blob: 6f25ad4b7a58d11a528810e36b0db0d9391ff3f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "helpers.h"
#include "fixed_point.h"
#if defined(DATA_TYPE) && defined(ELEMENT_SIZE)
#define COND_DATA_TYPE char
#elif ELEMENT_SIZE == 2
#define COND_DATA_TYPE short
#elif ELEMENT_SIZE == 4
#define COND_DATA_TYPE int
#error "Element size not support"
#endif // ELEMENT_SIZE
#if defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH)
/** This kernel performs a reshaping of the input tensor to a tensor used to perform convolution using GEMM when the kernel size is 1x1 and the stride_x = 1
* @note This kernel computes 4 elements
* @note The data type must be passed at compile time using -DDATA_TYPE: e.g. -DDATA_TYPE=float
* @note The width of output tensor after matrix multiplication must be passed at compile time using -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH: e.g. -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH=34
* @note The kernel depth must be passed at compile time using -DKERNEL_DEPTH: e.g. -DKERNEL_DEPTH=3
* @note The stride along the Y direction must be passed at compile time using -DSTRIDE_Y: e.g. -DSTRIDE_Y=1
* @note In case biases will be added to the convolution -DHAS_BIAS has to be passed to append the final matrix with 1 in each row.
* @param[in] src_ptr Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data types: QS8/QASYMM8/QS16/F16/F32
* @param[in] src_stride_x Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_y Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_z Stride of the source tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_z src_stride_z * number of elements along Z processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the source tensor
* @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination tensor. Supported data types: same as @p src_ptr
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_y dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination tensor
* @param[in] src_stride_w Stride of the source tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
* @param[in] dst_stride_w Stride of the destination tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
__kernel void im2col1x1_stridex1_dchw(
uint src_stride_w,
uint dst_stride_w)
const uint xc = get_global_id(0) * 4; // x coordinate in the convolved tensor
const uint yc = get_global_id(1); // y coordinate in the convolved tensor
const uint ch = get_global_id(2) % KERNEL_DEPTH; // input feature map
const uint batch = get_global_id(2) / KERNEL_DEPTH; // batch size
// Clamp xc
// The strategy clamps at "xc" as it will be a valid value for sure
uint4 xc_clamped = xc + (uint4)(0, 1, 2, 3);
// Check which values are valid
xc_clamped = select((uint4)xc, xc_clamped, convert_int4(cond0));
// Calculate input indices
const uint xi = xc;
const uint yi = yc * STRIDE_Y;
// Calculate output indices
const uint xo = ch;
const uint4 yo = xc_clamped + yc * CONVOLVED_WIDTH; // Index of the convolution
// Get input and output address
__global uchar *input_ptr = src_ptr + src_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xi * src_stride_x + yi * src_stride_y + ch * src_stride_z + batch * src_stride_w;
__global uchar *output_ptr = dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xo * dst_stride_x + batch * dst_stride_w;
data = vload4(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr);
// If out-of-bound, overwrite with the first element
data = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 4))data.s0, data, cond0);
*(__global DATA_TYPE *)(output_ptr + yo.s0 * dst_stride_y) = data.s0;
*(__global DATA_TYPE *)(output_ptr + yo.s1 * dst_stride_y) = data.s1;
*(__global DATA_TYPE *)(output_ptr + yo.s2 * dst_stride_y) = data.s2;
*(__global DATA_TYPE *)(output_ptr + yo.s3 * dst_stride_y) = data.s3;
#ifdef HAS_BIAS
if(ch == (KERNEL_DEPTH - 1))
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)(output_ptr + yo.s0 * dst_stride_y) + 1) = 1.0f;
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)(output_ptr + yo.s1 * dst_stride_y) + 1) = 1.0f;
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)(output_ptr + yo.s2 * dst_stride_y) + 1) = 1.0f;
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)(output_ptr + yo.s3 * dst_stride_y) + 1) = 1.0f;
#endif // HAS_BIAS
#endif // defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH)
#define PTR_TO_VALUE(PTR, DATA_TYPE) *((__global DATA_TYPE *)(PTR))
#if defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_HEIGHT) && defined(STRIDE_X) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH) && defined(PAD_LEFT) && defined(PAD_RIGHT) && defined(PAD_TOP) && defined(PAD_BOTTOM) && defined(PAD_VALUE)
/** This kernel performs a reshaping of the input tensor to a tensor used to perform convolution using GEMM when the kernel size is 5x5
* @note The data type must be passed at compile time using -DDATA_TYPE: e.g. -DDATA_TYPE=float
* @note The width and height of the input tensor must be passed at compile time using -DSRC_WIDTH and -DSRC_HEIGHT: e.g. -DSRC_WIDTH=128 and -DSRC_HEIGHT=128
* @note The width of output tensor after matrix multiplication must be passed at compile time using -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH: e.g. -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH=34
* @note The kernel depth must be passed at compile time using -DKERNEL_DEPTH: e.g. -DKERNEL_DEPTH=3
* @note The pad_left, pad_right, pad_top and pad_bottom must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_LEFT, -DPAD_RIGHT, -DPAD_TOP and -DPAD_BOTTOM: e.g. -DPAD_LEFT=1, -DPAD_RIGHT=2, -DPAD_TOP=3 and -DPAD_BOTTOM=2
* @note The zero value to store in case we load values out-of-bounds must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_VALUE: e.g. -DPAD_VALUE=0.0
* @note The stride along the X and Y directions must be passed at compile time using -DSTRIDE_X and -DSTRIDE_Y: e.g. -DSTRIDE_X=1 and -DSTRIDE_Y=1
* @note The dilation_x and dilation_y must be passed at compile time using -DDILATION_X and -DDILATION_Y: e.g. -DDILATION_X=1, -DDILATION_Y=1
* @note In case biases will be added to the convolution -DHAS_BIAS has to be passed to append the final matrix with 1 in each row.
