blob: 8c84aa73e9686ead067ca0d057465e94736c9e88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "TimelineUtilityMethods.hpp"
#include "ProfilingService.hpp"
#include "LabelsAndEventClasses.hpp"
namespace armnn
namespace profiling
void TimelineUtilityMethods::SendWellKnownLabelsAndEventClasses()
// Send the "name" label, this call throws in case of error
// Send the "type" label, this call throws in case of error
// Send the "index" label, this call throws in case of error
// Send the "start of life" event class, this call throws in case of error
// Send the "end of life" event class, this call throws in case of error
ProfilingDynamicGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateNamedTypedEntity(const std::string& name, const std::string& type)
// Check that the entity name is valid
if (name.empty())
throw InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
// Check that the entity type is valid
if (type.empty())
throw InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity type, the entity type cannot be empty");
// Generate dynamic GUID of the entity
ProfilingDynamicGuid entityGuid = ProfilingService::Instance().NextGuid();
// Send Entity Binary Packet of the entity to the external profiling service
// Create name entity and send the relationship of the entity with the given name
NameEntity(entityGuid, name);
// Create type entity and send the relationship of the entity with the given type
TypeEntity(entityGuid, type);
return entityGuid;
ProfilingStaticGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::DeclareLabel(const std::string& labelName)
// Check that the label name is valid
if (labelName.empty())
// The label name is invalid
throw InvalidArgumentException("Invalid label name, the label name cannot be empty");
// Generate a static GUID for the given label name
ProfilingStaticGuid labelGuid = ProfilingService::Instance().GenerateStaticId(labelName);
// Send the new label to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
m_SendTimelinePacket.SendTimelineLabelBinaryPacket(labelGuid, labelName);
return labelGuid;
void TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateTypedLabel(ProfilingGuid entityGuid,
const std::string& entityName,
ProfilingStaticGuid labelTypeGuid)
// Check that the entity name is valid
if (entityName.empty())
// The entity name is invalid
throw InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
// Declare a label with the entity's name, this call throws in case of error
ProfilingStaticGuid labelGuid = DeclareLabel(entityName);
// Generate a GUID for the label relationship
ProfilingDynamicGuid relationshipGuid = ProfilingService::Instance().NextGuid();
// Send the new label link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
// Generate a GUID for the label relationship
ProfilingDynamicGuid relationshipLabelGuid = ProfilingService::Instance().NextGuid();
// Send the new label link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
void TimelineUtilityMethods::NameEntity(ProfilingGuid entityGuid, const std::string& name)
CreateTypedLabel(entityGuid, name, LabelsAndEventClasses::NAME_GUID);
void TimelineUtilityMethods::TypeEntity(ProfilingGuid entityGuid, const std::string& type)
CreateTypedLabel(entityGuid, type, LabelsAndEventClasses::TYPE_GUID);
ProfilingDynamicGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::CreateNamedTypedChildEntity(ProfilingGuid parentEntityGuid,
const std::string& entityName,
const std::string& entityType)
// Check that the entity name is valid
if (entityName.empty())
// The entity name is invalid
throw InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity name, the entity name cannot be empty");
// Check that the entity type is valid
if (entityType.empty())
// The entity type is invalid
throw InvalidArgumentException("Invalid entity type, the entity type cannot be empty");
// Create a named type entity from the given name and type, this call throws in case of error
ProfilingDynamicGuid childEntityGuid = CreateNamedTypedEntity(entityName, entityType);
// Generate a GUID for the retention link relationship
ProfilingDynamicGuid retentionLinkGuid = ProfilingService::Instance().NextGuid();
// Send the new retention link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
return childEntityGuid;
ProfilingDynamicGuid TimelineUtilityMethods::RecordEvent(ProfilingGuid entityGuid, ProfilingStaticGuid eventClassGuid)
// Take a timestamp
uint64_t timestamp = GetTimestamp();
// Get the thread id
std::thread::id threadId = std::this_thread::get_id();
// Generate a GUID for the event
ProfilingDynamicGuid eventGuid = ProfilingService::Instance().NextGuid();
// Send the new timeline event to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
m_SendTimelinePacket.SendTimelineEventBinaryPacket(timestamp, threadId, eventGuid);
// Generate a GUID for the execution link
ProfilingDynamicGuid executionLinkId = ProfilingService::Instance().NextGuid();
// Send the new execution link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
// Generate a GUID for the data relationship link
ProfilingDynamicGuid eventClassLinkId = ProfilingService::Instance().NextGuid();
// Send the new data relationship link to the external profiling service, this call throws in case of error
return eventGuid;
} // namespace profiling
} // namespace armnn