blob: bc0d9d42962534134796c53e0d04cd4137f6d72f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019 ARM Limited.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#pragma once
#include "arm_compute/core/NEON/kernels/assembly/arm_gemm.hpp"
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
namespace winograd
class ITransform
virtual ~ITransform() = default;
* Get the working space required to perform the transformation.
* Note, the working space is only required when performing the
* transformation - hence it can be reused whenever the transformation is
* not running.
* @param nthreads The greatest number of threads that will be used to execute the transform.
* @return Size of working space required in bytes.
virtual size_t get_working_space_size(unsigned int nthreads=1) const = 0;
* Set the working space to be used by the transformation.
* Note, the working space is only required when performing the
* transformation - hence it can be reused whenever the transformation is
* not running.
* @param Pointer to the working space.
virtual void set_working_space(void *buffer) = 0;
* Get the window of work a given operator can perform.
virtual unsigned int get_window() const = 0;
* Perform work upon a window of the transform.
virtual void run(unsigned int start, unsigned int stop, unsigned int threadid=0) = 0;
class IInputTransform : public ITransform
virtual ~IInputTransform() = default;
* Set the pointer to the (NHWC-ordered) tensor to be transformed.
virtual void set_input_tensor(const void *input) = 0;
* Set the pointer to the (NHWC-ordered) tensor to be transformed.
* @param col_stride Stride between columns of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
virtual void set_input_tensor(const void *input, int col_stride) = 0;
* Set the pointer to the (NHWC-ordered) tensor to be transformed.
* @param row_stride Stride between rows of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
* @param col_stride Stride between columns of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
virtual void set_input_tensor(const void *input, int row_stride, int col_stride) = 0;
* Set the pointer to the (NHWC-ordered) tensor to be transformed.
* @param batch_stride Stride between batches of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
* @param row_stride Stride between rows of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
* @param col_stride Stride between columns of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
virtual void set_input_tensor(const void *input, int batch_stride, int row_stride, int col_stride) = 0;
* Set pointers to the matrices written by the transform.
* @param matrices Pointer to the start of the first matrix representing the transformed input.
* @param inter_matrix_stride Stride (in elements) between matrices.
* @param matrix_row_stride Stride (in elements) between the rows within a single matrix.
virtual void set_output_matrices(void *matrices, int inter_matrix_stride, int matrix_row_stride) = 0;
class IOutputTransform : public ITransform
virtual ~IOutputTransform() = default;
* Set pointers to the matrices written by the transform.
* @param matrices Pointer to the start of the first matrix representing the input to the transform.
* @param inter_matrix_stride Stride (in elements) between matrices.
* @param matrix_row_stride Stride (in elements) between the rows within a single matrix.
virtual void set_input_matrices(const void *matrices, int inter_matrix_stride, int matrix_row_stride) = 0;
* Set pointer to the bias tensor (can be ignored or called with nullptr for no bias.
virtual void set_bias(const void *bias=nullptr) = 0;
* Set pointer to the output tensor produced by the transform.
virtual void set_output_tensor(void *output) = 0;
* Set pointer to the output tensor produced by the transform.
* @param col_stride Stride between columns of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
virtual void set_output_tensor(void *output, int col_stride) = 0;
* Set pointer to the output tensor produced by the transform.
* @param row_stride Stride between rows of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
* @param col_stride Stride between columns of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
virtual void set_output_tensor(void *output, int row_stride, int col_stride) = 0;
* Set pointer to the output tensor produced by the transform.
* @param batch_stride Stride between batches of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
* @param row_stride Stride between rows of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
* @param col_stride Stride between columns of the tensor, measured in elements (not bytes).
virtual void set_output_tensor(void *output, int batch_stride, int row_stride, int col_stride) = 0;
class IWeightTransform : public ITransform
virtual ~IWeightTransform() = default;
/** Set pointer to the weight tensor read by the transform. */
virtual void set_weight_tensor(const void *weights) = 0;
* Set pointers to the matrices written by the transform.
* @param matrices Pointer to the start of the first matrix representing the transformed input.
* @param inter_matrix_stride Stride (in elements) between matrices.