* @param[in] src_ptr Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data types: QS8/QASYMM8/QS16/F16/F32
* @param[in] src_stride_x Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_y Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_z Stride of the source tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_z src_stride_z * number of elements along Z processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the source tensor
* @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination tensor. Supported data types: same as @p src_ptr
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_y dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination tensor
* @param[in] src_stride_w Stride of the source tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
* @param[in] dst_stride_w Stride of the destination tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
__kernel void im2col_generic_nhwc(
uint src_stride_w,
uint dst_stride_w)
const int src_stride_y_int = (int)src_stride_y;
const int src_stride_z_int = (int)src_stride_z;
const int xc = get_global_id(1); // x coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int yc = get_global_id(2) % CONVOLVED_HEIGHT; // y coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int ch = get_global_id(0); // input feature map
const int batch = get_global_id(2) / CONVOLVED_HEIGHT; // batch size
// Calculate input indices
const int xi = xc * STRIDE_X - PAD_LEFT;
const int yi = yc * STRIDE_Y - PAD_TOP;
// Calculate output indices
const int xo = ch * KERNEL_HEIGHT * KERNEL_WIDTH;
const int yo = xc + yc * CONVOLVED_WIDTH; // Index of the convolution
// Get input and output address
__global uchar *input_ptr = src_ptr + src_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xi * src_stride_y_int + yi * src_stride_z_int + ch * src_stride_x + batch * src_stride_w;
__global uchar *output_ptr = dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xo * dst_stride_x + yo * dst_stride_y + batch * dst_stride_w;
for(int yk = 0; yk < KERNEL_HEIGHT; ++yk)
const int dilated_offset_y = yk * DILATION_Y;
const int y0 = yi + dilated_offset_y;
if(y0 >= 0 && y0 < SRC_HEIGHT)
int xk;
for(xk = 0; xk < KERNEL_WIDTH; xk++)
const int dilated_offset_x = xk * DILATION_X;
const int x0 = xi + dilated_offset_x;
if(x0 >= 0 && x0 < SRC_WIDTH)
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr) = PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + dilated_offset_x * src_stride_y + dilated_offset_y * src_stride_z, DATA_TYPE);
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr) = PAD_VALUE;
output_ptr += 1 * sizeof(DATA_TYPE);
for(int xk = 0; xk < KERNEL_WIDTH; xk++)
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr) = (DATA_TYPE)PAD_VALUE;
output_ptr += 1 * dst_stride_x;
#ifdef HAS_BIAS
if(ch == (KERNEL_DEPTH - 1))
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr) = 1.0f;
output_ptr += 1 * dst_stride_x;
#endif // HAS_BIAS
/** This kernel performs a reshaping of the input tensor (with layout NHWC) to a tensor used to perform convolution using GEMM when the kernel size is 3x3
* @note The data type must be passed at compile time using -DDATA_TYPE: e.g. -DDATA_TYPE=float
* @note The width and height of the input tensor must be passed at compile time using -DSRC_WIDTH and -DSRC_HEIGHT: e.g. -DSRC_WIDTH=128 and -DSRC_HEIGHT=128
* @note The width of output tensor after matrix multiplication must be passed at compile time using -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH: e.g. -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH=34
* @note The kernel depth must be passed at compile time using -DKERNEL_DEPTH: e.g. -DKERNEL_DEPTH=3
* @note The pad_left, pad_right, pad_top and pad_bottom must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_LEFT, -DPAD_RIGHT, -DPAD_TOP and -DPAD_BOTTOM: e.g. -DPAD_LEFT=1, -DPAD_RIGHT=2, -DPAD_TOP=3 and -DPAD_BOTTOM=2
* @note The zero value to store in case we load values out-of-bounds must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_VALUE: e.g. -DPAD_VALUE=0.0
* @note The stride along the X and Y directions must be passed at compile time using -DSTRIDE_X and -DSTRIDE_Y: e.g. -DSTRIDE_X=1 and -DSTRIDE_Y=1
* @note In case biases will be added to the convolution -DHAS_BIAS has to be passed to append the final matrix with 1 in each row.
