent._Ktotal);
/* Advance to the next block, return false at the end. */
bool advance(void) {
if (_done) {
return false;
_x0 += _parent._x_block;
if (_x0 >= _x_end) {
_k0 += _parent._k_block;
if (_k0 >= _parent._Ktotal) {
if (_multi >= _parent._nmulti) {
return false;
return true;
unsigned int k0(void) { return _k0; }
unsigned int x0(void) { return _x0; }
unsigned int multi(void) { return _multi; }
unsigned int index(void) { return _index; }
bool done(void) { return _done; }
bool newkblock(void) { return _newkblock; }
// "k block" has two distinct uses: figuring out which iterations of K
// to actually process, but also various size/pointer computations. The
// latter needs to take account of the extra space needed for the row
// sums, if appropriate.
unsigned int get_total_k_depth() const {
unsigned int k_depth = _k_block;
if (std::is_same<OutputStage, Requantize32>::value) {
k_depth += sizeof(int32_t) / sizeof(Toi);
return k_depth;
// A working size.
size_t get_a_working_size() const {
if (_thread_columns) {
// For 2D threading: allocate a buffer of one block of rows per thread
return ROUND_UP(sizeof(Toi) * get_total_k_depth() * strategy::out_height() * _maxthreads);
} else {
// For 1D threaded: one of these needed, regardless of thread count. Divided according to window.
return ROUND_UP(sizeof(Toi) * get_total_k_depth() * _Mround * _nbatches);
// C working size: One needed per thread. Not needed if there is no merge step.
size_t get_c_working_size() const {
if (MergeStep) {
return ROUND_UP(sizeof(Tri) * _x_block * strategy::out_height());
} else {
return 0;
// Accumulation buffer size
size_t get_accumulation_buffer_size() const {
// We only support an accumulation buffer for non-merge cases.
if (MergeStep) {
return 0;
// Check if we are actually blocking
if (_k_block == _Ktotal) {
return 0;
// We are no-merge, non-quantized with active blocking: accumulation buffer needed.
size_t size_per_buffer = sizeof(Tab) * strategy::out_height() * strategy::out_width();
size_t num_buffers = iceildiv(_Msize, strategy::out_height()) * iceildiv(_Nsize, strategy::out_width()) * _nbatches * _nmulti;
return num_buffers * size_per_buffer;
// Get pointer into accumulation buffer
Tab *get_accumulation_buffer(unsigned int M, unsigned int N, unsigned int batch, unsigned int multi) const {
// Don't do anything if there's no buffer.
if (_accumulation_buffer == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// Here we are indexing an appropriately sized pointer, so no sizeof() needed to convert to bytes.
size_t size_per_buffer = strategy::out_height() * strategy::out_width();
size_t buffer_rows = iceildiv(_Msize, strategy::out_height());
size_t buffer_cols = iceildiv(_Nsize, strategy::out_width());
size_t buffers_per_batch = (buffer_rows * buffer_cols);
size_t buffers_per_multi = buffers_per_batch * _nbatches;
// M/N must reference the top-left corner of a block.
size_t row = M / strategy::out_height();
assert(M % strategy::out_height() == 0);
size_t col = N / strategy::out_width();
assert(N % strategy::out_width() == 0);
size_t buffer_index = multi * buffers_per_multi + batch * buffers_per_batch + row * buffer_cols + col;
return _accumulation_buffer + (buffer_index * size_per_buffer);
int32_t row_sum_multiplier() const {
if (std::is_same<OutputStage, Requantize32>::value) {
const Requantize32 *qp = reinterpret_cast<const Requantize32 *>(&_os);
return -qp->b_offset;
return 0;
// Heuristics to decide whether to use the 'thread columns' regime
static bool is_thread_columns(const GemmArgs &args) {
// For now, there is a templace parameter to force it.
if (ForceThreadColumns) {
return true;
// Never do this for single threaded cases.
if (args._maxthreads == 1) {
return false;
// How many blocks of work are available for threading on M?
