blob: e0d057e37c1b152f7c2bbc7dc178e4d96acd78a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "StandInLayer.hpp"
#include "LayerCloneBase.hpp"
namespace armnn
StandInLayer::StandInLayer(const StandInDescriptor& param, const char* name)
: LayerWithParameters(param.m_NumInputs, param.m_NumOutputs, LayerType::StandIn, param, name)
std::unique_ptr<IWorkload> StandInLayer::CreateWorkload(const IWorkloadFactory& factory) const
// This throws in the event that it's called. We would expect that any backend that
// "claims" to support the StandInLayer type would actually substitute it with a PrecompiledLayer
// during graph optimization. There is no interface on the IWorkloadFactory to create a StandInWorkload.
throw Exception("Stand in layer does not support creating workloads");
StandInLayer* StandInLayer::Clone(Graph& graph) const
return CloneBase<StandInLayer>(graph, m_Param, GetName());
std::vector<TensorShape> StandInLayer::InferOutputShapes(const std::vector<TensorShape>& inputShapes) const
throw Exception("Stand in layer does not support infering output shapes");
void StandInLayer::ValidateTensorShapesFromInputs()
// Cannot validate this layer since no implementation details can be known by the framework
// so do nothing here.
void StandInLayer::ExecuteStrategy(IStrategy& strategy) const
strategy.ExecuteStrategy(this, GetParameters(), {}, GetName());
} // namespace armnn