* @param[in] src_ptr Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data types: QS8/QASYMM8/QS16/F16/F32
* @param[in] src_stride_x Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_y Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_z Stride of the source tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_z src_stride_z * number of elements along Z processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the source tensor
* @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination tensor. Supported data types: same as @p src_ptr
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_y dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination tensor
* @param[in] src_stride_w Stride of the source tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
* @param[in] dst_stride_w Stride of the destination tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
__kernel void im2col3x3_nhwc(
uint src_stride_w,
uint dst_stride_w)
const int src_stride_y_int = (int)src_stride_y;
const int src_stride_z_int = (int)src_stride_z;
const int xc = get_global_id(1); // x coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int yc = get_global_id(2) % CONVOLVED_HEIGHT; // y coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int ch = get_global_id(0); // input feature map
const int batch = get_global_id(2) / CONVOLVED_HEIGHT; // batch size
// Calculate input indices
const int xi = xc * STRIDE_X - PAD_LEFT;
const int yi = yc * STRIDE_Y - PAD_TOP;
// Calculate output indices
const int xo = ch * 9; // 3x3
const int yo = xc + yc * CONVOLVED_WIDTH; // Index of the convolution
// Get input and output address
__global uchar *input_ptr = src_ptr + src_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xi * src_stride_y_int + yi * src_stride_z_int + ch * src_stride_x + batch * src_stride_w;
__global uchar *output_ptr = dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xo * dst_stride_x + yo * dst_stride_y + batch * dst_stride_w;
const int3 y = (int3)yi + (int3)(0, 1, 2);
// Guard against reading outside the input buffer, there is no padding in Z so we check if ry is inside the buffer.
if(y.s0 >= 0 && y.s0 < SRC_HEIGHT)
PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + 0 * src_stride_y, DATA_TYPE),
PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + 1 * src_stride_y, DATA_TYPE),
PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + 2 * src_stride_y, DATA_TYPE));
if(y.s1 >= 0 && y.s1 < SRC_HEIGHT)
PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + 0 * src_stride_y + 1 * src_stride_z, DATA_TYPE),
PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + 1 * src_stride_y + 1 * src_stride_z, DATA_TYPE),
PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + 2 * src_stride_y + 1 * src_stride_z, DATA_TYPE));
if(y.s2 >= 0 && y.s2 < SRC_HEIGHT)
PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + 0 * src_stride_y + 2 * src_stride_z, DATA_TYPE),
PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + 1 * src_stride_y + 2 * src_stride_z, DATA_TYPE),
PTR_TO_VALUE(input_ptr + 2 * src_stride_y + 2 * src_stride_z, DATA_TYPE));
#if PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
// Put 0 if the value is out-of-bound
const int3 x = (int3)xi + (int3)(0, 1, 2);
cond0 = CONVERT((x >= (int3)0 && x < (int3)SRC_WIDTH), VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 3));
row0 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))PAD_VALUE, row0, cond0);
row1 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))PAD_VALUE, row1, cond0);
row2 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))PAD_VALUE, row2, cond0);
#endif // PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row0.s012, row1.s012, row2.s01), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8) = row2.s2;
#ifdef HAS_BIAS
if(ch == (KERNEL_DEPTH - 1))
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 9) = 1.0f;
#endif // HAS_BIAS
/** This kernel performs a reshaping of the input tensor to a tensor used to perform convolution using GEMM when the kernel size is 3x3
* @note The data type must be passed at compile time using -DDATA_TYPE: e.g. -DDATA_TYPE=float
* @note The width and height of the input tensor must be passed at compile time using -DSRC_WIDTH and -DSRC_HEIGHT: e.g. -DSRC_WIDTH=128 and -DSRC_HEIGHT=128
* @note The width of output tensor after matrix multiplication must be passed at compile time using -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH: e.g. -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH=34
* @note The kernel depth must be passed at compile time using -DKERNEL_DEPTH: e.g. -DKERNEL_DEPTH=3
* @note The pad_left, pad_right, pad_top and pad_bottom must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_LEFT, -DPAD_RIGHT, -DPAD_TOP and -DPAD_BOTTOM: e.g. -DPAD_LEFT=1, -DPAD_RIGHT=2, -DPAD_TOP=3 and -DPAD_BOTTOM=2
* @note The zero value to store in case we load values out-of-bounds must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_VALUE: e.g. -DPAD_VALUE=0.0
* @note The stride along the X and Y directions must be passed at compile time using -DSTRIDE_X and -DSTRIDE_Y: e.g. -DSTRIDE_X=1 and -DSTRIDE_Y=1
* @note In case biases will be added to the convolution -DHAS_BIAS has to be passed to append the final matrix with 1 in each row.
