blob: 36fc9d75ca08ad88962d051bdcc6dd9b2e9a1d3b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Arm Limited.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "arm_gemm.hpp"
#include "../../utils.hpp"
#include "../../bfloat.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
namespace arm_gemm {
void sve_ffhybrid_fp32bf16fp32_mmla_4x6VL (
unsigned int num_strings, const unsigned int *string_lengths, IndirectInputArg<float> A_arg,
size_t M, size_t N, const bfloat16 *B_ptr, size_t B_stride, IndirectOutputArg<float> output_arg,
const float *bias, Activation act, bool accumulate
struct KernelArgs {
float maxval = static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
float minval = - static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
unsigned int num_strings = {};
const unsigned int *string_lengths = {};
size_t N = {};
const bfloat16 *B_ptr = {};
const bfloat16 *cur_B_ptr = {};
size_t B_stride = {};
size_t output_offset = {};
size_t input_initial_col = {};
size_t input_offset = {};
} ka;
unsigned long flags=0;
void *output_ptr;
void *input_ptr;
if (output_arg.is_indirect) {
output_ptr=(void *)(output_arg.indirect.ptr);
flags |= 0x4;
} else {
output_ptr=(void *)(;;
if (A_arg.is_indirect) {
input_ptr=(void *)(A_arg.indirect.ptr);
flags |= 0x8;
} else {
input_ptr=(void *)(;;
if (accumulate) {
flags |= 0x1;
ka.num_strings = num_strings;
ka.string_lengths = string_lengths;
ka.N = N;
ka.B_ptr = B_ptr;
ka.B_stride = B_stride;
switch(act.type) {
case Activation::Type::None:
case Activation::Type::BoundedReLU:
ka.maxval = static_cast<float>(act.param1);
/* fall through */
case Activation::Type::ReLU:
ka.minval = 0;
flags |= 0x2;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"ptrue p7.b\n"
"1:" // Row loop
"cmp %x[M], #0x4\n"
"bge 43f\n"
"cmp %x[M], #0x2\n"
"bgt 29f\n"
"beq 15f\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_B_ptr]]\n"
"mov x15, %x[bias]\n"
"ldr x14, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_N]]\n"
"str x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"mov x13, %x[output_ptr]\n"
"2:" // Height 1: Column loop
"ldr x12, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_B_stride]]\n"
"add x11, x12, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x10, x11, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x9, x10, x20, LSL #1\n"
"cntw x21, ALL, MUL #5\n"
"add x28, x9, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x27, x28, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x20, x27, x20, LSL #1\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"str x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"bgt 3f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x27, x12\n"
"bgt 3f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x28, x12\n"
"bgt 3f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x9, x12\n"
"bgt 3f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x10, x12\n"
"bgt 3f\n"
"mov x11, x12\n"
"3:" // Height 1: B setup done
"mov x20, #0x0\n"
"whilelt p6.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p5.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p4.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p3.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p2.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p1.s, x20, x14\n"
"cbz x15, 4f\n"
"ld1w { z8.s }, p7/Z, [x15]\n"
"ld1w { z9.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z14.d, z8.d, z8.d\n"
"zip1 z8.d, z8.d, z8.d\n"
"ld1w { z10.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z11.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z15.d, z9.d, z9.d\n"
"zip1 z9.d, z9.d, z9.d\n"
"ld1w { z12.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z13.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z16.d, z10.d, z10.d\n"
"zip1 z10.d, z10.d, z10.d\n"
"zip2 z17.d, z11.d, z11.d\n"
"zip1 z11.d, z11.d, z11.d\n"
"addvl x15, x15, #6\n"
"zip2 z18.d, z12.d, z12.d\n"
"zip1 z12.d, z12.d, z12.d\n"
"zip2 z19.d, z13.d, z13.d\n"
"zip1 z13.d, z13.d, z13.d\n"
"b 6f\n"
"4:" // Height 1: no bias
"tbz %x[flags], #0, 5f\n"
"ld1w { z9.s }, p6/Z, [x13]\n"
"ld1w { z10.s }, p5/Z, [x13, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z8.d, z9.d, z14.d\n"
"zip2 z14.d, z9.d, z14.d\n"
"ld1w { z11.s }, p4/Z, [x13, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z12.s }, p3/Z, [x13, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z9.d, z10.d, z15.d\n"
"zip2 z15.d, z10.d, z15.d\n"
"ld1w { z13.s }, p2/Z, [x13, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z20.s }, p1/Z, [x13, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z10.d, z11.d, z16.d\n"
"zip2 z16.d, z11.d, z16.d\n"
"zip1 z11.d, z12.d, z17.d\n"
"zip2 z17.d, z12.d, z17.d\n"
"zip1 z12.d, z13.d, z18.d\n"
"zip2 z18.d, z13.d, z18.d\n"
"zip1 z13.d, z20.d, z19.d\n"
"zip2 z19.d, z20.d, z19.d\n"
"b 6f\n"
"5:" // Height 1: no accumulate
"mov z8.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z9.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z10.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z11.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z12.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z13.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z14.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z15.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z16.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z17.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z18.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z19.b, #0x0\n"
"6:" // Height 1: setup done
"mov x26, #0x0\n"
"7:" // Height 1: String loop
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_string_lengths]]\n"
"ldr w25, [x20, x26, LSL #0x2]\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_offset]]\n"
"tbz %x[flags], #3, 8f\n"
"ldr x21, [%x[input_ptr], x26, LSL #0x3]\n"
"add x21, x21, x20, LSL #3\n"
"ldr x24, [x21, #0x0]\n"
"cbnz x26, 9f\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_initial_col]]\n"
"add x24, x24, x20, LSL #2\n"
"b 9f\n"
"8:" // Height 1: setup direct input
"mov x24, %x[input_ptr]\n"
"9:" // Height 1: input setup done
"cmp x25, #0x4\n"
"ble 11f\n"
"10:" // Height 1: Multiply loop: Main loop head
"whilelt p0.s, XZR, x25\n"
"ld1rqw { z0.s }, p0/Z, [x24]\n"
".inst 0x658abc00 // bfcvt z0.h, p7/M, z0.s\n"
"uzp1 z0.h, z0.h, z0.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x12]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x12, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e408 // bfmmla z8.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e40e // bfmmla z14.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x11]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x11, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6466e409 // bfmmla z9.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e40f // bfmmla z15.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x10]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x10, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40a // bfmmla z10.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e410 // bfmmla z16.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x9]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x9, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6466e40b // bfmmla z11.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e411 // bfmmla z17.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x28]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x28, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"sub x25, x25, #0x4\n"
"cmp x25, #0x4\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x27]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x27, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40c // bfmmla z12.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e412 // bfmmla z18.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40d // bfmmla z13.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e413 // bfmmla z19.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"add x24, x24, #0x10\n"
