blob: 3bf9b35191dffb2f4817e2390d2c3391b215318e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2020-2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <armnn/ArmNN.hpp>
#include <armnn/Optional.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace armnnDelegate
struct DelegateOptionsImpl;
class DelegateOptions
DelegateOptions(const DelegateOptions& other);
DelegateOptions(armnn::Compute computeDevice,
const std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>& backendOptions = {},
armnn::Optional<armnn::LogSeverity> logSeverityLevel = armnn::EmptyOptional());
DelegateOptions(const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& backends,
const std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>& backendOptions = {},
armnn::Optional<armnn::LogSeverity> logSeverityLevel = armnn::EmptyOptional());
DelegateOptions(armnn::Compute computeDevice,
const armnn::OptimizerOptions& optimizerOptions,
const armnn::Optional<armnn::LogSeverity>& logSeverityLevel = armnn::EmptyOptional(),
const armnn::Optional<armnn::DebugCallbackFunction>& func = armnn::EmptyOptional());
DelegateOptions(const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& backends,
const armnn::OptimizerOptions& optimizerOptions,
const armnn::Optional<armnn::LogSeverity>& logSeverityLevel = armnn::EmptyOptional(),
const armnn::Optional<armnn::DebugCallbackFunction>& func = armnn::EmptyOptional());
* This constructor processes delegate options in form of command line arguments.
* It works in conjunction with the TfLite external delegate plugin.
* Available options:
* Option key: "backends" \n
* Possible values: ["EthosNPU"/"GpuAcc"/"CpuAcc"/"CpuRef"] \n
* Descriptions: A comma separated list without whitespaces of
* backends which should be used for execution. Falls
* back to next backend in list if previous doesn't
* provide support for operation. e.g. "GpuAcc,CpuAcc"
* Option key: "dynamic-backends-path" \n
* Possible values: [filenameString] \n
* Descriptions: This is the directory that will be searched for any dynamic backends.
* Option key: "logging-severity" \n
* Possible values: ["trace"/"debug"/"info"/"warning"/"error"/"fatal"] \n
* Description: Sets the logging severity level for ArmNN. Logging
* is turned off if this option is not provided.
* Option key: "gpu-tuning-level" \n
* Possible values: ["0"/"1"/"2"/"3"] \n
* Description: 0=UseOnly(default), 1=RapidTuning, 2=NormalTuning,
* 3=ExhaustiveTuning. Requires option gpu-tuning-file.
* 1,2 and 3 will create a tuning-file, 0 will apply the
* tunings from an existing file
* Option key: "gpu-mlgo-tuning-file" \n
* Possible values: [filenameString] \n
* Description: File name for the MLGO tuning file
* Option key: "gpu-tuning-file" \n
* Possible values: [filenameString] \n
* Description: File name for the tuning file.
* Option key: "gpu-enable-profiling" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Enables GPU profiling
* Option key: "gpu-kernel-profiling-enabled" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Enables GPU kernel profiling
* Option key: "save-cached-network" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Enables saving of the cached network to a file,
* specified with the cached-network-filepath option
* Option key: "cached-network-filepath" \n
* Possible values: [filenameString] \n
* Description: If non-empty, the given file will be used to load/save the cached network.
* If save-cached-network is given then the cached network will be saved to the given file.
* To save the cached network a file must already exist.
* If save-cached-network is not given then the cached network will be loaded from the given file.
* This will remove initial compilation time of kernels and speed up the first execution.
* Option key: "enable-fast-math" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Enables fast_math options in backends that support it
* Option key: "number-of-threads" \n
* Possible values: ["1"-"64"] \n
* Description: Assign the number of threads used by the CpuAcc backend.
* Default is set to 0 (Backend will decide number of threads to use).
* Option key: "reduce-fp32-to-fp16" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Reduce Fp32 data to Fp16 for faster processing
* Option key: "reduce-fp32-to-bf16" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: This option is currently ignored. Please enable Fast Math in the CpuAcc or GpuAcc backends.
* Option key: "debug-data" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Add debug data for easier troubleshooting
* Option key: "memory-import" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Enable memory import
* Option key: "enable-internal-profiling" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Enable the internal profiling feature.