* @param[in] src_ptr Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data types: QS8/QASYMM8/QS16/F16/F32
* @param[in] src_stride_x Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_y Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_z Stride of the source tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_z src_stride_z * number of elements along Z processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the source tensor
* @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination tensor. Supported data types: same as @p src_ptr
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_y dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination tensor
* @param[in] src_stride_w Stride of the source tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
* @param[in] dst_stride_w Stride of the destination tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
__kernel void im2col3x3_dchw(
uint src_stride_w,
uint dst_stride_w)
const int xc = get_global_id(0); // x coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int yc = get_global_id(1); // y coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int ch = get_global_id(2) % KERNEL_DEPTH; // input feature map
const int batch = get_global_id(2) / KERNEL_DEPTH; // batch size
// Calculate input indices
const int xi = xc * STRIDE_X - PAD_LEFT;
const int yi = yc * STRIDE_Y - PAD_TOP;
// Calculate output indices
const int xo = ch * 9; // 3x3
const int yo = xc + yc * CONVOLVED_WIDTH; // Index of the convolution
// Get input and output address
__global uchar *input_ptr = src_ptr + src_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xi * (int)src_stride_x + yi * (int)src_stride_y + ch * src_stride_z + batch * src_stride_w;
__global uchar *output_ptr = dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xo * dst_stride_x + yo * dst_stride_y + batch * dst_stride_w;
row0 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr + 0 * src_stride_y));
row1 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr + 1 * src_stride_y));
row2 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr + 2 * src_stride_y));
#if PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
// Put 0 if the value is out-of-bound
int3 x = (int3)xi + (int3)(0, 1, 2);
int3 y = (int3)yi + (int3)(0, 1, 2);
cond0 = CONVERT((x >= (int3)0 && x < (int3)SRC_WIDTH && (int3)(y.s0 >= 0 && y.s0 < SRC_HEIGHT)), VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 3));
cond1 = CONVERT((x >= (int3)0 && x < (int3)SRC_WIDTH && (int3)(y.s1 >= 0 && y.s1 < SRC_HEIGHT)), VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 3));
cond2 = CONVERT((x >= (int3)0 && x < (int3)SRC_WIDTH && (int3)(y.s2 >= 0 && y.s2 < SRC_HEIGHT)), VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 3));
row0 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))PAD_VALUE, row0, cond0);
row1 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))PAD_VALUE, row1, cond1);
row2 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))PAD_VALUE, row2, cond2);
#endif // PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row0.s012, row1.s012, row2.s01), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8) = row2.s2;
#ifdef HAS_BIAS
if(ch == (KERNEL_DEPTH - 1))
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 9) = 1.0f;
#endif // HAS_BIAS
/** This kernel performs a reshaping of the input tensor to a tensor used to perform convolution using GEMM when the kernel size is 5x5
* @note The data type must be passed at compile time using -DDATA_TYPE: e.g. -DDATA_TYPE=float
* @note The width and height of the input tensor must be passed at compile time using -DSRC_WIDTH and -DSRC_HEIGHT: e.g. -DSRC_WIDTH=128 and -DSRC_HEIGHT=128
* @note The width of output tensor after matrix multiplication must be passed at compile time using -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH: e.g. -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH=34
* @note The kernel depth must be passed at compile time using -DKERNEL_DEPTH: e.g. -DKERNEL_DEPTH=3
* @note The pad_left, pad_right, pad_top and pad_bottom must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_LEFT, -DPAD_RIGHT, -DPAD_TOP and -DPAD_BOTTOM: e.g. -DPAD_LEFT=1, -DPAD_RIGHT=2, -DPAD_TOP=3 and -DPAD_BOTTOM=2
* @note The zero value to store in case we load values out-of-bounds must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_VALUE: e.g. -DPAD_VALUE=0.0
* @note The stride along the X and Y directions must be passed at compile time using -DSTRIDE_X and -DSTRIDE_Y: e.g. -DSTRIDE_X=1 and -DSTRIDE_Y=1
* @note In case biases will be added to the convolution -DHAS_BIAS has to be passed to append the final matrix with 1 in each row.
