blob: 42d7f4d6388deb62b336d4e20f28c000bbf0c2e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <common/include/ProfilingGuid.hpp>
#include "ProfilingEvent.hpp"
#include "ProfilingDetails.hpp"
#include "armnn/IProfiler.hpp"
#include <armnn/Optional.hpp>
#include <armnn/utility/IgnoreUnused.hpp>
#include "WallClockTimer.hpp"
#include <chrono>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <map>
namespace armnn
// Simple single-threaded profiler.
// Tracks events reported by BeginEvent()/EndEvent() and outputs detailed information and stats when
// Profiler::AnalyzeEventsAndWriteResults() is called.
class ProfilerImpl
using InstrumentPtr = std::unique_ptr<Instrument>;
// Marks the beginning of a user-defined event.
// No attempt will be made to copy the name string: it must be known at compile time.
Event* BeginEvent(armnn::IProfiler* profiler,
const BackendId& backendId,
const std::string& name,
std::vector<InstrumentPtr>&& instruments,
const Optional<profiling::ProfilingGuid>& guid);
template<typename DescriptorType>
void AddLayerDetails(const std::string& label,
const DescriptorType& desc,
const WorkloadInfo& infos,
const profiling::ProfilingGuid guid)
m_ProfilingDetails->AddDetailsToString(label, desc, infos, guid);
// Marks the end of a user-defined event.
void EndEvent(Event* event);
// Enables/disables profiling.
void EnableProfiling(bool enableProfiling);
// Checks if profiling is enabled.
bool IsProfilingEnabled();
// Enables outputting the layer descriptors and infos to stdout
void EnableNetworkDetailsToStdOut(ProfilingDetailsMethod detailsMethod);
// Increments the event tag, allowing grouping of events in a user-defined manner (e.g. per inference).
void UpdateEventTag();
// Analyzes the tracked events and writes the results to the given output stream.
// Please refer to the configuration variables in Profiling.cpp to customize the information written.
void AnalyzeEventsAndWriteResults(std::ostream& outStream) const;
// Print stats for events in JSON Format to the given output stream.
void Print(std::ostream& outStream) const;
// Gets the color to render an event with, based on which device it denotes.
uint32_t GetEventColor(const BackendId& backendId) const;
using EventPtr = std::unique_ptr<Event>;
using DescPtr = std::unique_ptr<ProfilingDetails>;
struct Marker
std::size_t m_Id;
struct ProfilingEventStats
double m_TotalMs;
double m_MinMs;
double m_MaxMs;
uint32_t m_Count;
template<typename EventIterType>
void AnalyzeEventSequenceAndWriteResults(EventIterType first, EventIterType last, std::ostream& outStream) const;
std::map<std::string, ProfilingEventStats> CalculateProfilingEventStats() const;
void PopulateInferences(std::vector<const Event*>& outInferences, int& outBaseLevel) const;
void PopulateDescendants(std::map<const Event*, std::vector<const Event*>>& outDescendantsMap) const;
std::stack<Event*> m_Parents;
std::vector<EventPtr> m_EventSequence;
DescPtr m_ProfilingDetails = std::make_unique<ProfilingDetails>();
bool m_ProfilingEnabled;
ProfilingDetailsMethod m_DetailsToStdOutMethod;
// Singleton profiler manager.
// Keeps track of all the running profiler instances.
class ProfilerManager
// Register the given profiler as a thread local pointer.
void RegisterProfiler(IProfiler* profiler);
// Gets the thread local pointer to the profiler.
IProfiler* GetProfiler();
// Accesses the singleton.
static ProfilerManager& GetInstance();
// The constructor is kept private so that other instances of this class (other that the singleton's)
// can't be allocated.
ProfilerManager() {}
// Helper to easily add event markers to the codebase.
class ScopedProfilingEvent
using InstrumentPtr = std::unique_ptr<Instrument>;
template<typename... Args>
ScopedProfilingEvent(const BackendId& backendId,
const Optional<profiling::ProfilingGuid>& guid,
const std::string& name,
Args&& ... args)
: m_Event(nullptr)
, m_Profiler(ProfilerManager::GetInstance().GetProfiler())
if (m_Profiler && m_Profiler->IsProfilingEnabled())
std::vector<InstrumentPtr> instruments(0);
instruments.reserve(sizeof...(args)); //One allocation
ConstructNextInVector(instruments, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
m_Event = m_Profiler->BeginEvent(backendId, name, std::move(instruments), guid);
if (m_Profiler && m_Event)
void ConstructNextInVector(std::vector<InstrumentPtr>& instruments)
template<typename Arg, typename... Args>
void ConstructNextInVector(std::vector<InstrumentPtr>& instruments, Arg&& arg, Args&&... args)
ConstructNextInVector(instruments, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Event* m_Event; ///< Event to track
IProfiler* m_Profiler; ///< Profiler used
// Helper to easily add operator details during profiling.
template<typename DescriptorType>
inline void ProfilingUpdateDescriptions(const std::string& name,
const DescriptorType& desc,
const WorkloadInfo& infos,
const profiling::ProfilingGuid guid)
IProfiler* profiler(ProfilerManager::GetInstance().GetProfiler()); ///< Profiler used
if (profiler && profiler->IsProfilingEnabled())
profiler->AddLayerDetails(name, desc, infos, guid);
template<typename DescriptorType>
void IProfiler::AddLayerDetails(const std::string& name,
const DescriptorType& desc,
const WorkloadInfo& infos,
const profiling::ProfilingGuid guid)
return pProfilerImpl->AddLayerDetails(name, desc, infos, guid);
} // namespace armnn
// Event Definitions for profiling
#define ARMNN_SCOPED_PROFILING_EVENT_WITH_INSTRUMENTS_UNIQUE_LOC_INNER(lineNumber, backendId, guid, /*name,*/ ...) \
armnn::ScopedProfilingEvent e_ ## lineNumber(backendId, guid, /*name,*/ __VA_ARGS__);
#define ARMNN_SCOPED_PROFILING_EVENT_WITH_INSTRUMENTS_UNIQUE_LOC(lineNumber, backendId, guid, /*name,*/ ...) \
// The event name must be known at compile time i.e. if you are going to use this version of the macro
// in code the first argument you supply after the backendId must be the name.
// NOTE: need to pass the line number as an argument from here so by the time it gets to the UNIQUE_LOC_INNER
// above it has expanded to a string and will concat (##) correctly with the 'e_' prefix to yield a
// legal and unique variable name (so long as you don't use the macro twice on the same line).
// The concat preprocessing operator (##) very unhelpfully will not expand macros see
// for the gory details.
#define ARMNN_SCOPED_PROFILING_EVENT_WITH_INSTRUMENTS(backendId, guid, /*name,*/ ...) \
#define ARMNN_SCOPED_PROFILING_EVENT(backendId, name) \
ARMNN_SCOPED_PROFILING_EVENT_WITH_INSTRUMENTS(backendId, armnn::EmptyOptional(), name, armnn::WallClockTimer())
#define ARMNN_SCOPED_PROFILING_EVENT_GUID(backendId, name, guid) \
ARMNN_SCOPED_PROFILING_EVENT_WITH_INSTRUMENTS(backendId, guid, name, armnn::WallClockTimer())
// Workload Description definitons for profiling
#define ARMNN_REPORT_PROFILING_WORKLOAD_DESC(name, desc, infos, guid) \
armnn::ProfilingUpdateDescriptions(name, desc, infos, guid);