* Option key: "internal-profiling-detail" \n
* Possible values: [1/2] \n
* Description: Set the detail on the internal profiling. 1 = DetailsWithEvents, 2 = DetailsOnly.
* Option key: "enable-external-profiling" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Enable the external profiling feature.
* Option key: "timeline-profiling" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Indicates whether external timeline profiling is enabled or not.
* Option key: "outgoing-capture-file" \n
* Possible values: [filenameString] \n
* Description: Path to a file in which outgoing timeline profiling messages will be stored.
* Option key: "incoming-capture-file" \n
* Possible values: [filenameString] \n
* Description: Path to a file in which incoming timeline profiling messages will be stored.
* Option key: "file-only-external-profiling" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Enable profiling output to file only.
* Option key: "counter-capture-period" \n
* Possible values: Integer, Default is 10000u
* Description: Value in microseconds of the profiling capture period. \n
* Option key: "profiling-file-format" \n
* Possible values: String of ["binary"] \n
* Description: The format of the file used for outputting profiling data. Currently on "binary" is supported.
* Option key: "serialize-to-dot" \n
* Possible values: [filenameString] \n
* Description: Serialize the optimized network to the file specified in "dot" format.
* Option key: "infer-output-shape" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Infers output tensor shape from input tensor shape and validate where applicable.
* Option key: "allow-expanded-dims" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: If true will disregard dimensions with a size of 1 when validating tensor shapes but tensor
* sizes must still match. \n
* This is an Experimental parameter that is incompatible with "infer-output-shape". \n
* This parameter may be removed in a later update.
* Option key: "disable-tflite-runtime-fallback" \n
* Possible values: ["true"/"false"] \n
* Description: Disable TfLite Runtime fallback in the Arm NN TfLite delegate.
* An exception will be thrown if unsupported operators are encountered.
* This option is only for testing purposes.
* @param[in] option_keys Delegate option names
* @param[in] options_values Delegate option values
* @param[in] num_options Number of delegate options
* @param[in,out] report_error Error callback function
DelegateOptions(char const* const* options_keys,
char const* const* options_values,
size_t num_options,
void (*report_error)(const char*));
const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& GetBackends() const;
void SetBackends(const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& backends);
void SetDynamicBackendsPath(const std::string& dynamicBackendsPath);
const std::string& GetDynamicBackendsPath() const;
void SetGpuProfilingState(bool gpuProfilingState);
bool GetGpuProfilingState();
const std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>& GetBackendOptions() const;
/// Appends a backend option to the list of backend options
void AddBackendOption(const armnn::BackendOptions& option);
/// Sets the severity level for logging within ArmNN that will be used on creation of the delegate
void SetLoggingSeverity(const armnn::LogSeverity& level);
void SetLoggingSeverity(const std::string& level);
/// Returns the severity level for logging within ArmNN
armnn::LogSeverity GetLoggingSeverity();
bool IsLoggingEnabled();
const armnn::OptimizerOptions& GetOptimizerOptions() const;
void SetOptimizerOptions(const armnn::OptimizerOptions& optimizerOptions);
const armnn::Optional<armnn::DebugCallbackFunction>& GetDebugCallbackFunction() const;
void SetInternalProfilingParams(bool internalProfilingState,
const armnn::ProfilingDetailsMethod& internalProfilingDetail);
bool GetInternalProfilingState() const;
const armnn::ProfilingDetailsMethod& GetInternalProfilingDetail() const;
void SetSerializeToDot(const std::string& serializeToDotFile);
const std::string& GetSerializeToDot() const;
/// @Note: This might overwrite options that were set with other setter functions of DelegateOptions
void SetRuntimeOptions(const armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions& runtimeOptions);
const armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions& GetRuntimeOptions();
void DisableTfLiteRuntimeFallback(bool fallbackState);
bool TfLiteRuntimeFallbackDisabled();
std::unique_ptr<armnnDelegate::DelegateOptionsImpl> p_DelegateOptionsImpl;
} // namespace armnnDelegate