* @param[in] src_ptr Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data types: QS8/QASYMM8/QS16/F16/F32
* @param[in] src_stride_x Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_y Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_z Stride of the source tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_z src_stride_z * number of elements along Z processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the source tensor
* @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination tensor. Supported data types: same as @p src_ptr
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_y dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination tensor
* @param[in] src_stride_w Stride of the source tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
* @param[in] dst_stride_w Stride of the destination tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
__kernel void im2col5x5_dchw(
uint src_stride_w,
uint dst_stride_w)
const int xc = get_global_id(0); // x coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int yc = get_global_id(1); // y coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int ch = get_global_id(2) % KERNEL_DEPTH; // input feature map
const int batch = get_global_id(2) / KERNEL_DEPTH; // batch size
// Calculate input indices
const int xi = xc * STRIDE_X - PAD_LEFT;
const int yi = yc * STRIDE_Y - PAD_TOP;
// Calculate output indices
const int xo = ch * 25; // 5x5
const int yo = xc + yc * CONVOLVED_WIDTH; // Index of the convolution
#if PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
// Put 0 if the value is out-of-bound
int4 x0 = (int4)xi + (int4)(0, 1, 2, 3);
int4 y0 = (int4)yi + (int4)(0, 1, 2, 3);
int x1 = xi + 4;
int y1 = yi + 4;
// Check if we could have out-of-bounds elements in the x direction
x0_condition = CONVERT((x0 >= (int4)0 && x0 < (int4)SRC_WIDTH), VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 4));
y0_condition = CONVERT((y0 >= (int4)0 && y0 < (int4)SRC_HEIGHT), VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 4));
COND_DATA_TYPE x1_condition = (COND_DATA_TYPE)(x1 >= 0 && x1 < SRC_WIDTH);
COND_DATA_TYPE y1_condition = (COND_DATA_TYPE)(y1 >= 0 && y1 < SRC_HEIGHT);
#endif // PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
// Get input and output address
__global uchar *input_ptr = src_ptr + src_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xi * (int)src_stride_x + yi * (int)src_stride_y + ch * src_stride_z + batch * src_stride_w;
__global uchar *output_ptr = dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xo * dst_stride_x + yo * dst_stride_y + batch * dst_stride_w;
row00 = vload4(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr);
row01 = *((__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr + 4);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
row10 = vload4(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr);
row11 = *((__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr + 4);
#if PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
cond00 = x0_condition && (VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 4))y0_condition.s0;
cond10 = x0_condition && (VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 4))y0_condition.s1;
COND_DATA_TYPE cond01 = (COND_DATA_TYPE)(x1_condition && y0_condition.s0);
COND_DATA_TYPE cond11 = (COND_DATA_TYPE)(x1_condition && y0_condition.s1);
// Replace with 0 if the value is not valid
row00 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 4))PAD_VALUE, row00, cond00);
row10 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 4))PAD_VALUE, row10, cond10);
row01 = select((DATA_TYPE)PAD_VALUE, row01, cond01);
row11 = select((DATA_TYPE)PAD_VALUE, row11, cond11);
#endif // PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s0123, row01,
0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore2((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 2))(row10.s3, row11), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 10 * dst_stride_x;
row00 = vload4(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr);
row01 = *((__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr + 4);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
row10 = vload4(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr);
row11 = *((__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr + 4);
#if PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
cond00 = x0_condition && (VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 4))y0_condition.s2;
cond10 = x0_condition && (VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 4))y0_condition.s3;
COND_DATA_TYPE cond01 = (COND_DATA_TYPE)(x1_condition && y0_condition.s2);
COND_DATA_TYPE cond11 = (COND_DATA_TYPE)(x1_condition && y0_condition.s3);
// Replace with 0 if the value is not valid
row00 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 4))PAD_VALUE, row00, cond00);
row10 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 4))PAD_VALUE, row10, cond10);
row01 = select((DATA_TYPE)PAD_VALUE, row01, cond01);
row11 = select((DATA_TYPE)PAD_VALUE, row11, cond11);
#endif // PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s0123, row01,
0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore2((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 2))(row10.s3, row11), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 10 * dst_stride_x;
row00 = vload4(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr);
row01 = *((__global DATA_TYPE *)input_ptr + 4);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
#if PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
cond00 = x0_condition && (VEC_DATA_TYPE(COND_DATA_TYPE, 4))y1_condition;
COND_DATA_TYPE cond01 = (COND_DATA_TYPE)(x1_condition && y1_condition);
// Replace with 0 if the value is not valid
row00 = select((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 4))PAD_VALUE, row00, cond00);
row01 = select((DATA_TYPE)PAD_VALUE, row01, cond01);
#endif // PAD_LEFT != 0 || PAD_TOP != 0 || PAD_RIGHT != 0 || PAD_BOTTOM != 0
vstore4(row00, 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 4) = row01;
output_ptr += 5 * dst_stride_x;
#ifdef HAS_BIAS
if(ch == (KERNEL_DEPTH - 1))
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr) = 1.0f;
#endif // HAS_BIAS
#endif // defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_HEIGHT) && defined(STRIDE_X) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH) && defined(PAD_LEFT) && defined(PAD_RIGHT) && defined(PAD_TOP) && defined(PAD_BOTTOM) && defined(PAD_VALUE)
#if defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(STRIDE_X) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH)
/** This kernel performs a reshaping of the input tensor to a tensor used to perform convolution using GEMM when the kernel size is 11x11
* @note The data type must be passed at compile time using -DDATA_TYPE: e.g. -DDATA_TYPE=float
* @note The width of output tensor after matrix multiplication must be passed at compile time using -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH: e.g. -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH=34
* @note The kernel depth must be passed at compile time using -DKERNEL_DEPTH: e.g. -DKERNEL_DEPTH=3
* @note The stride along the X and Y directions must be passed at compile time using -DSTRIDE_X and -DSTRIDE_Y: e.g. -DSTRIDE_X=1 and -DSTRIDE_Y=1
* @note In case biases will be added to the convolution -DHAS_BIAS has to be passed to append the final matrix with 1 in each row.
