blob: 21a7a1d53cf950cdd11d5e8a2ff21d076a137acf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "SocketProfilingConnection.hpp"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <string>
namespace armnn
namespace profiling
memset(m_Socket, 0, sizeof(m_Socket));
// Note: we're using Linux specific SOCK_CLOEXEC flag.
m_Socket[0].fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0);
if (m_Socket[0].fd == -1)
throw armnn::Exception(std::string(": Socket construction failed: ") + strerror(errno));
// Connect to the named unix domain socket.
struct sockaddr_un server{};
memset(&server, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_un));
// As m_GatorNamespace begins with a null character we need to ignore that when getting its length.
memcpy(server.sun_path, m_GatorNamespace, strlen(m_GatorNamespace + 1) + 1);
server.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
if (0 != connect(m_Socket[0].fd, reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr*>(&server), sizeof(sockaddr_un)))
throw armnn::Exception(std::string(": Cannot connect to stream socket: ") + strerror(errno));
// Our socket will only be interested in polling reads.
m_Socket[0].events = POLLIN;
// Make the socket non blocking.
const int currentFlags = fcntl(m_Socket[0].fd, F_GETFL);
if (0 != fcntl(m_Socket[0].fd, F_SETFL, currentFlags | O_NONBLOCK))
throw armnn::Exception(std::string(": Failed to set socket as non blocking: ") + strerror(errno));
bool SocketProfilingConnection::IsOpen()
// Dummy return value, function not implemented
return true;
void SocketProfilingConnection::Close()
// Function not implemented
bool SocketProfilingConnection::WritePacket(const char* buffer, uint32_t length)
// Dummy return value, function not implemented
return true;
Packet SocketProfilingConnection::ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout)
// Dummy return value, function not implemented
return {472580096, 0, nullptr};
} // namespace profiling
} // namespace armnn