"addvl x12, x12, #2\n"
"addvl x11, x11, #2\n"
"addvl x10, x10, #2\n"
"addvl x9, x9, #2\n"
"addvl x28, x28, #2\n"
"addvl x27, x27, #2\n"
"bgt 10b\n"
"11:" // Height 1: Multiply loop: Single iteration only
"whilelt p0.s, XZR, x25\n"
"ld1rqw { z0.s }, p0/Z, [x24]\n"
".inst 0x658abc00 // bfcvt z0.h, p7/M, z0.s\n"
"uzp1 z0.h, z0.h, z0.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x12]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x12, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e408 // bfmmla z8.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e40e // bfmmla z14.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x11]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x11, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6466e409 // bfmmla z9.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e40f // bfmmla z15.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x10]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x10, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40a // bfmmla z10.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e410 // bfmmla z16.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x9]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x9, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6466e40b // bfmmla z11.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e411 // bfmmla z17.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x28]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x28, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40c // bfmmla z12.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e412 // bfmmla z18.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x27]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x27, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6466e40d // bfmmla z13.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e413 // bfmmla z19.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"addvl x12, x12, #2\n"
"addvl x11, x11, #2\n"
"addvl x10, x10, #2\n"
"addvl x9, x9, #2\n"
"addvl x28, x28, #2\n"
"addvl x27, x27, #2\n"
"12:" // Height 1: Multiply loop: multiply skip
"ldr w20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_num_strings]]\n"
"add x26, x26, #0x1\n"
"cmp x26, x20\n"
"bne 7b\n"
"uzp1 z8.d, z8.d, z14.d\n"
"uzp1 z9.d, z9.d, z15.d\n"
"uzp1 z10.d, z10.d, z16.d\n"
"uzp1 z11.d, z11.d, z17.d\n"
"uzp1 z12.d, z12.d, z18.d\n"
"uzp1 z13.d, z13.d, z19.d\n"
"tbz %x[flags], #1, 13f\n"
"add x20, %x[args_ptr], %[offset_max]\n"
"ld1rw { z1.s }, p7/Z, [x20]\n"
"add x20, %x[args_ptr], %[offset_min]\n"
"ld1rw { z0.s }, p7/Z, [x20]\n"
"fmin z8.s, p7/M, z8.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z9.s, p7/M, z9.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z10.s, p7/M, z10.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z11.s, p7/M, z11.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z12.s, p7/M, z12.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z13.s, p7/M, z13.s, z1.s\n"
"fmax z8.s, p7/M, z8.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z9.s, p7/M, z9.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z10.s, p7/M, z10.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z11.s, p7/M, z11.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z12.s, p7/M, z12.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z13.s, p7/M, z13.s, z0.s\n"
"13:" // Height 1: No activation
"st1w { z8.s }, p6, [x13]\n"
"st1w { z9.s }, p5, [x13, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z10.s }, p4, [x13, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z11.s }, p3, [x13, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z12.s }, p2, [x13, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z13.s }, p1, [x13, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"addvl x13, x13, #6\n"
"14:" // Height 1: Writeback done
"decw x14, ALL, MUL #6\n"
"cmp x14, XZR\n"
"bgt 2b\n"
"b 58f\n"
"15:" // Height 2
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_B_ptr]]\n"
"mov x15, %x[bias]\n"
"ldr x14, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_N]]\n"
"str x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"mov x13, %x[output_ptr]\n"
"16:" // Height 2: Column loop
"ldr x12, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_B_stride]]\n"
"add x11, x12, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x10, x11, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x9, x10, x20, LSL #1\n"
"cntw x21, ALL, MUL #5\n"
"add x28, x9, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x27, x28, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x20, x27, x20, LSL #1\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"str x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"bgt 17f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x27, x12\n"
"bgt 17f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x28, x12\n"
"bgt 17f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x9, x12\n"
"bgt 17f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x10, x12\n"
"bgt 17f\n"
"mov x11, x12\n"
"17:" // Height 2: B setup done
"mov x20, #0x0\n"
"whilelt p6.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p5.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p4.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p3.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p2.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p1.s, x20, x14\n"
"cbz x15, 18f\n"
"ld1w { z8.s }, p7/Z, [x15]\n"
"ld1w { z9.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z14.d, z8.d, z8.d\n"
"zip1 z8.d, z8.d, z8.d\n"
"ld1w { z10.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z11.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z15.d, z9.d, z9.d\n"
"zip1 z9.d, z9.d, z9.d\n"
"ld1w { z12.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z13.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z16.d, z10.d, z10.d\n"
"zip1 z10.d, z10.d, z10.d\n"
"zip2 z17.d, z11.d, z11.d\n"
"zip1 z11.d, z11.d, z11.d\n"
"addvl x15, x15, #6\n"
"zip2 z18.d, z12.d, z12.d\n"
"zip1 z12.d, z12.d, z12.d\n"
"zip2 z19.d, z13.d, z13.d\n"
"zip1 z13.d, z13.d, z13.d\n"
"b 20f\n"
"18:" // Height 2: no bias
"tbz %x[flags], #0, 19f\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_output_offset]]\n"
"add x23, x13, x20, LSL #2\n"
"ld1w { z9.s }, p6/Z, [x13]\n"
"ld1w { z10.s }, p5/Z, [x13, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z11.s }, p4/Z, [x13, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z12.s }, p3/Z, [x13, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z13.s }, p2/Z, [x13, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z20.s }, p1/Z, [x13, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z14.s }, p6/Z, [x23]\n"
"zip1 z8.d, z9.d, z14.d\n"
"zip2 z14.d, z9.d, z14.d\n"
"ld1w { z15.s }, p5/Z, [x23, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z16.s }, p4/Z, [x23, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z9.d, z10.d, z15.d\n"
"zip2 z15.d, z10.d, z15.d\n"
"ld1w { z17.s }, p3/Z, [x23, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z18.s }, p2/Z, [x23, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z10.d, z11.d, z16.d\n"
"zip2 z16.d, z11.d, z16.d\n"
"ld1w { z19.s }, p1/Z, [x23, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z11.d, z12.d, z17.d\n"
"zip2 z17.d, z12.d, z17.d\n"
"zip1 z12.d, z13.d, z18.d\n"
"zip2 z18.d, z13.d, z18.d\n"
"zip1 z13.d, z20.d, z19.d\n"
"zip2 z19.d, z20.d, z19.d\n"
"b 20f\n"
"19:" // Height 2: no accumulate
"mov z8.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z9.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z10.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z11.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z12.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z13.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z14.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z15.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z16.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z17.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z18.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z19.b, #0x0\n"