int m_blocks = iceildiv(args._Msize, strategy::out_height()) * args._nbatches;
// If we just can't share the work across threads with the row threading regime.
if (args._maxthreads > m_blocks) {
return true;
// If the row threading regime is too wasteful (20% threshold)
if (((roundup(m_blocks, args._maxthreads) * 100) / m_blocks) > 120) {
return true;
return false;
static unsigned int get_ktotal(const GemmArgs &args) {
return args._Ksections * roundup(args._Ksize, strategy::k_unroll());
static unsigned int get_k_block_size(const GemmArgs &args) {
if (args._cfg && args._cfg->inner_block_size) {
return roundup(args._cfg->inner_block_size, strategy::k_unroll());
// K blocking not supported if we are requantizing.
if (std::is_same<OutputStage, Requantize32>::value) {
return get_ktotal(args);
// Special blocking for SME
if (is_sme<strategy>::value) {
// Don't bother to block below this size threshold, experimentally determined to be 320 for FP32
unsigned int scaling_threshold = 1280 / sizeof(Toi);
if (get_ktotal(args) <= scaling_threshold) {
return get_ktotal(args);
// Once we are blocking, this (lower) threshold determines when we should use more blocks
// NOTE: Could be that some factor-based solution would work better here.
unsigned int max_block_size = 1024 / sizeof(Toi);
unsigned int num_k_blocks = iceildiv(get_ktotal(args), max_block_size);
unsigned int k_block = roundup(iceildiv(get_ktotal(args), num_k_blocks), strategy::k_unroll());
return k_block;
const unsigned int L1_size = args._ci->get_L1_cache_size();
unsigned int k_block;
// k_block: Find out how much of the larger array can be loaded into half the cache.
// This should account for associative caches.
k_block = (L1_size / 2) / (sizeof(Toi) * (std::max(strategy::out_width(), strategy::out_height())));
// Needs to be (at least a single) multiple of the K unroll level.
k_block /= strategy::k_unroll();
k_block = std::max(k_block, 1U) * strategy::k_unroll();
// Now tune to presented problem size; this is how many blocks we need.
unsigned int num_k_blocks = iceildiv(get_ktotal(args), k_block);
// So divide the space equally into that many blocks.
k_block = iceildiv(get_ktotal(args), num_k_blocks);
// And round UP to the K unroll level required.
k_block = roundup(k_block, strategy::k_unroll());
assert(k_block > 0);
return k_block;
static unsigned int get_x_block_size(const GemmArgs &args) {
if (is_thread_columns(args)) {
// In 2D mode, override X block, because we will process width first.
return roundup(args._Nsize, strategy::out_width());
if (args._cfg && args._cfg->outer_block_size) {
return roundup(args._cfg->outer_block_size, strategy::out_width());
unsigned int x_block;
const unsigned int L2_size = args._ci->get_L2_cache_size();
const unsigned int k_block = get_k_block_size(args);
// x_block: Work out how many rows (of length k_block) will fit in the L2
// Don't allocate more than 90% of the L2 to allow for overheads, and subtract off the L1 contents.
const unsigned int scaled_l2_size = (L2_size * 9) / 10;
const unsigned int k_block_area = k_block * sizeof(Toi) * (strategy::out_width() + strategy::out_height());
// .. if the L1 contents is bigger than the L2, just return a minimal size block.
if (k_block_area > scaled_l2_size) {
return strategy::out_width();
x_block = (scaled_l2_size - k_block_area) / (sizeof(Toi) * k_block);
// Needs to be (at least a single) multiple of the kernel output width.
x_block /= strategy::out_width();
x_block = std::max(x_block, 1u) * strategy::out_width();
// And tune to the presented problem size.
