blob: c5b4bce8ac3df2abb7708b0143c7328a52e43461 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
#include "armnnTfParser/ITfParser.hpp"
#include "armnn/Types.hpp"
#include "armnn/Tensor.hpp"
#include "armnn/INetwork.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace armnn
class TensorInfo;
namespace tensorflow
class GraphDef;
class NodeDef;
namespace armnnTfParser
using BindingPointInfo = std::pair<armnn::LayerBindingId, armnn::TensorInfo>;
class ParsedTfOperation;
using ParsedTfOperationPtr = std::unique_ptr<ParsedTfOperation>;
/// WithOutputTensorIndex wraps a value and an index. The purpose of
/// this template is to signify that in Tensorflow the input name of
/// a layer has the convention of 'inputTensorName:#index' where the
/// #index can be omitted and it implicitly means the 0. output of
/// the referenced layer. By supporting this notation we can handle
/// layers with multiple outputs, such as Split.
template <typename T>
struct WithOutputTensorIndex
T m_IndexedValue;
unsigned int m_Index;
WithOutputTensorIndex(const T & value, unsigned int index)
: m_IndexedValue{value}
, m_Index{index} {}
WithOutputTensorIndex(T && value, unsigned int index)
: m_IndexedValue{value}
, m_Index{index} {}
using OutputOfParsedTfOperation = WithOutputTensorIndex<ParsedTfOperation *>;
using OutputOfConstNodeDef = WithOutputTensorIndex<const tensorflow::NodeDef*>;
using OutputId = WithOutputTensorIndex<std::string>;
class TfParser : public ITfParser
/// Create the network from a protobuf text file on disk
virtual armnn::INetworkPtr CreateNetworkFromTextFile(
const char* graphFile,
const std::map<std::string, armnn::TensorShape>& inputShapes,
const std::vector<std::string>& requestedOutputs) override;
/// Create the network from a protobuf binary file on disk
virtual armnn::INetworkPtr CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(
const char* graphFile,
const std::map<std::string, armnn::TensorShape>& inputShapes,
const std::vector<std::string>& requestedOutputs) override;
/// Create the network directly from protobuf text in a string. Useful for debugging/testing
virtual armnn::INetworkPtr CreateNetworkFromString(
const char* protoText,
const std::map<std::string, armnn::TensorShape>& inputShapes,
const std::vector<std::string>& requestedOutputs) override;
/// Retrieve binding info (layer id and tensor info) for the network input identified by the given layer name
virtual BindingPointInfo GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(const std::string& name) const override;
/// Retrieve binding info (layer id and tensor info) for the network output identified by the given layer name
virtual BindingPointInfo GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(const std::string& name) const override;
template <typename T>
friend class ParsedConstTfOperation;
friend class ParsedMatMulTfOperation;
/// Parses a GraphDef loaded into memory from one of the other CreateNetwork*
armnn::INetworkPtr CreateNetworkFromGraphDef(const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef,
const std::map<std::string, armnn::TensorShape>& inputShapes,
const std::vector<std::string>& requestedOutputs);
/// sets up variables and then performs BFS to parse all nodes
void LoadGraphDef(const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
/// parses a given node, assuming nodes before it in graph have been done
void LoadNodeDef(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
/// Handling identity layers as the input for Conv2D layer
const tensorflow::NodeDef* ResolveIdentityNode(const tensorflow::NodeDef* nodeDef);
/// Finds the nodes connected as inputs of the given node in the graph.
std::vector<OutputOfConstNodeDef> GetTfInputNodes(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef) const;
/// Finds the IParsedTfOperations for the nodes connected as inputs of the given node in the graph,
/// and throws an exception if the number of inputs does not match the expected one.
/// This will automatically resolve any identity nodes. The result vector contains the parsed operation
/// together with the output tensor index to make the connection unambiguous.
std::vector<OutputOfParsedTfOperation> GetInputParsedTfOperationsChecked(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef,
std::size_t expectedNumInputs);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseConst(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
/// Checks if there is a pre-parsed const tensor is available with the given name and Type
template<typename Type>
bool HasParsedConstTensor(const std::string & nodeName) const;
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseAdd(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseBiasAdd(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseConv2D(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseDepthwiseConv2D(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef,const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseFusedBatchNorm(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseConcat(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseIdentity(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseLrn(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseMatMul(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseMul(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParsePlaceholder(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseRelu(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseRelu6(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseReshape(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseResizeBilinear(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseShape(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseSqueeze(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseSigmoid(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseSoftmax(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseSoftplus(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseTanh(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseMaxPool(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParseAvgPool(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
ParsedTfOperationPtr ParsePooling2d(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef,
armnn::PoolingAlgorithm pooltype);
ParsedTfOperationPtr AddActivationLayer(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, armnn::ActivationDescriptor& desc);
ParsedTfOperationPtr AddAdditionLayer(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef, bool isBiasAdd = false);
armnn::IConnectableLayer* AddFullyConnectedLayer(const tensorflow::NodeDef& matMulNodeDef,
const tensorflow::NodeDef* addNodeDef, const char* armnnLayerName);
static std::pair<armnn::LayerBindingId, armnn::TensorInfo> GetBindingInfo(const std::string& layerName,
const char* bindingPointDesc,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, BindingPointInfo>& nameToBindingInfo);
void TrackInputBinding(armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer,
armnn::LayerBindingId id,
const armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo);
void TrackOutputBinding(armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer,
armnn::LayerBindingId id,
const armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo);
static void TrackBindingPoint(armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer, armnn::LayerBindingId id,
const armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo,
const char* bindingPointDesc,
std::unordered_map<std::string, BindingPointInfo>& nameToBindingInfo);
void Cleanup();
/// The network we're building. Gets cleared after it is passed to the user
armnn::INetworkPtr m_Network;
using OperationParsingFunction = ParsedTfOperationPtr(TfParser::*)(const tensorflow::NodeDef& nodeDef,
const tensorflow::GraphDef& graphDef);
/// map of TensorFlow operation names to parsing member functions
static const std::map<std::string, OperationParsingFunction> ms_OperationNameToParsingFunctions;
std::map<std::string, armnn::TensorShape> m_InputShapes;
std::vector<std::string> m_RequestedOutputs;
/// map of nodes extracted from the GraphDef to speed up parsing
std::unordered_map<std::string, const tensorflow::NodeDef*> m_NodesByName;
std::unordered_map<std::string, ParsedTfOperationPtr> m_ParsedTfOperations;
/// maps input layer names to their corresponding ids and tensor infos
std::unordered_map<std::string, BindingPointInfo> m_NetworkInputsBindingInfo;
/// maps output layer names to their corresponding ids and tensor infos
std::unordered_map<std::string, BindingPointInfo> m_NetworkOutputsBindingInfo;