blob: 852fcd40704155b6995e751605c889c4f27a55dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
namespace armnnQuantizer
// parses the command line to extract
// * the input file -f containing the serialized fp32 ArmNN input graph (must exist...and be a input graph file)
// * the csv file -c <optional> detailing the paths for RAW input tensors to use for refinement
// * the directory -d to place the output file into (must already exist and be writable)
// * the name of the file -o the quantized ArmNN input graph will be written to (must not already exist)
// * LATER: the min and max overrides to be applied to the inputs
// specified as -i <int> (input id) -n <float> (minimum) -x <float> (maximum)
// multiple sets of -i, -n, -x can appear on the command line but they must match
// in number i.e. a -n and -x for each -i and the id of the input must correspond
// to an input layer in the fp32 graph when it is loaded.
class CommandLineProcessor
bool ProcessCommandLine(int argc, char* argv[]);
std::string GetInputFileName() {return m_InputFileName;}
std::string GetCsvFileName() {return m_CsvFileName;}
std::string GetCsvFileDirectory() {return m_CsvFileDirectory;}
std::string GetOutputDirectoryName() {return m_OutputDirectory;}
std::string GetOutputFileName() {return m_OutputFileName;}
std::string m_InputFileName;
std::string m_CsvFileName;
std::string m_CsvFileDirectory;
std::string m_OutputDirectory;
std::string m_OutputFileName;
} // namespace armnnQuantizer