blob: 8eb53b00a8ab9de54ea9892fed4b1348fb3a4e1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2024 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "ScatterNd.hpp"
#include "Encoders.hpp"
#include <armnn/backends/WorkloadData.hpp>
#include <armnn/Logging.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <numeric>
namespace armnn
float ScatterOperation(ScatterNdFunction operation,
float input,
float update)
switch (operation)
case ScatterNdFunction::Update:
return update;
case ScatterNdFunction::Add:
return input + update;
case ScatterNdFunction::Sub:
return input - update;
case ScatterNdFunction::Max:
return std::max(input, update);
case ScatterNdFunction::Min:
return std::min(input, update);
case ScatterNdFunction::Mul:
return input * update;
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: cannot execute this operation.");
void ScatterNd(const TensorInfo& inputInfo,
const TensorInfo& indicesInfo,
const TensorInfo& updatesInfo,
Decoder<float>& input,
Decoder<int>& indices,
Decoder<float>& updates,
Encoder<float>& output,
ScatterNdDescriptor descriptor)
// Axis Unsupported
if (descriptor.m_AxisEnabled)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: axis param not supported.");
// Get the shape for indices, updates, and input
TensorShape indicesShape = indicesInfo.GetShape();
TensorShape updatesShape = updatesInfo.GetShape();
TensorShape inputShape = inputInfo.GetShape();
// Get the dimensions for indices and updates
unsigned int dimension = inputInfo.GetNumDimensions();
unsigned int indicesDim = indicesInfo.GetNumDimensions();
unsigned int updatesDim = updatesInfo.GetNumDimensions();
// Calculate the outter and inner dimensions
unsigned int outterDim = indicesShape[indicesDim - 1];
unsigned int innerDim = dimension - outterDim;
// Calculate the number of elements in each dimension
unsigned int numElementsCount = 1;
std::vector<unsigned int> elementInDim(dimension);
for (unsigned int dimIndex = dimension; dimIndex > 0; --dimIndex)
elementInDim[dimIndex - 1] = numElementsCount;
numElementsCount *= inputShape[dimIndex - 1];
// Number of updates per index
unsigned int numUpdatesPerIndex = elementInDim[dimension - innerDim - 1];
// Number of indices to update
unsigned int numIndices = indicesShape[0];
// Check Input Requirements
// Requirement 1: Indices and Updates must have rank at least 1
if (indicesDim < 1 || updatesDim < 1)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: indices and updates must have rank >= 1.");
// Requirement 2: Input, Indices and Updates must have values
if (inputInfo.GetNumElements() == 0 ||
indicesInfo.GetNumElements() == 0 ||
updatesInfo.GetNumElements() == 0)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: input, indices and updates tensor must have values.");
// Requirement 3: Indices and Updates must match in shape
// The updates dimension should equals to 1 + inner dimension
if (updatesDim != 1 + innerDim)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: updates dimension should equal to 1 + inner dimension.");
// The inner dimension of updates has to match with shape of input
for (unsigned int dimBackIndex = 0; dimBackIndex < innerDim; ++dimBackIndex)
if (updatesShape[updatesDim - dimBackIndex - 1] != inputShape[dimension - dimBackIndex - 1])
throw InvalidArgumentException(
fmt::format("ScatterNd: input and updates shape not match on dimension {}",
dimension - dimBackIndex));
// Requirement 4: Check duplicate indices and out of bound indices
std::set<int> indicesSet;
std::vector<int> flattenIndices(numIndices);
for (unsigned int indicesIdx = 0; indicesIdx < numIndices; ++indicesIdx)
// Get the index
int flattenIndex = 0;
for (unsigned int outterIdx = 0; outterIdx < outterDim; ++outterIdx) {
int outterIndexValue = indices.Get();
// Check bounds
if (outterIndexValue < 0 || outterIndexValue >= int(inputShape[outterIdx]))
throw InvalidArgumentException(
fmt::format("ScatterNd: indices {} out of bound [0, {})",
outterIndexValue, inputShape[outterIdx]));
flattenIndex += int(elementInDim[outterIdx]) * outterIndexValue;
// Check duplicates when executing ScatterNd::Update
if (descriptor.m_Function == ScatterNdFunction::Update &&
indicesSet.find(flattenIndex) != indicesSet.end())
throw InvalidArgumentException(
fmt::format("ScatterNd: duplicate indices occurs {}", flattenIndex));
flattenIndices[indicesIdx] = flattenIndex;
// Set the input data to output
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < inputInfo.GetNumElements(); ++idx)
float inputValue = input.Get();
// Iterate through all indices to scatter updates
for (unsigned int indicesIdx = 0; indicesIdx < numIndices; ++indicesIdx)
// Get the index and calculate the flatten index
int flattenIndex = flattenIndices[indicesIdx];
// FlattenIndex is the place that we are going to update the elements
unsigned int updatesStartIdx = indicesIdx * numUpdatesPerIndex;
for (unsigned int updatesIdx = 0; updatesIdx < numUpdatesPerIndex; ++updatesIdx)
updates[updatesStartIdx + updatesIdx];