"20:" // Height 2: setup done
"mov x26, #0x0\n"
"21:" // Height 2: String loop
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_string_lengths]]\n"
"ldr w25, [x20, x26, LSL #0x2]\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_offset]]\n"
"tbz %x[flags], #3, 22f\n"
"ldr x21, [%x[input_ptr], x26, LSL #0x3]\n"
"add x21, x21, x20, LSL #3\n"
"ldr x24, [x21, #0x0]\n"
"ldr x23, [x21, #0x8]\n"
"cbnz x26, 23f\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_initial_col]]\n"
"add x24, x24, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x23, x23, x20, LSL #2\n"
"b 23f\n"
"22:" // Height 2: setup direct input
"mov x24, %x[input_ptr]\n"
"add x23, x24, x20, LSL #2\n"
"23:" // Height 2: input setup done
"cmp x25, #0x4\n"
"ble 25f\n"
"24:" // Height 2: Multiply loop: Main loop head
"whilelt p0.s, XZR, x25\n"
"ld1rqw { z0.s }, p0/Z, [x24]\n"
"ld1rqw { z1.s }, p0/Z, [x23]\n"
".inst 0x658abc00 // bfcvt z0.h, p7/M, z0.s\n"
".inst 0x658abc21 // bfcvt z1.h, p7/M, z1.s\n"
"uzp1 z0.h, z0.h, z0.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x12]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x12, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"uzp1 z1.h, z1.h, z1.h\n"
"trn1 z0.d, z0.d, z1.d\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x11]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x11, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e408 // bfmmla z8.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e40e // bfmmla z14.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x10]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x10, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6466e409 // bfmmla z9.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e40f // bfmmla z15.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x9]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x9, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40a // bfmmla z10.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e410 // bfmmla z16.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x28]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x28, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6466e40b // bfmmla z11.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e411 // bfmmla z17.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x27]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x27, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"sub x25, x25, #0x4\n"
"cmp x25, #0x4\n"
".inst 0x6464e40c // bfmmla z12.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e412 // bfmmla z18.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40d // bfmmla z13.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e413 // bfmmla z19.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"add x24, x24, #0x10\n"
"add x23, x23, #0x10\n"
"addvl x12, x12, #2\n"
"addvl x11, x11, #2\n"
"addvl x10, x10, #2\n"
"addvl x9, x9, #2\n"
"addvl x28, x28, #2\n"
"addvl x27, x27, #2\n"
"bgt 24b\n"
"25:" // Height 2: Multiply loop: Single iteration only
"whilelt p0.s, XZR, x25\n"
"ld1rqw { z0.s }, p0/Z, [x24]\n"
"ld1rqw { z1.s }, p0/Z, [x23]\n"
".inst 0x658abc00 // bfcvt z0.h, p7/M, z0.s\n"
".inst 0x658abc21 // bfcvt z1.h, p7/M, z1.s\n"
"uzp1 z0.h, z0.h, z0.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x12]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x12, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"uzp1 z1.h, z1.h, z1.h\n"
"trn1 z0.d, z0.d, z1.d\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x11]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x11, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e408 // bfmmla z8.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e40e // bfmmla z14.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x10]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x10, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6466e409 // bfmmla z9.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e40f // bfmmla z15.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x9]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x9, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40a // bfmmla z10.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e410 // bfmmla z16.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x28]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x28, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6466e40b // bfmmla z11.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e411 // bfmmla z17.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x27]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x27, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40c // bfmmla z12.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e412 // bfmmla z18.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"addvl x12, x12, #2\n"
"addvl x11, x11, #2\n"
".inst 0x6466e40d // bfmmla z13.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e413 // bfmmla z19.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"addvl x10, x10, #2\n"
"addvl x9, x9, #2\n"
"addvl x28, x28, #2\n"
"addvl x27, x27, #2\n"
"26:" // Height 2: Multiply loop: multiply skip
"ldr w20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_num_strings]]\n"
"add x26, x26, #0x1\n"
"cmp x26, x20\n"
"bne 21b\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_output_offset]]\n"
"uzp1 z4.d, z8.d, z14.d\n"
"uzp2 z8.d, z8.d, z14.d\n"
"add x23, x13, x20, LSL #2\n"
"uzp1 z14.d, z9.d, z15.d\n"
"uzp2 z9.d, z9.d, z15.d\n"
"uzp1 z15.d, z10.d, z16.d\n"
"uzp2 z10.d, z10.d, z16.d\n"
"uzp1 z16.d, z11.d, z17.d\n"
"uzp2 z11.d, z11.d, z17.d\n"
"uzp1 z17.d, z12.d, z18.d\n"
"uzp2 z12.d, z12.d, z18.d\n"
"uzp1 z18.d, z13.d, z19.d\n"
"uzp2 z13.d, z13.d, z19.d\n"
"tbz %x[flags], #1, 27f\n"
"add x20, %x[args_ptr], %[offset_max]\n"
"ld1rw { z1.s }, p7/Z, [x20]\n"
"add x20, %x[args_ptr], %[offset_min]\n"
"ld1rw { z0.s }, p7/Z, [x20]\n"
"fmin z4.s, p7/M, z4.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z14.s, p7/M, z14.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z15.s, p7/M, z15.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z16.s, p7/M, z16.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z17.s, p7/M, z17.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z18.s, p7/M, z18.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z8.s, p7/M, z8.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z9.s, p7/M, z9.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z10.s, p7/M, z10.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z11.s, p7/M, z11.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z12.s, p7/M, z12.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z13.s, p7/M, z13.s, z1.s\n"
"fmax z4.s, p7/M, z4.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z14.s, p7/M, z14.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z15.s, p7/M, z15.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z16.s, p7/M, z16.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z17.s, p7/M, z17.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z18.s, p7/M, z18.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z8.s, p7/M, z8.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z9.s, p7/M, z9.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z10.s, p7/M, z10.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z11.s, p7/M, z11.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z12.s, p7/M, z12.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z13.s, p7/M, z13.s, z0.s\n"
"27:" // Height 2: No activation
"st1w { z4.s }, p6, [x13]\n"
"st1w { z14.s }, p5, [x13, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z15.s }, p4, [x13, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z16.s }, p3, [x13, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z17.s }, p2, [x13, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z18.s }, p1, [x13, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"addvl x13, x13, #6\n"