* @param matrix_row_stride Stride (in elements) between the rows within a single matrix.
virtual void set_output_matrices(void *matrices, int inter_matrix_stride, int matrix_row_stride) = 0;
enum class WinogradRoots
template <int InnerTileRows, int InnerTileCols, typename TIn, typename TOut, WinogradRoots Roots>
class InputTransform : public IInputTransform
/** Create an InputTransform operator fixed on a given problem and set of
* pointers.
int kernel_rows, /**< Number of rows in the kernel */
int kernel_cols, /**< Number of columns in the kernel */
int n_batches, /**< Number of batches in input tensor. */
int n_rows, /**< Number of rows in input tensor. */
int n_cols, /**< Number of columns in input tensor. */
int n_channels, /**< Number of channels in input tensor. */
int padding_top, /**< Padding to apply to the top of the image. */
int padding_left, /**< Padding to apply to the left of the image. */
int padding_bottom, /**< Padding to apply to the bottom of the image. */
int padding_right /**< Padding to apply to the right of the image. */
InputTransform(InputTransform&) = delete;
InputTransform operator=(InputTransform&) = delete;
/** Set pointers to the input tensor read by the transform. */
void set_input_tensor(const void *input) override;
void set_input_tensor(const void *input, int col_stride) override;
void set_input_tensor(const void *input, int row_stride, int col_stride) override;
void set_input_tensor(const void *input, int batch_stride, int row_stride, int col_stride) override;
/** Set pointers to the matrices written by the transform. */
void set_output_matrices(void *matrices, int iter_matrix_stride, int matrix_row_stride) override;
/** Get the working space required to perform the transformation. */
size_t get_working_space_size(unsigned int nthreads=1) const override;
void set_working_space(void *buffer) override;
/** Get the window of work a given operator can perform. */
unsigned int get_window() const override;
static constexpr unsigned int WINDOW_BLOCK = 16; // Base size of window
/** Perform work upon a window of the input. */
void run(unsigned int start, unsigned int stop, unsigned int threadid=0) override;
const int _n_batches, _n_rows, _n_cols, _n_channels;
void transform_unpadded_tile(
unsigned int threadid,
int n_channels,
TOut *outptr,
const TIn *inptr
void transform_padded_tile(
unsigned int threadid,
int n_channels,
TOut *outptr,
const TIn *inptr,
int padding_top,
int padding_left,
int padding_bottom,
int padding_right
/* Tile implementation */
static void transform_tile(
int n_channels, /** @param[in] Number of channels in the tensor. */
const TIn* inptr_base, /** @param[in] Pointer to the base of the input tile. */
int input_row_stride, /** @param[in] Stride between rows of the input tensor. */
int input_col_stride, /** @param[in] Stride between columns of the input tensor. */
TOut* mptr_base, /** @param[out] Base pointer to transformed input matrices. */
int matrix_stride /** @param[in] Stride between matrices in the input space. */
/** Get the working space for a thread. */
void * get_working_space(unsigned int threadid) const;
const TIn* _inptr;
TOut* _outptr;
const int _overlap_rows, _overlap_cols;
const int _padding_top, _padding_left, _padding_bottom, _padding_right;
const int _tiles_M, _tiles_N;
int _matrix_stride, _matrix_row_stride, _matrix_batch_stride;
int _in_col_stride, _in_row_stride, _in_batch_stride;
const int _working_space_col_stride, _working_space_row_stride;
TIn *_working_space;
template <int InnerTileRows, typename TIn, typename TOut, WinogradRoots Roots>
class InputTransform<InnerTileRows, 1, TIn, TOut, Roots> :
public InputTransform<1, InnerTileRows, TIn, TOut, Roots>
using Base = InputTransform<1, InnerTileRows, TIn, TOut, Roots>;
int kernel_rows, /**< Number of rows in the kernel. */
int kernel_cols, /**< Number of columns in the kernel. */
int n_batches, /**< Number of batches in input tensor. */
int n_rows, /**< Number of rows in input tensor. */
int n_cols, /**< Number of columns in input tensor. */
int n_channels, /**< Number of channels in input tensor. */
int padding_top, /**< Padding to apply to the top of the image. */
int padding_left, /**< Padding to apply to the left of the image. */
int padding_bottom, /**< Padding to apply to the bottom of the image. */
int padding_right /**< Padding to apply to the right of the image. */
/** Set pointers to the input tensor read by the transform. */
void set_input_tensor(const void *input) override;
void set_input_tensor(const void *input, int col_stride) override;
void set_input_tensor(const void *input, int row_stride, int col_stride) override;
void set_input_tensor(const void *input, int batch_stride, int row_stride, int col_stride) override;
template <
int KernelRows, int KernelCols,
int InnerTileRows, int InnerTileCols,
typename TIn, typename TOut,
WinogradRoots Roots
class OutputTransform : public IOutputTransform
int n_batches, /**< Number of batches in output tensor. */
int n_rows, /**< Number of rows in output tensor. */
int n_cols, /**< Number of columns in output tensor. */
int n_channels, /**< Number of channels in output tensor. */
const arm_gemm::Activation &activation
OutputTransform(OutputTransform&) = delete;
OutputTransform operator=(OutputTransform&) = delete;
/** Set pointers to the matrices read by the transform. */
void set_input_matrices(const void *matrices, int iter_matrix_stride, int matrix_row_stride) override;
/** Set pointer to the bias tensor (can be ignored or called with nullptr for no bias */
void set_bias(const void *bias=nullptr) override;
/** Set pointers to the output tensor written by the transform. */
void set_output_tensor(void *output) override;
void set_output_tensor(void *output, int col_stride) override;