input[static_cast<unsigned int>(flattenIndex) + updatesIdx];
float updateValue = ScatterOperation(descriptor.m_Function, input.Get(), updates.Get());
output[static_cast<unsigned int>(flattenIndex) + updatesIdx];
void ScatterNd(const TensorInfo& indicesInfo,
const TensorInfo& updatesInfo,
const TensorInfo& shapeInfo,
Decoder<int>& indices,
Decoder<float>& updates,
Decoder<int>& shape,
Encoder<float>& output,
ScatterNdDescriptor descriptor)
// Axis Unsupported
if (descriptor.m_AxisEnabled)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: axis param not supported.");
// Get the shape for indices, updates, and input
TensorShape indicesShape = indicesInfo.GetShape();
TensorShape updatesShape = updatesInfo.GetShape();
// Get the shape values
std::vector<float> shapeValues = shape.DecodeTensor(shapeInfo.GetShape());
// Check the shape
if (shapeInfo.GetNumElements() == 0)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: shape must have values.");
for (auto shapeValue : shapeValues)
if (shapeValue <= 0)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: shape values must >= 0.");
// Get the input shape
std::vector<unsigned int> inputShape (shapeValues.begin(), shapeValues.end());
unsigned int inputElementsNum = static_cast<unsigned int>(
std::accumulate(inputShape.begin(), inputShape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<unsigned int>()));
// Get the dimensions for indices and updates
unsigned int dimension = shapeInfo.GetNumElements();
unsigned int indicesDim = indicesInfo.GetNumDimensions();
unsigned int updatesDim = updatesInfo.GetNumDimensions();
// Calculate the outter and inner dimensions
unsigned int outterDim = indicesShape[indicesDim - 1];
unsigned int innerDim = dimension - outterDim;
// Calculate the number of elements in each dimension
unsigned int numElementsCount = 1;
std::vector<unsigned int> elementInDim(dimension);
for (unsigned int dimIndex = dimension; dimIndex > 0; --dimIndex)
elementInDim[dimIndex - 1] = numElementsCount;
numElementsCount *= inputShape[dimIndex - 1];
// Number of updates per index
unsigned int numUpdatesPerIndex = elementInDim[dimension - innerDim - 1];
// Number of indices to update
unsigned int numIndices = indicesShape[0];
// Check Input Requirements
// Requirement 1: Indices and Updates must have rank at least 1
if (indicesDim < 1 || updatesDim < 1)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: indices and updates must have rank >= 1.");
// Requirement 2: shape, Indices and Updates must have values
if (indicesInfo.GetNumElements() == 0 ||
updatesInfo.GetNumElements() == 0)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: indices and updates tensor must have values.");
// Requirement 3: Indices and Updates must match in shape
// The updates dimension should equals to 1 + inner dimension
if (updatesDim != 1 + innerDim)
throw InvalidArgumentException("ScatterNd: updates dimension should equal to 1 + inner dimension.");
// The inner dimension of updates has to match with shape of input
for (unsigned int dimBackIndex = 0; dimBackIndex < innerDim; ++dimBackIndex)
if (updatesShape[updatesDim - dimBackIndex - 1] != inputShape[dimension - dimBackIndex - 1])
throw InvalidArgumentException(
fmt::format("ScatterNd: input and updates shape not match on dimension {}",
dimension - dimBackIndex));
// Requirement 4: Check duplicate indices and out of bound indices
std::set<int> indicesSet;
std::vector<int> flattenIndices(numIndices);
for (unsigned int indicesIdx = 0; indicesIdx < numIndices; ++indicesIdx)
// Get the index
int flattenIndex = 0;
for (unsigned int outterIdx = 0; outterIdx < outterDim; ++outterIdx) {
int outterIndexValue = indices.Get();
// Check bounds
if (outterIndexValue < 0 || outterIndexValue >= int(inputShape[outterIdx]))
throw InvalidArgumentException(
fmt::format("ScatterNd: indices {} out of bound [0, {})",
outterIndexValue, inputShape[outterIdx]));
flattenIndex += int(elementInDim[outterIdx]) * outterIndexValue;
// Check duplicates when executing ScatterNd::Update
if (descriptor.m_Function == ScatterNdFunction::Update &&
indicesSet.find(flattenIndex) != indicesSet.end())
throw InvalidArgumentException(
fmt::format("ScatterNd: duplicate indices {} occurs when executing ScatterNd::Update.",
flattenIndices[indicesIdx] = flattenIndex;
// Set zeros to output
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < inputElementsNum; ++idx)
// Iterate through all indices to scatter updates
for (unsigned int indicesIdx = 0; indicesIdx < numIndices; ++indicesIdx)
// Get the index and calculate the flatten index
int flattenIndex = flattenIndices[indicesIdx];
// FlattenIndex is the place that we are going to update the elements
unsigned int updatesStartIdx = indicesIdx * numUpdatesPerIndex;
for (unsigned int updatesIdx = 0; updatesIdx < numUpdatesPerIndex; ++updatesIdx)
updates[updatesStartIdx + updatesIdx];
float updateValue = ScatterOperation(descriptor.m_Function, 0.0f, updates.Get());
output[static_cast<unsigned int>(flattenIndex) + updatesIdx];
} // namespace armnn