blob: 892b8e4f0849c14af20b6dab1051231804c0113e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "armnn/Tensor.hpp"
%include <typemaps/tensor_memory.i>
%include <typemaps/tensor_shape.i>
namespace armnn
Class for holding the shape information of an Arm NN tensor.
This class is iterable. You can iterate over it to get each value of the Tensor shape.
Obtain tensor shape information as a list.
>>> import pyarmnn as ann
>>> import numpy as np
>>> tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((4, 2, 1, 3)), ann.DataType_Float32)
>>> tensor = ann.ConstTensor(tensor_info, np.ones([4, 2, 1, 3], dtype=np.float32))
>>> print(list(tensor.GetShape()))
[4, 2, 1, 3]
") TensorShape;
class TensorShape
// Make TensorShape iterable so we can return shape dims easily.
%pythoncode %{
def __iter__(self):
for dim in range(self.GetNumDimensions()):
yield self[dim]
%tensor_shape_typemap(unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int* dimensionSizes);
TensorShape(unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int* dimensionSizes);
%clear_tensor_shape_typemap(unsigned int numDimensions, const unsigned int* dimensionSizes);
Returns the number of dimensions in this TensorShape.
int: The number of dimensions in this TensorShape.
") GetNumDimensions;
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const;
Returns the total number of elements for a tensor with this TensorShape.
int: The total number of elements for a tensor with this TensorShape.
") GetNumElements;
unsigned int GetNumElements() const;
%extend TensorShape {
unsigned int __getitem__(unsigned int i) const {
return $self->operator[](i);
void __setitem__(unsigned int i, unsigned int val) {
$self->operator[](i) = val;
std::string __str__() {
std::string dim = "NumDimensions: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumDimensions());
std::string elm = "NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements());
std::string shapeStr = "TensorShape{Shape(";
auto numDimensions = $self->GetNumDimensions();
auto sizeDims = $self->GetNumDimensions();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) {
shapeStr += std::to_string($self->operator[](i));
if (sizeDims - 1 > 0) {
shapeStr += ", ";
shapeStr = shapeStr + "), " + dim + ", " + elm + "}";
return shapeStr;
Class for holding the tensor information of an Arm NN tensor such as quantization, datatype, shape etc.
") TensorInfo;
class TensorInfo
TensorInfo(const TensorInfo& other);
TensorInfo(const TensorShape& shape, DataType dataType,
float quantizationScale = 0.0f, int32_t quantizationOffset = 0,
bool isConstant = False);
Get the tensor shape.
TensorShape: Current shape of the tensor.
") GetShape;
TensorShape& GetShape();
Set the tensor shape. Must have the same number of elements as current tensor.
newShape (TensorShape): New tensor shape to reshape to.
") SetShape;
void SetShape(const TensorShape& newShape);
Returns the number of dimensions in this Tensor.
int: The number of dimensions in this Tensor.
") GetNumDimensions;
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const;
Returns the total number of elements for this Tensor.
int: The total number of elements for this Tensor.
") GetNumElements;
unsigned int GetNumElements() const;
Get the tensor datatype.
DataType: Current tensor DataType.
") GetDataType;
DataType GetDataType() const;
Set the tensor datatype.
type (DataType): DataType to set the tensor to.
") SetDataType;
void SetDataType(DataType type);
Get the value of the tensors quantization scale.
float: Tensor quantization scale value.
") GetQuantizationScale;
float GetQuantizationScale() const;
Get the value of the tensors quantization offset.
int: Tensor quantization offset value.
") GetQuantizationOffset;
int32_t GetQuantizationOffset() const;
Set the value of the tensors quantization scale.
scale (float): Scale value to set.
") SetQuantizationScale;
void SetQuantizationScale(float scale);
Set the value of the tensors quantization offset.
offset (int): Offset value to set.
") SetQuantizationOffset;
void SetQuantizationOffset(int32_t offset);
Returns true if the tensor is a quantized data type.
bool: True if the tensor is a quantized data type.
") IsQuantized;
bool IsQuantized() const;
Returns true if the tensor info is constant.
bool: True if the tensor info is constant.
") IsConstant;
bool IsConstant() const;
Sets the tensor info to be constant.
IsConstant (bool): Sets tensor info to constant.
") SetConstant;
void SetConstant(const bool IsConstant = True);
Check that the types are the same and, if quantize, that the quantization parameters are the same.
bool: True if matched, else False.
") IsTypeSpaceMatch;
bool IsTypeSpaceMatch(const TensorInfo& other) const;
Get the number of bytes needed for this tensor.
int: Number of bytes consumed by this tensor.
") GetNumBytes;
unsigned int GetNumBytes() const;
%extend TensorInfo {
std::string __str__() {
const std::string tmp = "TensorInfo{DataType: " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>($self->GetDataType()))
+ ", IsQuantized: " + std::to_string($self->IsQuantized())
+ ", QuantizationScale: " + std::to_string( $self->GetQuantizationScale())
+ ", QuantizationOffset: " + std::to_string($self->GetQuantizationOffset())
+ ", IsConstant: " + std::to_string($self->IsConstant())
+ ", NumDimensions: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumDimensions())
+ ", NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()) + "}";
return tmp;
class Tensor
Tensor(const Tensor& other);
%mutable_memory(void* memory);
Tensor(const TensorInfo& info, void* memory);
%clear_mutable_memory(void* memory);
const TensorInfo& GetInfo() const;
const TensorShape& GetShape() const;
DataType GetDataType() const;
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const;
unsigned int GetNumBytes() const;
unsigned int GetNumElements() const;
/* we want to disable getting the memory area from here - forcing use of get_memory_area() in public api.
void* GetMemoryArea() const;*/
%extend Tensor {
std::string __str__() {
const std::string tmp = "Tensor{DataType: " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>($self->GetDataType()))
+ ", NumBytes: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumBytes())
+ ", NumDimensions: " + std::to_string( $self->GetNumDimensions())
+ ", NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()) + "}";
return tmp;
class ConstTensor
ConstTensor(const Tensor& other);
ConstTensor(const ConstTensor& other);
%const_memory(const void* memory);
ConstTensor(const TensorInfo& info, const void* memory);
%clear_const_memory(const void* memory);
const TensorInfo& GetInfo() const;
const TensorShape& GetShape() const;
DataType GetDataType() const;
unsigned int GetNumDimensions() const;
unsigned int GetNumBytes() const;
unsigned int GetNumElements() const;
/* we want to disable getting the memory area from here - forcing use of get_memory_area() in public api.
void* GetMemoryArea() const;*/
%extend ConstTensor {
std::string __str__() {
const std::string tmp = "ConstTensor{DataType: " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>($self->GetDataType()))
+ ", NumBytes: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumBytes())
+ ", NumDimensions: " + std::to_string( $self->GetNumDimensions())
+ ", NumElements: " + std::to_string($self->GetNumElements()) + "}";
return tmp;