* @param[in] src_ptr Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data types: QS8/QASYMM8/QS16/F16/F32
* @param[in] src_stride_x Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_y Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_z Stride of the source tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_z src_stride_z * number of elements along Z processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the source tensor
* @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination tensor. Supported data types: same as @p src_ptr
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_y dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination tensor
* @param[in] src_stride_w Stride of the source tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
* @param[in] dst_stride_w Stride of the destination tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
__kernel void im2col11x11_padx0_pady0_dchw(
uint src_stride_w,
uint dst_stride_w)
const int xc = get_global_id(0); // x coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int yc = get_global_id(1); // y coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int ch = get_global_id(2) % KERNEL_DEPTH; // input feature map
const int batch = get_global_id(2) / KERNEL_DEPTH; // batch size
// Calculate input indices
const int xi = xc * STRIDE_X;
const int yi = yc * STRIDE_Y;
// Calculate output indices
const int xo = ch * 121; // 11x11
const int yo = xc + yc * CONVOLVED_WIDTH; // Index of the convolution
// Get input and output address
__global uchar *input_ptr = src_ptr + src_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xi * src_stride_x + yi * src_stride_y + ch * src_stride_z + batch * src_stride_w;
__global uchar *output_ptr = dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + xo * dst_stride_x + yo * dst_stride_y + batch * dst_stride_w;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
input_ptr += src_stride_y;
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
row00 = vload8(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr));
row01 = vload3(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr) + 8);
vstore8((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 8))(row00.s01234567), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr);
vstore3((VEC_DATA_TYPE(DATA_TYPE, 3))(row01.s012), 0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr + 8);
output_ptr += 11 * src_stride_x;
#ifdef HAS_BIAS
if(ch == (KERNEL_DEPTH - 1))
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)output_ptr) = 1.0f;
#endif // HAS_BIAS
#endif // defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(STRIDE_X) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH)
#endif // !defined(FIXED_POINT_POSITION)
#if defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(STRIDE_X) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(KERNEL_WIDTH) && defined(KERNEL_HEIGHT) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH) && defined(SRC_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_HEIGHT) && defined(VECTOR_SIZE) && defined(WIDTH_MOD_VECTOR_SIZE)
/** This kernel reshapes the input tensor to a tensor used to perform convolution using GEMM when
* the kernel width is greater than 1 (except when the kernel size is 3x3) and pad_x == pad_y == 0.
* @note The data type must be passed at compile time using -DDATA_TYPE e.g. -DDATA_TYPE=float.
* @note The vector size must be passed at compile time using -DVECTOR_SIZE e.g. -DVECTOR_SIZE=4.
* @note The width modulo vector size must be passed at compile time using -DWIDTH_MOD_VECTOR_SIZE e.g. -DWIDTH_MOD_VECTOR_SIZE=3.
* @note In case biases will be added to the convolution -DHAS_BIAS has to be passed to append the final matrix with 1 in each row.
