blob: 697e5cfaa7592df69ea8e0cc703b04217cce3380 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <armnn/ILayerVisitor.hpp>
#include <armnn/LayerVisitorBase.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <Schema_generated.h>
namespace armnnSerializer
class Serializer : public armnn::LayerVisitorBase<armnn::VisitorNoThrowPolicy>
Serializer() {};
~Serializer() {};
void VisitAdditionLayer(const armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer,
const char* name = nullptr) override;
void VisitInputLayer(const armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer,
armnn::LayerBindingId id,
const char* name = nullptr) override;
void VisitOutputLayer(const armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer,
armnn::LayerBindingId id,
const char* name = nullptr) override;
/// Serializes the network to ArmNN SerializedGraph.
/// @param [in] inNetwork The network to be serialized.
void Serialize(const armnn::INetwork& inNetwork);
/// Serializes the SerializedGraph to the stream.
/// @param [stream] the stream to save to
/// @return true if graph is Serialized to the Stream, false otherwise
bool SaveSerializedToStream(std::ostream& stream);
/// Creates the Input Slots and Output Slots and LayerBase for the layer.
flatbuffers::Offset<armnn::armnnSerializer::LayerBase> CreateLayerBase(
const armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer,
const armnn::armnnSerializer::LayerType layerType);
/// Creates the serializer AnyLayer for the layer and adds it to m_serializedLayers.
void CreateAnyLayer(const flatbuffers::Offset<void>& layer, const armnn::armnnSerializer::Layer serializerLayer);
/// Creates the serializer InputSlots for the layer.
std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<armnn::armnnSerializer::InputSlot>> CreateInputSlots(
const armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer);
/// Creates the serializer OutputSlots for the layer.
std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<armnn::armnnSerializer::OutputSlot>> CreateOutputSlots(
const armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer);
/// FlatBufferBuilder to create our layers' FlatBuffers.
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder m_flatBufferBuilder;
/// AnyLayers required by the SerializedGraph.
std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<armnn::armnnSerializer::AnyLayer>> m_serializedLayers;
/// Guids of all Input Layers required by the SerializedGraph.
std::vector<unsigned int> m_inputIds;
/// Guids of all Output Layers required by the SerializedGraph.
std::vector<unsigned int> m_outputIds;
} //namespace armnnSerializer