blob: b8847440ed847d2a7086104c4df8f5a7f8f9d6db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <armnn/ArmNN.hpp>
#include <armnn/Logging.hpp>
#include <armnn/Optional.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace armnnDelegate
class DelegateOptions
DelegateOptions(armnn::Compute computeDevice,
const std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>& backendOptions = {},
armnn::Optional<armnn::LogSeverity> logSeverityLevel = armnn::EmptyOptional());
DelegateOptions(const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& backends,
const std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>& backendOptions = {},
armnn::Optional<armnn::LogSeverity> logSeverityLevel = armnn::EmptyOptional());
DelegateOptions(armnn::Compute computeDevice,
const armnn::OptimizerOptions& optimizerOptions,
const armnn::Optional<armnn::LogSeverity>& logSeverityLevel = armnn::EmptyOptional(),
const armnn::Optional<armnn::DebugCallbackFunction>& func = armnn::EmptyOptional());
DelegateOptions(const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& backends,
const armnn::OptimizerOptions& optimizerOptions,
const armnn::Optional<armnn::LogSeverity>& logSeverityLevel = armnn::EmptyOptional(),
const armnn::Optional<armnn::DebugCallbackFunction>& func = armnn::EmptyOptional());
const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& GetBackends() const { return m_Backends; }
void SetBackends(const std::vector<armnn::BackendId>& backends) { m_Backends = backends; }
void SetDynamicBackendsPath(const std::string& dynamicBackendsPath) { m_DynamicBackendsPath = dynamicBackendsPath; }
const std::string& GetDynamicBackendsPath() const { return m_DynamicBackendsPath; }
void SetGpuProfilingState(bool gpuProfilingState) { m_EnableGpuProfiling = gpuProfilingState; }
bool GetGpuProfilingState() { return m_EnableGpuProfiling; }
const std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions>& GetBackendOptions() const { return m_BackendOptions; }
/// Appends a backend option to the list of backend options
void AddBackendOption(const armnn::BackendOptions& option) { m_BackendOptions.push_back(option); }
/// Sets the severity level for logging within ArmNN that will be used on creation of the delegate
void SetLoggingSeverity(const armnn::LogSeverity& level) { m_LoggingSeverity = level; }
void SetLoggingSeverity(const std::string& level) { m_LoggingSeverity = armnn::StringToLogLevel(level); }
/// Returns the severity level for logging within ArmNN
armnn::LogSeverity GetLoggingSeverity() { return m_LoggingSeverity.value(); }
bool IsLoggingEnabled() { return m_LoggingSeverity.has_value(); }
const armnn::OptimizerOptions& GetOptimizerOptions() const { return m_OptimizerOptions; }
void SetOptimizerOptions(const armnn::OptimizerOptions& optimizerOptions) { m_OptimizerOptions = optimizerOptions; }
const armnn::Optional<armnn::DebugCallbackFunction>& GetDebugCallbackFunction() const
{ return m_DebugCallbackFunc; }
void SetInternalProfilingParams(bool internalProfilingState,
const armnn::ProfilingDetailsMethod& internalProfilingDetail)
{ m_InternalProfilingEnabled = internalProfilingState; m_InternalProfilingDetail = internalProfilingDetail; }
bool GetInternalProfilingState() const { return m_InternalProfilingEnabled; }
const armnn::ProfilingDetailsMethod& GetInternalProfilingDetail() const { return m_InternalProfilingDetail; }
void SetExternalProfilingParams(
const armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions& externalProfilingParams)
{ m_ProfilingOptions = externalProfilingParams; }
const armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions& GetExternalProfilingParams() const
{ return m_ProfilingOptions; }
void SetSerializeToDot(const std::string& serializeToDotFile) { m_SerializeToDot = serializeToDotFile; }
const std::string& GetSerializeToDot() const { return m_SerializeToDot; }
/// Which backend to run Delegate on.
/// Examples of possible values are: CpuRef, CpuAcc, GpuAcc.
/// CpuRef as default.
std::vector<armnn::BackendId> m_Backends = { armnn::Compute::CpuRef };
/// Pass backend specific options to Delegate
/// For example, tuning can be enabled on GpuAcc like below
/// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// m_BackendOptions.emplace_back(
/// BackendOptions{"GpuAcc",
/// {
/// {"TuningLevel", 2},
/// {"TuningFile", filename}
/// }
/// });
/// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// The following backend options are available:
/// GpuAcc:
/// "TuningLevel" : int [0..3] (0=UseOnly(default) | 1=RapidTuning | 2=NormalTuning | 3=ExhaustiveTuning)
/// "TuningFile" : string [filenameString]
/// "KernelProfilingEnabled" : bool [true | false]
std::vector<armnn::BackendOptions> m_BackendOptions;
/// Dynamic backend path.
/// This is the directory that will be searched for any dynamic backends.
std::string m_DynamicBackendsPath = "";
/// Enable Gpu Profiling.
bool m_EnableGpuProfiling = false;
/// OptimizerOptions
/// Reduce Fp32 data to Fp16 for faster processing
/// bool m_ReduceFp32ToFp16;
/// Add debug data for easier troubleshooting
/// bool m_Debug;
/// Reduce Fp32 data to Bf16 for faster processing
/// bool m_ReduceFp32ToBf16;
/// Enable Import
/// bool m_ImportEnabled;
/// Enable Model Options
/// ModelOptions m_ModelOptions;
armnn::OptimizerOptions m_OptimizerOptions;
/// External profiling options.
/// Indicates whether external profiling is enabled or not.
/// bool m_EnableProfiling
/// Indicates whether external timeline profiling is enabled or not.
/// bool m_TimelineEnabled
/// Path to a file in which outgoing timeline profiling messages will be stored.
/// std::string m_OutgoingCaptureFile
/// Path to a file in which incoming timeline profiling messages will be stored.
/// std::string m_IncomingCaptureFile
/// Enable profiling output to file only.
/// bool m_FileOnly
/// The duration at which captured profiling messages will be flushed.
/// uint32_t m_CapturePeriod
/// The format of the file used for outputting profiling data.
/// std::string m_FileFormat
armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions m_ProfilingOptions;
/// Internal profiling options.
/// Indicates whether internal profiling is enabled or not.
bool m_InternalProfilingEnabled = false;
/// Sets the level of detail output by the profiling. Options are DetailsWithEvents = 1 and DetailsOnly = 2
armnn::ProfilingDetailsMethod m_InternalProfilingDetail = armnn::ProfilingDetailsMethod::DetailsWithEvents;
/// Severity level for logging within ArmNN that will be used on creation of the delegate
armnn::Optional<armnn::LogSeverity> m_LoggingSeverity;
/// A callback function to debug layers performing custom computations on intermediate tensors.
/// If a function is not registered, and debug is enabled in OptimizerOptions,
/// debug will print information of the intermediate tensors.
armnn::Optional<armnn::DebugCallbackFunction> m_DebugCallbackFunc;
/// If not empty then the optimized model will be serialized to a file with this file name in "dot" format.
std::string m_SerializeToDot = "";
} // namespace armnnDelegate