void set_output_tensor(void *output, int row_stride, int col_stride) override;
void set_output_tensor(void *output, int batch_stride, int row_stride, int col_stride) override;
/** Get the working space required to perform the transformation. */
size_t get_working_space_size(unsigned int nthreads=1) const override;
void set_working_space(void *buffer) override;
/** Get the window of work a given operator can perform. */
unsigned int get_window() const override;
static constexpr unsigned int WINDOW_BLOCK = 16; // Base size of window
/** Perform work upon a window of the input. */
void run(unsigned int start, unsigned int stop, unsigned int threadid=0) override;
static constexpr int inner_tile_rows = InnerTileRows;
static constexpr int inner_tile_cols = InnerTileCols;
static constexpr int output_tile_rows = InnerTileRows - KernelRows + 1;
static constexpr int output_tile_cols = InnerTileCols - KernelCols + 1;
const int _n_batches, _n_rows, _n_cols, _n_channels;
const TOut _output_min, _output_max;
void transform_uncropped_tile(
unsigned int threadid,
int n_channels,
TOut *outptr,
const TIn *inptr,
const TOut *biases
void transform_cropped_tile(
unsigned int threadid,
int n_channels,
TOut *outptr,
const TIn *inptr,
const TOut *biases,
int pad_bottom,
int pad_right
/** Implementation of the tile transformation method. */
static void transform_tile(
int n_channels,
const TIn* matrix_base,
int matrix_stride,
const TOut* biases,
TOut* output,
int output_row_stride,
int output_col_stride,
TOut output_min,
TOut output_max
/** Get the working space for a thread. */
void * get_working_space(unsigned int threadid) const;
const TIn* _matrix_base;
const TOut* _biases;
int _matrix_stride, _matrix_row_stride, _matrix_batch_stride;
TOut* _outptr;
const int _tiles_M, _tiles_N;
int _out_col_stride, _out_row_stride, _out_batch_stride;
const int _working_space_col_stride, _working_space_row_stride;
TOut *_working_space;
template <
int KernelRows,
int InnerTileRows,
typename TIn, typename TOut,
WinogradRoots Roots
class OutputTransform<KernelRows, 1, InnerTileRows, 1, TIn, TOut, Roots> :
public OutputTransform<1, KernelRows, 1, InnerTileRows, TIn, TOut, Roots>
using Base = OutputTransform<1, KernelRows, 1, InnerTileRows, TIn, TOut, Roots>;
int n_batches, /**< Number of batches in output tensor. */
int n_rows, /**< Number of rows in output tensor. */
int n_cols, /**< Number of columns in output tensor. */
int n_channels, /**< Number of channels in output tensor. */
const arm_gemm::Activation &activation
/** Set pointers to the output tensor written by the transform. */
void set_output_tensor(void *output) override;
void set_output_tensor(void *output, int col_stride) override;
void set_output_tensor(void *output, int row_stride, int col_stride) override;
void set_output_tensor(void *output, int batch_stride, int row_stride, int col_stride) override;
template <
int KernelRows, int KernelCols,
int InnerTileRows, int InnerTileCols,
typename TIn, typename TOut,
WinogradRoots Roots
class WeightTransform : public IWeightTransform
int n_output_channels, /**< Number of output channels in the kernel. */
int n_input_channels /**< Number of input channels in the kernel. */
WeightTransform(WeightTransform&) = delete;
WeightTransform operator=(WeightTransform&) = delete;
/** Set pointer to the weight tensor read by the transform. */
void set_weight_tensor(const void *weights) override;
/** Set pointer to the matrices written by the transform. */
void set_output_matrices(void *matrices, int inter_matrix_stride, int matrix_row_stride) override;
/** Get the working space required to perform the transformation. */
size_t get_working_space_size(unsigned int nthreads=1) const override;
void set_working_space(void *buffer) override;
/** Get the window of work a given operator can perform. */
unsigned int get_window() const override;
static constexpr unsigned int WINDOW_BLOCK = 16; // Base size of window
/** Perform work upon a window of the input. */
void run(unsigned int start, unsigned int stop, unsigned int threadid=0) override;
static const int kernel_rows = KernelRows;
static const int kernel_cols = KernelCols;
static const int inner_tile_rows = InnerTileRows;
static const int inner_tile_cols = InnerTileCols;
/** Apply the transform to a tensor. */
static void execute(
int n_output_channels,
int n_input_channels,
const TIn* input,
TOut* output,
int matrix_stride,
int matrix_row_stride
const int _n_output_channels, _n_input_channels;
TOut *_matrices;
int _matrix_stride, _matrix_row_stride;
const TIn *_weights;
template <int KernelRows, int InnerTileRows, typename TIn, typename TOut, WinogradRoots Roots>
class WeightTransform<KernelRows, 1, InnerTileRows, 1, TIn, TOut, Roots> :
public WeightTransform<1, KernelRows, 1, InnerTileRows, TIn, TOut, Roots>
using WeightTransform<1, KernelRows, 1, InnerTileRows, TIn, TOut, Roots>::WeightTransform;
template <int OutputTileRows, int OutputTileCols, int KernelRows, int KernelCols, WinogradRoots Roots>
class WinogradGEMM
// Information about the specific Winograd instance
static constexpr int output_tile_rows = OutputTileRows;
static constexpr int output_tile_cols = OutputTileCols;
static constexpr int kernel_rows = KernelRows;
static constexpr int kernel_cols = KernelCols;
static constexpr int inner_tile_rows = output_tile_rows + kernel_rows - 1;
static constexpr int inner_tile_cols = output_tile_cols + kernel_cols - 1;
static constexpr int N_GEMMS = inner_tile_rows * inner_tile_cols;
/** Transform weights from the spatial to the Winograd domain. */
template <typename TIn, typename TOut>
using WeightsTransform = WeightTransform<
KernelRows, KernelCols, inner_tile_rows, inner_tile_cols,
TIn, TOut, Roots
/** Transform input feature maps from the spatial to the Winograd domain.
