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# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This file contains the custom python implementation for Arm NN Const Tensor objects.
import numpy as np
from .._generated.pyarmnn import DataType_QAsymmU8, DataType_QSymmS8, DataType_QSymmS16, DataType_Signed32, \
DataType_QAsymmS8, DataType_Float32, DataType_Float16
from .._generated.pyarmnn import ConstTensor as AnnConstTensor, TensorInfo, Tensor
class ConstTensor(AnnConstTensor):
"""Creates a PyArmNN ConstTensor object.
A ConstTensor is a Tensor with an immutable data store. Typically, a ConstTensor
is used to input data into a network when running inference.
This class overrides the swig generated Tensor class. The aim of
this is to have an easy to use public API for the ConstTensor objects.
def __init__(self, *args):
Supported tensor data types:
Create empty ConstTensor
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> import numpy as np
>>> ann.ConstTensor()
Create ConstTensor given tensor info and input data
>>> input_data = np.array(...)
>>> ann.ConstTensor(ann.TensorInfo(...), input_data)
Create ConstTensor from another ConstTensor i.e. copy ConstTensor
>>> ann.ConstTensor(ann.ConstTensor())
Create ConstTensor from tensor
>>> ann.ConstTensor(ann.Tensor())
tensor (Tensor, optional): Create a ConstTensor from a Tensor.
const_tensor (ConstTensor, optional): Create a ConstTensor from a ConstTensor i.e. copy.
tensor_info (TensorInfo, optional): Tensor information.
input_data (ndarray): The numpy array will be transformed to a
buffer according to type returned by `TensorInfo.GetDataType`.
Input data values type must correspond to data type returned by
TypeError: Unsupported input data type.
ValueError: Unsupported tensor data type and incorrect input data size.
self.__memory_area = None
# TensorInfo as first argument and numpy array as second
if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[0], TensorInfo):
if isinstance(args[1], np.ndarray):
self.__create_memory_area(args[0].GetDataType(), args[0].GetNumBytes(), args[0].GetNumElements(),
raise TypeError('Data must be provided as a numpy array.')
# copy constructor - reference to memory area is passed from copied const
# tensor and armnn's copy constructor is called
elif len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], (ConstTensor, Tensor)):
self.__memory_area = args[0].get_memory_area()
# empty tensor
elif len(args) == 0:
raise ValueError('Incorrect number of arguments or type of arguments provided to create Const Tensor.')
def __copy__(self) -> 'ConstTensor':
""" Make copy of a const tensor.
Make const tensor copyable using the python copy operation.
The tensor memory area is NOT copied. Instead, the new tensor maintains a
reference to the same memory area as the old tensor.
Copy empty tensor
>>> from copy import copy
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> tensor = ann.ConstTensor()
>>> copied_tensor = copy(tensor)
Tensor: a copy of the tensor object provided.
return ConstTensor(self)
def __check_size(data: np.ndarray, num_bytes: int, num_elements: int):
""" Check the size of the input data against the number of bytes provided by tensor info.
data (ndarray): Input data.
num_bytes (int): Number of bytes required by tensor info.
num_elements: Number of elements required by tensor info.
ValueError: number of bytes in input data does not match tensor info.
size_in_bytes = data.nbytes
elements = data.size
if size_in_bytes != num_bytes:
raise ValueError(
"ConstTensor requires {} bytes, {} provided. "
"Is your input array data type ({}) aligned with TensorInfo?".format(num_bytes, size_in_bytes,
if elements != num_elements:
raise ValueError("ConstTensor requires {} elements, {} provided.".format(num_elements, elements))
def __create_memory_area(self, data_type: int, num_bytes: int, num_elements: int, data: np.ndarray):
""" Create the memory area used by the tensor to output its results.
data_type (int): The type of data that will be stored in the memory area.
See DataType_*.
num_bytes (int): Determines the size of the memory area that will be created.
num_elements (int): Determines number of elements in memory area.
data (ndarray): Input data as numpy array.
np_data_type_mapping = {DataType_QAsymmU8: np.uint8,
DataType_QAsymmS8: np.int8,
DataType_QSymmS8: np.int8,
DataType_Float32: np.float32,
DataType_QSymmS16: np.int16,
DataType_Signed32: np.int32,
DataType_Float16: np.float16}
if data_type not in np_data_type_mapping:
raise ValueError("The data type provided for this Tensor is not supported: {}".format(data_type))
if np_data_type_mapping[data_type] != data.dtype:
raise TypeError("Expected data to have type {} for type {} but instead got numpy.{}".format(np_data_type_mapping[data_type], data_type, data.dtype))
self.__check_size(data, num_bytes, num_elements)
self.__memory_area = data
self.__memory_area.flags.writeable = False
def get_memory_area(self) -> np.ndarray:
""" Get values that are stored by the tensor.
ndarray: Tensor data (as numpy array).
return self.__memory_area