blob: 4d645520280072776cd0e6fad6289ed8296537cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2022-2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <../delegate/opaque/include/armnn_delegate.hpp>
#include <tensorflow/lite/core/c/c_api.h>
#include "TfliteExecutor.hpp"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/kernel_util.h"
#include <string>
std::string TfLiteStatusToString(const TfLiteStatus status)
switch (status)
case kTfLiteOk:
return "Status: Ok.";
// Generally referring to an error in the runtime (i.e. interpreter)
case kTfLiteError:
return "Status: Tf runtime error.";
// Generally referring to an error from a TfLiteDelegate itself.
case kTfLiteDelegateError:
return "Status: The loaded delegate has returned an error.";
// Generally referring to an error in applying a delegate due to
// incompatibility between runtime and delegate, e.g., this error is returned
// when trying to apply a TF Lite delegate onto a model graph that's already
// immutable.
case kTfLiteApplicationError:
return "Status: Application error. An incompatibility between the Tf runtime and the loaded delegate.";
// Generally referring to serialized delegate data not being found.
// See tflite::delegates::Serialization.
case kTfLiteDelegateDataNotFound:
return "Status: data not found.";
// Generally referring to data-writing issues in delegate serialization.
// See tflite::delegates::Serialization.
case kTfLiteDelegateDataWriteError:
return "Status: Error writing serialization data.";
// Generally referring to data-reading issues in delegate serialization.
// See tflite::delegates::Serialization.
case kTfLiteDelegateDataReadError:
return "Status: Error reading serialization data.";
// Generally referring to issues when the TF Lite model has ops that cannot be
// resolved at runtime. This could happen when the specific op is not
// registered or built with the TF Lite framework.
case kTfLiteUnresolvedOps:
return "Status: Model contains an operation that is not recognised by the runtime.";
// Generally referring to invocation cancelled by the user.
case kTfLiteCancelled:
return "Status: invocation has been cancelled by the user.";
return "Unknown status result.";
TfLiteExecutor::TfLiteExecutor(const ExecuteNetworkParams& params, armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions runtimeOptions)
: m_Params(params)
m_Model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile(m_Params.m_ModelPath.c_str());
if (!m_Model)
LogAndThrow("Failed to load TfLite model from: " + m_Params.m_ModelPath);
m_TfLiteInterpreter = std::make_unique<Interpreter>();
tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
tflite::InterpreterBuilder builder(*m_Model, resolver);
if (m_Params.m_TfLiteExecutor == ExecuteNetworkParams::TfLiteExecutor::ArmNNTfLiteOpaqueDelegate)
if (builder(&m_TfLiteInterpreter) != kTfLiteOk)
LogAndThrow("Error loading the model into the TfLiteInterpreter.");
// Populate a DelegateOptions from the ExecuteNetworkParams.
armnnDelegate::DelegateOptions delegateOptions = m_Params.ToDelegateOptions();
std::unique_ptr<TfLiteDelegate, decltype(&armnnOpaqueDelegate::TfLiteArmnnOpaqueDelegateDelete)>
// Register armnn_delegate to TfLiteInterpreter
auto result = m_TfLiteInterpreter->ModifyGraphWithDelegate(std::move(theArmnnDelegate));
if (result != kTfLiteOk)
LogAndThrow("Could not register ArmNN TfLite Opaque Delegate to TfLiteInterpreter: " +
TfLiteStatusToString(result) + ".");
LogAndThrow("Not built with Arm NN Tensorflow-Lite opaque delegate support.");
else if (m_Params.m_TfLiteExecutor == ExecuteNetworkParams::TfLiteExecutor::ArmNNTfLiteDelegate)
if (builder(&m_TfLiteInterpreter) != kTfLiteOk)
LogAndThrow("Error loading the model into the TfLiteInterpreter.");
// Create the Armnn Delegate
// Populate a DelegateOptions from the ExecuteNetworkParams.
armnnDelegate::DelegateOptions delegateOptions = m_Params.ToDelegateOptions();
std::unique_ptr<TfLiteDelegate, decltype(&armnnDelegate::TfLiteArmnnDelegateDelete)>
// Register armnn_delegate to TfLiteInterpreter
auto result = m_TfLiteInterpreter->ModifyGraphWithDelegate(std::move(theArmnnDelegate));
if (result != kTfLiteOk)
LogAndThrow("Could not register ArmNN TfLite Delegate to TfLiteInterpreter: " +
TfLiteStatusToString(result) + ".");
LogAndThrow("Not built with Arm NN Tensorflow-Lite delegate support.");
if (builder(&m_TfLiteInterpreter) != kTfLiteOk)
LogAndThrow("Error loading the model into the TfLiteInterpreter.");
std::cout << "Running on TfLite without ArmNN delegate\n";
if (m_TfLiteInterpreter->AllocateTensors() != kTfLiteOk)
LogAndThrow("Failed to allocate tensors in the TfLiteInterpreter.");
const size_t numInputs = m_TfLiteInterpreter->inputs().size();
for(unsigned int inputIndex = 0; inputIndex < numInputs; ++inputIndex)
armnn::Optional<std::string> dataFile = m_Params.m_GenerateTensorData
? armnn::EmptyOptional()
: armnn::MakeOptional<std::string>(m_Params.m_InputTensorDataFilePaths[inputIndex]);
int input = m_TfLiteInterpreter->inputs()[inputIndex];
const auto& inputName = m_TfLiteInterpreter->tensor(input)->name;
// Before we start, check if the tensor is constant.