"st1w { z8.s }, p6, [x23]\n"
"st1w { z9.s }, p5, [x23, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z10.s }, p4, [x23, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z11.s }, p3, [x23, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z12.s }, p2, [x23, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z13.s }, p1, [x23, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"28:" // Height 2: Writeback done
"decw x14, ALL, MUL #6\n"
"cmp x14, XZR\n"
"bgt 16b\n"
"b 58f\n"
"29:" // Height 3
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_B_ptr]]\n"
"mov x15, %x[bias]\n"
"ldr x14, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_N]]\n"
"str x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"mov x13, %x[output_ptr]\n"
"30:" // Height 3: Column loop
"ldr x12, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_B_stride]]\n"
"add x11, x12, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x10, x11, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x9, x10, x20, LSL #1\n"
"cntw x21, ALL, MUL #5\n"
"add x28, x9, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x27, x28, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x20, x27, x20, LSL #1\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"str x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"bgt 31f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x27, x12\n"
"bgt 31f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x28, x12\n"
"bgt 31f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x9, x12\n"
"bgt 31f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x10, x12\n"
"bgt 31f\n"
"mov x11, x12\n"
"31:" // Height 3: B setup done
"mov x20, #0x0\n"
"whilelt p6.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p5.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p4.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p3.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p2.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p1.s, x20, x14\n"
"cbz x15, 32f\n"
"ld1w { z8.s }, p7/Z, [x15]\n"
"ld1w { z9.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z14.d, z8.d, z8.d\n"
"zip1 z8.d, z8.d, z8.d\n"
"ld1w { z10.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z11.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z15.d, z9.d, z9.d\n"
"zip1 z9.d, z9.d, z9.d\n"
"ld1w { z12.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z13.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z16.d, z10.d, z10.d\n"
"zip1 z10.d, z10.d, z10.d\n"
"zip2 z17.d, z11.d, z11.d\n"
"zip1 z11.d, z11.d, z11.d\n"
"addvl x15, x15, #6\n"
"zip2 z18.d, z12.d, z12.d\n"
"zip1 z12.d, z12.d, z12.d\n"
"zip2 z19.d, z13.d, z13.d\n"
"zip1 z13.d, z13.d, z13.d\n"
"mov z20.d, z8.d\n"
"mov z26.d, z14.d\n"
"mov z21.d, z9.d\n"
"mov z27.d, z15.d\n"
"mov z22.d, z10.d\n"
"mov z28.d, z16.d\n"
"mov z23.d, z11.d\n"
"mov z29.d, z17.d\n"
"mov z24.d, z12.d\n"
"mov z30.d, z18.d\n"
"mov z25.d, z13.d\n"
"mov z31.d, z19.d\n"
"b 34f\n"
"32:" // Height 3: no bias
"tbz %x[flags], #0, 33f\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_output_offset]]\n"
"add x23, x13, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x22, x23, x20, LSL #2\n"
"ld1w { z9.s }, p6/Z, [x13]\n"
"ld1w { z10.s }, p5/Z, [x13, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z11.s }, p4/Z, [x13, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z12.s }, p3/Z, [x13, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z13.s }, p2/Z, [x13, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z20.s }, p1/Z, [x13, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z14.s }, p6/Z, [x23]\n"
"zip1 z8.d, z9.d, z14.d\n"
"zip2 z14.d, z9.d, z14.d\n"
"ld1w { z15.s }, p5/Z, [x23, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z16.s }, p4/Z, [x23, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z9.d, z10.d, z15.d\n"
"zip2 z15.d, z10.d, z15.d\n"
"ld1w { z17.s }, p3/Z, [x23, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z18.s }, p2/Z, [x23, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z10.d, z11.d, z16.d\n"
"zip2 z16.d, z11.d, z16.d\n"
"ld1w { z19.s }, p1/Z, [x23, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z21.s }, p6/Z, [x22]\n"
"zip1 z11.d, z12.d, z17.d\n"
"zip2 z17.d, z12.d, z17.d\n"
"ld1w { z22.s }, p5/Z, [x22, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z23.s }, p4/Z, [x22, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z12.d, z13.d, z18.d\n"
"zip2 z18.d, z13.d, z18.d\n"
"ld1w { z24.s }, p3/Z, [x22, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z25.s }, p2/Z, [x22, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z13.d, z20.d, z19.d\n"
"zip2 z19.d, z20.d, z19.d\n"
"ld1w { z4.s }, p1/Z, [x22, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z20.d, z21.d, z26.d\n"
"zip2 z26.d, z21.d, z26.d\n"
"zip1 z21.d, z22.d, z27.d\n"
"zip2 z27.d, z22.d, z27.d\n"
"zip1 z22.d, z23.d, z28.d\n"
"zip2 z28.d, z23.d, z28.d\n"
"zip1 z23.d, z24.d, z29.d\n"
"zip2 z29.d, z24.d, z29.d\n"
"zip1 z24.d, z25.d, z30.d\n"
"zip2 z30.d, z25.d, z30.d\n"
"zip1 z25.d, z4.d, z31.d\n"
"zip2 z31.d, z4.d, z31.d\n"
"b 34f\n"
"33:" // Height 3: no accumulate
"mov z8.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z9.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z10.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z11.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z12.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z13.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z14.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z15.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z16.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z17.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z18.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z19.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z20.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z21.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z22.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z23.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z24.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z25.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z26.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z27.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z28.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z29.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z30.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z31.b, #0x0\n"
"34:" // Height 3: setup done
"mov x26, #0x0\n"
"35:" // Height 3: String loop
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_string_lengths]]\n"
"ldr w25, [x20, x26, LSL #0x2]\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_offset]]\n"
"tbz %x[flags], #3, 36f\n"
"ldr x21, [%x[input_ptr], x26, LSL #0x3]\n"
"add x21, x21, x20, LSL #3\n"
"ldr x24, [x21, #0x0]\n"
"ldr x23, [x21, #0x8]\n"
"ldr x22, [x21, #0x10]\n"
"cbnz x26, 37f\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_initial_col]]\n"
"add x24, x24, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x23, x23, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x22, x22, x20, LSL #2\n"
"b 37f\n"
"36:" // Height 3: setup direct input
"mov x24, %x[input_ptr]\n"
"add x23, x24, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x22, x23, x20, LSL #2\n"
"37:" // Height 3: input setup done
"cmp x25, #0x4\n"
"ble 39f\n"
"38:" // Height 3: Multiply loop: Main loop head
"whilelt p0.s, XZR, x25\n"
"ld1rqw { z0.s }, p0/Z, [x24]\n"
"ld1rqw { z1.s }, p0/Z, [x23]\n"
".inst 0x658abc00 // bfcvt z0.h, p7/M, z0.s\n"
"ld1rqw { z2.s }, p0/Z, [x22]\n"
".inst 0x658abc21 // bfcvt z1.h, p7/M, z1.s\n"
"uzp1 z0.h, z0.h, z0.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x12]\n"
"uzp1 z1.h, z1.h, z1.h\n"
".inst 0x658abc42 // bfcvt z2.h, p7/M, z2.s\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x12, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x11]\n"
"trn1 z0.d, z0.d, z1.d\n"