unsigned int num_x_blocks = iceildiv(args._Nsize, x_block);
x_block = iceildiv(args._Nsize, num_x_blocks);
x_block = roundup(x_block, strategy::out_width());
assert(x_block > 0);
return x_block;
GemmInterleaved(GemmInterleaved &) = delete;
GemmInterleaved & operator= (GemmInterleaved &) = delete;
/* Constructor */
GemmInterleaved(const GemmArgs &args, const OutputStage &os)
: _ci(args._ci), _Msize(args._Msize), _Nsize(args._Nsize), _Ksize(args._Ksize),
_Ksections(args._Ksections), _Ktotal(get_ktotal(args)),
_rounded_Ksize(roundup(_Ksize, strategy::k_unroll())),
_nbatches(args._nbatches), _nmulti(args._nmulti), _thread_columns(is_thread_columns(args)),
_act(args._act), _maxthreads(args._maxthreads), _nthreads(args._maxthreads),
_k_block(get_k_block_size(args)), _x_block(get_x_block_size(args)), _Mround(roundup(args._Msize, strategy::out_height())),
_os(os) { }
/* Constructor without OutputStage */
GemmInterleaved(const GemmArgs &args)
: _ci(args._ci), _Msize(args._Msize), _Nsize(args._Nsize), _Ksize(args._Ksize),
_Ksections(args._Ksections), _Ktotal(get_ktotal(args)),
_rounded_Ksize(roundup(_Ksize, strategy::k_unroll())),
_nbatches(args._nbatches), _nmulti(args._nmulti), _thread_columns(is_thread_columns(args)),
_act(args._act), _maxthreads(args._maxthreads), _nthreads(args._maxthreads),
_k_block(get_k_block_size(args)), _x_block(get_x_block_size(args)), _Mround(roundup(args._Msize, strategy::out_height())),
_os() { }
// Interface implementation - Compulsory functions
// Window size: Only the last thread should do a ragged block, so dole
// out work in units of out_height. Factor batches into the window, but
// not multi for now (as this would cause problems with the buffer
// manager).
ndrange_t get_window_size() const override {
unsigned int row_blocks = (_Mround / strategy::out_height()) * _nbatches;
if (_thread_columns) {
return { row_blocks, iceildiv(_Nsize, strategy::out_width()) };
} else {
// _Mround is a multiple of out_height by definition.
return { row_blocks };
// set_nthreads: pass on to buffer manager to avoid it waiting for non-existant threads.
void set_nthreads(int nthreads) override {
_nthreads = std::min(nthreads, _maxthreads);
// Execute
void execute(const ndcoord_t &work_range, const ndcoord_t &, int threadid) override {
profiler prof;
/* Make sure we've been set up correctly. */
assert(FixedFormat || _B_transposed);
int8_t *working_space_bytes = reinterpret_cast<int8_t *>(_working_space);
/* Align if needed */
intptr_t working_space_v = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_working_space);
if (working_space_v & 0x3f) {
intptr_t alignment_offset = 0x40 - (working_space_v & 0x3f);
working_space_bytes += alignment_offset;
strategy strat(_ci);
const auto start = work_range.get_position(0);
const auto end = work_range.get_position_end(0);
/* Translate 'start' and 'end' into a position within the batches and rows. */
const unsigned int window_per_batch = _Mround / strategy::out_height();
unsigned int batch_0 = start / window_per_batch;
unsigned int batch_end = end / window_per_batch;
// In ThreadColumns mode, process work one horizontal strip at a time.
// Transpose the block of needed rows at the start, then do all the work on that block.
if (_thread_columns) {
const auto start_x = work_range.get_position(1) * strategy::out_width();
const auto end_x = std::min(work_range.get_position_end(1) * strategy::out_width(), _Nsize);
Tri * const c_panel = reinterpret_cast<Tri *>(working_space_bytes + (threadid * get_c_working_size()));
Toi * const a_panel = reinterpret_cast<Toi *>(working_space_bytes + (_maxthreads * get_c_working_size()) +
(threadid * sizeof(Toi) * get_total_k_depth() * strategy::out_height()));
for (unsigned int multi=0; multi<_nmulti; multi++) {
for (unsigned int k0=0; k0<_Ktotal; k0+=_k_block) {
unsigned int kmax=std::min(k0+_k_block, _Ktotal);
unsigned int rounded_width = roundup(_Nsize, strategy::out_width());
const bool first_pass = (k0==0);
const bool last_pass = (kmax==_Ktotal);
// Figure out how many "K" the kernel will actually process.
