blob: a2a8b7a14212366915fa03cefabd0167944292bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2022 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "../DriverTestHelpers.hpp"
#include "../TestHalfTensor.hpp"
#include <1.2/HalPolicy.hpp>
#include <array>
using Half = half_float::half;
using namespace android::hardware;
using namespace driverTestHelpers;
using namespace armnn_driver;
using HalPolicy = hal_1_2::HalPolicy;
using RequestArgument = V1_0::RequestArgument;
void MeanTestImpl(const TestHalfTensor& input,
const hidl_vec<uint32_t>& axisDimensions,
const int32_t* axisValues,
int32_t keepDims,
const TestHalfTensor& expectedOutput,
bool fp16Enabled,
armnn::Compute computeDevice)
auto driver = std::make_unique<ArmnnDriver>(DriverOptions(computeDevice, fp16Enabled));
HalPolicy::Model model = {};
AddInputOperand<HalPolicy>(model, input.GetDimensions(), V1_2::OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT16);
AddIntOperand<HalPolicy>(model, keepDims);
AddOutputOperand<HalPolicy>(model, expectedOutput.GetDimensions(), V1_2::OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT16);
model.operations[0].type = HalPolicy::OperationType::MEAN;
model.operations[0].inputs = hidl_vec<uint32_t>{ 0, 1, 2 };
model.operations[0].outputs = hidl_vec<uint32_t>{ 3 };
model.relaxComputationFloat32toFloat16 = fp16Enabled;
//android::sp<V1_0::IPreparedModel> preparedModel = PrepareModel(model, *driver);
android::sp<V1_2::IPreparedModel> preparedModel = PrepareModel_1_2(model, *driver);
// The request's memory pools will follow the same order as the inputs
V1_0::DataLocation inLoc = {};
inLoc.poolIndex = 0;
inLoc.offset = 0;
inLoc.length = input.GetNumElements() * sizeof(Half);
RequestArgument inArg = {};
inArg.location = inLoc;
inArg.dimensions = input.GetDimensions();
// An additional memory pool is needed for the output
V1_0::DataLocation outLoc = {};
outLoc.poolIndex = 1;
outLoc.offset = 0;
outLoc.length = expectedOutput.GetNumElements() * sizeof(Half);
RequestArgument outArg = {};
outArg.location = outLoc;
outArg.dimensions = expectedOutput.GetDimensions();
// Make the request based on the arguments
V1_0::Request request = {};
request.inputs = hidl_vec<RequestArgument>{ inArg };
request.outputs = hidl_vec<RequestArgument>{ outArg };
// Set the input data
AddPoolAndSetData(input.GetNumElements(), request, input.GetData());
// Add memory for the output
android::sp<IMemory> outMemory = AddPoolAndGetData<Half>(expectedOutput.GetNumElements(), request);
const Half* outputData = static_cast<const Half*>(static_cast<void*>(outMemory->getPointer()));
if (preparedModel.get() != nullptr)
V1_0::ErrorStatus execStatus = Execute(preparedModel, request);
DOCTEST_CHECK((int)execStatus == (int)V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE);
const Half* expectedOutputData = expectedOutput.GetData();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expectedOutput.GetNumElements(); i++)
DOCTEST_CHECK(outputData[i] == expectedOutputData[i]);
} // anonymous namespace
using namespace half_float::literal;