* @param[in] src_ptr Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data types: QS8/QS16/F16/F32
* @param[in] src_stride_x Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_y Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_z Stride of the source tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_z src_stride_z * number of elements along Z processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the source tensor
* @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination tensor. Supported data types: same as @p src_ptr
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_y dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination tensor
* @param[in] src_stride_w Stride of the source tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
* @param[in] dst_stride_w Stride of the destination tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
__kernel void im2col_generic_padx0_pady0_dchw(
uint src_stride_w,
uint dst_stride_w)
const int xc = get_global_id(0); // x coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int yc = get_global_id(1); // y coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int ch = get_global_id(2) % KERNEL_DEPTH; // input feature map
const int batch = get_global_id(2) / KERNEL_DEPTH; // batch size
// Calculate input indices
const int xi = xc * STRIDE_X;
const int yi = yc * STRIDE_Y;
// Calculate output indices
const int xo = ch * KERNEL_WIDTH * KERNEL_HEIGHT;
const int yo = xc + yc * CONVOLVED_WIDTH; // Index of the convolution
__global uchar *input_ptr = src_ptr + src_offset_first_element_in_bytes + ch * src_stride_z + batch * src_stride_w;
__global DATA_TYPE *output_ptr = ((__global DATA_TYPE *)(dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + yo * dst_stride_y + batch * dst_stride_w)) + xo;
// Linearize convolution elements
for(int y = yi, y_e = yi + KERNEL_HEIGHT; y < y_e; ++y)
int last_x = 0;
for(int x = xi, x_e = xi + KERNEL_WIDTH; x + VECTOR_SIZE <= x_e; x += VECTOR_SIZE, output_ptr += VECTOR_SIZE)
row = VLOAD(VECTOR_SIZE)(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr + x * src_stride_x + y * src_stride_y));
(row, 0, output_ptr);
last_x = x;
// Copy the remainder of the row by doing VLOAD(WIDTH_MOD_VECTOR_SIZE) and VSTORE(WIDTH_MOD_VECTOR_SIZE).
// Note that x and output_ptr have already been incremented by VECTOR_SIZE by the loop just before exit.
*output_ptr = *((__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr + (last_x + VECTOR_SIZE) * src_stride_x + y * src_stride_y));
row = VLOAD(WIDTH_MOD_VECTOR_SIZE)(0, (__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr + (last_x + VECTOR_SIZE) * src_stride_x + y * src_stride_y));
(row, 0, output_ptr);
output_ptr += WIDTH_MOD_VECTOR_SIZE;
} /* End of loop over KERNEL_HEIGHT */
#ifdef HAS_BIAS
if(ch == (KERNEL_DEPTH - 1))
*output_ptr = (DATA_TYPE)(1 << FIXED_POINT_POSITION);
*output_ptr = 1.0f;
#endif // HAS_BIAS
#endif //defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(STRIDE_X) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(PAD_LEFT) && defined(PAD_TOP) && defined(PAD_RIGHT) && defined(PAD_BOTTOM) && defined(KERNEL_WIDTH) && defined(KERNEL_HEIGHT) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH) && defined(SRC_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_HEIGHT) && defined(VECTOR_SIZE) && defined(WIDTH_MOD_VECTOR_SIZE)
#if defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_HEIGHT) && defined(STRIDE_X) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(KERNEL_WIDTH) && defined(KERNEL_HEIGHT) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH) && defined(PAD_LEFT) && defined(PAD_RIGHT) && defined(PAD_TOP) && defined(PAD_BOTTOM) && defined(PAD_VALUE)
/** This kernel performs a reshaping of the input tensor to a tensor used to perform convolution using GEMM.
* @note The data type must be passed at compile time using -DDATA_TYPE: e.g. -DDATA_TYPE=float
* @note The width and height of the input tensor must be passed at compile time using -DSRC_WIDTH and -DSRC_HEIGHT: e.g. -DSRC_WIDTH=128 and -DSRC_HEIGHT=128
* @note The width of output tensor after matrix multiplication must be passed at compile time using -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH: e.g. -DCONVOLVED_WIDTH=34
* @note The kernel width, height and depth must be passed at compile time using -DKERNEL_WIDTH, -DKERNEL_HEIGHT and -DKERNEL_DEPTH: e.g. -DKERNEL_WIDTH=3, -DKERNEL_HEIGHT=3 and -DKERNEL_DEPTH=64
* @note The pad_left, pad_right, pad_top and pad_bottom must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_LEFT, -DPAD_RIGHT, -DPAD_TOP and -DPAD_BOTTOM: e.g. -DPAD_LEFT=1, -DPAD_RIGHT=2, -DPAD_TOP=3 and -DPAD_BOTTOM=2
* @note The zero value to store in case we load values out-of-bounds must be passed at compile time using -DPAD_VALUE: e.g. -DPAD_VALUE=0.0
* @note The stride along the X and Y directions must be passed at compile time using -DSTRIDE_X and -DSTRIDE_Y: e.g. -DSTRIDE_X=1 and -DSTRIDE_Y=1
* @note The dilation_x and dilation_y must be passed at compile time using -DDILATION_X and -DDILATION_Y: e.g. -DDILATION_X=1, -DDILATION_Y=1
* @note In case biases will be added to the convolution -DHAS_BIAS has to be passed to append the final matrix with 1 in each row.