unsigned int kern_k = roundup(kmax - k0, strategy::k_unroll());
const Toi *b_ptr = FixedFormat ?
reinterpret_cast<const Toi *>(this->_Bptr) + (multi * this->_B_multi_stride) +
((start_x / get_stripe_width<strategy, FixedFormat>::get()) * this->_ldb) +
(k0 * get_stripe_width<strategy, FixedFormat>::get()) :
_B_transposed + (rounded_width * _Ktotal * multi) + (k0 * rounded_width) + (start_x * kern_k);
unsigned int batch = batch_0;
unsigned int start_row = (start - (batch_0 * window_per_batch)) * strategy::out_height();
for (unsigned int p=start; p<end; p++) {
unsigned int end_row = std::min(start_row + strategy::out_height(), _Msize);
// Set up transposed 'A' block
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_PREPA, strategy::out_height() * (kmax-k0) * sizeof(Toi));
// See comment above on transform_type<> class: this extracts either 'transforms' or
// 'transforms_quantized' as appropriate.
typename transform_type<strategy, MergeStep && std::is_same<OutputStage, Requantize32>::value>::type transforms;
if (_indirect_buf != nullptr) {
_indirect_buf + (multi * _nbatches * _Ksections) + (batch * _Ksections), _Ksize,
_rounded_Ksize, start_row, end_row, k0, kmax, row_sum_multiplier());
} else if (_convolver) {
this->_Aptr + (batch * this->_A_batch_stride) + (multi * this->_A_multi_stride),
this->_lda, *_convolver, _rounded_Ksize, start_row, end_row, k0, kmax, row_sum_multiplier());
} else {
this->_Aptr + (batch * this->_A_batch_stride) + (multi * this->_A_multi_stride),
this->_lda, start_row, end_row, k0, std::min(kmax, _Ksize), row_sum_multiplier());
// Perform the kernel and merge step, either separately or together as required.
kernel_and_merge<MergeStep, FixedFormat, OutputStage>::run(
// Strategy and panel pointers
strat, a_panel, b_ptr, this->_ldb, c_panel,
// Result buffer pointers
this->_Cptr + (batch * this->_C_batch_stride) + (multi * this->_C_multi_stride), this->_ldc,
// K size, and M/N ranges
kern_k, start_row, end_row, start_x, end_x,
// Only do bias on the first pass
((first_pass && this->_bias) ? this->_bias + (multi * this->_bias_multi_stride) : nullptr),
// Only do activation on the last pass, and accumulation on any non-first pass.
(last_pass ? _act : Activation()), !first_pass,
// Pass in quantization parameters for requantizing kernels (others will ignore)
_os, col_bias + (multi * _Nsize),
// Accumulation buffer
get_accumulation_buffer(start_row, start_x, batch, multi));
/* Increment to the next block */
start_row += strategy::out_height();
if (start_row >= _Msize) {
start_row = 0;
} else {
blockwalker current(*this);
/* Compute the M values to operate on */
unsigned int m_0 = (start - (batch_0 * window_per_batch)) * strategy::out_height();
unsigned int m_max = (end - (batch_end * window_per_batch)) * strategy::out_height();
// Private buffers. Treat working_space as an array of C buffers
// (one per thread) first, followed by the (window-divided) A
// buffer.
// Set a_panel to the base of the A buffers - compute offsets into it based on M/batches later.
Toi * const a_panel = reinterpret_cast<Toi *>(working_space_bytes + (_maxthreads * get_c_working_size()));
Tri * const c_panel = reinterpret_cast<Tri *>(working_space_bytes + (threadid * get_c_working_size()));
const Toi *b_panel;
b_panel = _B_transposed;
// newkblock() is always true on the first iteration, so these will be set properly on the first loop.
