blob: 1b450d01514ab10412c2427a3d8202a6ba8ba3b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace armnn
class ProfilerImpl;
class BackendId;
class Instrument;
class Event;
struct WorkloadInfo;
class IProfiler
/// Enables/disables profiling for this profiler.
/// @param [in] enableProfiling A flag that indicates whether profiling should be enabled or not.
void EnableProfiling(bool enableProfiling);
/// Checks whether profiling is enabled.
/// Profiling is disabled by default.
/// @return true if profiling is enabled, false otherwise.
bool IsProfilingEnabled();
/// Analyzes the tracked events and writes the results to the given output stream.
/// Please refer to the configuration variables in Profiling.cpp to customize the information written.
/// @param [out] outStream The stream where to write the profiling results to.
void AnalyzeEventsAndWriteResults(std::ostream& outStream) const;
/// Print stats for events in JSON Format to the given output stream.
/// @param [out] outStream The stream where to write the profiling results to.
void Print(std::ostream& outStream) const;
/// Print out details of each layer within the network that possesses a descriptor.
/// Also outputs tensor info. This will be part of the profiling json output
void EnableNetworkDetailsToStdOut(ProfilingDetailsMethod detailsMethod);
using InstrumentPtr = std::unique_ptr<Instrument>;
template<typename DescriptorType>
void AddLayerDetails(const std::string& name,
const DescriptorType& desc,
const WorkloadInfo& infos,
const profiling::ProfilingGuid guid);
Event* BeginEvent(const BackendId& backendId,
const std::string& label,
std::vector<InstrumentPtr>&& instruments,
const Optional<profiling::ProfilingGuid>& guid);
std::unique_ptr<ProfilerImpl> pProfilerImpl;
friend class ScopedProfilingEvent;
template<typename DescriptorType>
friend inline void ProfilingUpdateDescriptions(const std::string& name,
const DescriptorType& desc,
const WorkloadInfo& infos,
const profiling::ProfilingGuid guid);
// Friend functions for unit testing, see ProfilerTests.cpp.
friend size_t GetProfilerEventSequenceSize(armnn::IProfiler* profiler);
} // namespace armnn