blob: 1c06d624a8cb8db32dcd3dc7b11e6f5304e5ed25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "Conv3dImpl.hpp"
namespace armnn
void Convolve3d(const TensorShape& rInputShape,
Decoder<float>& rInputDecoder,
const TensorShape& rOutputShape,
Encoder<float>& rOutputEncoder,
const TensorShape& rFilterShape,
Decoder<float>& rFilterDecoder,
bool biasEnabled,
Decoder<float>* pBiasDecoder,
DataLayout dataLayout,
unsigned int paddingTop,
unsigned int paddingLeft,
unsigned int paddingFront,
unsigned int xStride,
unsigned int yStride,
unsigned int zStride,
unsigned int xDilation,
unsigned int yDilation,
unsigned int zDilation)
if (biasEnabled && !pBiasDecoder)
throw InvalidArgumentException("Bias is enabled but the bias data is invalid");
const armnnUtils::DataLayoutIndexed dataLayoutIndexed(dataLayout);
const unsigned int channelsIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetChannelsIndex();
const unsigned int heightIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetHeightIndex();
const unsigned int widthIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetWidthIndex();
const unsigned int depthIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetDepthIndex();
const unsigned int inChannels = rInputShape[channelsIndex];
const unsigned int outChannels = rOutputShape[channelsIndex];
const unsigned int batchSize = rOutputShape[0];
const unsigned int outputHeight = rOutputShape[heightIndex];
const unsigned int outputWidth = rOutputShape[widthIndex];
const unsigned int outputDepth = rOutputShape[depthIndex];
const unsigned int inputHeight = rInputShape[heightIndex];
const unsigned int inputWidth = rInputShape[widthIndex];
const unsigned int inputDepth = rInputShape[depthIndex];
// Conv3d weights layout: [D,H,W,I,O]
const unsigned int filterDepth = rFilterShape[0];
const unsigned int filterHeight = rFilterShape[1];
const unsigned int filterWidth = rFilterShape[2];
const std::vector<float> inputVec = rInputDecoder.DecodeTensor(rInputShape);
const std::vector<float> filterVec = rFilterDecoder.DecodeTensor(rFilterShape);
const TensorShape biasShape{outChannels};
const std::vector<float> biasVec = biasEnabled ? pBiasDecoder->DecodeTensor(biasShape) : std::vector<float>();
for (unsigned int batchIdx = 0; batchIdx < batchSize; batchIdx++)
for (unsigned int zOutput = 0; zOutput < outputDepth; zOutput++)
for (unsigned int xOutput = 0; xOutput < outputWidth; xOutput++)
for (unsigned int yOutput = 0; yOutput < outputHeight; yOutput++)
for (unsigned int cOutput = 0; cOutput < outChannels; cOutput++)
// This loop goes over each output element.
float sum = 0.0f;
// Loop over each input channel.
for (unsigned int zFilter = 0; zFilter < filterDepth; zFilter++)
for (unsigned int yFilter = 0; yFilter < filterHeight; yFilter++)
for (unsigned int xFilter = 0; xFilter < filterWidth; xFilter++)
for (unsigned int cInput = 0; cInput < inChannels; cInput++)
// This loop goes over each input element for each output element.
unsigned int filterIndex = 0;
// Conv3d weights layout: [D,H,W,I,O]
// Keep this implementation, as using DataLayoutIndexed::GetIndex
// causes large performance regression.
filterIndex = zFilter * filterHeight * filterWidth * inChannels * outChannels +
yFilter * filterWidth * inChannels * outChannels +
xFilter * inChannels * outChannels +
cInput * outChannels +
unsigned int yInput = yOutput * yStride + yFilter * yDilation;
unsigned int xInput = xOutput * xStride + xFilter * xDilation;
unsigned int zInput = zOutput * zStride + zFilter * zDilation;
float inputValue;
// Check if we're in the padding.
if (yInput < paddingTop || yInput >= inputHeight + paddingTop ||
xInput < paddingLeft || xInput >= inputWidth + paddingLeft ||
zInput < paddingFront || zInput >= inputDepth + paddingFront)
inputValue = 0.0f;
unsigned int inputIndex = 0;
// Keep this implementation, as using DataLayoutIndexed::GetIndex
// causes large performance regression.
if (dataLayoutIndexed.GetDataLayout() == DataLayout::NDHWC)
inputIndex =
batchIdx * inputDepth * inputHeight * inputWidth * inChannels +
(zInput-paddingFront) * inputHeight * inputWidth * inChannels +
(yInput-paddingTop) * inputWidth * inChannels +
(xInput-paddingLeft) * inChannels +
// NCDHW DataLayout
inputIndex =
batchIdx * inputDepth * inputHeight * inputWidth * inChannels +
inputDepth * inputHeight * inputWidth * cInput +
(zInput-paddingFront) * inputHeight * inputWidth +
(yInput-paddingTop) * inputWidth +
inputValue = inputVec[inputIndex];
sum += filterVec[filterIndex] * inputValue;
if (biasEnabled)
sum += biasVec[cOutput];
unsigned int outIdx;
if (dataLayoutIndexed.GetDataLayout() == DataLayout::NDHWC)
outIdx = batchIdx * outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth * outChannels +
zOutput * outputHeight * outputWidth * outChannels +
yOutput * outputWidth * outChannels +
xOutput * outChannels +
// NCDHW DataLayout
outIdx = batchIdx * outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth * outChannels +
cOutput * outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth +
zOutput * outputHeight * outputWidth +
yOutput * outputWidth +
} // namespace armnn