// kern_k tracks the accumulation depth for the CURRENT K block a_panel_stride similarly tracks the total
// stride of the A panel (i.e. with 4 added for cases with embedded row sums)
// These are distinct from k_block and get_total_k_depth() which are based on the target K block size, and
// used for addressing inside a_panel.
// In cases where K blocking is in use and the blocks are not all the same size, the (smaller) final block
// won't use all the memory allocated.
unsigned int kern_k = 0;
unsigned int a_panel_stride = 0;
for (;!current.done();current.advance()) {
if (current.newkblock()) {
auto p=prof.ScopedProfiler(PROFILE_PREPA, (end - start) * strategy::out_height() * (current.kmax()-current.k0()) * sizeof(Toi));
// See comment above on transform_type<> class: this extracts either 'transforms' or
// 'transforms_quantized' as appropriate.
typename transform_type<strategy, MergeStep && std::is_same<OutputStage, Requantize32>::value>::type transforms;
for (unsigned int batch = batch_0; batch <= batch_end; batch++) {
unsigned int first_m = (batch == batch_0) ? m_0 : 0;
unsigned int last_m = (batch == batch_end) ? m_max : _Msize;
if (first_m >= last_m)
if (_indirect_buf != nullptr) {
transforms.PrepareA_indirect(a_panel + ((batch * _Mround + first_m) * get_total_k_depth()),
_indirect_buf + (current.multi() * _nbatches * _Ksections) + (batch * _Ksections), _Ksize,
_rounded_Ksize, first_m, last_m, current.k0(), current.kmax(), row_sum_multiplier());
} else if (_convolver) {
transforms.PrepareA_convolution(a_panel + ((batch * _Mround + first_m) * get_total_k_depth()),
this->_Aptr + (batch * this->_A_batch_stride) + (current.multi() * this->_A_multi_stride),
this->_lda, *_convolver, _rounded_Ksize, first_m, last_m, current.k0(), current.kmax(), row_sum_multiplier());
} else {
transforms.PrepareA(a_panel + ((batch * _Mround + first_m) * get_total_k_depth()),
this->_Aptr + (batch * this->_A_batch_stride) + (current.multi() * this->_A_multi_stride),
this->_lda, first_m, last_m, current.k0(), std::min(_Ksize, current.kmax()), row_sum_multiplier());
// Figure out how many "K" the kernel will actually process.
kern_k = roundup(current.kmax() - current.k0(), strategy::k_unroll());
// Requantizing GEMMs have the row sums built in to the
// transposed data, so the stride between rows is 4 bytes
// larger than the (rounded) K value.
if(std::is_same<OutputStage, Requantize32>::value) {
a_panel_stride = kern_k + (sizeof(int32_t) / sizeof(Toi));
} else {
a_panel_stride = kern_k;
// For FixedFormat cases, figure out the B pointer. The loop below moves through batches and vertically through the output so this will be the same throughout.
if (FixedFormat) {
b_panel = reinterpret_cast<const Toi *>(this->_Bptr) + (current.multi() * this->_B_multi_stride) +
((current.x0() / get_stripe_width<strategy, FixedFormat>::get()) * this->_ldb) +
(current.k0() * get_stripe_width<strategy, FixedFormat>::get());
/* Do the actual work. */
for (unsigned int batch = batch_0; batch <= batch_end; batch++) {
unsigned int first_m = (batch == batch_0) ? m_0 : 0;
unsigned int last_m = (batch == batch_end) ? m_max : _Msize;
const Toi *a_ptr = a_panel + (batch * _Mround + first_m) * get_total_k_depth();
if (first_m >= last_m)
// For the merge case we need to do this out_height() rows
// at a time, as that is the size of our intermediate
// buffer. If we are not doing that, we can do all the
// relevant rows in one go.
unsigned int m_step = MergeStep ? strategy::out_height() : (last_m - first_m);
// But in the case where we have an accumulation buffer, we can't do that after all, unless
// there is no N blocking.
if (_accumulation_buffer && ((current.x0() != 0) || (current.xmax() < _Nsize))) {
m_step = strategy::out_height();
for (unsigned int y=first_m; y<last_m; y+=m_step) {
unsigned int ymax = std::min(_Msize, y + m_step);
const bool first_pass = (current.k0() == 0);
const bool last_pass = (current.kmax() == _Ktotal);
// Pointer to appropriate part of result array.