"uzp1 z2.h, z2.h, z2.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x11, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e408 // bfmmla z8.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6464e454 // bfmmla z20.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e40e // bfmmla z14.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x10]\n"
"sub x25, x25, #0x4\n"
".inst 0x6465e45a // bfmmla z26.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e409 // bfmmla z9.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x10, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"cmp x25, #0x4\n"
".inst 0x6466e455 // bfmmla z21.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e40f // bfmmla z15.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x9]\n"
"add x24, x24, #0x10\n"
".inst 0x6467e45b // bfmmla z27.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x9, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40a // bfmmla z10.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"add x23, x23, #0x10\n"
".inst 0x6464e456 // bfmmla z22.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e410 // bfmmla z16.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x28]\n"
"add x22, x22, #0x10\n"
".inst 0x6465e45c // bfmmla z28.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40b // bfmmla z11.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x28, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"addvl x12, x12, #2\n"
".inst 0x6466e457 // bfmmla z23.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e411 // bfmmla z17.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x27]\n"
"addvl x11, x11, #2\n"
".inst 0x6467e45d // bfmmla z29.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x27, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40c // bfmmla z12.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"addvl x10, x10, #2\n"
".inst 0x6464e458 // bfmmla z24.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e412 // bfmmla z18.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"addvl x9, x9, #2\n"
"addvl x28, x28, #2\n"
".inst 0x6465e45e // bfmmla z30.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40d // bfmmla z13.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"addvl x27, x27, #2\n"
".inst 0x6466e459 // bfmmla z25.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e413 // bfmmla z19.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e45f // bfmmla z31.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"bgt 38b\n"
"39:" // Height 3: Multiply loop: Single iteration only
"whilelt p0.s, XZR, x25\n"
"ld1rqw { z0.s }, p0/Z, [x24]\n"
"ld1rqw { z1.s }, p0/Z, [x23]\n"
".inst 0x658abc00 // bfcvt z0.h, p7/M, z0.s\n"
"ld1rqw { z2.s }, p0/Z, [x22]\n"
".inst 0x658abc21 // bfcvt z1.h, p7/M, z1.s\n"
"uzp1 z0.h, z0.h, z0.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x12]\n"
"uzp1 z1.h, z1.h, z1.h\n"
".inst 0x658abc42 // bfcvt z2.h, p7/M, z2.s\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x12, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x11]\n"
"trn1 z0.d, z0.d, z1.d\n"
"uzp1 z2.h, z2.h, z2.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x11, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e408 // bfmmla z8.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6464e454 // bfmmla z20.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e40e // bfmmla z14.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x10]\n"
"addvl x12, x12, #2\n"
".inst 0x6465e45a // bfmmla z26.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e409 // bfmmla z9.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x10, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"addvl x11, x11, #2\n"
".inst 0x6466e455 // bfmmla z21.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e40f // bfmmla z15.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x9]\n"
"addvl x10, x10, #2\n"
".inst 0x6467e45b // bfmmla z27.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x9, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40a // bfmmla z10.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"addvl x9, x9, #2\n"
".inst 0x6464e456 // bfmmla z22.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e410 // bfmmla z16.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x28]\n"
".inst 0x6465e45c // bfmmla z28.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40b // bfmmla z11.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x28, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"addvl x28, x28, #2\n"
".inst 0x6466e457 // bfmmla z23.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e411 // bfmmla z17.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x27]\n"
".inst 0x6467e45d // bfmmla z29.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x27, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40c // bfmmla z12.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"addvl x27, x27, #2\n"
".inst 0x6464e458 // bfmmla z24.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e412 // bfmmla z18.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e45e // bfmmla z30.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40d // bfmmla z13.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e459 // bfmmla z25.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e413 // bfmmla z19.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e45f // bfmmla z31.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"40:" // Height 3: Multiply loop: multiply skip
"ldr w20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_num_strings]]\n"
"add x26, x26, #0x1\n"
"cmp x26, x20\n"
"bne 35b\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_output_offset]]\n"
"add x23, x13, x20, LSL #2\n"
"uzp1 z4.d, z8.d, z14.d\n"
"uzp2 z8.d, z8.d, z14.d\n"
"uzp1 z14.d, z9.d, z15.d\n"
"uzp2 z9.d, z9.d, z15.d\n"
"add x22, x23, x20, LSL #2\n"
"uzp1 z15.d, z10.d, z16.d\n"
"uzp2 z10.d, z10.d, z16.d\n"
"uzp1 z16.d, z11.d, z17.d\n"
"uzp2 z11.d, z11.d, z17.d\n"
"uzp1 z17.d, z12.d, z18.d\n"
"uzp2 z12.d, z12.d, z18.d\n"
"uzp1 z18.d, z13.d, z19.d\n"
"uzp2 z13.d, z13.d, z19.d\n"
"uzp1 z20.d, z20.d, z26.d\n"
"uzp1 z21.d, z21.d, z27.d\n"
"uzp1 z22.d, z22.d, z28.d\n"
"uzp1 z23.d, z23.d, z29.d\n"
"uzp1 z24.d, z24.d, z30.d\n"
"uzp1 z25.d, z25.d, z31.d\n"
"tbz %x[flags], #1, 41f\n"
"add x20, %x[args_ptr], %[offset_max]\n"
"ld1rw { z1.s }, p7/Z, [x20]\n"
"add x20, %x[args_ptr], %[offset_min]\n"
"ld1rw { z0.s }, p7/Z, [x20]\n"
"fmin z4.s, p7/M, z4.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z14.s, p7/M, z14.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z15.s, p7/M, z15.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z16.s, p7/M, z16.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z17.s, p7/M, z17.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z18.s, p7/M, z18.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z8.s, p7/M, z8.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z9.s, p7/M, z9.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z10.s, p7/M, z10.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z11.s, p7/M, z11.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z12.s, p7/M, z12.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z13.s, p7/M, z13.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z20.s, p7/M, z20.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z21.s, p7/M, z21.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z22.s, p7/M, z22.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z23.s, p7/M, z23.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z24.s, p7/M, z24.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z25.s, p7/M, z25.s, z1.s\n"