* @param[in] src_ptr Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data types: QS8/QASYMM8/QS16/F16/F32
* @param[in] src_stride_x Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_y Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_z Stride of the source tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_z src_stride_z * number of elements along Z processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the source tensor
* @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination tensor. Supported data types: same as @p src_ptr
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_y dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination tensor
* @param[in] src_stride_w Stride of the source tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
* @param[in] dst_stride_w Stride of the destination tensor in W dimension (in bytes).
__kernel void im2col_generic_dchw(
uint src_stride_w,
uint dst_stride_w)
const int xc = get_global_id(0); // x coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int yc = get_global_id(1); // y coordinate in the convolved tensor
const int ch = get_global_id(2) % KERNEL_DEPTH; // input feature map
const int batch = get_global_id(2) / KERNEL_DEPTH; // batch size
// Calculate input indices
const int xi = xc * STRIDE_X - PAD_LEFT;
const int yi = yc * STRIDE_Y - PAD_TOP;
// Calculate output indices
const int xo = ch * KERNEL_WIDTH * KERNEL_HEIGHT;
const int yo = xc + yc * CONVOLVED_WIDTH; // Index of the convolution
__global uchar *input_ptr = src_ptr + src_offset_first_element_in_bytes + ch * src_stride_z + batch * src_stride_w;
__global DATA_TYPE *output_ptr = ((__global DATA_TYPE *)(dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + yo * dst_stride_y + batch * dst_stride_w)) + xo;
// Linearize convolution elements
for(int yk = 0; yk < KERNEL_HEIGHT; ++yk)
int y = yi + yk * DILATION_Y;
for(int xk = 0; xk < KERNEL_WIDTH; ++xk, ++output_ptr)
int x = xi + xk * DILATION_X;
#if PAD_LEFT == 0 && PAD_TOP == 0 && PAD_RIGHT == 0 && PAD_BOTTOM == 0
*output_ptr = *((__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr + x * src_stride_x + y * src_stride_y));
#else // PAD_LEFT == 0 && PAD_TOP == 0 && PAD_RIGHT == 0 && PAD_BOTTOM == 0
if(x < 0 || x >= SRC_WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= SRC_HEIGHT)
*output_ptr = PAD_VALUE;
*output_ptr = *((__global DATA_TYPE *)(input_ptr + x * src_stride_x + y * src_stride_y));
#endif // PAD_LEFT == 0 && PAD_TOP == 0 && PAD_RIGHT == 0 && PAD_BOTTOM == 0
#ifdef HAS_BIAS
if(ch == (KERNEL_DEPTH - 1))
*output_ptr = (DATA_TYPE)(1 << FIXED_POINT_POSITION);
*output_ptr = 1.0f;
#endif // HAS_BIAS
#endif // defined(CONVOLVED_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_WIDTH) && defined(SRC_HEIGHT) && defined(STRIDE_X) && defined(STRIDE_Y) && defined(KERNEL_WIDTH) && defined(KERNEL_HEIGHT) && defined(KERNEL_DEPTH) && defined(PAD_LEFT) && defined(PAD_RIGHT) && defined(PAD_TOP) && defined(PAD_BOTTOM) && defined(PAD_VALUE)
/**This kernel reshapes the input tensor to a tensor used to perform convolution using GEMM when
* the kernel width and height are the same of width and height of the input tensor
* @note Datatype should be given as a preprocessor argument using -DDATA_TYPE=type. e.g. -DDATA_TYPE=float
* @note In case biases will be added in late stage, -DHAS_BIAS has to be passed to append the final matrix with 1 in each row.
* @param[in] src_ptr Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data types: QS8/QASYMM8/QS16/F16/F32
* @param[in] src_stride_x Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_y Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_stride_z Stride of the source tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] src_step_z src_stride_z * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] src_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the source tensor
* @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination tensor. Same as @p src_ptr
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination tensor
* @param[in] width The width of the input tensor
* @param[in] height The height of the input tensor
__kernel void im2col_reduced_dchw(
uint width, uint height)
const uint image_size = width * height;
__global uchar *tmp_out_ptr = dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (get_global_id(0) + get_global_id(1) * width + get_global_id(2) * image_size) * dst_stride_x;
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)tmp_out_ptr) = *((__global DATA_TYPE *)src.ptr);
#ifdef HAS_BIAS
// If it is the last thread in the 3 dimensional workgroup
if(get_global_id(0) == (get_global_size(0) - 1) && get_global_id(1) == (get_global_size(1) - 1) && get_global_id(2) == (get_global_size(2) - 1))
tmp_out_ptr += dst_stride_x;
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)tmp_out_ptr) = (DATA_TYPE)(1 << FIXED_POINT_POSITION);
*((__global DATA_TYPE *)tmp_out_ptr) = (DATA_TYPE)1.0f;
#endif // HAS_BIAS
#endif // defined(DATA_TYPE) && defined(ELEMENT_SIZE)