Tr *result_ptr = this->_Cptr + (batch * this->_C_batch_stride) + (current.multi() * this->_C_multi_stride);
// If we are using an accumulation buffer, we don't pass the result buffer to ask the kernel
// to write things into the accumulation buffer instead, except on the last pass.
if (_accumulation_buffer && !last_pass) {
result_ptr = nullptr;
// Perform the kernel and merge step, either separately or together as required.
kernel_and_merge<MergeStep, FixedFormat, OutputStage>::run(
// Strategy and panel pointers
strat, a_ptr, b_panel, this->_ldb, c_panel,
// Result buffer pointers
result_ptr, this->_ldc,
// K size, and M/N ranges
kern_k, y, ymax, current.x0(), current.xmax(),
// Only do bias on the first pass
((first_pass && this->_bias) ? this->_bias + (current.multi() * this->_bias_multi_stride) : nullptr),
// Only do activation on the last pass, and accumulation on any non-first pass.
(last_pass ? _act : Activation()), !first_pass,
// Pass in quantization parameters for requantizing kernels (others will ignore)
_os, col_bias + (current.multi() * _Nsize),
// Accumulation buffer
get_accumulation_buffer(y, current.x0(), batch, current.multi()) );
a_ptr += (strategy::out_height() * a_panel_stride);
if (FixedFormat == false) {
b_panel += (roundup(current.xmax() - current.x0(), strategy::out_width()) * kern_k);
// Interface implementation - working space
size_t get_working_size() const override {
// In all cases, we need one A buffer plus a C buffer per thread, plus an accumulation buffer.
size_t size = get_a_working_size() + (get_c_working_size() * _maxthreads) + get_accumulation_buffer_size();
size += 128; // Add on two cache lines extra for alignment.
return size;
void set_working_space(void *working_space) override {
// Make sure everything ends up cache line aligned
int8_t *working_space_bytes = reinterpret_cast<int8_t *>(working_space);
intptr_t working_space_int = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(working_space);
size_t diff=0;
if (working_space_int & 0x3F) {
diff = 0x40 - (working_space_int & 0x3F);
working_space_bytes += diff;
working_space_int += diff;
// Pretransposed case: just set internal pointer to parameter value.
_working_space = reinterpret_cast<void *>(working_space_bytes);
// Set up accumulation buffer
if (get_accumulation_buffer_size() > 0) {
intptr_t acc_buff_int = working_space_int + get_a_working_size() + (get_c_working_size() * _maxthreads);
// Make sure the accumulation buffer is aligned (needed if the other blocks are not a multiple of cache line length)
if (acc_buff_int & 0x3F) {
acc_buff_int += (0x40 - (acc_buff_int & 0x3F));
_accumulation_buffer = reinterpret_cast<Tab *>(acc_buff_int);
} else {
_accumulation_buffer = nullptr;
// Interface implementation - pretransposed
bool B_is_pretransposed() const override {
return (FixedFormat == false);
bool B_pretranspose_required() const override {
return (FixedFormat == false) && (_B_transposed==nullptr);
size_t get_B_pretransposed_array_size() const override {
if (FixedFormat) {
return 0;
unsigned int x_size = roundup(_Nsize, strategy::out_width());
return (x_size * _Ktotal * _nmulti * sizeof(Toi)) + get_col_sum_size();
size_t get_B_pretranspose_window_size() const override {
size_t n_blocks = iceildiv(_Nsize, _x_block);
size_t k_blocks = iceildiv(_Ktotal, _k_block);
return n_blocks * k_blocks * _nmulti;
void requantize_bias(void *in_buffer, const To *B, const int ldb, const int B_multi_stride) override {
if (std::is_same<OutputStage, Requantize32>::value) {
col_bias = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(in_buffer);
Requantize32 *qp_ptr = reinterpret_cast<Requantize32 *>(&_os);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<_nmulti; i++) {
// The input is assumed not to have any padding between sections, so straightforward Ksize * Ksections computation gets the total size.
