blob: b7a6fd96e33c274d85893667d2087eebba54091f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "Layer.hpp"
#include "Graph.hpp"
#include <ProfilingService.hpp>
#include <backendsCommon/WorkloadData.hpp>
#include <backendsCommon/CpuTensorHandle.hpp>
#include <boost/cast.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <numeric>
namespace armnn
void InputSlot::Insert(Layer& layer)
ARMNN_ASSERT(layer.GetNumOutputSlots() == 1);
OutputSlot* const prevSlot = GetConnectedOutputSlot();
if (prevSlot != nullptr)
// Disconnects parent from this.
// Connects inserted layer to parent.
ARMNN_ASSERT(layer.GetNumInputSlots() == 1);
int idx = prevSlot->Connect(layer.GetInputSlot(0));
prevSlot->SetEdgeStrategy(boost::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(idx), EdgeStrategy::Undefined);
// Sets tensor info for inserted layer.
const TensorInfo& tensorInfo = prevSlot->GetTensorInfo();
// Connects inserted layer to this.
layer.GetOutputSlot(0).SetEdgeStrategy(0, EdgeStrategy::Undefined);
const InputSlot* OutputSlot::GetConnection(unsigned int index) const
return m_Connections[index];
InputSlot* OutputSlot::GetConnection(unsigned int index)
return m_Connections[index];
void OutputSlot::SetTensorInfo(const TensorInfo& tensorInfo)
const TensorInfo& OutputSlot::GetTensorInfo() const
return GetOutputHandler().GetTensorInfo();
bool OutputSlot::IsTensorInfoSet() const
return GetOutputHandler().IsTensorInfoSet();
bool OutputSlot::ValidateTensorShape(const TensorShape& shape) const
ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(IsTensorInfoSet(), "TensorInfo must be set in order to validate the shape.");
return shape == m_OutputHandler.GetTensorInfo().GetShape();
int OutputSlot::Connect(InputSlot& destination)
return boost::numeric_cast<int>(m_Connections.size() - 1);
void OutputSlot::Disconnect(InputSlot& slot)
auto it = std::find(m_Connections.begin(), m_Connections.end(), &slot);
if (it == m_Connections.end())
auto idx = std::distance(m_Connections.begin(), it);
m_Connections.erase(std::remove(m_Connections.begin(), m_Connections.end(), &slot), m_Connections.end());
m_EdgeStrategies.erase(m_EdgeStrategies.begin() + idx);
void OutputSlot::DisconnectAll()
while (GetNumConnections() > 0)
InputSlot& connection = *GetConnection(0);
void OutputSlot::MoveAllConnections(OutputSlot& destination)
while (GetNumConnections() > 0)
ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(m_EdgeStrategies[0] == EdgeStrategy::Undefined,
"Cannot move connections once memory strategies have be established.");
InputSlot& connection = *GetConnection(0);
unsigned int OutputSlot::CalculateIndexOnOwner() const
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetOwningLayer().GetNumOutputSlots(); i++)
if (GetOwningLayer().GetOutputSlot(i) == (*this))
return i;
ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Did not find slot on owner.");
return 0; // Error
bool OutputSlot::operator==(const OutputSlot& other) const
bool isSame = other.GetNumConnections() == GetNumConnections();
if (!isSame)
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNumConnections(); i++)
isSame &= other.GetConnection(i) == GetConnection(i);
return isSame;
void OutputSlot::ValidateConnectionIndex(unsigned int index) const
if (boost::numeric_cast<std::size_t>(index) >= m_Connections.size())
throw InvalidArgumentException(
boost::str(boost::format("GetConnection: Invalid index %1% provided") % index));
LayerGuid OutputSlot::GetOwningLayerGuid() const
return GetOwningLayer().GetGuid();
void OutputSlot::SetTensorHandleFactory(const ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId& id)
m_TensorHandleFactoryId = id;
ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId OutputSlot::GetTensorHandleFactoryId() const
return m_TensorHandleFactoryId;
void OutputSlot::SetEdgeStrategy(unsigned int connectionIndex, EdgeStrategy strategy)
m_EdgeStrategies[connectionIndex] = strategy;
EdgeStrategy OutputSlot::GetEdgeStrategyForConnection(unsigned int connectionIdx) const
return m_EdgeStrategies[connectionIdx];
Layer::Layer(unsigned int numInputSlots,
unsigned int numOutputSlots,
LayerType type,
DataLayout layout,
const char* name)
: m_OutputHandlers(numOutputSlots)
, m_LayerName(name ? name : "")
, m_Type(type)
, m_BackendId()
, m_BackendHint(EmptyOptional())
, m_Guid(profiling::ProfilingService::GetNextGuid())
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numInputSlots; ++i)
m_InputSlots.emplace_back(*this, i);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numOutputSlots; ++i)
m_OutputSlots.emplace_back(*this, m_OutputHandlers[i]);
Layer::Layer(unsigned int numInputSlots,
unsigned int numOutputSlots,
LayerType type,
const char* name)
: Layer(numInputSlots, numOutputSlots, type, DataLayout::NCHW, name)
void Layer::CollectWorkloadInputs(WorkloadDataCollector& dataCollector) const
for (auto&& inputSlot : GetInputSlots())
// The graph must be well-formed at this point.
