blob: 5d8f36ff12b79c9b1ac7f954c1d98d66173d274d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017-2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <armnn/MemorySources.hpp>
#include <armnn/utility/IgnoreUnused.hpp>
#include <armnn/Tensor.hpp>
namespace armnn
class TensorShape;
class ITensorHandle
virtual ~ITensorHandle(){}
/// Indicate to the memory manager that this resource is active.
/// This is used to compute overlapping lifetimes of resources.
virtual void Manage() = 0;
/// Indicate to the memory manager that this resource is no longer active.
/// This is used to compute overlapping lifetimes of resources.
virtual void Allocate() = 0;
/// Get the parent tensor if this is a subtensor.
/// \return a pointer to the parent tensor. Otherwise nullptr if not a subtensor.
virtual ITensorHandle* GetParent() const = 0;
/// Map the tensor data for access.
/// \param blocking hint to block the calling thread until all other accesses are complete. (backend dependent)
/// \return pointer to the first element of the mapped data.
virtual const void* Map(bool blocking=true) const = 0;
/// Unmap the tensor data
virtual void Unmap() const = 0;
/// Map the tensor data for access. Must be paired with call to Unmap().
/// \param blocking hint to block the calling thread until all other accesses are complete. (backend dependent)
/// \return pointer to the first element of the mapped data.
void* Map(bool blocking=true)
return const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const ITensorHandle*>(this)->Map(blocking));
/// Unmap the tensor data that was previously mapped with call to Map().
void Unmap()
return static_cast<const ITensorHandle*>(this)->Unmap();
/// Get the strides for each dimension ordered from largest to smallest where
/// the smallest value is the same as the size of a single element in the tensor.
/// \return a TensorShape filled with the strides for each dimension
virtual TensorShape GetStrides() const = 0;
/// Get the number of elements for each dimension ordered from slowest iterating dimension
/// to fastest iterating dimension.
/// \return a TensorShape filled with the number of elements for each dimension.
virtual TensorShape GetShape() const = 0;
/// Testing support to be able to verify and set tensor data content
virtual void CopyOutTo(void* memory) const = 0;
virtual void CopyInFrom(const void* memory) = 0;
/// Get flags describing supported import sources.
virtual unsigned int GetImportFlags() const { return 0; }
/// Import externally allocated memory
/// \param memory base address of the memory being imported.
/// \param source source of the allocation for the memory being imported.
/// \return true on success or false on failure
virtual bool Import(void* memory, MemorySource source)
IgnoreUnused(memory, source);
return false;
/// Implementations must determine if this memory block can be imported.
/// This might be based on alignment or memory source type.
/// \return true if this memory can be imported.
/// \return false by default, cannot be imported.
virtual bool CanBeImported(void* memory, MemorySource source)
IgnoreUnused(memory, source);
return false;
/// Unimport externally allocated memory
virtual void Unimport()
/// Returns a decorated version of this TensorHandle allowing us to override the TensorInfo for it
/// \param tensorInfo the overidden TensorInfo.
virtual std::shared_ptr<ITensorHandle> DecorateTensorHandle(const TensorInfo& tensorInfo)
return nullptr;