compute_col_sums(*qp_ptr, _Nsize, _Ksize * _Ksections, B + (i * B_multi_stride), ldb, col_bias + (i * _Nsize), _Ksize * _Ksections, i, 0);
void pretranspose_B_array(void *in_buffer, const To *B, const int ldb, const int B_multi_stride) override {
pretranspose_B_array_part(in_buffer, B, ldb, B_multi_stride, 0, get_B_pretranspose_window_size());
void pretranspose_B_array_part(void *in_buffer, const To *B, const int ldb, const int B_multi_stride, size_t start, size_t end) override {
// Perform column sums etc as part of the last block.
if (end >= get_B_pretranspose_window_size()) {
requantize_bias(in_buffer, B, ldb, B_multi_stride);
// Put the transposed data after the column sums - in non-quantized cases get_col_sum_size() == 0
uintptr_t buffer_int = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(in_buffer);
Toi *buffer = reinterpret_cast<Toi *>(buffer_int + get_col_sum_size());
_B_transposed = buffer;
blockwalker current(*this);
strategy strat(_ci);
// Skip over blocks we aren't doing
for(size_t i = 0; i < start; i++) {
buffer += roundup(current.xmax() - current.x0(), strategy::out_width()) * roundup(current.kmax() - current.k0(), strategy::k_unroll());
size_t blocks_left = (end - start);
// Double check that we haven't run out of work
if (current.done()) {
blocks_left = 0;
for (/* blocks_left initialized above */; blocks_left > 0; blocks_left--) {
/* Figure out the size of each block. */
unsigned int k_size = (current.kmax() - current.k0());
if (_Ksections > 1) {
// We need to insert padding at the end of each K section.
// The computation needed is a little delicate - the coordinates from the block walker are expressed in
// terms of the full, padded, _Ktotal.
// But we need to transform each section with reference to the original, unpadded, input, letting the
// transform pad each section as needed.
// This is needed for computations below.
const unsigned int rounded_section_size = roundup(_Ksize, strategy::k_unroll());
// The expected output format is also an entire <out_width> columns interleaved, then the next set of
// columns, and so on. This means, as we are breaking it up vertically, we have to do it one column at
// a time.
for (unsigned int x0=current.x0(); x0 < current.xmax(); x0 += strategy::out_width() ) {
unsigned int xmax = std::min(x0 + strategy::out_width(), current.xmax());
// Track where we are and how much work is left.
unsigned int kpos = current.k0();
unsigned int kleft = k_size;
while (kleft) {
// Which section are we in? Based on the rounded-up section size.
unsigned int k_section_base = kpos / rounded_section_size;
// How far into the section are we?
unsigned int k_offset = kpos - (k_section_base * rounded_section_size);
// We will either copy the rest of this section, or to the end of the requested length.
unsigned int k_length = std::min(_Ksize - k_offset, kleft);
strat.transforms.PrepareB(buffer, B + (current.multi() * B_multi_stride), ldb,
x0, xmax,
(k_section_base * _Ksize) + k_offset, // K starting point - compute row to read based on our section and the true section length.
(k_section_base * _Ksize) + k_offset + k_length); // K end point - starting point plus length computed above.
// We need to modify our position based on the ROUNDED version of what we just did.
unsigned int padded_length = roundup(k_length, strategy::k_unroll());
buffer += strategy::out_width() * padded_length;
kpos += padded_length;
kleft -= padded_length;
} else {
// In the single K section case, can process the whole lot in one go.