const OutputHandler& outputHandler = inputSlot.GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOutputHandler();
dataCollector.Push(outputHandler.GetData(), outputHandler.GetTensorInfo());
void Layer::CollectWorkloadOutputs(WorkloadDataCollector& dataCollector) const
for (auto&& outputHandler : m_OutputHandlers)
void Layer::CreateTensorHandles(const TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry,
const IWorkloadFactory& workloadFactory,
const bool IsMemoryManaged)
for (unsigned int idx=0; idx < GetNumOutputSlots(); idx++)
OutputSlot& slot = GetOutputSlot(idx);
ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId factoryId = slot.GetTensorHandleFactoryId();
OutputHandler& handler = GetOutputHandler(idx);
if (factoryId == ITensorHandleFactory::LegacyFactoryId)
handler.CreateTensorHandles(workloadFactory, IsMemoryManaged);
ITensorHandleFactory* handleFactory = registry.GetFactory(factoryId);
handler.CreateTensorHandles(*handleFactory, IsMemoryManaged);
void Layer::ReleaseConstantData()
// Now free up the static data.
OperateOnConstantTensors([](std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle>& handle)
DataType Layer::GetDataType() const
if (GetNumInputSlots() > 0) // Ignore the input layer.
return GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()->GetTensorInfo().GetDataType();
return GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo().GetDataType();
void Layer::ResetPriority() const
m_Priority = 0;
m_Visiting = false;
LayerPriority Layer::GetPriority() const
constexpr LayerPriority inputPrio = std::numeric_limits<LayerPriority>::lowest();
constexpr LayerPriority outputPrio = std::numeric_limits<LayerPriority>::max();
if (GetType() == LayerType::Input)
m_Priority = inputPrio;
else if (GetType() == LayerType::Output)
m_Priority = outputPrio;
else if (m_Priority == 0)
if (m_Visiting)
throw GraphValidationException("Graph has circular dependencies: cannot walk");
auto maxPrio = [](const LayerPriority prio, const InputSlot& slot) -> LayerPriority
const OutputSlot *outputSlot = slot.GetConnectedOutputSlot();
if (outputSlot)
const Layer& input = outputSlot->GetOwningLayer();
return std::max(prio, input.GetPriority());
// unconnected input slot
return prio;
m_Visiting = true;
LayerPriority parentPrio = std::accumulate(GetInputSlots().cbegin(), GetInputSlots().cend(), 0U, maxPrio);
m_Visiting = false;
if (parentPrio >= outputPrio)
throw GraphValidationException("Graph has too many edges");
m_Priority = parentPrio + 1U;
return m_Priority;
void Layer::VerifyLayerConnections(unsigned int expectedConnections, const CheckLocation& location) const
ARMNN_ASSERT(GetNumInputSlots() == expectedConnections);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<expectedConnections; ++i)
if (GetInputSlot(i).GetConnection() == nullptr)
throw LayerValidationException(
"Input connection #%1% must be connected "
"for %2% layer %3% %4%")
% i
% GetLayerTypeAsCString(this->GetType())
% GetNameStr()
% location.AsString()));
if(! GetInputSlot(i).GetConnection()->IsTensorInfoSet())
throw LayerValidationException(
"TensorInfo of Input connection #%1% must be set on connected OutputSlot for "
"%2% layer %3% %4%")
% i
% GetLayerTypeAsCString(this->GetType())
% GetNameStr()
% location.AsString()));
std::vector<TensorShape> Layer::InferOutputShapes(const std::vector<TensorShape>& inputShapes) const
ARMNN_ASSERT(GetNumInputSlots() != 0);
ARMNN_ASSERT(GetNumOutputSlots() != 0);
// By default we return what we got, meaning the output shape(s) are the same as the input(s).
// This only works if the number of inputs and outputs are the same. Since we are in the Layer
// base class, this means the implementation needs to be overridden in the specific layers for
// the other cases. So the missing implementation justifies the UnimplementedException.
if (GetNumInputSlots() != GetNumOutputSlots())
throw UnimplementedException(
"Default implementation for InferOutputShapes can only be used for "
"layers with the same number of input and output slots. This doesn't "
"hold for %1% layer %2% (#inputs=%3% #outputs=%4%) %5%")
% GetLayerTypeAsCString(this->GetType())
% GetNameStr()
% GetNumInputSlots()
% GetNumOutputSlots()
% CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
return inputShapes;
void Layer::SerializeLayerParameters(ParameterStringifyFunction& fn) const
std::string layerType = GetLayerTypeAsCString(m_Type);
std::string backendId = std::string(m_BackendId);
if(!("") == 0) && !m_LayerName.empty())
if(!("") == 0) && !layerType.empty())
if(!("") == 0) && !backendId.empty())
} // namespace armnn