"fmax z4.s, p7/M, z4.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z14.s, p7/M, z14.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z15.s, p7/M, z15.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z16.s, p7/M, z16.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z17.s, p7/M, z17.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z18.s, p7/M, z18.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z8.s, p7/M, z8.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z9.s, p7/M, z9.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z10.s, p7/M, z10.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z11.s, p7/M, z11.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z12.s, p7/M, z12.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z13.s, p7/M, z13.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z20.s, p7/M, z20.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z21.s, p7/M, z21.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z22.s, p7/M, z22.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z23.s, p7/M, z23.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z24.s, p7/M, z24.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z25.s, p7/M, z25.s, z0.s\n"
"41:" // Height 3: No activation
"st1w { z4.s }, p6, [x13]\n"
"st1w { z14.s }, p5, [x13, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z15.s }, p4, [x13, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z16.s }, p3, [x13, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z17.s }, p2, [x13, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z18.s }, p1, [x13, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"addvl x13, x13, #6\n"
"st1w { z8.s }, p6, [x23]\n"
"st1w { z9.s }, p5, [x23, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z10.s }, p4, [x23, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z11.s }, p3, [x23, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z12.s }, p2, [x23, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z13.s }, p1, [x23, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z20.s }, p6, [x22]\n"
"st1w { z21.s }, p5, [x22, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z22.s }, p4, [x22, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z23.s }, p3, [x22, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z24.s }, p2, [x22, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z25.s }, p1, [x22, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"42:" // Height 3: Writeback done
"decw x14, ALL, MUL #6\n"
"cmp x14, XZR\n"
"bgt 30b\n"
"b 58f\n"
"43:" // Height 4
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_B_ptr]]\n"
"ldr x14, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_N]]\n"
"str x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"mov x21, #0x10\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_output_offset]]\n"
"mov x15, %x[bias]\n"
"mov x13, %x[output_ptr]\n"
"madd %x[output_ptr], x20, x21, %x[output_ptr]\n"
"44:" // Height 4: Column loop
"ldr x12, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_B_stride]]\n"
"add x11, x12, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x10, x11, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x9, x10, x20, LSL #1\n"
"cntw x21, ALL, MUL #5\n"
"add x28, x9, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x27, x28, x20, LSL #1\n"
"add x20, x27, x20, LSL #1\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"str x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_cur_B_ptr]]\n"
"bgt 45f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x27, x12\n"
"bgt 45f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x28, x12\n"
"bgt 45f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x9, x12\n"
"bgt 45f\n"
"decw x21\n"
"cmp x14, x21\n"
"mov x10, x12\n"
"bgt 45f\n"
"mov x11, x12\n"
"45:" // Height 4: B setup done
"mov x20, #0x0\n"
"whilelt p6.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p5.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p4.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p3.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p2.s, x20, x14\n"
"incw x20\n"
"whilelt p1.s, x20, x14\n"
"cbz x15, 46f\n"
"ld1w { z8.s }, p7/Z, [x15]\n"
"ld1w { z9.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z14.d, z8.d, z8.d\n"
"zip1 z8.d, z8.d, z8.d\n"
"ld1w { z10.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z11.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z15.d, z9.d, z9.d\n"
"zip1 z9.d, z9.d, z9.d\n"
"ld1w { z12.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z13.s }, p7/Z, [x15, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"zip2 z16.d, z10.d, z10.d\n"
"zip1 z10.d, z10.d, z10.d\n"
"zip2 z17.d, z11.d, z11.d\n"
"zip1 z11.d, z11.d, z11.d\n"
"addvl x15, x15, #6\n"
"zip2 z18.d, z12.d, z12.d\n"
"zip1 z12.d, z12.d, z12.d\n"
"zip2 z19.d, z13.d, z13.d\n"
"zip1 z13.d, z13.d, z13.d\n"
"mov z20.d, z8.d\n"
"mov z26.d, z14.d\n"
"mov z21.d, z9.d\n"
"mov z27.d, z15.d\n"
"mov z22.d, z10.d\n"
"mov z28.d, z16.d\n"
"mov z23.d, z11.d\n"
"mov z29.d, z17.d\n"
"mov z24.d, z12.d\n"
"mov z30.d, z18.d\n"
"mov z25.d, z13.d\n"
"mov z31.d, z19.d\n"
"b 48f\n"
"46:" // Height 4: no bias
"tbz %x[flags], #0, 47f\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_output_offset]]\n"
"add x23, x13, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x22, x23, x20, LSL #2\n"
"ld1w { z9.s }, p6/Z, [x13]\n"
"add x21, x22, x20, LSL #2\n"
"ld1w { z10.s }, p5/Z, [x13, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z11.s }, p4/Z, [x13, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z12.s }, p3/Z, [x13, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z13.s }, p2/Z, [x13, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z20.s }, p1/Z, [x13, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z14.s }, p6/Z, [x23]\n"
"zip1 z8.d, z9.d, z14.d\n"
"zip2 z14.d, z9.d, z14.d\n"
"ld1w { z15.s }, p5/Z, [x23, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z16.s }, p4/Z, [x23, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z9.d, z10.d, z15.d\n"
"zip2 z15.d, z10.d, z15.d\n"
"ld1w { z17.s }, p3/Z, [x23, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z18.s }, p2/Z, [x23, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z10.d, z11.d, z16.d\n"
"zip2 z16.d, z11.d, z16.d\n"
"ld1w { z19.s }, p1/Z, [x23, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z21.s }, p6/Z, [x22]\n"
"zip1 z11.d, z12.d, z17.d\n"
"zip2 z17.d, z12.d, z17.d\n"
"ld1w { z22.s }, p5/Z, [x22, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z23.s }, p4/Z, [x22, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z12.d, z13.d, z18.d\n"
"zip2 z18.d, z13.d, z18.d\n"
"ld1w { z24.s }, p3/Z, [x22, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z25.s }, p2/Z, [x22, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z13.d, z20.d, z19.d\n"
"zip2 z19.d, z20.d, z19.d\n"
"ld1w { z4.s }, p1/Z, [x22, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z26.s }, p6/Z, [x21]\n"
"zip1 z20.d, z21.d, z26.d\n"
"zip2 z26.d, z21.d, z26.d\n"
"ld1w { z27.s }, p5/Z, [x21, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z28.s }, p4/Z, [x21, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z21.d, z22.d, z27.d\n"
"zip2 z27.d, z22.d, z27.d\n"
"ld1w { z29.s }, p3/Z, [x21, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"ld1w { z30.s }, p2/Z, [x21, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z22.d, z23.d, z28.d\n"
"zip2 z28.d, z23.d, z28.d\n"
"ld1w { z31.s }, p1/Z, [x21, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"zip1 z23.d, z24.d, z29.d\n"
"zip2 z29.d, z24.d, z29.d\n"
"zip1 z24.d, z25.d, z30.d\n"
"zip2 z30.d, z25.d, z30.d\n"
"zip1 z25.d, z4.d, z31.d\n"
"zip2 z31.d, z4.d, z31.d\n"
"b 48f\n"
"47:" // Height 4: no accumulate
"mov z8.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z9.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z10.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z11.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z12.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z13.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z14.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z15.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z16.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z17.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z18.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z19.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z20.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z21.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z22.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z23.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z24.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z25.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z26.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z27.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z28.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z29.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z30.b, #0x0\n"
