blob: 3fa8e1256284251f0671ab72271d0b5b4637bc6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
#define LOG_TAG "ArmnnDriverTests"
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE armnn_driver_tests
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <log/log.h>
#include "DriverTestHelpers.hpp"
using ArmnnDriver = armnn_driver::ArmnnDriver;
using DriverOptions = armnn_driver::DriverOptions;
using namespace driverTestHelpers;
// Making the driver object on the stack causes a weird libc error, so make it on the heap instead
auto driver = std::make_unique<ArmnnDriver>(DriverOptions(armnn::Compute::CpuRef));
DeviceStatus status = driver->getStatus();
// Note double-parentheses to avoid compile error from Boost trying to printf the DeviceStatus
BOOST_TEST((status == DeviceStatus::AVAILABLE));
// Making the driver object on the stack causes a weird libc error, so make it on the heap instead
auto driver = std::make_unique<ArmnnDriver>(DriverOptions(armnn::Compute::CpuRef));
ErrorStatus error;
V1_0::Capabilities cap;
ArmnnDriver::getCapabilities_cb cb = [&](ErrorStatus status, const V1_0::Capabilities& capabilities)
error = status;
cap = capabilities;
BOOST_TEST((int)error == (int)ErrorStatus::NONE);
BOOST_TEST(cap.float32Performance.execTime > 0.f);
BOOST_TEST(cap.float32Performance.powerUsage > 0.f);
BOOST_TEST(cap.quantized8Performance.execTime > 0.f);
BOOST_TEST(cap.quantized8Performance.powerUsage > 0.f);