// Caution: 'blockwalker::kmax()' rounds up, so clamp to valid _Ksize.
strat.transforms.PrepareB(buffer, B + (current.multi() * B_multi_stride), ldb,
current.x0(), current.xmax(), current.k0(), std::min(current.kmax(), _Ksize));
buffer += roundup(current.xmax() - current.x0(), strategy::out_width()) * roundup(current.kmax() - current.k0(), strategy::k_unroll());
// Advance to the next block, break if we run off the end.
if (!current.advance()) {
void set_pretransposed_B_data(void *in_buffer) override {
// Put the transposed data after the column sums - in non-quantized cases get_col_sum_size() == 0
uintptr_t buffer_int = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(in_buffer);
_B_transposed = reinterpret_cast<Toi *>(buffer_int + get_col_sum_size());
col_bias = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(in_buffer);
void set_quantized_bias(const int32_t *bias, size_t bias_multi_stride) override {
if (std::is_same<OutputStage, Requantize32>::value) {
Requantize32 *qp = reinterpret_cast<Requantize32 *>(&_os);
qp->bias = bias;
qp->bias_multi_stride = bias_multi_stride;
void set_indirect_parameters(size_t string_len, const To * const * const *ptr) override {
assert(string_len == _Ksize);
_indirect_buf = ptr;
void set_convolution_parameters(ConvolutionParameters parms) override {
assert(parms.input_channels == _Ksize);
_convolver = std::unique_ptr<convolver<To>>(new convolver<To>(parms));
// Estimate cycles for given problem given provided parameters
template<typename perf_type>
static uint64_t estimate_cycles(const GemmArgs &args) {
unsigned int k_blocks = iceildiv(args._Ksize, get_k_block_size(args));
const PerformanceParameters &params = strategy::template get_performance_parameters<perf_type>(args._ci);
uint64_t total_macs = static_cast<uint64_t>(args._nbatches) * args._nmulti * roundup(args._Msize, strategy::out_height()) * roundup(args._Nsize, strategy::out_width()) * get_ktotal(args);
uint64_t prepare_bytes = static_cast<uint64_t>(args._nbatches) * args._nmulti * roundup(args._Msize, strategy::out_height()) * get_ktotal(args) * sizeof(Toi);
uint64_t merge_bytes = static_cast<uint64_t>(args._nbatches) * args._nmulti * k_blocks * args._Msize * roundup(args._Nsize, strategy::out_width()) * sizeof(Tr);
float mac_cycles = static_cast<float>(total_macs) / params.kernel_macs_cycle;
float prepare_cycles = static_cast<float>(prepare_bytes) / params.prepare_bytes_cycle;
float merge_cycles = static_cast<float>(merge_bytes) / params.merge_bytes_cycle;
float total_cycles = mac_cycles + prepare_cycles + merge_cycles;
// We can't thread over multis or width, which makes this a poor
// choice in many threaded cases. Penalize that here.
float parallelism_available = static_cast<float>(iceildiv(args._Msize, strategy::out_height()) * args._nbatches) * 0.9f;
if (parallelism_available < args._maxthreads) {
total_cycles *= (static_cast<float>(args._maxthreads) / parallelism_available);
return static_cast<uint64_t>(total_cycles);
GemmConfig get_config() override {
GemmConfig c;
c.method = GemmMethod::GEMM_INTERLEAVED;
c.inner_block_size = _k_block;
c.outer_block_size = _x_block;
c.filter = get_type_name<strategy>();
c.weight_format = get_weight_format(get_kernel_weight_format<strategy, FixedFormat, To>::get(), sizeof(To));
return c;
// Aliases for the variations
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr, typename OutputStage=Nothing>
using GemmInterleavedNoMerge = GemmInterleaved<strategy, To, Tr, OutputStage, false>;
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr, typename OutputStage=Nothing>
using GemmInterleavedFixedFormat = GemmInterleaved<strategy, To, Tr, OutputStage, true, true>;
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr>
using GemmInterleavedPretransposedNoMergeQuantizedInline = GemmInterleaved<strategy, To, Tr, Requantize32, false>;
template<typename strategy, typename To, typename Tr>
using GemmInterleavedQuantized = GemmInterleaved<strategy, To, Tr, Requantize32>;
} // namespace arm_gemm