"mov z31.b, #0x0\n"
"48:" // Height 4: setup done
"mov x26, #0x0\n"
"49:" // Height 4: String loop
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_string_lengths]]\n"
"ldr w25, [x20, x26, LSL #0x2]\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_offset]]\n"
"tbz %x[flags], #3, 50f\n"
"ldr x21, [%x[input_ptr], x26, LSL #0x3]\n"
"add x21, x21, x20, LSL #3\n"
"ldr x24, [x21, #0x0]\n"
"ldr x23, [x21, #0x8]\n"
"ldr x22, [x21, #0x10]\n"
"ldr x21, [x21, #0x18]\n"
"cbnz x26, 51f\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_initial_col]]\n"
"add x24, x24, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x23, x23, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x22, x22, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x21, x21, x20, LSL #2\n"
"b 51f\n"
"50:" // Height 4: setup direct input
"mov x24, %x[input_ptr]\n"
"add x23, x24, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x22, x23, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x21, x22, x20, LSL #2\n"
"51:" // Height 4: input setup done
"cmp x25, #0x4\n"
"ble 53f\n"
"52:" // Height 4: Multiply loop: Main loop head
"whilelt p0.s, XZR, x25\n"
"ld1rqw { z0.s }, p0/Z, [x24]\n"
"ld1rqw { z1.s }, p0/Z, [x23]\n"
".inst 0x658abc00 // bfcvt z0.h, p7/M, z0.s\n"
"ld1rqw { z2.s }, p0/Z, [x22]\n"
"ld1rqw { z3.s }, p0/Z, [x21]\n"
".inst 0x658abc21 // bfcvt z1.h, p7/M, z1.s\n"
".inst 0x658abc42 // bfcvt z2.h, p7/M, z2.s\n"
".inst 0x658abc63 // bfcvt z3.h, p7/M, z3.s\n"
"uzp1 z0.h, z0.h, z0.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x12]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x12, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"uzp1 z1.h, z1.h, z1.h\n"
"uzp1 z2.h, z2.h, z2.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x11]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x11, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"uzp1 z3.h, z3.h, z3.h\n"
"trn1 z0.d, z0.d, z1.d\n"
".inst 0x6464e408 // bfmmla z8.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"sub x25, x25, #0x4\n"
"trn1 z2.d, z2.d, z3.d\n"
".inst 0x6464e454 // bfmmla z20.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e40e // bfmmla z14.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x10]\n"
".inst 0x6465e45a // bfmmla z26.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e409 // bfmmla z9.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x10, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"cmp x25, #0x4\n"
".inst 0x6466e455 // bfmmla z21.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e40f // bfmmla z15.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x9]\n"
"add x24, x24, #0x10\n"
".inst 0x6467e45b // bfmmla z27.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x9, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40a // bfmmla z10.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"add x23, x23, #0x10\n"
".inst 0x6464e456 // bfmmla z22.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e410 // bfmmla z16.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x28]\n"
"add x22, x22, #0x10\n"
".inst 0x6465e45c // bfmmla z28.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40b // bfmmla z11.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x28, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"add x21, x21, #0x10\n"
".inst 0x6466e457 // bfmmla z23.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e411 // bfmmla z17.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x27]\n"
"addvl x12, x12, #2\n"
".inst 0x6467e45d // bfmmla z29.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x27, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40c // bfmmla z12.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"addvl x11, x11, #2\n"
".inst 0x6464e458 // bfmmla z24.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e412 // bfmmla z18.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"addvl x10, x10, #2\n"
"addvl x9, x9, #2\n"
".inst 0x6465e45e // bfmmla z30.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40d // bfmmla z13.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"addvl x28, x28, #2\n"
"addvl x27, x27, #2\n"
".inst 0x6466e459 // bfmmla z25.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e413 // bfmmla z19.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e45f // bfmmla z31.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"bgt 52b\n"
"53:" // Height 4: Multiply loop: Single iteration only
"whilelt p0.s, XZR, x25\n"
"ld1rqw { z0.s }, p0/Z, [x24]\n"
"ld1rqw { z1.s }, p0/Z, [x23]\n"
".inst 0x658abc00 // bfcvt z0.h, p7/M, z0.s\n"
"ld1rqw { z2.s }, p0/Z, [x22]\n"
"ld1rqw { z3.s }, p0/Z, [x21]\n"
".inst 0x658abc21 // bfcvt z1.h, p7/M, z1.s\n"
".inst 0x658abc42 // bfcvt z2.h, p7/M, z2.s\n"
".inst 0x658abc63 // bfcvt z3.h, p7/M, z3.s\n"
"uzp1 z0.h, z0.h, z0.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x12]\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x12, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"uzp1 z1.h, z1.h, z1.h\n"
"uzp1 z2.h, z2.h, z2.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x11]\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x11, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"uzp1 z3.h, z3.h, z3.h\n"
"trn1 z0.d, z0.d, z1.d\n"
".inst 0x6464e408 // bfmmla z8.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"addvl x12, x12, #2\n"
"trn1 z2.d, z2.d, z3.d\n"
".inst 0x6464e454 // bfmmla z20.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e40e // bfmmla z14.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x10]\n"
".inst 0x6465e45a // bfmmla z26.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e409 // bfmmla z9.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x10, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"addvl x11, x11, #2\n"
".inst 0x6466e455 // bfmmla z21.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e40f // bfmmla z15.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x9]\n"
"addvl x10, x10, #2\n"
".inst 0x6467e45b // bfmmla z27.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x9, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40a // bfmmla z10.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"addvl x9, x9, #2\n"
".inst 0x6464e456 // bfmmla z22.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e410 // bfmmla z16.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
"ld1h { z4.h }, p7/Z, [x28]\n"
".inst 0x6465e45c // bfmmla z28.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40b // bfmmla z11.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
"ld1h { z5.h }, p7/Z, [x28, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"addvl x28, x28, #2\n"
".inst 0x6466e457 // bfmmla z23.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e411 // bfmmla z17.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z6.h }, p7/Z, [x27]\n"
".inst 0x6467e45d // bfmmla z29.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"ld1h { z7.h }, p7/Z, [x27, #1, MUL VL]\n"
".inst 0x6464e40c // bfmmla z12.s, z0.h, z4.h\n"
"addvl x27, x27, #2\n"
".inst 0x6464e458 // bfmmla z24.s, z2.h, z4.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e412 // bfmmla z18.s, z0.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6465e45e // bfmmla z30.s, z2.h, z5.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e40d // bfmmla z13.s, z0.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6466e459 // bfmmla z25.s, z2.h, z6.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e413 // bfmmla z19.s, z0.h, z7.h\n"
