blob: 7042d74d00ebb11dc395d53b473233ff95c79c24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "QuantizationDataSet.hpp"
#include "CsvReader.hpp"
#include <armnn/utility/IgnoreUnused.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
namespace armnnQuantizer
QuantizationDataSet::QuantizationDataSet(const std::string csvFilePath):
void AddInputData(unsigned int passId,
armnn::LayerBindingId bindingId,
const std::string& inputFilePath,
std::map<unsigned int, QuantizationInput>& passIdToQuantizationInput)
auto iterator = passIdToQuantizationInput.find(passId);
if (iterator == passIdToQuantizationInput.end())
QuantizationInput input(passId, bindingId, inputFilePath);
passIdToQuantizationInput.emplace(passId, input);
auto existingQuantizationInput = iterator->second;
existingQuantizationInput.AddEntry(bindingId, inputFilePath);
void InputLayerVisitor::VisitInputLayer(const armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer,
armnn::LayerBindingId id,
const char* name)
m_TensorInfos.emplace(id, layer->GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo());
armnn::TensorInfo InputLayerVisitor::GetTensorInfo(armnn::LayerBindingId layerBindingId)
auto iterator = m_TensorInfos.find(layerBindingId);
if (iterator != m_TensorInfos.end())
throw armnn::Exception("Could not retrieve tensor info for binding ID " + std::to_string(layerBindingId));
unsigned int GetPassIdFromCsvRow(std::vector<armnnUtils::CsvRow> csvRows, unsigned int rowIndex)
unsigned int passId;
passId = static_cast<unsigned int>(std::stoi(csvRows[rowIndex].values[0]));
catch (const std::invalid_argument&)
throw armnn::ParseException("Pass ID [" + csvRows[rowIndex].values[0] + "]" +
" is not correct format on CSV row " + std::to_string(rowIndex));
return passId;
armnn::LayerBindingId GetBindingIdFromCsvRow(std::vector<armnnUtils::CsvRow> csvRows, unsigned int rowIndex)
armnn::LayerBindingId bindingId;
bindingId = std::stoi(csvRows[rowIndex].values[1]);
catch (const std::invalid_argument&)
throw armnn::ParseException("Binding ID [" + csvRows[rowIndex].values[0] + "]" +
" is not correct format on CSV row " + std::to_string(rowIndex));
return bindingId;
std::string GetFileNameFromCsvRow(std::vector<armnnUtils::CsvRow> csvRows, unsigned int rowIndex)
std::string fileName = csvRows[rowIndex].values[2];
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(fileName))
throw armnn::ParseException("File [ " + fileName + "] provided on CSV row " + std::to_string(rowIndex) +
" does not exist.");
if (fileName.empty())
throw armnn::ParseException("Filename cannot be empty on CSV row " + std::to_string(rowIndex));
return fileName;
void QuantizationDataSet::ParseCsvFile()
std::map<unsigned int, QuantizationInput> passIdToQuantizationInput;
armnnUtils::CsvReader reader;
if (m_CsvFilePath == "")
throw armnn::Exception("CSV file not specified.");
// Parse CSV file and extract data
std::vector<armnnUtils::CsvRow> csvRows = reader.ParseFile(m_CsvFilePath);
if (csvRows.empty())
throw armnn::Exception("CSV file [" + m_CsvFilePath + "] is empty.");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < csvRows.size(); ++i)
if (csvRows[i].values.size() != 3)
throw armnn::Exception("CSV file [" + m_CsvFilePath + "] does not have correct number of entries " +
"on line " + std::to_string(i) + ". Expected 3 entries " +
"but was " + std::to_string(csvRows[i].values.size()));
unsigned int passId = GetPassIdFromCsvRow(csvRows, i);
armnn::LayerBindingId bindingId = GetBindingIdFromCsvRow(csvRows, i);
std::string rawFileName = GetFileNameFromCsvRow(csvRows, i);
AddInputData(passId, bindingId, rawFileName, passIdToQuantizationInput);
if (passIdToQuantizationInput.empty())
throw armnn::Exception("Could not parse CSV file.");
// Once all entries in CSV file are parsed successfully and QuantizationInput map is populated, populate
// QuantizationInputs iterator for easier access and clear the map
for (auto itr = passIdToQuantizationInput.begin(); itr != passIdToQuantizationInput.end(); ++itr)