blob: b5a74bab5d234afec99b348e68b98f40e204aa26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <Layer.hpp>
#include <Graph.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
namespace armnn
/// The SubgraphView class represents a subgraph of a Graph.
/// The data it holds, points to data held by layers of the Graph, so the
/// the contents of the SubgraphView become invalid when the Layers are destroyed
/// or changed.
class SubgraphView final
template <typename Func>
void ForEachLayer(Func func) const
for (auto it = m_Layers.begin(); it != m_Layers.end(); )
auto next = std::next(it);
it = next;
template <typename Func>
void ForEachIConnectableLayer(Func func) const
for (auto it = m_IConnectableLayers.begin(); it != m_IConnectableLayers.end(); )
auto next = std::next(it);
it = next;
using SubgraphViewPtr = std::unique_ptr<SubgraphView>;
using InputSlots = std::vector<InputSlot*>;
using IInputSlots = std::vector<IInputSlot*>;
using OutputSlots = std::vector<OutputSlot*>;
using IOutputSlots = std::vector<IOutputSlot*>;
using Layers = std::list<Layer*>;
using IConnectableLayers = std::list<IConnectableLayer*>;
using Iterator = Layers::iterator;
using IConnectableLayerIterator = IConnectableLayers::iterator;
using ConstIterator = Layers::const_iterator;
using ConstIConnectableIterator = IConnectableLayers::const_iterator;
/// Constructs a sub-graph from the entire given graph.
explicit SubgraphView(Graph& graph);
/// Constructs a sub-graph with the given arguments.
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE("This function has been deprecated, please use constructor with arguments: "
"IConnectableLayers, IInputSlots and IOutputSlots", "22.08")
SubgraphView(InputSlots&& inputs, OutputSlots&& outputs, Layers&& layers);
/// Constructs a sub-graph with the given arguments.
SubgraphView(IConnectableLayers&& layers, IInputSlots&& inputs, IOutputSlots&& outputs);
/// Copy-constructor.
SubgraphView(const SubgraphView& subgraph);
/// Move-constructor.
SubgraphView(SubgraphView&& subgraph);
/// Constructs a sub-graph with only the given layer.
SubgraphView(IConnectableLayer* layer);
/// Move-assignment operator.
SubgraphView& operator=(SubgraphView&& other);
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE("This function has been deprecated, please use GetIInputSlots() returning"
" public IInputSlots", "22.08")
const InputSlots& GetInputSlots() const;
const IInputSlots& GetIInputSlots() const;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE("This function has been deprecated, please use GetIOutputSlots() returning"
" public IOutputSlots", "22.08")
const OutputSlots& GetOutputSlots() const;
const IOutputSlots& GetIOutputSlots() const;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE("This function has been deprecated, please use GetIConnectableLayers() "
"returning public IConnectableLayers", "22.08")
const Layers& GetLayers() const;
const IConnectableLayers& GetIConnectableLayers() const;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE("This function has been deprecated, please use GetIInputSlot() returning public "
"IInputSlot", "22.08")
const InputSlot* GetInputSlot(unsigned int index) const;
const IInputSlot* GetIInputSlot(unsigned int index) const;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE("This function has been deprecated, please use GetIInputSlot() returning public "
"IInputSlot", "22.08")
InputSlot* GetInputSlot(unsigned int index);
IInputSlot* GetIInputSlot(unsigned int index);
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE("This function has been deprecated, please use GetIOutputSlot() returning"
" public IOutputSlot", "22.08")
const OutputSlot* GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index) const;
const IOutputSlot* GetIOutputSlot(unsigned int index) const;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_REMOVAL_DATE("This function has been deprecated, please use GetIOutputSlot() returning"
" public IOutputSlot", "22.08")
OutputSlot* GetOutputSlot(unsigned int index);
IOutputSlot* GetIOutputSlot(unsigned int index);
unsigned int GetNumInputSlots() const;
unsigned int GetNumOutputSlots() const;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_CHANGE_DATE("This function is deprecated and will be changed to return an "
"IConnectableLayerIterator, until that occurs in 23.02; please use "
"beginIConnectable() returning public IConnectableLayerIterator", "23.02")
Iterator begin();
IConnectableLayerIterator beginIConnectable();
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_CHANGE_DATE("This function is deprecated and will be changed to return an "
"IConnectableLayerIterator, until that occurs in 23.02; please use "
"endIConnectable() returning public IConnectableLayerIterator", "23.02")
Iterator end();
IConnectableLayerIterator endIConnectable();
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_CHANGE_DATE("This function is deprecated and will be changed to return an "
"ConstIConnectableIterator, until that occurs in 23.02; please use "
"beginIConnectable() returning public ConstIConnectableIterator", "23.02")
ConstIterator begin() const;
ConstIConnectableIterator beginIConnectable() const;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_CHANGE_DATE("This function is deprecated and will be changed to return an "
"ConstIConnectableIterator, until that occurs in 23.02; please use "
"endIConnectable() returning public ConstIConnectableIterator", "23.02")
ConstIterator end() const;
ConstIConnectableIterator endIConnectable() const;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_CHANGE_DATE("This function is deprecated and will be changed to return an "
"ConstIConnectableIterator, until that occurs in 23.02; please use "
"cbeginIConnectable() returning public ConstIConnectableIterator", "23.02")
ConstIterator cbegin() const;
ConstIConnectableIterator cbeginIConnectable() const;
ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG_CHANGE_DATE("This function is deprecated and will be changed to return an "
"ConstIConnectableIterator, until that occurs in 23.02; please use "
"cendIConnectable() returning public ConstIConnectableIterator", "23.02")
ConstIterator cend() const;
ConstIConnectableIterator cendIConnectable() const;
void Clear();
void CheckSubgraph();
/// Arrange the order of layers topologically so that nodes can be visited in valid order
void ArrangeBySortOrder();
/// The list of pointers to the input slots of the parent graph.
InputSlots m_InputSlots;
IInputSlots m_IInputSlots;
/// The list of pointers to the output slots of the parent graph.
OutputSlots m_OutputSlots;
IOutputSlots m_IOutputSlots;
/// The list of pointers to the layers of the parent graph.
Layers m_Layers;
IConnectableLayers m_IConnectableLayers;
} // namespace armnn