".inst 0x6467e45f // bfmmla z31.s, z2.h, z7.h\n"
"54:" // Height 4: Multiply loop: multiply skip
"ldr w20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_num_strings]]\n"
"add x26, x26, #0x1\n"
"cmp x26, x20\n"
"bne 49b\n"
"ldr x20, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_output_offset]]\n"
"add x23, x13, x20, LSL #2\n"
"add x22, x23, x20, LSL #2\n"
"uzp1 z4.d, z8.d, z14.d\n"
"uzp2 z8.d, z8.d, z14.d\n"
"uzp1 z14.d, z9.d, z15.d\n"
"add x21, x22, x20, LSL #2\n"
"uzp2 z9.d, z9.d, z15.d\n"
"uzp1 z15.d, z10.d, z16.d\n"
"uzp2 z10.d, z10.d, z16.d\n"
"uzp1 z16.d, z11.d, z17.d\n"
"uzp2 z11.d, z11.d, z17.d\n"
"uzp1 z17.d, z12.d, z18.d\n"
"uzp2 z12.d, z12.d, z18.d\n"
"uzp1 z18.d, z13.d, z19.d\n"
"uzp2 z13.d, z13.d, z19.d\n"
"uzp1 z19.d, z20.d, z26.d\n"
"uzp2 z20.d, z20.d, z26.d\n"
"uzp1 z26.d, z21.d, z27.d\n"
"uzp2 z21.d, z21.d, z27.d\n"
"uzp1 z27.d, z22.d, z28.d\n"
"uzp2 z22.d, z22.d, z28.d\n"
"uzp1 z28.d, z23.d, z29.d\n"
"uzp2 z23.d, z23.d, z29.d\n"
"uzp1 z29.d, z24.d, z30.d\n"
"uzp2 z24.d, z24.d, z30.d\n"
"uzp1 z30.d, z25.d, z31.d\n"
"uzp2 z25.d, z25.d, z31.d\n"
"tbz %x[flags], #1, 55f\n"
"add x20, %x[args_ptr], %[offset_max]\n"
"ld1rw { z1.s }, p7/Z, [x20]\n"
"add x20, %x[args_ptr], %[offset_min]\n"
"ld1rw { z0.s }, p7/Z, [x20]\n"
"fmin z4.s, p7/M, z4.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z14.s, p7/M, z14.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z15.s, p7/M, z15.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z16.s, p7/M, z16.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z17.s, p7/M, z17.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z18.s, p7/M, z18.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z8.s, p7/M, z8.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z9.s, p7/M, z9.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z10.s, p7/M, z10.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z11.s, p7/M, z11.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z12.s, p7/M, z12.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z13.s, p7/M, z13.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z19.s, p7/M, z19.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z26.s, p7/M, z26.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z27.s, p7/M, z27.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z28.s, p7/M, z28.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z29.s, p7/M, z29.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z30.s, p7/M, z30.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z20.s, p7/M, z20.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z21.s, p7/M, z21.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z22.s, p7/M, z22.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z23.s, p7/M, z23.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z24.s, p7/M, z24.s, z1.s\n"
"fmin z25.s, p7/M, z25.s, z1.s\n"
"fmax z4.s, p7/M, z4.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z14.s, p7/M, z14.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z15.s, p7/M, z15.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z16.s, p7/M, z16.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z17.s, p7/M, z17.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z18.s, p7/M, z18.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z8.s, p7/M, z8.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z9.s, p7/M, z9.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z10.s, p7/M, z10.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z11.s, p7/M, z11.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z12.s, p7/M, z12.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z13.s, p7/M, z13.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z19.s, p7/M, z19.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z26.s, p7/M, z26.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z27.s, p7/M, z27.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z28.s, p7/M, z28.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z29.s, p7/M, z29.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z30.s, p7/M, z30.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z20.s, p7/M, z20.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z21.s, p7/M, z21.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z22.s, p7/M, z22.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z23.s, p7/M, z23.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z24.s, p7/M, z24.s, z0.s\n"
"fmax z25.s, p7/M, z25.s, z0.s\n"
"55:" // Height 4: No activation
"st1w { z4.s }, p6, [x13]\n"
"st1w { z14.s }, p5, [x13, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z15.s }, p4, [x13, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z16.s }, p3, [x13, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z17.s }, p2, [x13, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z18.s }, p1, [x13, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"addvl x13, x13, #6\n"
"st1w { z8.s }, p6, [x23]\n"
"st1w { z9.s }, p5, [x23, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z10.s }, p4, [x23, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z11.s }, p3, [x23, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z12.s }, p2, [x23, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z13.s }, p1, [x23, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z19.s }, p6, [x22]\n"
"st1w { z26.s }, p5, [x22, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z27.s }, p4, [x22, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z28.s }, p3, [x22, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z29.s }, p2, [x22, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z30.s }, p1, [x22, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z20.s }, p6, [x21]\n"
"st1w { z21.s }, p5, [x21, #1, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z22.s }, p4, [x21, #2, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z23.s }, p3, [x21, #3, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z24.s }, p2, [x21, #4, MUL VL]\n"
"st1w { z25.s }, p1, [x21, #5, MUL VL]\n"
"56:" // Height 4: Writeback done
"decw x14, ALL, MUL #6\n"
"cmp x14, XZR\n"
"bgt 44b\n"
"subs %x[M], %x[M], #0x4\n"
"beq 58f\n"
"ldr x21, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_offset]]\n"
"tbz %x[flags], #3, 57f\n"
"add x21, x21, #0x4\n"
"str x21, [%x[args_ptr], %[offsetof_input_offset]]\n"
"b 1b\n"
"57:" // Update direct input
"mov x20, #0x10\n"
"madd %x[input_ptr], x20, x21, %x[input_ptr]\n"
"b 1b\n"
"58:" // Exit
: [M] "+&r" (M), [input_ptr] "+&r" (input_ptr), [output_ptr] "+&r" (output_ptr)
: [args_ptr] "r" (&ka), [bias] "r" (bias), [flags] "r" (flags), [offset_max] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, maxval)), [offset_min] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, minval)), [offsetof_B_ptr] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, B_ptr)), [offsetof_B_stride] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, B_stride)), [offsetof_N] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, N)), [offsetof_cur_B_ptr] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, cur_B_ptr)), [offsetof_input_initial_col] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, input_initial_col)), [offsetof_input_offset] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, input_offset)), [offsetof_num_strings] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, num_strings)), [offsetof_output_offset] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, output_offset)), [offsetof_string_lengths] "I" (offsetof(KernelArgs, string_lengths))
: "cc", "memory", "p0", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6", "p7", "x9", "x10", "x11", "x12", "x13", "x14", "x15", "x20", "x21", "x22", "x23", "x24", "x25", "x26", "x27", "x28", "z0", "z1", "z2", "z3", "z4", "z5", "z6", "z7", "z8", "z9", "z10", "z11", "z12", "z13", "z14", "z15", "z16", "z17", "z18", "z19", "z20", "z21", "z22", "z23", "z24", "z25", "z26", "z27", "z28", "z29", "z30", "z31"
} // namespace arm_gemm