TestHalfTensor input{ armnn::TensorShape{ 4, 3, 2 },
{ 1.0_h, 2.0_h, 3.0_h, 4.0_h, 5.0_h, 6.0_h, 7.0_h, 8.0_h, 9.0_h, 10.0_h,
11.0_h, 12.0_h, 13.0_h, 14.0_h, 15.0_h, 16.0_h, 17.0_h, 18.0_h, 19.0_h,
20.0_h, 21.0_h, 22.0_h, 23.0_h, 24.0_h } };
hidl_vec<uint32_t> axisDimensions = { 2 };
int32_t axisValues[] = { 0, 1 };
int32_t keepDims = 0;
TestHalfTensor expectedOutput{ armnn::TensorShape{ 2 }, { 12.0_h, 13.0_h } };
MeanTestImpl(input, axisDimensions, axisValues, keepDims, expectedOutput, true, armnn::Compute::CpuRef);
using namespace half_float::literal;
TestHalfTensor input{ armnn::TensorShape{ 1, 1, 3, 2 }, { 1.0_h, 1.0_h, 2.0_h, 2.0_h, 3.0_h, 3.0_h } };
hidl_vec<uint32_t> axisDimensions = { 1 };
int32_t axisValues[] = { 2 };
int32_t keepDims = 1;
TestHalfTensor expectedOutput{ armnn::TensorShape{ 1, 1, 1, 2 }, { 2.0_h, 2.0_h } };
MeanTestImpl(input, axisDimensions, axisValues, keepDims, expectedOutput, true, armnn::Compute::CpuRef);
using namespace half_float::literal;
std::vector<Half> in = { 1.0_h, 2.0_h, 3.0_h, 4.0_h, 5.0_h, 6.0_h, 7.0_h, 8.0_h, 9.0_h, 10.0_h,
11.0_h, 12.0_h, 13.0_h, 14.0_h, 15.0_h, 16.0_h, 17.0_h, 18.0_h, 19.0_h,
20.0_h, 21.0_h, 22.0_h, 23.0_h, 24.0_h };
TestHalfTensor input{ armnn::TensorShape{ 4, 3, 2 },
hidl_vec<uint32_t> axisDimensions = { 2 };
int32_t axisValues[] = { 0, 1 };
int32_t keepDims = 0;
std::vector<Half> out = { 12.0_h, 13.0_h };
TestHalfTensor expectedOutput{ armnn::TensorShape{ 2 }, out };
MeanTestImpl(input, axisDimensions, axisValues, keepDims, expectedOutput, true, armnn::Compute::CpuAcc);
using namespace half_float::literal;
std::vector<Half> in = { 1.0_h, 1.0_h, 2.0_h, 2.0_h, 3.0_h, 3.0_h };
TestHalfTensor input{ armnn::TensorShape{ 1, 1, 3, 2 }, in };
hidl_vec<uint32_t> axisDimensions = { 1 };
int32_t axisValues[] = { 2 };
int32_t keepDims = 1;
std::vector<Half> out = { 2.0_h, 2.0_h };
TestHalfTensor expectedOutput{ armnn::TensorShape{ 1, 1, 1, 2 }, out };
MeanTestImpl(input, axisDimensions, axisValues, keepDims, expectedOutput, true, armnn::Compute::CpuAcc);
using namespace half_float::literal;
TestHalfTensor input{ armnn::TensorShape{ 4, 3, 2 },
{ 1.0_h, 2.0_h, 3.0_h, 4.0_h, 5.0_h, 6.0_h, 7.0_h, 8.0_h, 9.0_h, 10.0_h,
11.0_h, 12.0_h, 13.0_h, 14.0_h, 15.0_h, 16.0_h, 17.0_h, 18.0_h, 19.0_h,
20.0_h, 21.0_h, 22.0_h, 23.0_h, 24.0_h } };
hidl_vec<uint32_t> axisDimensions = { 2 };
int32_t axisValues[] = { 0, 1 };
int32_t keepDims = 0;
TestHalfTensor expectedOutput{ armnn::TensorShape{ 2 }, { 12.0_h, 13.0_h } };
MeanTestImpl(input, axisDimensions, axisValues, keepDims, expectedOutput, true, armnn::Compute::GpuAcc);
using namespace half_float::literal;
TestHalfTensor input{ armnn::TensorShape{ 1, 1, 3, 2 }, { 1.0_h, 1.0_h, 2.0_h, 2.0_h, 3.0_h, 3.0_h } };
hidl_vec<uint32_t> axisDimensions = { 1 };
int32_t axisValues[] = { 2 };
int32_t keepDims = 1;
TestHalfTensor expectedOutput{ armnn::TensorShape{ 1, 1, 1, 2 }, { 2.0_h, 2.0_h } };
MeanTestImpl(input, axisDimensions, axisValues, keepDims, expectedOutput, true, armnn::Compute::GpuAcc);