template <typename TIn, typename TOut>
using InputTransform = InputTransform<
inner_tile_rows, inner_tile_cols, TIn, TOut, Roots
/** Transform output feature maps from the Winograd to the spatial domain.
template <typename TIn, typename TOut>
using OutputTransform = OutputTransform<
KernelRows, KernelCols, inner_tile_rows, inner_tile_cols,
TIn, TOut, Roots
/** Perform a convolution.
template <typename TOut, typename TIn, typename TInGEMM=TIn, typename TOutGEMM=TOut>
class Convolution
// Information about the typed Winograd instance
typedef TOut OutputType;
typedef TOutGEMM GemmOutputType;
typedef TInGEMM GemmInputType;
typedef TIn InputType;
/** Get the output shape of a convolution. */
static std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> get_output_shape(
const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> input_shape,
bool padding_same);
/** Get the memory required to store the kernel transformed into the
* Winograd domain.
static size_t get_kernel_storage_size(unsigned int n_input_channels,
unsigned int n_output_channels);
/** Get the memory required to store the input tensor transformed into
* the Winograd domain.
static size_t get_input_storage_size(
unsigned int n_batches, // Number of batches
unsigned int n_rows, // Number of input rows
unsigned int n_cols, // Number of input columns
unsigned int n_channels, // Number of input channels
bool padding_same);
/** Get the memory required to store the output tensor in the Winograd
* domain.
static size_t get_output_storage_size(
unsigned int n_batches, // Number of batches
unsigned int n_rows, // Number of output rows
unsigned int n_cols, // Number of output columns
unsigned int n_channels // Number of output channels
/** Get the memory required to apply a Winograd operator to some input.
static size_t get_working_space_size(
unsigned int n_batches,
unsigned int n_rows, // Number of input rows
unsigned int n_cols, // Number of input columns
unsigned int n_input_channels, // Number of input channels
unsigned int n_output_channels, // Number of output channels
bool padding_same);
/* Get the memory required by a single "input" matrix.
static size_t get_input_matrix_size(
unsigned int n_batches, // Number of batches
unsigned int n_rows, // Number of input rows
unsigned int n_cols, // Number of input columns
unsigned int n_channels, // Number of input channels
bool padding_same);
static int get_input_matrix_stride(
unsigned int n_batches, // Number of batches
unsigned int n_rows, // Number of input rows
unsigned int n_cols, // Number of input columns
unsigned int n_channels, // Number of input channels
bool padding_same);
/* Get the memory required by a single "output" matrix.
static size_t get_output_matrix_size(
unsigned int n_batches, // Number of batches
unsigned int n_rows, // Number of output rows
unsigned int n_cols, // Number of output columns
unsigned int n_channels // Number of output channels
static int get_output_matrix_stride(
unsigned int n_batches, // Number of batches
unsigned int n_rows, // Number of output rows
unsigned int n_cols, // Number of output columns
unsigned int n_channels // Number of output channels
/* Get the memory required by a single "kernel" matrix.
static size_t get_kernel_matrix_size(unsigned int n_input_channels,
unsigned int n_output_channels);
static int get_kernel_matrix_stride(unsigned int n_input_channels,
unsigned int n_output_channels);
static constexpr int M_BLOCK = 4; /** Size of block used by GEMM. */
static constexpr int N_BLOCK = 16; /** Size of block used by GEMM. */
} // namespace winograd