if (!tflite::IsConstantTensor(m_TfLiteInterpreter->tensor(input)))
TfLiteIntArray* inputDims = m_TfLiteInterpreter->tensor(input)->dims;
unsigned int inputSize = 1;
for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < static_cast<unsigned int>(inputDims->size); ++dim)
inputSize *= inputDims->data[dim];
const auto& dataType = m_TfLiteInterpreter->tensor(input)->type;
switch (dataType)
case kTfLiteFloat32:
auto inputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<float>(input);
PopulateTensorWithData<float>(inputData, inputSize, dataFile, inputName);
case kTfLiteInt32:
auto inputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<int32_t>(input);
PopulateTensorWithData<int32_t>(inputData, inputSize, dataFile, inputName);
case kTfLiteUInt8:
auto inputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<uint8_t>(input);
PopulateTensorWithData<uint8_t>(inputData, inputSize, dataFile, inputName);
case kTfLiteInt16:
auto inputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<int16_t>(input);
PopulateTensorWithData<int16_t>(inputData, inputSize, dataFile, inputName);
case kTfLiteInt8:
auto inputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<int8_t>(input);
PopulateTensorWithData<int8_t>(inputData, inputSize, dataFile, inputName);
LogAndThrow("Unsupported input tensor data type");
ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Input tensor \"" << inputName << "\" is constant and will not be populated with data.";
std::vector<const void *> TfLiteExecutor::Execute()
int status = 0;
std::vector<const void*> results;
for (size_t x = 0; x < m_Params.m_Iterations; x++)
// Start timer to record inference time in milliseconds.
const auto start_time = armnn::GetTimeNow();
// Run the inference
status = m_TfLiteInterpreter->Invoke();
const auto duration = armnn::GetTimeDuration(start_time);
if (!m_Params.m_DontPrintOutputs)
// Print out the output
for (unsigned int outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < m_TfLiteInterpreter->outputs().size(); ++outputIndex)
auto tfLiteDelegateOutputId = m_TfLiteInterpreter->outputs()[outputIndex];
TfLiteIntArray* outputDims = m_TfLiteInterpreter->tensor(tfLiteDelegateOutputId)->dims;
// If we've been asked to write to a file then set a file output stream. Otherwise use stdout.
FILE* outputTensorFile = stdout;
if (!m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles.empty())
outputTensorFile = fopen(m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles[outputIndex].c_str(), "w");
if (outputTensorFile == NULL)
LogAndThrow("Specified output tensor file, \"" + m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles[outputIndex] +
"\", cannot be created. Defaulting to stdout. Error was: " + std::strerror(errno));
ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Writing output " << outputIndex << "' of iteration: " << x + 1
<< " to file: '" << m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles[outputIndex] << "'";
long outputSize = 1;
for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < static_cast<unsigned int>(outputDims->size); ++dim)
outputSize *= outputDims->data[dim];
std::cout << m_TfLiteInterpreter->tensor(tfLiteDelegateOutputId)->name << ": ";
switch (m_TfLiteInterpreter->tensor(tfLiteDelegateOutputId)->type)
case kTfLiteFloat32:
auto tfLiteDelegateOutputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<float>(
for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i)
fprintf(outputTensorFile, "%f ", tfLiteDelegateOutputData[i]);
case kTfLiteInt32:
auto tfLiteDelegateOutputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<int32_t>(
for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i)
fprintf(outputTensorFile, "%d ", tfLiteDelegateOutputData[i]);
case kTfLiteUInt8:
auto tfLiteDelegateOutputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<uint8_t>(
for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i)
fprintf(outputTensorFile, "%u ", tfLiteDelegateOutputData[i]);
case kTfLiteInt8:
auto tfLiteDelegateOutputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<int8_t>(
for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i)
fprintf(outputTensorFile, "%d ", tfLiteDelegateOutputData[i]);
case kTfLiteBool:
auto tfLiteDelegateOutputData = m_TfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<bool>(
for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i) {
fprintf(outputTensorFile, "%u ", tfLiteDelegateOutputData[i]);
LogAndThrow("Unsupported output type");
std::cout << std::endl;
CheckInferenceTimeThreshold(duration, m_Params.m_ThresholdTime);
std::cout << status;
return results;
void TfLiteExecutor::CompareAndPrintResult(std::vector<const void*> otherOutput)
for (unsigned int outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < m_TfLiteInterpreter->outputs().size(); ++outputIndex)
auto tfLiteDelegateOutputId = m_TfLiteInterpreter->outputs()[outputIndex];
size_t size = m_TfLiteInterpreter->tensor(tfLiteDelegateOutputId)->bytes;
double result = ComputeByteLevelRMSE(m_TfLiteInterpreter->tensor(tfLiteDelegateOutputId)->allocation,
otherOutput[outputIndex], size);
std::cout << "Byte level root mean square error: " << result << "\n";